The Much-Needed Goal

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It was bound to happen.

Poor Caleb can't afford a video game, so he starts begging for one, and asks the wrong person. Whoops.

Caleb stared wistfully through the window of the local game shop, Gamestock. His eyes trailed over the latest game, starring half squid, half human hybrids shooting paint cannons at one another. Each time, he would whimper as his eyes continually swam over the price tag of 40 pounds. He only had 10 pounds to his name, and no more. His parents weren't well off, meaning that expensive games like these were always out of his league, except for holidays and birthdays. There was only one thing to do: beg for money.

Caleb turned, and began working his way through the crowd. He was an 11 year old canine, specifically a german sherpard. His fur was a mixture of brown and black, and his eyes were a piercing ocean blue. He slinked around people, frequently asking for any sort of change they could muster as his baggy, dark blue jeans scuffed against the floor. He tugged down his T-Shirt to readjust it as they spoke. Surely, a canine of this age would be out with his parents, but he lived so close by that they didn't seem to mind at all that he usually went down after school, once he was changed into more casual clothes. Some were sympathetic to his cause, but made quick excuses as to why they couldn't donate. Some outright ignored him. The ones that could donate only gave him mere copper coins and low-tier silvers. After a good 20 minutes of asking and begging, going around the shopping centre, he only scraped together an extra 2 pounds and 32 pence. It wasn't enough, not be a long shot, but he'd made a dent, at least.

His travels lead him towards the tunnel outside of the shopping centre itself, where it was the most quiet. There was a walking bridge over the top, so essentially there was a 15 metre span of path underneath, with bricks supporting the bridge either side, sloped from top of the tunnel at the far side of either end, and slanting downwards in a steep diagonal to the ground. It was exceptionally dark underneath when it was the late evening, but the dim light of the autumn afternoon was enough for Caleb to see. He could make out a figure standing inside the tunnel, and he spotted the iconic puff of a cigarette. Alarm bells rang off in his head, but they were quickly quashed by his need for the video game he desired so much.

With a quick glance around him, he strode forwards into the tunnel. The only sounds that could be heard was the other figure's heavy breathing and his own footsteps padding lightly on the bricked ground underneath him. There appeared to be no-one about but them two.

"Excuse me, sir," Caleb began, his voice a little shaky. The nerves were getting to him, plus it was a little chilly outside. "Could you spare some change at all? I'm trying to get a game from the shop, but I don't have enough, and my parents can't afford it..."

For a moment, there was nothing but silence at the figure drew from his cigarette, before he dropped it to the ground and crushed it underfoot. He leant forwards, and his muzzle was visible in the dim light. It appeared to be a dark-furred canine of similar stature, but it looked more like a Labrador. Yet, it's ears were pointed, like a Husky or a German Shepard, much like Caleb. It was a peculiar mix, and it immediately caught the boy off-guard. He resisting the urge to point out his confusion as the canine ran his eyes up and down the boy's lithe frame.

"Tell you what," The man spoke, his voice low and thick with authority. Caleb wondered whether he was a policeman, or a fireman. He had that kind of voice. "I'll give you all the money needed for Plus extra." He suggested with a sickening grin spreading across his face. "But you're gonna have to do something for me, first." He added. Caleb knew there was a catch, and he should say no, but his young and naive brain made him speak before he could stop himself.

"Name it." He blurted, and then immediately looked regretful. He saw the other canine grin a little wider. The older figure leant forwards and brought Caleb closer, with his hands on his forearms. He quickly turned them around, and pushed the pup onto his back along the bricked slope. The younger canine shivered from the cold pressing up against his T-Shirt. He tensed up and watched, confused, as the man reached for Caleb's baggy jeans and began to unbutton them.

"Wait a minute!" He protested, wriggling underneath the other canine's grip. "What're you doing? You're not meant to do that." He knew enough about stranger danger to have some semblance of sensibility, but it was clear that he was way over his head here, and he needed to leave, and fast.

"You want the money, don't you?" The canine quickly retorted, and Caleb froze. It was true, he did want it. This was the only man, so far, to actually offer him anything substantial. Yet, in the back of his mind, he knew that what the man was doing was wrong on a deep, carnal level. Yet, his mind resisted, hungry for the chance of the new game. Reluctantly, the pup nodded and remained still as the older figure tugged the pup's jeans down past his lithe, boyish hips and down past his ankles.

Caleb felt the chill of the cold air hit his inner thighs and legs, and he quivered as he felt the man's touch against his hips. He wasn't sure how to react, or what to do. He trembled nervously under the hulking frame above him, and he felt his dark blue underwear slip from his person and follow the jeans down past his legs. He knew then that he was naked. It was already getting dark outside, and it was getting harder and harder to see. He just hoped no-one could spot them here.

He felt the man's hands around his knees, and he hesitantly spread his legs, revealing all to a man he'd just met. His little package was nestled neatly between his legs, his balls hanging up and his sheath pressing firm against his pelvis. Yet, it appeared that that wasn't what the man wanted. A hand sunk lower, and he felt a finger pressing firmly against a sensitive area, beneath his balls. He felt the finger kneading slowly into his rump and it elicited a small groan from him. He shouldn't be enjoying that, but it felt pleasantly strange.

"You like that?" The man breathed out, his voice low and husky, riddled with lust and desire that wasn't picked up by the boy. Caleb anxiously nodded and let out a little hum, signalling his approval of the strange touching. The man pressed his digit in a little further, and the pup felt his flesh open up and envolope it somehow. He let out a weak grunt as he felt a stabbing, searing pain spreading across his rump, making his entire body tingle.

"How about now, hm?" The man asked as his finger flexed a little inside the boy. He pressed a little deeper inside, sinking in to the second knuckle. The pup let out another grunt, maknig it clear that it was hurting him somewhat. "You'll get used to it." The figure huffed in reply. Caleb heard the sound of a zipper being undone, and after a few moments, he felt the finger being removed. It brought a sigh of relief from the boy, only for him to widen his eyes in surprise when he felt something hot and fleshy press up against his taint.

"What's...?" He began, confused, and he suddenly felt it press in. His little pucker quickly envoloped the tiny tip, but the rest of it managed to stretch him to his limits. He resisted the urge to scream. The man sensed this, clamping a hand over the pup's mouth as the flesh sunk in further. Caleb could feel the pain spread across his rump and right up along his spine. It made his eyes water and his breathing shallow.

"Just pipe down. You'll be fine." The other canine snarled, more out of lust and fustration than annoyance. His member sunk in deeper and deeper. He dare not hilt inside the boy and permanently damage him, so he stayed in a good few inches, slowly rolling his hips and kneading his fat cock into the boy's tiny hole. Caleb managed to keep his pain under control for a moment, his little pucker stretched to it's limit. He let out whines of weak protest that were unfounded, since he still seemed to think this was a good idea, somewhere in the back of his mind.

The man went on like this for a while until he could feel the pleasure taking him over. He let out a growl of utter lust and stuffed his cock further inside, pushing through a good few inches until he was buried up to the knot. Caleb was, suprisingly, taking it like a champ. His rump was hurting like crazy, and tears flowed freely down his cheeks, but he didn't let out a single cry of pain. He was obedient, at the very least.

The older canine knew he wouldn't last long like this. He could feel Caleb's tight tunnel clamped down and squeezing periodically as he tried to get used to the member, and that only served in pleasuring the stranger even more. The dark-furred canine let out another growl and began to pump his thick shaft inside of the pup, pulling back and a few inches and shoving inside him. Each thrust elicitied a weak grunt from the cub, who squeezed and clenched every time.

"Shhh..." The man would soothe, gently stroking the pup's sheath as he propped him against the slope using his other hand. The air was filled with their huffed breaths and the wet slaps of the knot pressing up against the cub's rump. Already, the man could feel his orgasm approaching, making his loins ache, desperate to burst.

He began to pick up speed, thrusting faster and faster inside of the boy poor, who yet still didn't making a single loud sound. Caleb merely lay back against the cold bricks and took it, the searing pain actually making him feel incredibly warm, despite the cold weather. He could feel the member pulsing inside of him, twitching in earnest. He knew something was happening soon.

The man let out a growl, and then Caleb felt it. He could feel the man desperately pushing against him, but the knot wasn't going to enter his rump easily, or at all. Then, the pup felt something warm shoot up inside him, and it made his face flush in surprise. He let out a little groan from the strange sensation, coupled with the strangers own moan of pure ecstacy. Caleb heard the wet sounds as the stranger gently rocked his hips into his rump, cum dripping out from his tight hole onto the bricks below, as well as coating the poor stranger's knot. The pup let out weak huffs, unsure what to even do next. He was confused, and his rump hurt badly. The man pulled out moments after orgasming, and his tight hole clenched up instinctively from the pain. It kept whatever was in him inside. He'd have to explain that later.

Caleb let out a weak sniffled and wiped his eyes as the man was fishing into his pockets. He was about to say something in protest to what the man had just done. Something along the lines of violating him, or calling the police, but a collection of notes was shoved into Caleb's mouth. The pup's eyes glanced down, and he could swear he spotted a 50 pound note amongst the collection. He heard the padded footsteps as the man briskly walked away, after zipping himself up. Despite the pain and the confusion, Caleb's tail wagged.

He was going to get that game after all.