The Worst(?) Thanksgiving Ever

Story by LunaMoonstone on SoFurry

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A crappy Thanksgiving gets even worse(?)

Hello, everyone. Just threw together a little story for the holidays. Might be a bit rough, but for something I threw together in just a few hours, I think it came out pretty well. All constructive criticism is welcome as always. Enjoy!

Well, this was a crappy Thanksgiving. My uncle went on another one of his political rants as soon as he walked in the door, my mother was her usual passive-aggressive self when comparing me to my brother, and my little nephew screamed and cried throughout the entire meal about how he wanted chicken nuggets and cookies. The entire evening was chaos, so I'm pretty sure no one noticed when I grabbed a bottle of wine and slipped out the back door to go for a walk in the woods. Anywhere had to better than here, I thought at the time.

That was before I was tackled and pinned by a giant, fur covered creature.

It was probably a bad idea to wander in the woods so late. Sure, I'd been in here all the time as a kid, but that was years ago. It was already really dark despite how early it was, and the wine I was chugging wasn't doing much to help my memory of the layout of the forest. I figured I got pretty lucky when a deer came bounding past me, missing plowing into me by mere inches. A heartbeat later something else plowed into me, and I felt a sharp pain in my arm as me and whatever hit me tumbled together to the ground.

Between the wine and the tumble, it took a few seconds to focus on what the hell just hit me. I caught a glimpse of brown fur, a pair of golden brown eyes and a canine muzzle as it loomed over me. My thoughts first went to it being some kind of dog or other canine creature, what kind I couldn't tell. What I COULD tell was this was probably not going to end well for me.

Several things happened when I tried to open my mouth to scream for help. A fur covered hand quickly covered my mouth before I could make a sound, with enough strength that made struggling seem like a really bad idea. At the same time, I noticed what seemed to be pink hair atop its head. And finally, I remember thinking, "What kind of animal wears clothes?"

"Don't scream." I don't know what surprised me more; the fact that the animal was talking, or that it was a female voice that was coming out of its muzzle. That would explain the black halter top it was wearing and decidedly feminine breasts that pushed out against it, at least.

"Don't talk; just nod if I got this right." She probably was a bit smaller than me overall, but I'll be damned it she wasn't strong. Fear and confusion kept me from struggling too much, but with how easily she kept me pinned down with her legs and one hand, I don't think I could have thrown her off even if I tried.

"Let me guess; Thanksgiving dinner, family drove you nuts, you slipped out the back to escape?" As per her instructions, I nodded. She sighed and returned my nod. "Yeah, same here."

"Well, MOSTLY the same here. I was already halfway into the woods before I remembered about the full moon tonight, and when you're a werewolf, it's easy for your emotions to get amplified during them. By the time I remembered being outside tonight was a really bad idea, I was already changing."

She shook her head, looking off in the direction of the deer had run in. "We hadn't eaten yet, and I was almost as hungry as I was pissed off. That was my dinner that just got away before I ran into you."

My gulp was almost audible as I imagined how I was probably on the menu now. I finally started to squirm and struggle as a nervous energy started to fill me. Her grip on me held firm as I fought in vain against her. Even as she growled at me I continued to thrash and try and fight.

"Hey! Stop it! Listen, I'm not gonna eat you, if that's what you're worried about." I relaxed a little when I heard that, though that nervous energy still seemed to fill me. She still seemed concerned as she continued talking, though. "We DO have another problem, though."

"You ever hear those old stories about werewolves, about how they need to bite you to turn you into one?" I nodded again. Not sure where she was going with this...

"Well, that's actually not true. About the biting, that is. Just a scratch is enough to turn someone." She held her other clawed hand up as something liquid dripped off the edge of a few of them. The brown ears atop her head folded back a little. "This is your blood, by the way."

Wait, did that mean... I'm gonna turn into a werewolf?! I had been breathing slowly and steadily through my nose this whole time, but now they were short and quick as panic started to set in. I didn't know what I planned to do or where I was going, but I just had to move. That nervous energy from before was being amplified tenfold as I tried to throw her off me.

"I'm really sorry!" She continued to keep me pinned, though it felt like she was having a harder time keeping me down. "Don't try and fight it; you can't and you'll just make it hurt more."

I was hearing her words, but the meaning was barely registering to me as I continued to buck and fight. After what seemed like an eternity her grip slackened enough for me to push her off. My mind raced with thoughts of escape, of running, of being anywhere but here, until I looked up. That's when I caught my first glimpse of the full moon above since she scratched me, and suddenly all those thoughts disappeared from my mind.

I stood up, my body running on auto pilot at this point. Just standing and basking in the light of the moon above just seemed so natural, so right. It was infusing me, preparing me to change, and it just felt wrong to fight or resist. I wanted it, NEEDED it.

My transformation probably only took forty five or sixty seconds, but it felt like an eternity. My hands were the first thing to change, my fingers cracking and stretching as they lengthened. The fingernails started to length and curl over the tips of my fingers slightly, turning into wickedly sharp claws. They were perfect for tearing at my clothes that had begun to become uncomfortably tight.

Tearing at my shirt revealed a chest that was covered in a thickening coat of silver-grey fur. Each breath caused that coat to spread, as well as make my chest push out more as the muscle underneath began to bulge and fill out. My pants and boxers quickly joined the tatters of my shirt on the ground, revealing a similarly state of fur and muscle growth. Even my balls and cock weren't spared, my sac pulsing and pushing against my thighs as they started to throb and grow while the growing fur covered it and my cock in a fur covered sheath.

My face started to twitch and shift as I looked over at the woman who changed me. She was watching me with a look of fascination, of surprise, and... arousal? Yes, definitely arousal. My nose had barely begun to change and I could already smell it on her. Before she could react I tackled her to the ground, burying my mouth into her furry neck. I started with kisses as my furry hands gripped her sides, shifting over to nuzzles and nips as my muzzle began to push out.

"Whoa! Hey now!" Now it was her turn to squirm as she moved under my shifting body. Her words were hesitant, but the scent of her arousal only grew as I ground my hips against her. She looked conflicted as I continued to change atop her, somehow finding enough sense in my head to kick off my shoes as my feet began to change and grow.

"We shouldn't be doing this! I don't even know you, or even your name." My claws began to dig into her pants as she let out a soft whine of submission. "Watching you change is pretty hot, though, and you're getting really buff..."

My tail began to push out from the base of my spine as I started to shred her clothes, starting out as a small flesh covered nub and quickly pushing out. It felt weird at first, but as her tail began to wag, mine joined her as the fur quickly covered it. Soon she began to return my nuzzles and licks as her paws slipped underneath my arms and clung tightly to my furry back.

"Oh, fuck it. I was worried I could pass this through sex, but it's a little late to worry about that now." She smiled up at me as I gripped her toned thighs. Her entire body was sleek and tight underneath her fur, not overly muscular but very toned and solid. "My name's Jessy, by the way."

I smiled down at Jessy, taking a moment to tear off her top and bra before getting a full assessment of my soon to be mate. Her upper body shared the same level of fitness as her lower body. Her breasts weren't over large, maybe a B-cup, but they felt firm under my paws as I gently gripped them. She whined softly at that, her nipples hardening against the palm of my hand.

Sliding down over her belly to her thighs again, I gently spread her legs open. The heat of her arousal practically radiated off her pussy as I aligned myself properly, both it and my cock leaking their respective juices slightly. I didn't know how big I was exactly, and I didn't really care at the moment. The only important detail was that my mate was waiting for me to take her, and so I did.

Jessy gasped as I pushed into her as fully as I could, my cock hitting a brief obstruction before sinking more fully into her. A small set of tears formed in her eyes at the pain of her broken hymen, causing me to whimper and nuzzle her cheek gently. She nuzzled back gently as I held myself inside her, letting her get used to the feeling.

"Damn; first time really does hurt." She panted softly as she fought back the tears, smiling up at me. One of her hands reached up to stroke my head, brushing against the furry pointed ears that I had missed forming atop it. "I'll be fine, don't worry. Just give me some time to adjust, O.K?"

I nodded, not sure if my loss of words was related to my transformation or this being my first time as well. At least the transformation part seemed to be done. I didn't have all my physical specifications to compare against my old self, but I was definitely buffer, taller and furrier than normal. I had a wolf's head and tail, and sharp claws adorning my hands and feet. Details didn't really matter at the moment, other than the detail that I was currently balls deep in my first mate.

I began to pull out of Jessy slowly, getting about halfway out before pushing back in just as slowly. I didn't want to hurt her, but damn it if it didn't feel really good to have her moist pussy wrapped tightly around my cock. I only made it a few more strokes before my pace started to increase, my nuts starting to clench with the impending need for release.

"Shit; are you sure that's your penis and not that wine bottle you're shoving into me?" Jessy began to pant as I thrust harder into her. Her breasts bounced lightly as she began to push back against me, her tongue hanging slightly from her muzzle. "It feels just as huge and hard... and fuck, it feels good..."

Her panting was soon matched by mine as I gripped her tight rear, my thrusts now becoming longer and harder. I needed to cum, needed to officially claim my mate. My cock throbbed with the need for release, one that I knew was coming soon as something began to swell at the base of my shaft.

"Oh God, you have a knot!" Jessy exclaimed as I tried desperately to push it inside her, practically pulling her down onto me. "I barely have room enough for you as it is, and you want to shove that thing inside me?! I can't tak-O-OH!"

Jessy's protests were cut off as my knot finally did push into her, swelling even larger and locking the two of us together. That seemed to be the tipping point for both of us as our orgasms seemed to hit at exactly the same time. My cum exploded like a geyser as her pussy clenched like a vice grip around my cock, keeping any of my bursting seed from going anywhere other than directly into her pussy and womb. We both began to howl with our release, letting the world know we were wild, powerful, and mates.

That was the last clear thing I can remember before passing out.

The morning sun stinging my eyes was what eventually caused me to stir. Waking up slowly, I found myself naked and alone.

I shook my head as I sat up slowly. Had last night all been just a drunken dream? Yeah, my clothes were in shreds around me, but I looked normal now, and I didn't feel any different. Jessy certainly wasn't around. Maybe I had just gotten really hammered after all.

With a sigh, I dug through the remains of my clothes for my wallet and keys. At least I should be able to find my way back to the house in the light, and with how cold it was and my nakedness, I had better do it quick. I shivered slightly as I withdrew my phone, checking it out of force of habit to find that I had received a new message.

"Hey there." I read aloud from the lone text waiting for me. "Sorry again about last night. Good luck explaining everything to your family. Figure we should get in touch; got some more stuff I should tell you. And maybe we can have a repeat performance of last night:)"

A small smile crossed my lips as I read the sender's name as Jessy, realizing maybe this wasn't the word Thanksgiving after all.