A Little Mistake - 02

Story by Skyline2368 on SoFurry

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After quickly getting as much cum out of my fur as possible,

I quickly make my way over to one of the engineering workshops. I do a course

which is combination science/engineering, using the former to better the

latter. This year's assignment is transport, and we all work on our projects. I

head inside, popping a pair of safety goggles on, before standing around the

safety coordinators desk. He checks us all off, then lets us go about our

business. As I'm about to turn and head over to my workstation, the older fox

says "Mako, can I speak to you for a minute?" I nod and step over to his desk,

only to get a packet of wet-wipes shoved at me. "I don't want to know who it

was or how it got there, but you've got some, ah, 'white stuff' on your

muzzle." He says, pushing his glasses further up his nose. Blushing profusely,

I take the offered wet-wipes, and quickly disappear into the small bathroom and

used the cracked and dirty mirror to make sure there's nothing left.

Once I'm finished, I leave the rest of the wet-wipes on the

coordinators desk, and head over to my workstation. Everyone else is already

hard at work, some under and some over their cars. I head over to my car,

crouched low between the two benches on either side. Low, wide and aggressively

styled, I designed to not only look like it goes fast, but to actually go fast.

And the powertrain should make that happen. I go back to what I'd been doing

yesterday, which was fitting the first of the two hydrogen turbine engines.

Locked safely away in one of the backrooms, I grab a trolley and go to retrieve

it. Before I start installing, I put my headphones in, then get started.

I fall into a rhythm, and time slips away. Before I know it,

I'm tightening the last bolt. I tighten the bolt all the way, then look up. It's

been two and a half hours. I have roughly twenty minutes left before it's time

to go, so I decide to have a test run. I have to fill out a form with the

safety coordinator, but then I can fuel up and go for it. I struggle to imagine

how big my smile is when the scream of that turbine fills the workshop. I let

it run until the tank is empty, then shut everything down and pack up. As I

leave, I notice that I've got a text. I stand next to a vending machine and

open it. The message reads 'I got something waiting for you at home', with a

picture. I wait for it to load, and when it does, I almost drop my phone. It's

a picture of Sonya. In bed. Naked. With a huge erection. I quickly type back 'B

home soon. Just leaving.' And put my phone back in my pocket.

I walk in through the front door of the apartment building,

nodding to the concierge behind his desk. I call the elevator, and get in with

an older feline. I wait as the elevator rises up, and the feline gets off at

  1. I wait for a few more floors, and get off on 15. My hands are almost

shaking as I open the door, the smell of arousal seeping through the door and

making my nethers heat up. I quickly head inside. The smell is even stronger

inside, and I take off my jacket. I drop my backpack and jacket on the couch,

and step over to the bedroom door. It opens, revealing a naked and fully erect

wolf. I barely have time to think 'oh, crap.' before I'm on my back on the bed,

with my clothes being practically torn off. As soon as I'm fully naked, Sonya

stands back and admires her handiwork. She grins, and leaves the room. I wait

for her to come back, and when she does, she hides something behind her back.

"What've you got there?" I ask, and she just grins wider, quickly hiding it

under the sheets by my feet. Without a word, she moves in close to my nethers,

and watches as I gasp when her breath washes over my sex. "Ah." I gasp in

surprise as she starts licking, paying careful attention to my clit with her

left thumb, a slight prod with her claws making me arch my back in pleasure.

She keeps eating me out, until something ice cold touches against me. "Aah, my

god!" I yell and look down. Sonya grins at me from between my legs, brandishing

a long, thin ice-pop in a plastic wrap. She rubs it over my sex to gather some of

my juices, then proceeds to slowly push it into me. "Ah! Ah!" I moan as the

ice-cold makeshift dido slides deeper and deeper. Finally it's all the way in.

Sonya watches as I squirm, the feeling of something so cold inside me driving

my senses wild. Sonya crawls up on the bed, and I gasp as I feel her tip nudge

my entrance. "Wait, I've never-" I begin to say, but she ignores my plea, and

pushes. I bite my lip as the pressure against my pussy increases, until her

cock slips inside next to the ice-pop. The feeling of being filled so much, as

well as the difference in temperature makes me orgasm right then and there. I

clutch onto Sonya as I coat the ice-pop and her cock with my cum. Once I've

come down from my happy place, Sonya looks at me and asks "You ready for this?"

I groan and say "There's more?" She answers my question by pulling out and then

savagely thrusting back in. She keeps going, making me moan with each thrust as

her movements make the ice-pop shift inside me, the combination of which

quickly making me cum again. I orgasm once more, and Sonya doesn't show any

signs of slowing down. Finally, she slows down, and I can tell she wants to

knot me. Her thrusts become more forceful, shoving her knot against my opening,

until she forces it in with a pop. We both yell out in pleasure as her knot

swells up, stretching my insides and pushing the now-melted ice-pop against my

inner walls. Her cum floods into me, filling my pussy to the brim with thick

wolf seed.

Panting, we come down from our mutual highs, and Sonya says

"Yeah. There was more." She leans forwards, and, gathering me up in her arms,

rolls onto her side. We fall asleep in that position, my cunt still stuffed

full of ice-pop and wolf cock, and our arms wrapped around each other. The last

thing she says is "I love you." And I respond in turn with "I love you, too."

Then happily fall asleep.