Elecmon's Diaper Fantasy
Sometimes, if you spend your whole life taking care of babies, you just want a go at being a baby yourself sometimes.
Based on a pic by Tiramizu that is adorable and can be found here. http://www.furaffinity.net/view/18432408/https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ibxwtvwj7ymdHjmNe3WB2RTbANMjy6K0oF_7OrJ1cAY/edit
Warning: This story contains diaper wearing, and minor diaper use. It also contains sexual content. I like diaper stuff, but I know it's not for everyone, and if it's not your thing you are strongly advised to skip this story. Are the diaper haters gone? Good, Let's begin. I know Digimon don't actually wear diapers, but let's just pretend for the sake of this story, okay?
Elecmon rolled over in bed. It was still early in the morning, and he was still pretty tired. He would have loved to sleep in, but he was needed. He pulled his blanket off of himself and got out of bed, or more appropriately, got out of the nest of blankets he slept in. Elecmon worked in the Village of Beginnings, taking care of all the newborn Digimon. The ground of the village was soft and plush, and strewn around the village were giant plush blocks. Elecmon lived inside one of these plush blocks that was hollowed out, and light streaming in from the areas with thin fabric that served as windows were what had woken up.
Elecmon stood up on his hind legs, and stretched. He had a busy day of work ahead of him, just like every day. He didn't really mind doing this job, though. He served an important role, the babies weren't going to take care of themselves! Before Elecmon got to work however, he had an idea. The inside of his giant plush block was pretty well furnished, considering. It had a few seats and cupboards, all made out of plush fabric. Elecmon rarely spent time with other Digimon, yet alone had them in his house. He would have loved if someone else would look after the babies some days, so he would have time to get out there, meet more Digimon and go on some dates, but right now, he was the only worker at the Village of Beginnings.
Before he left however, Elecmon had an idea. He hadn't seen anyone in the last few days, and he doubted anyone would be showing up today. He went over to one of his cupboards, and opened it. Inside the cupboard was a pack of diapers, much bigger than the ones the baby Digimon normally wore, as well as some wipes and baby powder. Elecmon took a diaper out of the bag, and grabbed the bottle of baby powder. He laid the diaper out on the floor, and lay down on top of it, threading his tails through the strap at the back of the diaper. He sprinkled some talcum powder on his crotch, and taped up the diaper so it was wrapped snugly around his hips.
After spending so much time looking after all of the baby Digimon, Elecmon had come to think the idea of being babied himself was pretty appealing. Eventually, he caved and began ordering diapers in his size, along with diapers in the right size for the babies, and began wearing them from time to time.
He didn't do it too often, and he had never done it on a day where he was expecting someone to come and collect a baby Digimon, and as a result, no one had ever caught him wearing a diaper. He wasn't sure why he liked wearing diapers, but he did. He sometimes joked to himself that by wearing them he could avoid bathroom breaks and have more time to take care of the babies, but in reality the time he took for bathroom breaks was negligible anyway. He felt excited and giddy every time he put one on, even though he restricted wearing them to a minimum, to preserve the novelty of wearing them, and also to minimize his chances of being caught. Oh well, thought Elemon, it's not like the babies judged him for it.
Elecmon stood up and ran his hand over his diaper causing it to make a crinkling sound, and then took a deep breath to calm his excitement, and set off to work. He squeezed his way out of the narrow entrance to the plush block, and headed to where the babies were in their cradles. He walked around examining them. None of them seemed to be crying, and most of them were still asleep. Elecmon picked up a basket from the corner, and headed to the garden at the center of the village of beginnings.
In the garden, there were several bushes, all of which had Digieggs growing on them. In the Digital World, when a Digimon's life was over, what was left of their data was reverted back to an egg, and the eggs appeared on these bushes. Elecmon wasn't sure how it happened, whether it was through the land, the air, or some other medium, but every day, new eggs were appearing. This wasn't the only place in the Digital World where eggs appeared, of course, and Elecmon wasn't sure what determined where they appeared. He didn't dwell on it too much as he went around the bushes, feeling each and every egg.
If an egg was ready, it would come detached from the bush with almost no effort whatsoever, and if it wasn't ready, it would be connected to the bush tightly. A few eggs came off of the bushes today, and Elecmon put them in his basket and carried them back to the nursery, where he placed each one in a vacant cradle. They would probably be hatching soon. Some of the babies were starting to make some noise, and Elecmon knew what this meant, it was time to eat.
Elecmon went to the place where he stored the food for the babies. Most of it was fish he caught himself. He had gone fishing the other day, so there was plenty of food to go around. Using a knife, Elecmon cut out the most tender parts of the fish, and then put them in a pot of water. He lit a small fire fire underneath the cooker, and left the fish to boil. He went to the fridge, which was full of nothing but fish and bottles of milk, and got out a large number of the bottles, one for each of the babies, plus one extra. He got a pot of water, and put it over the fire, and put all of the bottles of milk into the pot and waited for them to warm up.
Once they were warm enough, Elecmon took them out and put them into his basket. He carried it back to the babies. On the way, he picked up one of the bottles out of the basket, and began sucking on it himself. The milk was warm, and it tasted delicious. He got back to the nursery, and began placing a bottle in each crib. Most of the baby Digimon hopped over and started drinking the milk happily. If they didn't, Elecmon would hold it out to them, and after a few seconds, they would start drinking, letting Elecmon leave them to it and hand out more bottles. Once every baby had its bottle and was happily drinking milk, Elecmon sat down for a rest.
Sitting made Elecmon especially aware of the diaper wrapped around his hips. He picked up the bottle of milk he had been sucking on earlier, and continued to drink it. As he did so, his mind started to wander. He imagined he was sitting on someone's lap, with his diaper on, and they were holding him. Before long, his caregiver would present him with a bottle of milk, and he would gently lie down on their lap, looking up at them. They would hold the bottle to his lips, and he would take it happily in his mouth and start sucking. As he would suck, they would hold the bottle in place while gently rubbing his belly.
Once Elecmon finished his milk, it brought him back to reality. He stood up, and walked around examining the babies. All of them seemed to be drinking their milk happily. Elecmon headed back to the kitchen, taking his basket with him, and saw that the fish was ready. He drained the water away, and using a big spoon he began mashing the fish into a paste that the babies would enjoy. Once the fish was sufficiently mashed, he got out a bunch of little bowls, and began serving the fish paste into them. Once there were enough servings for all the babies, there was some fish paste left, so Elecmon got out a bigger bowl and served the rest of it out for himself, since he hadn't had breakfast yet.
He loaded all of the bowls into his basket, and headed back to the nursery. He examined the babies. If they were finished with their milk, he took the bottle away and replaced it with the bowl of fish paste, otherwise he let them finish the milk and came back to them when they did. In one cradle, there was a Botamon still sucking on an empty milk bottle. As soon as he took the Botamon's bottle away, it began to sniff, and suddenly start to cry. Elecmon quickly scooped the baby Botamon up in his arms. If one baby started crying, chances were they all would start crying, and Elecmon didn't want that.
Elecmon gently rocked the Botamon back and forth in his arms, and made soothing sounds to try and calm it down. As he did so, he couldn't help but imagine that he himself was being held in someone's arms, and they were rocking him backwards and forwards. He really liked that idea, it would make him feel safe and loved. Maybe some of the safety and love he was feeling spread to the Botamon, as it soon stopped crying, luckily, it stopped before any of the other baby Digimon started too. Elecmon gave a happy sigh and placed it down in the crib again, giving it its breakfast.
Once all of the babies had been given their food, Elecmon sat down to his own breakfast. A lot of the time, Elecmon couldn't be bothered cooking for himself so he just ate what the babies ate. It wasn't so bad, it made sure he was feeding the babies nice food. As he ate, he imagined himself sitting on his hypothetical caregiver's lap once again. This time, they were spoon-feeding him his breakfast, while rubbing his back at the same time. The thought of being fed like this, made Elecmon's food taste all the sweeter. Elecmon did not have the time to spoon feed all the babies himself, but he liked the idea of it being done to him. When he finished the food he imagined his caregiver would give him a big hug and a kiss on the forehead.
The next job was the one that most Digimon would probably find the most objectionable, although truthfully, Elecmon didn't really mind it. Maybe he was desensitized to it for having to do it so often for so long. He went to a cupboard in the nursery, and took out a large bag of diapers for baby Digimon, as well as a changing mat, talcum powder and wipes, all of which he loaded into his basket.
Suddenly, Elecmon felt that he had to pee. He guessed that milk he had drank earlier had caught up with him. Elecmon figured there was no point holding it in, and he had been using diapers for a while now, so he had no mental blocks in place, nor any issues with using them whatsoever. He let go right where he stood and wet his diaper. He let out a small gasp as he felt the warm wetness spread out over his crotch, soaking his fur. Elecmon would never admit this to anyone, but he rather liked how it felt when he wet himself. He didn't even particularly feel the need to change himself when he wet either, he could stay in a wet diaper all day, and use it multiple times. A messy diaper however, was another story.
Elecmon got to work on the babies once again. He examined each baby to see if it had finished eating, and if it had, he took the bowl away and picked up the baby Digimon, checking its diaper as he held it in his arms. If its diaper needed changing, he would lay it down on the changing mat, and get to work. Elecmon had changed so many diapers in his time that he thought he had gotten it down to somewhat of an art form, He could get the old diaper off, toss it in the diaper pail, clean up the baby Digimon using the wipes, sprinkle on the powder and strap on the new diaper in under a minute.
Despite his speed and skill, there were a lot of baby Digimon, and most of them needed changing. So many in fact, he had to go back and get a second pack of diapers towards the end of his rounds. Once all of the baby Digimon had clean diapers and were happily back in their cradles, Elecmon sat down for another rest. His mind started to wander again, thinking about what he had just done. He imagined his diaper was not only wet, but messy too. His mess was squishing against his butt as he sat there. His caregiver would notice, and pick him up. They would check his diaper, and see that he needed changing.
They would hug him, then lay him on a changing table. They would untape the straps on his diaper, and slide it out from under him, rolling it up and disposing of it. They would get out some baby wipes, and begin cleaning his crotch and butt thoroughly, and thanks to their extended and intimate touching of his cock and anus, he would become aroused. He imagined them commenting to him in a babyish, but soothing voice, that he needed to be taken care of. They would squirt some diaper rash cream onto their hand and begin rubbing it all over his butt, paying special attention to his anus.
His caregiver would then start rubbing the diaper rash cream all over his cock, running their hand up and down his length as they did so. He would be blushing hard by now, panting and gasping on the changing table. They would comment on how adorable he looked. It wouldn't be long before Elecmon came, his cum spurting from his cock, covering his dick, his caregiver's hand, and his belly. His caregiver would say how cute he was again, before getting more wet wipes and wiping him clean of his cum. They would then lift his legs up, exposing him completely, and slide a fresh diaper under his butt, pulling his tails through the strap. They would sprinkle baby powder all over his crotch, and then tape the diaper up nice and tightly, and end it by picking up Elecmon, and giving him a hug and a kiss, telling him how much they loved him.
"Elecmon? Huh? What're you-" he heard someone say. He was immediately snapped out of his fantasy. He realised he was sitting there, wearing a wet diaper, with an erection that was tenting the diaper tightly. He looked around frantically to see who had called him. He had no idea what he was going to say.