The Long Patrol: Behind the Bushes, Part 3

Story by ShamanSquirrel on SoFurry

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#28 of Redwall: Behind the Bushes

This is based on "The Long Patrol" by Brian Jacques. All characters are (c) the author.

As things settled down in Redwall, Cregga Badgermum, formerly Cregga Rose Eyes, became the new Badger Mother of Redwall. Although she was blinded in battle, she didn't let that disability become too much of an obstacle for her.

One of the abbey creatures was so happy to have a badger mother at the abbey, that he would follow her everywhere. He was Twingle the young hedgehog. Although Cregga couldn't see him, she knew he was there by the distinct sound of his foot falls.

"Now, now, Twingle," said Cregga. "I'm very flattered that you like me a lot, but it's bedtime for you."

"Can I sleep in your bed with you?" asked Twingle.

"Okay, I suppose you can just tonight," said Cregga.

"Oh, thank you!" said Twingle.

Cregga picked up Twingle, and carried him to her bedchamber.

Despite his spiny body, Cregga held him tightly to her when she tucked him to bed with her. Twingle shrunk deeper under the covers, until he was at Cregga's belly. Cregga chuckled, saying "that tickles, dear." It was then that Cregga realized she forgot to put on her night gown. She was completely naked, and so was Twingle.

"Miss Cregga?" asked Twingle. "What's that sweet smell coming from down there?" he asked, looking towards her crotch.

"Down where?" asked Cregga.

"Um, between your legs," said Twingle.

"I'm in heat," said Cregga. "It's been a long time since I've had a male. Too bad you're too young."

"My wee is hard," said Twingle.

Being blind, Cregga could only feel Twingle's body. She stroked his belly fur downward, until she touched a rather long, hard object; Twingle's erect penis.

"My, my," said Cregga. "I must have underestimated your age. You are ready."

"Ready for what?" asked Twingle.

"Let me show you," said Cregga, sitting up and spreading out her legs. "You can figure it out."

Then Twingle approached Cregga's crotch, and inserted his precocious hedgehog member into Cregga's gaping, mature badger vagina. "This feels so good!" said Twingle.

"It's supposed to," said Cregga, moaning as she was holding Twingle towards her.

Twingle thrust and mated Cregga in and out for several minutes, until blasting his formerly virgin seed into the huge badger mother.

Cregga lay back down, and Twingle snuggled on her large breasts. Both species, age and size-mismatched lovers fell asleep together.