Krysten's Corruption: Chapter 7

Story by Mistress Adrianna on SoFurry

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#7 of Krysten's Corruption

The heat is over, but the play isn't. And Dante has a surprise for his Krysten...

Krysten's Corruption Chapter 7

Copyright of The Lady Adrianna 2016

Krysten hummed softly as she finished her daily cleaning of the house. She took a moment as she dusted in her father's office and did a mental inventory. She had finished her school work, dinner was in the oven, laundry was done, house clean, and her father was due home in under an hour. The only thing she hadn't done was prepare for him the way he wanted her to. So, with one final swipe of the dust cloth, she then put the cleaning supplies away. As she hurried up the stairs to their bedroom, she squirmed with anticipation. Ever since her heat two weeks ago, things had changed between them. He had taken the week of her heat off, spending that time helping her through the near maddening burn of desire that had plagued her the entire time. She was grateful that he had found those shots too. The relief her body had felt when he had cum inside her needy pussy had felt indescribable. Even now, she shivered with the memories.

Dante had made it clear from the beginning that he was always in control, which she was alright with. She loved it when he took control, the shiver it gave her and the rush of desire when he gave her that certain look. The one that said he wanted her on her knees, her mouth busy on his oh so lovely cock. There were no more talks of whether what they were doing was right or wrong. He had asked her as soon as she had recovered from her heat if she still wanted to continue. To risk society's wrath and continue to be his lover. He had promised her he wouldn't hold her decision against her in the slightest if she hadn't wanted to. Her only answer had been to strip, bend over his desk, and beg him to fuck her again.

Since then, it seemed like he couldn't get enough of her. He left her orders every day after breakfast at what he expected of her that day. Whether it was to stay naked all day, or wear the butt plug he had bought for her, or to tease herself to the brink of orgasm periodically, but never to cum. That had been her task for the day. And as she stripped out of her more casual dress she squirmed with desire. She ached to cum, to feel him stretching her open. But she would wait like the good girl that she was. So, happily, she rubbed her clit firmly for another minute or two, until she felt she couldn't take anymore, then pulled her hand away.

As she reached for the toy drawer Dante had been restocking, she thought back to the girl she had been a few weeks earlier. Those first attempts at self pleasure. Now she knew her body better, thanks to her father's loving tutelage. And even after all the sex they had had, and all he had taught her, she still blushed and squirmed whenever those slate gray eyes were on her. How did he always make her feel so... unexperienced? She shuddered at the thought, even as she slipped the newest buy inside her. Little metal balls that clinked and rolled together with every movement. What had daddy called them? Ben wa balls. She squirmed with delight, even as she reached for the other new buy. The new nipple clamps scared her some, but Dante had promised her a treat if she could put them on.

Slowly, she circled her right nipple, teasing it to an even harder tip as she opened the adjustable clamp. Then, taking a breath, she closed it around the pink tip, crying out as the pinch spread through her needy body. These definitely had more of a bite to them then the old ones had. Tightening it until she couldn't bear that pain anymore, she felt that blush of embarrassment fill her cheeks once more. As she attached the other one, she squirmed and moaned. She wasn't a proper little girl anymore, now was she? But, instead of that thought filling her with shame, she giggled breathlessly and tugged on the clamp chain. Telling herself the entire time it was to make sure they wouldn't fall off. And not because it sent such a thrill to her throbbing clit.

She shakily stood back up, satisfied that the toys were in place. The balls inside her shifted and she clenched around them, afraid of losing them. Which just had her moaning and knees buckling as they clinked and rolled together. It took her ten more minutes before she felt safe enough to move without fear of cumming. Slowly, she pulled the silk see through nightgown on, another new purchase from her father. It hid little of her body, and gave her a little girl look while showing everything she had to offer. She found she loved it. Especially since her father loved to pull it off her and make her his all over again.

She spent a few moments admiring herself in the mirror as her hands played with her hair. Finally, she elected to leave it down and around her shoulders, the dark chestnut color contrasting with the creaminess of her fur and the soft pink of her nightgown. It was a good thing to, since a glance at the clock showed her father would be home at any minute. She hurriedly made her way downstairs, fighting the pleasure and pain that mixed from the balls and the clamps. She took her usual spot by the door, her hands clasped behind her and long lapine ears perked up in excited anticipation. Sure enough, the doorknob rattled, then turned less then two minutes later.

But, what Krysten didn't know was that the surprise Dante had was not a new toy, or a new outfit. But a new person to join their play that night. Rusty had first approached Dante two days after he had returned to work, asking the older man for permission to date his daughter. He had been expecting Dante to deny him, based on his past history. To his surprise, Dante had looked thoughtful and agreed as long as Rusty still wanted to date her after they talked. A long lunch and very private conversation had slowly opened the younger male's eyes to the reasons as to why and he had finally been told just what the relationship was between the cabbit and her father. He hadn't believed his friend, fighting conflicting feelings of disgust, horror, and incredible arousal. He threatened to call the police and Dante had merely sat there calmly, accepting it. He had asked only that Rusty think on it for a week first. Only out of respect for his coworker and friend had Rusty agreed. And because he couldn't stop himself from getting hard every time he thought about it.

The week had not been a silent one for him. He had come often to Dante's office and asked him questions in regards to the relationship and Krysten's opinion on it. Dante had reassured him numerous times that he was not raping his daughter. Far from it. He had even played recordings of Krysten begging her father to fuck her after she had been asked if she wanted to end the sexual relationship. Finally, Rusty had to come to terms with the fact that his initial horror and outrage were gone and all that was left was pure desire. Tentatively, he asked if he might be able to watch. Dante had merely smiled and invited him to join them for dinner that night.

It was Rusty who walked in first. It was also Rusty who stopped dead in his tracks and stared at the gorgeous picture of the nearly naked cabbit standing there. She looked both so innocent and so sexual. The nightgown flowing around her from the top of her breasts to down around her knees. But that transparent material made it oh so clear to the awestruck tomcat that she was nude beneath it. Nude, clamped, and very very wet. An amused chuckle came from behind him and Krysten had turned bright red. Her lovely green eyes had widened in shock at seeing him and only a small nod from her father when she glanced at him kept her from moving to cover herself. Rusty couldn't help but groan at the adorable confusion and arousal on her face and he stepped forward.

All thoughts of her father were gone as he drank in the sight of the temptress standing there. She was perfection, so sexual and yet still so innocent. One hand lifted to brush her hair back, then he tilted her chin up and gently brushed his lips over hers. She made a soft sound, a mix between a moan and a gasp and he couldn't help but kiss her harder. He felt a hand on his shoulder, knew it was Dante, but couldn't bring himself to pull away. Gathering her against him, he stroked his free hand through her hair, treating her like the treasure she was. He had been haunted by her for weeks, and now he was here, and she was in his arms.

Krysten held herself aloof at first, but then she was pulled in close and his kiss got harder. And despite her best intentions, she melted into him, returning that kiss. Her eyes remained open until she saw her father's approving smile and she relaxed fully. Daddy wasn't upset with her. Daddy was allowing it. Her arms slid around Rusty's neck and she stretched up a bit to press her aching nipples to his chest. When he finally broke the kiss, she looked back and forth between the two. She was confused as to what was going on, on how Rusty suddenly seemed to know and not care. But she did know one thing. Both of these men could make her cum and she really needed to cum right now. "Daddy? May I please cum? I've been a good girl and not cum all day!" Her eyes finally settling on her father's face as she said the words, her voice thick and husky. Rusty's groan into her ear and the way his hard cock throbbed against her belly told her just how much he loved that idea.

Dante took it all in. The way that Rusty had stared at the beautiful sight of his daughter, then had merely kissed her like that. The way that Krysten had responded, but even still looked to him for approval. Then that sweet sweet begging. He shut the front door, then took his daughter's hand, heading for the front room. He beckoned Rusty to follow them, still not answering her question. Once in the room, he sat in his usual chair, unzipped and opened his slacks and pulled himself free. "I think we should welcome Rusty to the family. Come my lovely girl, show him just how much you love to suck my cock," he murmured softly. This was the real test right here. His eyes lifted up to Rusty who stared at the scene with awe and hunger and grinned. As Krysten eagerly knelt in front of him, he winked at the younger man. "She has ben wa balls in, you can either leave them in or take them out. But she has missed you."

Krysten knelt, her tail lifting up against her back as she licked the underside of her father's length, from his sheath to the very tip and tasting that musky pre that was all him. She heard his words and she shifted herself a bit more, making herself more stable. She relished the sound of Rusty's shock, then agreement. He stroked over her hip, even as she guided Dante's cock down to lap at the tip. "Please Rusty... I ache so bad. And you felt so very good inside me that one day. Please?" She glanced back over her shoulder, unaware of just how she looked. Both sweet and slutty at the same time. The orange tom just nodded wordlessly, undoing his pants and stepping out of them, then tugging his shirt off.

She went back to work, feeling Dante's hands stroking through her hair and then pulling it back for her. One hand dropped to the floor to help brace her up in position as she nuzzled her father's large sac. Lapping at it hungrily, she breathed in his musk, feeling her arousal only rising higher. If she didn't get to cum soon, she thought she'd go crazy. Luckily, she didn't have to wait too long, feeling Rusty's fingers sliding inside her to pull the balls out. She moaned at the loss of them, but those fingers returned to thrust slowly in and out of her. Foreplay was not really on her priority list though so she pulled her head back and begged again. "Now? Just fuck me? I can't wait, I can't hold back." She whimpered softly, cutely and wriggled her hips. A muffled curse above and behind her was her answer and those fingers pulled back.

Then she felt that tapered tip pressing to her entrance. She moaned happily and sucked the tip of her father's cock back into her mouth, slowly sinking down to match each inch of that length Rusty was slowly sliding inside her. The brand new feeling of being filled by two lengths at the same time had the small cabbit squirming and moaning around her father, making him twitch in pleasure. She rocked between them of her own accord, feeling them start to thrust to match her movements.

Lifting her eyes up, she met her father's steely gray ones, eyes gone silvery with love and desire, and smiled as best she could around his cock. Her expression full of the love for the black tom as she pushed back against Rusty's next thrust. Then she was pushing forward and taking Dante's thick cock into her throat again. She could hear Rusty's groan at the sight and her ear flicked a little. "Isn't she gorgeous with her mouth full?" she heard Dante ask, which just caused Rusty to thrust back into her even harder. "She does this every day. And just seems to keep getting better with practice." Strong hands smoothed her hair back out of her face and her eyes closed, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment and desire. "Like I told you Rusty, her mother and I used to dabble in D/s. And my Krysten shows all the signs of enjoying it too." Her brow furrowed a little, trying to listen through the haze of need that was overtaking her. So close to cumming, but still holding back. Daddy hadn't say she could yet.

Rusty watched Krysten's face, saw her hungrily sucking on her father's cock as she rippled and squeezed around him. She felt even better then she had that first time. Still just as tight, just as wet, but this time, she knew better how to milk him and she made full use of those muscles to increase his pleasure. It was hard to not just nod in mute agreement with Dante's words and lose himself in her. But he had a feeling there was something important that was being disclosed here. "I've um... never done it myself. But if it means I get Krysten in my life, then I'm willing to learn." He met Dante's eyes, seeing a side of the man he had never known. There was a primal hunger and power there that he'd never seen before. And he found it alluring, and in a way, attractive. And to his immense relief, the older man seemed to approve of his statement.

Dante pulled from Krysten's sucking mouth and he leaned back, out of reach of her when she whimpered at the loss. "Make her cum Rusty. Let me see if you can give my little girl the release she so desperately needs." That was all Rusty needed to gather Krysten up. His hands moved from her hips to her legs, holding them up and open as he moved back onto his heels. Lifting her up and off the floor entirely, he bounced her on his cock as he nipped at her neck. His tail tipping her face to him, capturing her lips in a kiss. It didn't even bother him that he could taste Dante's pre on her lips and tongue. If just made him fuck her harder.

Krysten squealed into his kiss as he took control like that. Her breasts bouncing, her tail coiling around his waist to help support her. She returned the kiss as her eyes drifted closed. He didn't fill her like Daddy did, but he felt just as good in another way, so it wasn't long before she was whining in need against his lips. Breaking the kiss reluctantly to look at Dante. "Daddy...please...I need to cum. Let me cum please?!" The head of Rusty's cock sliding across her spot, his barbs rubbing as they swelled inside her, pushing her higher. She was so needy, so hot. And finally, her father's head dipped down in a nod and she was able to let go. The constant edging and the eroticism of being shared by both of them making her cum hard and fast.

She screamed out wordlessly as that orgasm hit her. Her juices squirted out, soaking Rusty's thighs as she convulsed over him, her muscles clenching and squeezing painfully tight. So tight he couldn't even move inside her. Both men stared at her in shock as she came. And as her climax crested, then started to wane, so did her consciousness. Instantly, four male hands were supporting her, her small body sandwiched between Rusty and her father's strong bodies. Her head rolled limply forward, resting against Dante's chest as Rusty pulsed inside her sensitive sex.

Dante took the brunt of her weight, making sure she was alright before nodding to Rusty. The man had been trying to hold back his own need to just fuck her. And had done admirably. He didn't even think he could have stopped in his shoes. The look of pure relief on the younger tom's face had Dante grinning and he supported Krysten's nearly comatose body as Rusty thrust inside her again. It didn't take long, just another minute or so before he was cumming, deep inside the cabbit beauty that he swore he loved. And while her father held her through it all, their eyes locked on each other over her head.

They seemed to come to an accord then, Dante gently letting Rusty take Krysten back into his arms. He held her back against him as he pulled from her slick and cum filled sex. And without a word exchanged, Dante moved into position. His thicker, longer cock slowly taking the place of Rusty's and he groaned at the feel of his daughter's tight sex filled with another man's cum. He nibbled along Krysten's neck, Rusty's hands sliding along her belly and up to her breasts and he slowly moved inside her. Only when she started to come back to full awareness to realize who was inside her now did he start to move with those hard, full thrusts she loved so much.

Krysten came again, twice more on her father's cock as Rusty held her so lovingly. Sandwiched between them, she felt Rusty grow hard again, his messy length pressed to her rear and she wished she could feel him inside her as well. Though she didn't say anything, far too busy holding her father to her and moaning into his ear as he pushed her towards a fourth orgasm with shocking speed. His eyes were locked on hers, a small smile on his handsome face as he pushed deeper into her, hearing her gasp and whimper. Black hands cupped her ass, lifting her up slightly to get a better angle, even as he dragged his barbed tip along that sweet spot inside her.

Rusty bent his head then, nuzzling the other side of her neck lightly as he watched that thick feline length bury itself inside the cabbit again and again. The sight, the knowledge of what was going on, the feel of the small beauty writhing between them chased away any lingering doubts he had. And when he lifted his head to see the look on Dante's face, he knew without a doubt that this man loved his daughter unconditionally. Just as Krysten loved her father. He felt honored to share this moment with them, to be able to join in the beauty and eroticism of their joining. Though, he didn't expect Dante's eyes to flick to his and the smile to grow into a knowing grin. The promise in the older man's look had him trembling and his arms tightened around Krysten. Pulling her back just a bit, giving her small form a better angle to take their attention. Nor, did he expect that Dante's eyes didn't leave his expression as he approached his long denied climax, his speed increasing as he sent his daughter to the peak of climax yet again.

Dante came but a moment after her this time, allowing her milking muscles to draw every drop of his seed from him and into her body. Her cry filling the room, overwhelming his own soft groan of release. And still, his eyes remained on Rusty's face, watching the other tom's expression carefully. When all he saw was desire, awe, and no little lust, he nodded slightly and then bent his head to kiss his Krysten. "Good girl," he panted softly, then leaned back and away, sliding from her depths slowly. She took but a moment to recover, panting heavily before she wriggled out of Rusty's arms and twisted to start cleaning her father's cock.

Rusty groaned softly, shuddering at the sight of her innocent form once more doing such a lecherous and delightfully naughty thing. And as her small tongue cleaned her father's length of the combined juices of all three of them, he found himself wanting to do the same thing to her. Stretching out on his back, he guided her hips over his face and tugged her down so he could clean her swollen, reddened sex. The taste of male cum had him wrinkling his nose for a moment as he assessed the flavor, then mentally shrugged before burying his tongue inside her and searching out every drop. A surprised murmur from Dante above them had him grinning a bit and he kept Krysten from pulling away when her instinctive reaction was to jerk up and away from him. For even after weeks of training, she still felt that mixed embarrassment and pleasure at being licked so intimately. And that just mixed with the embarrassment that he was licking her, right after having both of their loads of cum deep inside her. Knowing he would be tasting that cum, tasting it predominately. Surely, a man didn't like that, right?

"You are just full of surprises, aren't you Rusty?" Dante chuckled softly, stroking through Krysten's hair as she fought her embarrassment and the pleasure of that tongue. All while her own tongue continued to lap along her father's cock. When he was cleaned, he pulled away, sitting up on the couch and watching as she lost herself in the pleasure of the younger man's tongue. Rusty didn't bother to answer, too focused on the taste of their cum and the way that Krysten squirmed and whimpered so beautifully. He had promised her a proper taste after all and he found he didn't mind the taste of his and Dante's cum inside her if he got to taste her sweet, addictive flavor. And sooner then he would have liked, that salty additive was gone and all he could taste was her.

His still hard length twitched as she clenched and rippled around his tongue, his nose nudging against her clit. She sat up more, crying out again as the chain between her nipples swung and the clamps tugged at her nipples, at the same time as the sheer fabric of her nightgown teased the abused tips. Giving him even more of her juices to lap away. Seeing this, her father grinned and then reached forward to tug her nightgown over her head, then captured the chain and rocked her forward with a slight tug. Rusty tugged her back, eager to not lose her yet, only for her father to rock her forward again. They started a tug of war with her, mixing pain and pleasure in a way that she loved and her shame fled, grinding down against Rusty's tongue even as she slid her hands up to cup her breasts, offering them for her father's torture.

Already, she was close to cumming, yet again. But, she held off, not wanting the pleasure to end. Her eyes half opened, staring up at her father as he chuckled softly. Then, he was standing, moving away from her and leaving her poor nipples alone. She turned her head to watch, curious what he had planned and he winked at her as he knelt down on the floor beside Rusty. The orange tom had his hands on Krysten's hips, keeping her firmly where he wanted her, though his cock twitched and pulsed, pre dripping onto his stomach as she rocked against his tongue. Leaving him open to what Dante had in mind as he bent his head and took a slow, leisurely swipe up the underside of that feline length. Krysten's eyes widened, feeling the cry of surprise and pleasure against her core. And she was glad that Rusty pushed her up some then, because something about the sight and the feel of that cry had her trembling close to the edge again.

"What the hell?!" Rusty gasped, looking down at his cock, just in time to see the older man take another slow lick along it, cleaning the juices off it. "Dan..Dante?" he asked, his voice conveying how unsure he was, even as his cock twitched towards the tongue pleasuring it. The black head rose, a hand closing around the other man and stroking slowly. Krysten watched the two of them now, confusion and arousal on her pretty face. Wasn't this wrong? Hadn't her father told her again and again that same sex coupling was unnatural and wrong? That there was no point to a relationship that didn't have a chance of producing children? And yet, it was so hot seeing her big, strong, in control father cleaning and stroking Rusty's cock.

"If you want me to stop, I will. But it's been a long time since I got to enjoy a cock, and yours is quite lovely." Dante grinned a bit, opening himself up more to those long ago explorations. Aurora had definitely enjoyed seeing him and another man playing, and from the look on Krysten's face, she shared that same love as her mother. Another thing they had in common. His gaze returned to Rusty's, seeing the indecision on his face. If what he had read in the younger man was right, that indecision should be fading soon. Ah, there. A small nod given, then those orange hands were pulling Krysten back into place over his mouth. "If you decide differently later, then I'll give you the same stop word as my Krysten. Fuchsia." Another nod of understanding came, and Dante lowered his head and took the younger man's cock into his mouth slowly. Relearning the taste and texture of another man quickly as he first sucked it clean, then sucked to bring the same pleasure to the younger man that he was giving to Krysten.

Rusty was confused, overwhelmed, and unsure of just what he could expect anymore. But, the mouth currently pleasuring him was a skilled one, hitting all those sensitive nerves and spots that made his toes curl and his length twitch and throb. He moaned helplessly into the cabbit rocking once more against his tongue and he felt her small hand sliding into his hair, pulling him up and into her more. It dawned on him then that he was the one being used now. Both father and daughter enjoying his body as he and Dante had enjoyed Krysten's not long before. Despite the fact that it was Dante sucking on his cock so well, he had no doubts that the older man would retain control at all times. Nor did he try and deny the knowledge that he would soon be returning the favor, learning how to pleasure a man for the first time beside the beautiful girl he found he wanted and needed more with every little moan and whimper she made.

She stood then, somehow managing to escape his hands and he whined in protest. He found it harder to focus on his thoughts now, or to try and deny what was happening to him without her sweetness to distract him. But, to his relief, she didn't go far, kneeling next to her father and watching his head bob up and down. Her eyes were wide, panting softly at the sight before her. And as Rusty drank in her beauty, Dante's tongue slid along the underside of his length, sucking firmly as he drew back up. He let Rusty's cock fall from between his lips and grinned a bit, even as he gently guided his daughter down to take his place. A soft cry pulled from the younger man as Krysten's soft lips slid around him. She lacked some of her father's skill, but she more then made up for it with her eagerness and the fact that it was her. "Go on Rusty, give her her treat," he heard whispered into his ear and he moaned and his hips bucked up. One shaking hand tangled in her long hair, guiding her to move on him, to find the pace he wanted. He watched her suck him, finding a bliss unlike any he had ever known from a simple blowjob and he didn't last much longer.

He started to cum with a soft groan, his hips pushing up and eyes falling closed. And then, a soft groan of her own had him twitching and a fresh wave of seed spilling from her lips. Her father behind her, finishing what Rusty had started, sending her to that same peak as the younger man filled her mouth again and again. She swallowed what she could, even as she trembled and moaned, her tired body giving her father his reward. And despite her best efforts, some of that milky cum fell onto her chin, then down onto her breasts when she finally straightened up and pulled away from the stimulation that was quickly becoming almost painful. The three of them settled, or collapsed, onto the floor of the living room and merely basked in the afterglow, and the presence of the others.

It was only the smell of cooked food that roused Krysten and had her scrambling to her feet. "Dinner! It's going to burn!" she cried, then ran into the kitchen, nude. Dante chuckled and stood, then offered a hand to the exhausted tom still sprawled on the floor. Rusty took it, accepting the help up to his feet with a small grin. They didn't say anything, just looked for their clothes that had managed to come off during their play and dressed. And when Krysten called them to the table a few minutes later, they were dressed and semi composed, though she was still nude, with her clamped breasts covered in drying cum and drool. A sight that both men appreciated greatly. "Dinner is a little overdone, but edible. Sorry Daddy, sorry Rusty." She let them pass, then worked to serve them both dinner before taking her seat beside her father, squirming as she sat down on the cool wood and was made aware of her nudity.

"Daddy, may I get my robe please?" she asked. Both men chuckled and Dante nodded, allowing her to run up to her room and grab a robe. And when she returned, he reached over and gently loosened the clamps so that blood could return slowly. She sighed with relief, then focused on eating her food, falling into that comfortable ease that they usually had when eating, an ease that Rusty was more then happy to join in on. And even if the pot roast was a little dry, they were all starving enough to eat plenty of it. Afterward, Dante stood and kissed his daughter's forehead, taking the plates from her.

"I'll do the dishes tonight dear. You go ahead and rest. Maybe take Rusty to the living room and watch a movie or something." Krysten stared at him, then flushed and nodded, noting the tacit approval he gave to allow her time with another man. Rusty's grin was bright and almost boylike and he stood and offered her his arm. With another blush, she took it, then led him from the room back to the living room that still smelled strongly of sex. She squirmed at the scent, but did her best to ignore it as she sat down on the couch, Rusty right beside her. His arm slid around her slender shoulders, tugging her against his side in a way that made her feel so feminine and wanted, but without any of the sexual connotation that earlier had held. It was a comfortable cuddling that she found she loved; her head resting contently on his chest as she let him pick the movie they watched on the tv. A rare treat indeed, since she rarely got to enjoy even that simple pleasure; her father preferring their spare time be spent in intellectual pursuits.