Team Building

Story by Stinkdog on SoFurry

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More awesome work from BadCoyote! Also guest starring Jon Sanders and proofed by Terribadger. Hope you all enjoy!

Karex grumbled to himself as he stood next to a table full of alcohol and mixers in the middle of a frat house living room. Two foxes were making out on the couch behind him, the vixen giggling every so often as the male fox teased her. Karex recognized the silver fox dude from football practice, and his thick linebacker build made the gnoll's dick throb in his pants. Karex would have fucked that fox in a heartbeat if he was willing. In the corner of the room, shitty rap music was blaring over a makeshift speaker tower, and it made Karex grind his teeth together in frustration. Eager to make his retreat, the gnoll poured some spiced rum into a red plastic cup and added some tropical fruit juice from a bottle that had lost its label. He scooped up the full cup and sipped it as he wandered away from the obnoxious noise. His head was already seriously buzzed from drinking, but he didn't care. Getting drunk was the whole point of coming to this terrible party.

As he made his way from room to room in the frat house, Karex looked for his teammate and recent buddy Jon. He eventually found the otter sprawled out on a different sofa with a bottle of some kind of beer clenched in his fist. Jon's brown fur was typical of his species, but the large tusks that jutted downward from his upper jaw were not. The saber-toothed otter had lost his shirt at some point, and the crotch of his pants was unzipped and open wide, letting his soft cock feel the humid air of the room. It was always like this with Jon. The otter just loved to be naked, though the heat and dampness of the room made Karex want to strip as well, and it was difficult for the gnoll to keep his eyes off of Jon's well-toned body.

"'Ey, Karex!" Jon slurred cheerfully as he saw the gnoll enter the room. The otter's thick tail thumped lightly against the cushions as his more muscular football teammate sat next to him.

It was obvious that Jon was already pretty far gone as he polished off the bottle in his hand and dropped it into the clanking pile of them on the floor near his feet. Karex eyed the otter's mostly naked body as he took gulps of the juice-flavored liquor in his fist.

"This party sucks ass," Karex said after a moment.

Jon chuckled. "It was your idea to come," he said, jabbing Karex in the ribs with an elbow.

"Yeah I know. I didn't think it'd be this dead," the gnoll said, picking at the shirt that clung uncomfortably to his sweaty fur. "Fuck it's hot in here!"

Jon grinned at him. "Be more like me, bro. Might as well let it all hang out!"

The otter had a point. Who would give a shit if they both got naked? Most of the fuckheads at the party would get too drunk to remember anything anyway. The gnoll put his drink on the floor and pulled his shirt over his head, tossing it in a clump next to him on the couch. Jon grinned at him as Karex picked up his cup again and polished off the drink. His head had started to spin a bit, but it was still manageable.

"Always wanted to say, you've got some killer tats, bro," Jon said, pointing to the blue ink that spread across Karex's chest. "What do they mean?"

"Eh, it's pretty dorky," Karex replied.

"So what?" Jon said in a cheerful, matter-of-fact tone.

Karex hesitated, crushing the plastic cup in his fist as he debated whether or not to tell the truth about his tattoos. Thankfully, the beefy silver fox and his fling provided a distraction as they walked through the room towards the stairs. As they did, the fox caught Karex's eye and a brief flicker of recognition appeared on his face. The gnoll nodded to him, while the fox's gaze locked on to Jon's naked bod and flaccid penis.

"Hey!" The vixen snapped, clearly used to being the center of attention. "If you'd rather party with them, then go ahead!" She pushed him away and stormed off towards the door.

"Jessica, wait! C'mon, it's not like that!" He took a pathetic glance at the gnoll and otter on the couch before following after her. Karex just shrugged at him apologetically as they left.

"Hey, Jon, he's on the team, right? What's his name?" Karex asked.

"Er... Dane maybe?" Jon said. the otter's speech was becoming more and more slurred, and the fact that his junk was hanging out so blatantly next to the pent up gnoll was making Karex's dick throb, fully hard in his shorts. He had heard stories from the other guys on the team about Jon's inviting asshole; it seemed that the otter was as carefree about sex as he was about being nude and showing off. Karex couldn't deny that he had always wanted to slip a few fingers between the otter's cheeks and then follow up with his thick erection...

Fuck it.

The alcohol broke down the gnoll's inhibitions and he found himself sliding a hand under Jon's thick tail. He pushed down the waistband of the otter's pants, making the tips of his fingers dance over Jon's pucker. The otter glanced at him through bleary eyes, but he was still grinning as he clumsily helped Karex pull his pants off. Jon turned sideways to recline along the couch, throwing a leg over the back of it as Karex poked at the pliable anal ring with a single digit. The hole accepted his finger with no effort, practically pulling it inside all the way to the second knuckle. Karex added a second finger and spread them apart as he pushed them in and out slowly. The third went in with some difficulty, but once inside, the hole easily stretched around the group as Karex pulled the ring of muscle from side to side.

They didn't speak. There was no need. Jon began to pant, his eyes closed as Karex roughly invaded his hole. The gnoll kept up his play, adding his pinky along with his other fingers when the entrance had loosened up enough. Jon's asshole was stretching so pleasantly around his hand that Karex wondered if he could shove his whole fist up there, but he decided against it as he didn't want to risk actually hurting Jon. Instead, he spread out his four fingers as wide as they would go and pulled them slowly out of the otter's ass, leaving it gaping open, before he closed them and pushed them back in as deep as possible. He unzipped his shorts with his free hand and started stroking his thick, uncut gnoll dick as he watched his fingers disappear into the eager asshole. Several minutes of intense fingering went by until Karex realized that Jon wasn't making much noise.

The otter had passed out.

"God dammit, Jon," Karex grumbled, pulling his fingers from the otter's loosened ring.

The gnoll fumed to himself as he idly stroked his penis. Even when piss drunk, Jon somehow still managed to be an incorrigible tease. Though, Karex's drink-addled mind supposed, nothing was stopping him from fucking the otter anyway. The gnoll glanced around the room as if it mattered before carefully lifting Jon's right leg from the couch and repositioning himself. The tip of his drooling cock rested against Jon's gaping pucker and, like his first finger before it, the eager asshole seemed to suck Karex right in.

"G-God damn...!" the gnoll groaned. The intense heat of Jon's asshole surrounded and squeezed his erection as Karex sank deeper inside until his thick base was stretching the anal ring and his heavy nuts pressed up against the underside of Jon's tail. Karex let the otter's legs rest on his shoulders, panting as he pulled back slowly and then pushed in deep, starting a steady rhythm as he fucked his friend. He was surprised that Jon's dick was still soft and floppy as his firm thrusts made it bounce on the otter's muscled belly. If Karex had a dick inside of him like this, he would have been hard as a rock. The gnoll's precum was quickly making his thrusts easier and soon his pace had quickened to proper pounding speed. As was expected, the alcohol in his system was making it difficult to get off, but that didn't deter the jock gnoll from trying. Karex lost track of time as his thick, throbbing erection speared Jon's anus over and over, making the eager hole ache as he forced it to take all of him with each thrust.

But Karex was getting tired after a while, and it looked like he wasn't going to be able to finish. The gnoll gritted his teeth in frustration as he tried to force himself to cum. His imagination wasn't helping him as much as usual, though, since it was clouded with liquor. Then, out of the corner of his eye, Karex spotted silvery fur in the doorway of the room. Dane, their muscular fox teammate, was standing there, watching them with his pants open and stroking an impressive erection of his own. Karex flashed him a grin and Dane nodded in approval as the gnoll forced himself to speed back up. Knowing he was putting on a show for the fox helped a great deal and Karex was soon panting with unbridled lust rather than fatigue. The gnoll groaned as his pulsing penis twitched deep inside Jon's quivering asshole and erupted sticky jizz against Jon's anal walls. Dane gave him a thumbs up as Karex pulled out and fired two shots up onto Jon's bare torso. One spurt struck the otter on the chin and dripped down over one of the large tusks on his face. As Karex's climax died down, the alcohol caught up with him and his eyes became heavy. Dane smirked, turning to leave the room as the gnoll collapsed onto Jon's sleeping body and went out like a light.


Someone shook Karex's shoulder to bring him out of the depths of sleep. Sunlight was creeping in around the closed blinds covering the windows and the gnoll's eyes struggled to focus on the silvery, black face that woke him up.

"Wake up, faggots, we've got practice in a half hour!" It was Dane's voice, painfully amplified by the effects of a hangover.

Karex grumbled and tried to roll over, but the silver fox grabbed his head and flopped something that smelled like salty, tangy musk over his nose. The gnoll recoiled instinctively and sat up, rubbing his eyes while Dane put his dick back in his pants.

"Come on, man!" Karex whined. "Fucking hell..." His head felt like two hundred feral elephants were tap dancing over his brain.

Jon yawned next to him and sat up slowly with a smile on his face. How the fuck was he so chipper after last night? The gnoll zipped up his own shorts and pulled his t-shirt over his head. If they had half an hour, they would have to leave immediately in order to have time to change and shower before practice.

"Morning, guys," Jon said as he stood and reached up toward the ceiling.

Dane threw the otter's clothes at him. "Get dressed or I'll leave without you. I'm not gonna get in trouble with Coach Grant because of you two assholes."

"All right, all right. We're coming, Jesus," Karex grumbled as he stood and stretched briefly.

Jon quickly dressed himself and all three teammates carefully walked around the other sleeping partygoers as they left the frat house. Thankfully, the frat was fairly close to the gym and they made it to the locker room with time to spare. The hot shower felt nice, but halfway through, Karex turned it as cold as he could stand to try and alleviate the throbbing pain in his head. It didn't help much, but at least it gave some temporary relief.

Practice went as well as expected with a hangover, though each tackle sent new shockwaves of agony through Karex's whole body. Fucking Christ, he was never going to drink again. Through the routine, the gnoll was acutely aware of the burly polar bear coach eyeing him every so often with increased scrutiny. Karex had to admit that Coach Grant was hot as fuck. The coach had a thick, muscular, former footballer build, helped by the fact that he was a bear and thus naturally burly. Karex just barely managed to avoid fumbling a pass as he wrenched his mind away from fantasy. Practice was more important than thinking about Coach Grant's hefty crotch bulge anyway.

After almost two hours on the field, the team returned to the locker room to change and shower. Karex spent longer than usual under the running water. His head still fucking hurt. The tired, beat-up gnoll made his way to his locker and pulled out a bottle of Ibuprofen, gulping down two of the pills as he pulled his street clothes back on over his jockstrap. Most of his teammates had already left, but he didn't realize how empty the locker room was until Coach Grant spoke up nearby.

"Gavin, I need to see you in my office," the polar bear said.

"Sure... coach," Karex replied uneasily.

What was he in trouble for now? The gnoll pulled his t-shirt on and followed the muscular bear. The polar bear's frame was squeezed into a pair of khaki pants and a polo shirt that looked barely big enough to contain the coach's muscle. Karex found himself mesmerized by the twitching, stubby, white tail as Grant walked. The gnoll's penis throbbed eagerly in his shorts, but he managed to snap his eyes upward when Grant turned toward him and ushered him into the office, leaving the door slightly open behind them.

It was a fairly large office with two windows and a high ceiling. A display case containing Grant's myriad trophies sat against the left wall, and Grant's desk was in front of the right. Two chairs rested in front of the desk atop a rather nice-looking carpet. It was odd, Karex noticed, that there were no family photos anywhere in the office. Karex had assumed an older man as good-looking as Grant would have had no trouble finding a wife.

The gnoll sat in one of the two chairs in front of the desk and Grant sat behind it, folding his arms and directing a stern look at his football player.

"So tell me what's going on," Grant said.

"What do you mean?"

"Your form today was terrible, and you almost fumbled a near perfect pass. To be honest, this is the worst I've ever seen you perform during practice."

"Oh... well it's just an off day, I guess," Karex replied. If Grant found out about the frat party last night, he would be in big trouble. There was a very specific rule about no drinking or partying before practice or games.

"I suppose it could be," Coach Grant said. "Though, Sanders tells me that you two had quite a bit of fun last night."

God dammit, Jon!

"Why don't you tell me how you're going to make amends for breaking my rules?"

Karex didn't know how to respond so he looked down at his feet.

"No ideas?" the coach said as he stood up from his chair and stepped around his desk. "I can think of a few..."

The lewd gaze that the coach struck Karex with sent chills down the gnoll's spine and butterflies fluttering in his stomach.

"Strip for me," Grant said as he gripped Karex's shoulder and squeezed it gently.


Jon had been waiting for Karex outside of the gym for almost fifteen minutes. It wasn't normal for the gnoll to take this long changing, and Karex was Jon's ride back to the dorm. There wouldn't be any harm in going to look for him. The otter made his way back through the gym into the empty locker room. He hoped Karex wasn't in trouble with the coach. The sound of talking drew Jon's attention to Grant's ajar office door and, against his better judgement, he crept up to peek inside.

Karex was completely naked on all fours on top of the coach's desk, and his hard penis bobbed under him in anticipation. Coach Grant knelt behind him, and was rubbing a very thick piece of black bear meat between the gnoll's ass cheeks. Jon could just make out the silver metal of a cock ring around Grant's hard erection before the fat tip of it split the gnoll's hole open and Karex let out a whining moan. Grant clapped a large hand over Karex's mouth to muffle his cries as inch after increasingly thick inch worked its way deeper inside of him. Jon huffed a bit at the scene, unable to look away as his friend was impaled by their coach. He was only slightly phased by the fingers that slipped into his gym shorts from behind, parted his own asshole, and slipped inside of him as Dane's whispering voice reached his ear.

"It's your fault Jessica ditched me last night," the silver fox said. "So now I'm taking your ass instead."

Jon, who was used to this kind of thing from his teammates, only responded by pulling his shorts down to his ankles and laying his round ears down on his head as he watched the coach hilt inside Karex. The gnoll gasped as Grant finally bottomed out after shoving nearly a foot of polar bear dick inside of him. He looked down, expecting to see his stomach bulging out, but only saw his tight abs and throbbing, drooling cock. Grant's penis pulsed inside of him, flaring up thicker with each pump of blood through its veins. Karex could feel his insides trying to stretch around the monster, making his breath leave his lips in ragged gasps. He had never had a dick as thick as Grant's in him before and he hoped to God that the coach would be kind enough to let him get used to it.

By this time, Dane had loosened up Jon's asshole enough to fit four fingers inside. The otter was too captivated by the scene in the coach's office to care as the silver fox slid his fingers out and pushed his erection inside, pressing his chest up against Jon's back as he hilted with ease.

"Seems like your buddy is a lot tighter than you are," Dane whispered. "You got a nice, warm hole, though."

The fox started thrusting steadily, huffing into Jon's ear as his sack bumped into the otter's jockstrapped taint. Jon panted and stifled a groan, his anal ring clenching around the fox's erection as they watched Coach Grant pull out of the squirming gnoll on the desk only to slam his shaft home with vicious force. After several powerful thrusts, the coach grabbed Karex's shoulders and really started reaming out his asshole. The gnoll's breath was fucked out of him as Coach Grant ravaged his anus, only allowing him to make hoarse whimpering noises as his hole spasmed in protest around the monstrous intruder.

Not to be outdone, Dane tried matching the coach's pace, hammering Jon's pliable ass with his throbbing erection. At that speed, though, he wasn't going to last very long. The otter gasped probably louder than he should have as his ass quivered under such abuse. Grant's round ears perked and swiveled towards the door slightly as he continued to breed the disobedient jock gnoll. Karex huffed and panted and groaned as he eventually became numb to the initial pain of being invaded and he spread his knees even further apart on the desk to give Grant easier access to his tender insides. The gnoll pushed his rear back into Coach Grant's thrusts as the bear fucked him in ways Karex had only fantasized about.

"That's a good boy," Grant said. "Show us how much you want my cock."

The bear looked over his shoulder at the door and winked at his audience as he pressed his beefy chest against the gnoll's back and plowed him harder. Karex's mind swam with lust and desire as Grant's hips crashed into his asscheeks, and his battered prostate sent shockwaves of pleasure through his entire body as he shuddered and twitched against Grant's chest. The gnoll could feel the tip of Coach Grant's cock bumping all of the way against his stomach with each deep-dicked thrust, making his breath catch in his throat and stars dance in front of his eyes. Watching from just outside, Dane growled in Jon's ear as he felt his nuts pulling up to his crotch, and he bit down on the otter's shoulder. Jon moaned in response as his soft penis flopped against his thighs with each hilt of the fox's dick. Grant ran his hands over Karex's chest and belly, tracing the gnoll's tattoos as his erection flared up. The polar bear pulled his lips back into a snarl as his whole body tensed and he slammed his cock as deep into Karex's willing asshole as it would go. The gnoll felt the thick meat pushing into his deepest reaches and he let out a wail as his own penis erupted spurts of white semen onto Grant's desk and the floor in front of it. Grant gave Karex a few more savage thrusts before he too groaned and huffed into the gnoll's ear, shooting rope after rope of thick, virile bear sperm as deep as he could while his twitching ball sack pressed lewdly against the gnoll's own pulled-up nuts.

That sent Dane over the edge too, and he buried his fox length inside Jon's anus. The fox clenched his eyes shut as he shuddered in the bliss of release, firing his potent vulpine cum deep inside the otter. Perhaps he pushed Jon a bit too hard however, as the otter briefly lost his balance and, with a soft yelp, fell forward into the door, which swung wide open to reveal the two voyeurs. Karex was too tired and content to care, with a belly full of hot jizz and an ass full of huge bear cock. Grant just smirked at the two of them as he rested his large head against Karex's back.

"I hope you all enjoyed this team building exercise," he said through panting breaths as he ran the tips of his fingers through the fur on Karex's chest and his thick erection throbbed in the gnoll's tight asshole.