The Trophy Shop

Story by NikoKarro on SoFurry

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I just love the idea of trophies (furs remaining alive while their feet and head are mounted on a wall, leaving them powerless against a brutal tickling), it's my most favourite idea ever and I've finally written something about it!

I appreciate all the watchers and favourites, they're really beginning to build up now and it's really exciting to see that my work is getting just a little bit of attention. I may continue this story in the future, hence the open-ending I left. If you want me to continue it, just post a comment and let me know :P

The Trophy Shop _ By ** __ **NikoKarro _

The weather had definitely taken a turn for the worst; as I stood in front of this building, just staring. The heavens had opened up and unleashed this torrential downpour....god I was so over-dramatic.

I'd received really weird e-mails, letters in the post, even name it. There was a well-spoken man on the recording, giving an address, or the letters were written in an unusually articulate way, considering the state of the letters or the creepy e-mail address. They all seemed to want me to come to this address, and yeah, coming to a seedy-ass part of town on the advice of a shady, unknown individual was probably a horrible idea, but who cares? I was curious!

The building before me didn't seem very well-kept; it was completely falling apart in some places and in others it'd had shoddy plaster jobs in a feeble attempt to fix the decay. Nevertheless, it was a pretty small-looking shop, the window lights were on and a big 'Come in, we're open' sign was plastered to the rather large front door where I could see the silhouette of a man, no doubt the owner of this place. All of my fur was beginning to stand on end, I was beginning to rethink coming here.

Reluctantly, I pushed the door ajar and stepped inside where I was greeted with a oddly pungent odour, and what seemed to be a spray of air freshener in a poor attempt to cover the smell up. "What is this place?" I asked myself as there was suddenly no sign of the shop keeper. I was in some kind of foyer at the moment even though the cash register was in this bit, and it seemed like the actual shop was through a pair of heavy double door across from me that I couldn't get past, "Strange...who's he trying to keep out of his shop....?" I remember myself thinking as I rang the bell at the counter, trying to attract the keeper's attention so I could figure out what was going on here and why I had received endless messages telling me to come to this place.


I heard a grand voice bellow out that greeting and my attention was quickly turned towards the doors which had just burst open all of a sudden.

"You're the owner, I'm guessing?"

"Why, yes. That's quite right. And you, my young little jackal, are my customer, I'm sure," he responded to my question with a creepy smile and a stroke of my chin which made me withdraw for a moment. He was a reasonably tall, rather handsome looking weasel. He was dressed in long, dark blue trousers and a black dressing fact, he looked as though he'd just stepped out of bed.

"Er....sure. But, like, how the fuck were you sending me all of those messages...?"

The weasel took a pause for thought and turned towards the door, "follow me."

I decided it was probably best just to indulge this guy, so I followed through the doors. On the other side was this room, but it was absolutely huge...and what I saw lining the walls...I couldn't believe my eyes; there were hundreds of people, from wolves, to cats, to bears, to otters, and even lizards trapped in the walls lining each side of this room. They were weirdly contorted behind the wall so that their feet and heads poked through the walls...almost like a stuffed animal trophy...but they were still alive and feeling!

"This, my young jackal," he began, turning to face me again, "is my glorious shop! As you see, I deal in a very peculiar trade," he tried to explain as he lead me over to the trophy ensnaring young wolf, no older than 17 or 18, surely.

The wolf tried to hold his feet together to protect them, trying to struggle away, "No, please don't. Just let me go!" He squirmed and writhed to get free but the weasel paid no mind to it. Using his claws, he dragged them along the wolf's soft white feet, causing the poor animal to burst into a fit of laughter, making him squirm and shake even more.

He leaned in and whispered in the creature's ear, "you're my little tickle slave", then leaving his feet alone after a minute or so, his ominous words rang through my ears as he said them to the wolf. The wolf seemed to settle down a little bit, pulling a rather anguished face at the shopkeeper.

I was at a loss for words, these 'trophies' completely defied any physical law and yet here they were. There were hundreds of these poor animals whom I had to feel sorry for, but at the same time my curiosity was piqued.

"I must attend to some financial matters, my little jackal, so I shall leave you to browse. If you wish to make a purchase, just give me a shout," and with that, he disappeared back through those double doors, leaving me with this massive hallway of heads and feet.

I approached the wolf who had just been tickled, curious as to how he ended up here along with everyone else. "How long have you been here? You're so young, man."

"I don't know, about a month, maybe? We're all prisoners to this guy who just torments our feet all day," he looked over to the trophy opposite him on the other wall, a husky, in fact, "that guy gets it pretty bad. The weasel likes to attach these little machines to that guy, they attack his feet with brushes all day until he passes out...I'm glad he's not that obsessed with me..." The husky in the trophy opposite looked like he was still out cold, his eyes were closed and his head slumped to one side.

I looked back to the young wolf and curiously, I reached my hand out and began to rub his soft, white soles with my hand.

"So anyway, he just keep-" he paused mid-explanation as he realised what I was doing, "whoa, would you mind not touching my feet, man?"

I was curious about all this all worked, and this wolf had the cutest little feet I had ever seen. They were so fluffy and soft, I felt like I could just run my hands along them all day, "these feet are so cute, though! I can see why he just tickles you guys all day," I told him as I gently rubbed his feet, getting a little harder.

The wolf was beginning to look more and more pissed off with me, but it wasn't like he could actually do anything about it, after all. There were hundreds of feet in here, every single slave in here who wasn't already passed out from torment was crying to be set free. I noticed how all of the trophies had those little machines by the feet, the ones that had tormented the husky. There were little warning signs above them. It appeared that they activated every day for an hour-long cycle to keep the slaves 'fresh'...but I guess that was just a fancy way of saying 'making their feet sweaty'.

"Seriously, can you just leave my feet alone."

"You know, I really do think you talk a bit too much, little guy," I responded before changing my actions from rubbing his feet to tormenting them. I began to use my claws and quickly drag them along the wolf's soles. He began to burst into laughter again, begging me to stop.


But I wasn't going to listen to him, the sound of his suffering was too satisfying to pass up. I began to tickle his toes by dragging my claws along them, teasing the soft skin and feeling his sensitive pads in my hands.

"How can I not tickle these feet....they're absolutely gorgeous, man," I explained as I let him rest for a moment.

"Fuck you!" He shouted at me, trying to struggle free again....oh, how I love it when they want to fight me

"I can't let these cute feet evade me," I told him, gently dragging my tongue along them, instantly silencing him. I got to work, using my tongue to collect all of the sweat and salt from his soles, enjoying the taste far too much.

"Eugh, really? It's made enough that weasel keeps slobbering on my feet, now you? WHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HEY I'M SOHOHOHORY OKAHAHAY!"

I began to scratch my claws along his toes as I trailed my tongue all over his feet, sucking on his cute little toes, getting all of the sweat and musk out from between them, and rubbed all of the left over spit even more into his feet. I needed to get him to shut up, so I had to go back to tickling him. Between laughs, he looked as though he was giving me the most disgusted, creeped out look - exactly what I liked to see! After about half an hour of enjoying his feet, I knew what I had to do, "I have to have more of these feet....I need you with me, everyday, so I can torment you," I told him.

The wolf recoiled, again trying to protect his feet by shielding them, trying to put one foot ahead of the other.

"Hey, creepy shopkeep! I've decided!" I shouted, hoping he'd hear me and return, which he did.

"I've decided to buy this wolf trophy right here," I explained, to which he looked a little dismayed but was ready to accept.

"Very well! That'll be $850.99!"

Whoa, pretty steep, I thought. But it was well worth the price and I had plenty of plastic to pay with, so I left him my credit card and looked back at the wolf I was buying.

"You're buying me? Come on, can't you release me?" He looked upset, even beginning to sniffle and tear up a little.

"I'm sorry, my furry friend. Your feet are just too tasty to pass up." And with that, the payment was done and he was mine, he looked even more somber, but I knew I could cheer him up soon enough.

"Leave your address and we'll install him in your home within 24 hours," the weasel told me before ushering me quickly out of the shop.

Tomorrow, I'll have my personal trophy, a young tickle slave!

The End