A Friendly Young Neighbor - Part 4

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#4 of A Friendly Young Neighbor

Several weeks had gone by since the day Justin and Kip had hung out at my place. The kids were back and school and I could just see the leaves starting to change to their autumn colors. I was busy working lots of overtime like usual, not just for the money now, but because I had to do something to keep myself occupied. I tried to not let myself go crazy thinking about those two sweet, lovely boys. My boys. Yeah, I definitely thought of them as my boys now. You can't share experiences like that with two young cubs and not think of them as yours on some level.

It was not easy keeping them off my mind--at all. I remember Justin asking me if I ever got lonely, and I seldom did. I'd grown up practically raising myself. Not that my Dad, whom I lived most of the time with didn't care, I know he did. His problem was that he had become a father too young with someone he didn't get along with, and he had a job that required him to travel. So, I just acclimated myself to the situation I was in, not really consciously thinking about it. That changed once I met Justin, and then Kip. It wasn't until those young boys entered my life that I really felt lonely.

I don't want to leave the impression that it was just about sex. I mean, I could have easily gotten on Craigslist, posted an ad, looked at other ads and hooked up with someone who would come over, get it on with me and then leave. Trust me, I'm not bad looking. I work out a few days a week, and I have a very nice package. I really felt connected to those boys, like I was meant to protect them as well as love them. I mean, we spent plenty of time playing video games, watching movies and just hanging out doing whatever. It all felt completely natural, like I never had to force anything. I know Justin and Kip both loved being around me too. We'd just be sitting on the couch watching a movie, when I'd feel two sets of arms wrap around me, which was quickly followed by a little wolf and little dingo muzzle rubbing into me. I really loved that, almost melting from the warmth of their love.

What frustrated me so much now was the fact that Justin and Kip were busy with school and school functions. Both of them liked to play sports, so they had to stay after school to practice. I hoped to see them on the weekends, but the weekends were filled with sporting events. I was still very cognizant of the fact that I couldn't just knock on Justin's door anytime I wanted and ask him to come over. That would eventually lead his parents to suspect I was showing their son too much attention. There were moments I sometimes worried that Justin or Kip would let slip what we had done; not that they'd break down and start crying and saying that I abused them, but just accidentally mentioning what had transpired in my house. I'll be honest, there were times alone in my house I'd actually feel paranoid about the police suddenly knocking down my door and dragging my ass out in handcuffs. Oh holy fucking shit, my name would be in the paper, I'd lose my job and I'd hope that I would get killed in prison quickly rather than face years of beating by inmates who thought I was a "baby raper". I just reminded myself that I could trust my boys.

So, I went on day after day, working myself to the point of exhaustion. I can recall on more than one occasion having some of the guys I took back and forth to work buying me cases of malt liquor to take home. I would usually have a beer, maybe two after work, but once I went without seeing Justin and Kip for such a long period of time, I actually drank for the purpose of getting drunk. It was not a pretty picture when I got drunk. I could barely recall listening to sad songs when I was completely wasted and crying my eyes out. Damn, I got sloppy, fall on my ass drunk. There were times I'd wake up hours before I normally would, hungover, throwing up and suffering from a raging headache. I even remember waking up in my bathtub one morning. Apparently I had run hot bathwater and slipped into the tube to get warm. I woke up that morning, the water now cold, sick to my stomach and wishing I was dead. I called into work that day. I spent the rest of the day nursing myself back to health, and there was another important thing that occurred that day.

I threw out every drop of alcohol I had in the house. I haven't touched a drop since.

Not only did I throw out all the alcohol in the house that day, made it a point to actually deal with my problems instead of drowning them in booze. I started reading up on why many beasts turn to alcohol. I realized that my problem with drinking stemmed from how I dealt with a less than ideal childhood. It slowly dawned on me that I had subtly repressed the feelings of loneliness I'd had as a cub. I guess kids sometimes need to feel like they have to be brave for adults, like showing fear or weakness would devalue them as individuals.

In addition to dealing with my alcoholism, I made it a point to talk things over with both my parents. I went over to my Dad's when I knew he'd be home. It was a very awkward engagement to say the least, but we talked for hours and hours. My Dad admitted he should have done more as a father, that he should have found another line of work that could have kept him closer to home. We ended the day, crying to each other and giving each other some very tight hugs. I told him I wanted to spend more time with him, and he said he did as well. From that day, we try to get together every week, or at least every other week.

My Mom was more difficult. She never had the greatest maternal affections, and it was that reason that caused me to want to live with my Dad. I went over to my Mom's, and just like my Dad, we had a very long, very tense talk. I wish I could say that we had some great reconciliation--she did admit some of her faults--but we still have a long way to go before we can be where we should as mother and son. I really do love her, but it's just difficult.

It was after these areas in my life were getting fixed that I got to have another meeting with Justin and Kip.

It was fall break for the schools in town. By now, the leaves wee almost all on the ground, and the temperature was quickly dropping. I knew that before long, we'd be seeing snowfall and Christmas decorations. I was sitting at home on a Wednesday evening, just watching television and drinking some ice water with lemon in it, when I heard my cell phone vibrated.

"Hello?" I said, not even paying attention to the number.

"Jake," said a gruff, masculine voice on the other line. "It's Mr. Sherman."

"Yes?" I said, my heart racing as it always did when I talked to Justin's parents.

"Yes, I hate to impose upon you, but our little girl is sick again, and we have to take her to the hospital for probably a few days. I . . . I apologize if this is too short notice, but could you watch Justin for us?"

"Of course," I said, calmly. "When are you leaving?"

"Right away, I'm afraid," he said.

"You can send him over as soon as you want," I said, a slight smile showing on my face.

"Will do. Oh, I OK'd it with his parents, but would you mind watching Kip, too?" he asked.

"Not at all," I said. "Always glad to help out my neighbors."

"Oh, thank you so much, Jake!" he said, his voice cheery. "They'll be right over."

I ended the call as I went over to the door. I didn't even have to wait an entire minute before their was a knock. Opening the door, I leaned down, my arms wide open.

"Jake!" yelled Justin and Kip, running straight into my arms.

"Cubs," I said, my eyes welling up with tears of joy. I couldn't believe it, after all this time apart, they were mine again.

"You okay?" asked Justin.

"You're crying!" said Kip.

I brushed away the tears, laughing. "I'm fine, boys. I'm just so happy to see you again!"

Justin looked over at Kip, smirking. "He must have really missed getting his cock sucked!"

I laughed, ruffling their ears. "You know," I said. "My life is more than just you two sucking my cock!"

They giggled at my comment. I had them throw their bags on the couch as I picked up my cell phone to make a very important call.

"Whatcha doin'?" asked Justin.

"Calling work," I said.

"What for?" asked Kip.

I acted like they were both annoying me. "I have to tell them that I have to take care of two rotten little brats."

That remark was met with both boys sticking their tongues out at me. I gave them a smug look.

"Ha, you'll be putting those to use soon!" I told them, making them laugh hysterically.

I left a message with the supervisor of my department saying that I would need to use two personal days to take care of some family members. My company's policy allowed for you to take up to five days of emergency personal time without it counting against your attendance record. Once I had that taken care of, I threw the phone down on the couch and looked at the boys.

"So, do you boys want to play video games?"


"Do you want to watch a movie?" I asked


"Do you want to order a pizza?"


"Well," I said, allowing for a long pause. "Do you want to go back to my room and have some fun?"


"Very well then," I said. "To the bedroom."

I flicked the lights on in my bedroom. Unlike before, we didn't bother with any teasing when we took our clothes off. Both boys and I were wanting our long period of abstinence to be at an end. We threw our clothes in one great big pile and hopped into my bed.

"Hey," I said looking at the naked bodies of Justin and Kip. "You two are getting kind of buff!" Indeed, the sports activities they were involved in must have helped sculpt their bodies into more muscular beasts.

"You like it?" asked Justin, flexing

"Very much," I told him, then took the opportunity to feel Justin and Kip's biceps. Very nice for their age.

"I bet I know what you want," said Justin, teasing me.

"Oh really?" I said. "What would that be?"

"Me and Kip to suck on you!" said the little wolf.

"Why, you're absolutely right!" I said, lying on my back. I didn't have long to wait before both the little wolf and little dingo pounced on my crotch, making me laugh. I grinned from ear to ear as I watched their usual routing. One would suck on my dick for awhile before giving it to the other. Damn, they must have missed this as much as I did! I mean, shit! They were really sucking hard and fast on me. Sure, I'd been pawing off from the sheer need to shoot my load like any male, but they were going at me so roughly that I didn't even last two minutes before I was blasting their mouths with cum. I exhaled, happy to get another blow job from my boys.

"Damn," I said, "You two are getting good!"

"We've been practicing on each other," said Kip.

"Yep," said Justin. "When I'm over at Kip's we play like this."

"Good for you," I told them, putting my paws on their rumps and rubbing them. I wasn't upset at all that they were having fun without me. Hell, more power to them! What kind of prick would I be if would get mad at them for doing what they obviously enjoyed.

"But it's not as much fun when you're not there," said Justin.

"We missed you!" said Kip, and then both boys were in my arms, hugging me. Aww, I just loved their tender hugs! They were just the best. I let go of them, and got off of the bed. This move got their attention for sure.

"What're you doin'?" asked Justin.

"Right now I'm giving you a view of my lovely butt," I said. Indeed, I had my back turned to them as I was rummaging through my dresser drawers.

"It is nice," said Kip.

"Thank you, Kip. I can clearly tell that you have excellent taste!"

This comment sent both the boys into stitches. I always liked the fact that we had such an open, casual and joking relationship. I never wanted to take myself too seriously with them. They would have a lifetime of serious things to deal with. Right now, all I wanted them to do was enjoy themselves in my house.

"Boys," I said, getting a bag from the dresser. "I have something I'd like to give you, both of you."

Kip and Justin scooted forward, eager to see what it was. But before I would show them what it was, I wanted to explain something to them.

"Guys," I said, feeling a tear run down my cheek. "You two mean more to me than anything in the world, do you know that?"

Kip and Justin nodded their heads in understanding. I went on, wanting to tell them more.

"If it wasn't for you two, hell, I don't know what I'd be doing right now. I don't think life would really be worth living if it wasn't for you. I mean, both of you are so very, very important to me, that I think it's time I should you how much I love you."

I opened up the bag, and showed them to leather collars. "You know what these are, guys?"

Both of their jaws dropped at the sight of the collars. It was Justin that answered the question.

"Those . . . those are friendship collars!" he said. "You got us friendship collars?"

"Yes," I said. "When I finally realized how important you two are to me, I went out and bought these. I wanted to make sure they were high quality. These are Italian, hand-crafted leather, and they're both yours if you want them."

This was a very big deal to them. Amongst canines, giving a friendship collar is a symbol of true, undying friendship with someone. It wasn't the kind of gift you gave without thinking about it. I had put a lot of thought into this, and I had no doubt that I wanted to give them these.

"Wow," said Justin, putting the collar around his neck. "It's so nice and soft!"

"Yeah!" said Kip, putting his around his neck. "Thank you, Jake!"

"You're welcome," I said, picking them up and hugging them.

"Hey, Jake," said Justin.

"Yes?" I said, looking into his beautiful eyes.

"Aren't these more like collars that show how much we love sucking your penis?"

"Well," I said, shrugging. "Can't they be both?"

We all laughed at my joke. I put the cubs down on my bed. No sooner had I laid down when I felt them pounce on me again. I was once more hard, and I knew what they intended to do to me.

"Can't get enough?" I asked.

"Nope!" they said together.

"That's just fine by me," I said. I was really going to enjoy the next few days we had together.