Vignette: Damien and Randall I

Story by jhwgh1968 on SoFurry

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#9 of Notebook

(Written for my good friend Draugr some time ago. Randall belongs to him, and was used with permission.)

Damien was in a good mood when he pulled into the garage and closed the automatic door behind him. It was a Friday, and the next thing on the docket was a weekend -- a weekend when clients wouldn't be constantly asking him for things. All the elder wolf had to do was get out of the car with the food, and bring it inside, and the weekend could begin.

He stepped from concrete to the hard wood floor, and into the side door of the living room. Sure enough, there was the younger wolf propped up on the couch, reading a book. Or at least, he was until Damien walked in; then he immediately stood up excitedly.

"Dinner time, Randall!" Damien announced with a warm smile, holding up the food, "fried chicken!"

"Just what I wanted!" exclaimed Randall, who leapt to his feet to get the table set. "Thank you, master!"

Damien just stood a moment and watched him, letting his eyes drink in the wonderful sight of the wolf -- the sight he set up for himself, when he told his "pet" to wear the pair of cut-off blue jeans and the white tank top.

Once Randall finished setting out the plates, Damien went into the kitchen and unpacked the food. The moment he put down the first piece of chicken on Randall's plate, Randall sat down and started tearing into it.

"You must be hungry," he commented.

"I forgot to have lunch today, master, my book was so good."

"Oh? Tell me about it."

Damien was less interested in the content of the novel Randall was reading than just listening to him talk. This, he mused, must be what love is. It was that feeling, the sense of affection in addition to attraction, that made him decide to take Randall for himself those two months ago. He couldn't bear the idea of Randall being "sold" to anyone else.

Once he and Randall had finished their dinner fifteen minutes later, he decided to give Randall something special. Just for being himself, and staying with him all these weeks.

Even as Damien got up, the other wolf seemed to sense it in him. His ears perked, and he asked, "should I go sit on the couch master?" There was a hint of excitement in his voice.

"Yes, Randall," the elder wolf answered with a warm smile, "it's going to be one of those nights... if you can earn it. I'll be right back."

Damien let Randall get comfortable on the couch, while he went to the master bedroom and got the only things he would need: a pair of furred handcuffs and a condom.

When he returned, Randall was already under a blanket on the couch, looking quite comfortable... although when the elder wolf held up the handcuffs, he looked a bit unnerved.

"Oh don't worry, pup," reassured Damien, "this isn't going to be as scary as it looks. Now how about letting your master get comfy on the couch with you?"

The language seemed to relax Randall, as he sat up from leaning across the entire couch, so Damien could slide under him.

"Now c'mere," he encouraged, getting his legs under the blanket as Randall slid up onto his chest in their position of most comfort, with his tan strips of fur along his shoulders touching Damien's light grey chest fur. It allowed Randall's legs to support the wolf and avoid squeezing Damien's stomach, which was full of chicken at the moment.

"Yeah, there we go... now we're going to play a game I think you'll like. Put your hands above the blanket."

Randall nervously uncovered his hands, and held them up -- wrists together.

Damien smiled. "You're ahead of me, huh?" he cooed as he unlocked the cuffs and put Randall's wrists into them. The wolf shivered a bit -- whether from the winter chill in the air or from nerves, Damien couldn't tell.

Once the cuffs were clicked on, loose but just tight enough, Randall relaxed his arms, resting them on his stomach -- and not too far from his crotch.

"Now, let me explain how this works," Damien began, sliding his own hands under the blanket, and finding the button and zipper of Randall's shorts. Once he slid his hands in, the wolf shifted and took an extra breath, seeming to tense up.

"Easy, Randall, easy... you wouldn't mind your master pawing you off, would you?" He could feel Randall's body tense up more -- but his face relaxed, suggesting it was the good kind of tension.

"No, master," the wolf replied.

"That's good to hear," Damien replied as he gently slid Randall's sheath out of his boxers -- which, if he wasn't mistaken, already had a tiny bit of pink poking out of it based on the way it felt.

"You must be pretty desperate," he teased, "since your last paw-job was Monday's bath time."

"Yes master," he replied.

"And you've been a good boy, and not touched yourself?"

"Yes, master," he answered, eyes showing he wasn't lying.

With this answer, Damien started his gentle pawing along Randall's furry sheath. His pet took another deep breath as the journey began.

"That's the kind of honesty I like to hear," Damien reassured. "And that's all it will take to keep you getting more fun: just keep telling the truth. Because I'm going to ask you some rather embarrassing questions."

"O...okay, master," he answered between breaths.

"First question: do you like this?"

Damien knew the answer; the meat he was grasping was getting taller and starting to thicken as the knot was preparing to make its appearance.

"Very much... master," panted Randall.

"And do you like the 'special bath time'?" he asked suggestively.

"I... love it... master."

"So your master is pretty good at paw-jobs, huh?"

"Yes, master... and, really, ... you're the first master who... did this for me."

"None of your other masters did?"

"No... they just... took what they wanted whenever... and just let me... fend for myself, I guess. ... But with you... the schedule... the control... without being too harsh... is really nice, master."

Randall's tent was now tall enough that Damien had to pull the elastic strap of his boxers down around the wolf's balls in order to make him more comfortable.

"Well, that's good to hear pup. Is there anything a previous master did better than me?"

"Um... I'd have to... think about it, master," he replied, a nervous edge appearing in his voice.

"Take your time," encouraged Damien -- as he slowed his pace down.

Randall definitely noticed. "Um... well, I know something, master, but... it's not your fault."

Damien gave Randall a squeeze or two, getting the wolf to groan -- and his knot to continue developing.

"Well, I'd like to know, never the less. At least, as soon as I put this on. I don't need you to mess up my blanket," he teased.

Randall just sighed contentedly as Damien picked up the condom package with his free hand, and tore it open with his teeth. Sliding it out, he brought it under the blanket.

It took a bit of fumbling -- which got Randall to flinch as engorged and sensitive as his flesh was -- but Damien got it around the hot-red tip by feel, and started slowly unrolling onto the rest of Randall's dick.

"Aww, it's not that bad, is it?" cooed Damien.

"It's just... weird, master," whined Randall.

"Surely you must have used one -- well, maybe not. I guess you didn't have much of a sex life before you started being a 'pet', huh?"

"I'd... rather not talk about it master. But... none of my previous masters ever used one."

A past was one area that Damien had learned he shouldn't push for -- at least until they'd been together a lot longer. He let it go.

"Alright, pup. In that case, just wait a while, and it'll warm up, and you'll barely notice it. In the mean time..." He resumed his gentle encouragement of Randall's covered knot with two fingers, while also gripping the shaft further up to help it warm up.

Randall's breathing picked up again, and he added, "that still feels nice, master."

"Good," cooed Damien, "wolfie needs to feel good now and then, too, right? Now. You were saying something about my tastes...?"

"Well, master ... it's just that... you like blowjobs. And I'm happy to give them... but I'm used to... my tail being taken."

"I take it that's part of the 'whenever they want' you mentioned for your previous masters?"

"Yeah. ... But at least your paw jobs are great," he added with a smile.

"Well thank you. But that means, you'd still like a 'poke' every now and then?"

Randall gave his shy smile. "If master would do it, yeah."

Damien could tell Randall was approaching to full arousal, as he felt the knot expanding under the latex. He knew the wolf would want it to be over soon. So, he turned up the heat on his questions.

"Well, I'll see what I can do... and that brings me to my next question: what did you fantasize about when you were alone and allowed to paw yourself?"

Damien was quite pleased to see Randall's hands try briefly to reach down, as if he were going to touch himself; before the cuffs reminded his subconscious that he wasn't allowed to.

"Ah ah ah," the elder wolf teased with a smile, "pup's not allowed to paw himself... but you can think of whatever you want... so long as you tell me about it." He tried to give Randall a little incentive by squeezing around the knot, sliding his tighter grip up and down, rolling the knot through.

It was a motion that got Randall to make a guttural noise in his throat and give a dry hump at the hand that gripped him in addition to his already heavy breathing. Randall was definitely enjoying it... but he was also not answering the question.

"Well?" asked Damien when he saw the wolf's eyes stare distantly at the ceiling, "what is it?"

Randall looked back at him -- and his nervous look was back.

"It's okay, Randall," reassured the elder wolf. "I can't promise you fulfilment of your wishes, but I promise you can tell me. I won't be mad... I mean, I'd tell you mine, except, well, you're already seeing most of them," he added with a smile.

That at least got Randall to mirror that smile, and say, "you... really want to know, master?"

Damien's answer was another long squeeze of the wolf dick in his right hand.

Randall groaned pleasantly before starting. "Well... okay... I guess it all starts with... a big german shepherd."

"Mmm, what's he look like?" his master asked with a lick of his lips.

"No no, master... a real one. Not an anthro one."

It took Damien a moment. "Oh... you mean, one with four legs?"

"Y-yeah," nervously answered Randall, as his hips bucked again.

"That's okay, pup. I can see you're picturing him now, aren't you... So my question stands: what does he look like?"

"He's about up to your knee... pointy black ears... golden fur on his sides... black fur on his back and splotches everywhere else... kind and attentive... and..." Randall stopped, in order to breathe faster.

Damien encouraged him by speeding up a little on his pawing. "And?" he asked gently.

Randall, if Damien wasn't mistaken was blushing now. "Um... well... he's got... something else..." he panted.

Damien smiled. "By any chance," he stage-whispered, "is it an enormous doggy dick?"

"B-bigger than... any anthro I've ever met," Randall gasped, bucking his hips again. "If you've never... owned a dog... you wouldn't... believe how... big they get... when... excited..."

Randall seemed to be very, very, excited himself. And so, Damien decided it was time to end it.

Doing his best impression, he started pawing even faster, finding a rhythm where Randall was bucking to it consistently... and then made dog-panting and sniffing noises around the back of Randall's head. If Randall wanted his tail taken, then surely he would be in the "doggy" position in his fantasy, meaning he would hear and feel the dog breathing on his neck...

Sure enough, Randall's imagination did the rest. After six more thrusts accompanied by rising groans, the wolf howled loudly. Damien could feel his muscles pumping, as his dick throbbed and started filling up the condom. As the bubble filled, Damien slowly decreased the pace of his pawing, until Randall looked uncomfortable, then finally released the wolf member.

Resting his hand on Randall's chest, he could feel the wolf's heart pounding as he panted for breath. His eyes stayed distant.

"Feel better, pup?" Damien cooed.

"Yes... master..." panted Randall.

"Good. Now let's take a nap... and then, you can 'thank me' for getting you of."

"S-sure... master," he sighed, eyes drooping closed.

Snuggling them closer together, Damien, ignoring his own hard-on, got comfortable under his warm, furry blanket, and closed his eyes. Already, Damien could tell: it was going to be a splendid weekend.

The End.