In Darkness

Story by TyronMhorr on SoFurry

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#2 of The Long Night

Misbehaving pets need to be kept in check.

It was dark in the room. The slight chill on his naked fur told him so. Not that it would have mattered that there wasn't any light in the room as the blindfold took away what little vision he would have had.

His shoulders ached from being stretched above his head. His jaw was sore from the tightness of the strap wrapped around his slender muzzle, forcing his teeth tightly together. His dick throbbed in the confines of its steel cage, trapped within his sheath.

All he could hear was the clink of the chain above him and the scrape of his hooves on the concrete floor. All he could smell was leather, long un-showered musk, and his own desperate need.

In the darkness and the quiet he couldn't tell how long he'd been hanging there. Five minutes or five hours, trapped with nothing but his own thoughts until they seemed to ring in his ears.

A distant thud made his head jerk up. Then more, getting louder, coming closer. Creaking now, as old wood does under heavy paws. It paused just outside the room, a muffled rattle and the sound of a bolt being thrown back before sound flooded the room - the harshness of it making him fold his ears back. He could hear a distant television now and the absent minded humming of his owner. The smell of stale tabacco and booze wafted across his nose.

"Well now, what has my gazelle been up to while I was away?" the voice asked with a sarcastic smirk.

A light switch clicked, and searing brightness seeped in around the edges of the blindfold, making the antelope squeeze his eyes shut behind the thick leather panels. A choked yelp escaped him as clawed fingers closed around his unprotected scrotum and squeezed.

"I said, what have you been up to?" the voice demanded with a hint of menace, knowing full well that the prisoner had no way of answering beyond incoherent grunts.

He shook his head frantically and tried to plead his innocence in strangled groans as the pressure on his nuts increased. Enforced chastity had long made them overly sensitive, and daily edging made them ache constantly from denial. The fingers released their grip just as the pain was starting to well up into his belly.

A laugh.

"I know you ain't been up to anything, boy. That's why you're down here, right? How long has it been since I caught you pulling your pud? Two? Three weeks?" asked the voice as it moved around him, examining the dishevelled form hanging from the joist in the ceiling.

The panther pressed up against his back, arms wrapping around his torso. Bare fur pressed up against his back, and an intimidating sheath against the cleft of his ass. Fingers sought out a nipple and twisted it harshly, dragging another pained moan from the gazelle's throat. The other hand moved lower, giving the metal sheath a shake.

"Whadd'ya say we take this here thing off, hmm? I think it's been long enough," said the voice, right into his ear.

The antelope nodded desperately, trying to stand upright on his own two hooves and take some of the weight off his shoulders. Truthfully, he wasn't sure if he'd been locked up for three weeks or three months. Deprived of sound and light, he had no frame of reference. The pressure and pain in his loins made it feel like three years.

"Alright, lesse here..." said the voice, chuckling as it moved back in front. There was a strong tug at his groin, followed by a click. He began to fidget in anticipation, pressing forwards eagerly into the hands. "Jus' ..hold on a dang minute..."

There was more tugging. When the cage pulled away from his sheath, the feeling of the cool air touching his nethers made him moan in pleasure, and he was fully erect just moments after. There was a clang as the metal scabbard was dropped to the ground, and a chuckle followed by a single claw tip grazing along the underside of his shaft from base to tip made his hips roll in need.

"Seein' you like that just... gets my blood boiling, boy," the panther growled, punctuated with a sudden stinging slap to the gazelle's long untouched cock which sent the swollen prick swinging from side to side and the chains jangling as the submissive's entire body jerked with shock.

When he had blinked away the tears from his eyes, he could sense the panther had moved. A hand pulled his tail up, and another pulled his cheeks apart, letting cold air kiss his pucker. A calloused thumb pressed against the sensitive rim and ground into it, trying unsuccessfully to prise him open.

"Still tighter than a bull's ass in fly time," the voice grumbled. "Keep that tail up."

The fist wrapped around his tail let go, and pulled his other cheek to the side instead. For a moment, warm breath caressed his bared ring before he heard the sound of someone clearing their throat, and then there was a splash of wetness as the panther spat on his entrance. He couldn't help but tense up as a paw landed on his hip, and something hard and hot pressed between his cheeks and up against the now slick divot between.

He groaned between gritted teeth as he was steadily prised open, his sphincter stinging from the scant spit-lube. Another paw gripped his other hip, claws pricking his skin as their unforgiving owner worked the head of his cock into the gazelle's rear-end with a sudden lurch.

"Fuck boy, we're gonna have to work on stretching you out," said the voice, husky now with lust. The grip on his hips tightened, pulling him backwards to spear more of the thick cock into him. He could feel it inching steadily into his ass, his inner muscles cramping as they were spread too far to have any strength.

Hips pressed up against his rear, spending a long moment grinding that dick into his depths and making him whimper like a dog. Even so, he could feel a quickly cooling dribble of precum as it snaked down the underside of his erection.

The paws pushed hard, drawing the shaft in reverse out through his ring. The panthers spiney glans raked over his inner passage, making him moan and arch his back - trying to make the cat move quicker to end the horrible tickling sensation.

The fat maleness swiftly plunged balls deep into him again, only to begin the same slow and agonising withdrawal. This happened several more times, slowly driving the ungulate mad. He was dancing from one hoof to the other, thrusting his hips forward, backwards, hunching over and squirming to try and ease the itch. Before long though, the feline grew bored and began to fuck the gazelle in earnest.

Each hard thump of the panther's hips into his rump reverberated throughout his body. Setting a steady rhythm and angling his hips so that the blunt tip of the shaft glanced off the antelopes' prostate. His balls ached harder still with the lack of relief, preparing once again for the umpteenth time to unload. With his mouth sealed, his lungs couldn't draw enough air through his nose to supply his body and his head was starting to feel dizzy.

He almost squealed in shock when one of those mighty paws wrapped it's fingers around his drizzling penis, swiftly jerking back and forth in time with each bone rattling fuck. It was too much too quickly and his eyes rolled up in his head and his knees gave way to leave him hanging from his wrists.

Almost as quickly, the hand was gone; back at his hip to pull him tightly against his owner.

"Fuuck yeah. Don't mind me boy... age 'afore," the feline groaned, before hot breath washed across the back of the antelope's neck and powerful jaws bit down on his scruff while the steel-hard rod in his rectum twitched with each pulse of his owner's climax.

The gazelle whined, hips still twitching back and forth, desperate for even the slightest touch, and earning a breathless laugh and a lick across his nape from his master. "Alright, alright... I guess you can have a turn."

The paw closed around his dick once more, stroking unwaveringly with the gazelle's own precum as a makeshift lubricant. He was so close. In his mind's eye, he was hiking swiftly towards the edge of a cliff, and only one step separated him from exhausting trudging and free-falling into oblivion. Pressure welled up in his groin, every muscle in his body tensing as it prepared for release.

And then suddenly nothing. The oh-so thrilling touch of the handjob was gone, and a sharp movement pulled the feline's softening cock from his ass. For a moment, he froze in place, shocked at the sudden lack of sensation - he was one step over the cliff edge, and one part of him was already plummeting downwards while the other was being yanked back.

He could feel the muscles in his groin pulsing and the rush of fluid filling his urethera as his seed dribbled from his tip and pitter-pattered on the floor, but there was no pleasure in it for him. His hole clenched on nothing. His balls only ached all the more, and sent him thrashing against his bonds. Squealing in desperation and humping at the air only served to send his wasted cum splattering across the floor in a wide arc.

When it ended, he could barely breath. His entire body felt sore - his poor nuts even more so than ever. All he could feel was betrayal. He slumped, head hanging low as his master growled over him and the panther's load trickled from his rim.

"I just said I'd let you out, not that you were to cum, boy! I think you need a couple more weeks to learn your lesson."

He heard a rustle of thick plastic, and spasmed weakly when intense cold pressed up against his spent erection. An ice pack. Feeling himself go numb was not the most unpleasant thing in the world, as it was the only source of relief he was going to be feeling that day. Once he was back in his sheath, there were a few tugs and the click of a lock as the chastity cage was closed back around his genitals.

"You best behave now, or there'll be hell to pay."

The light switch clicked off, and the door slammed shut to leave the drained gazelle in the darkness once more with nothing but his thoughts, and his throbbing, tender balls.