What's Wrong with Me? Chapter. 4 The Yowlers

Story by FrostbiteFalls on SoFurry

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#4 of What's Wrong With Me?

Something constantly calls me back to this man. It's like a voice, a warning even... I absolutely adore it.

I lazily dozed apon a bed I didn't recognize, my head spinning as I yawned loudly. I slowly sat up and stretched out as my clouded memories finally flooded back to me. That Stallion last night had brought me to his home and we... I blushed lightly and shook my head, not wanting to remember the previous day... I look next to me, expecting the Stallion to be slumbering there. Surely enough, he wasn't there. I scratched my head in confusion wondering where he could've gone. My ears soon perked up as I heard the bedroom door slowly creek open from my seated position on the queen sized bed. I held my breath in shock as my Master was exposed, his beautiful golden locks of hair now a matted mess of crimson blood. I couldn't help myself as I started hyperventilating as I saw a matching blooded axe in his hand, a terrifying psychotic look in his eyes as he approached me, "Finally! You've awaken my little pet."

I didn't reply, afraid that the slightest mistake could lead to a new coat of red on that axe. Master obviously saw my scowl of fear and he chuckled. He placed the axe down next to the bed, calming his own expression and looking at me. My breathing finally proceeded to slow as I observed his usual cool expression. That's the Master that I know, the Master I love. A tear rolled down my cheek and Master brushed it off, luckily with his non blooded hand, "Come now, no crying. Let's head home, we could both use a shower." Master said with a sweet smile as he helped me out of the bed.

It didn't take us too long to arrive at our dwelling, avoiding the public eye. Master told me to trash my clothes as he went upstairs to start the shower. Of course I obediently follow orders as I was still shoken up from the horrid state I saw Master in earlier.... I've never seen that side of him, his vision clouded with such blood lust... I... I'm scared... I couldn't help eyeing the front door, I could easily leave right now and just run... Finally be free from this neverending nightmare... I was yanked out of my thoughts as Master came back downstairs, looking at me questionably. I looked away before speaking, "S-sorry Master... D-did you call me?" I stuttered, nervously twiddling my thumbs. Master simply nodded before walking back upstairs, "Get your ass up here." I heard Master say assertively with the same voice he's used many times before.

I sighed softly before steadily walking upstairs, my legs a bit wobbly from last night. A blush slowly formed in my cheeks as I unintentionally imaged that stallion's soft smooth skin against my own, his tough hands relishing every curve of my gentle body frame. I grunted as I walked face first into the door frame of the Master bathroom. Master let out a small chuckle as he looked back at me, his masculine body all ready bare and ready to bathe with me. My blush depended from slight embarrassment and I smiled shyly, eyeing Master's masculine figure. He's so damn fit and... sculpted. Master saw me looking and smirked, flexing so I could see his god like muscles ripple and wraith under his tight skin. I let out a rather slutty moan before snapping out of my lude state of mind, trying to get a grip on my rising libido. I forced my eyes off of him and placed my hands over my crotch, trying to cover my shame. Master smirked and stepped into the shower, telling me too close the door to enter the bathroom. I simply replied, "Y-Yes Master.." Followed by the aching sound of the door creaking to no longer being ajar.

"But did we reeeally have to bring him?..." I said in a very soft tone, not wanting to give Master any sign of aggression or agitation with his decision. "Like I said boy, Horment is part of this "family" and you shall treat him as such. Now keep your mouth closed, the neighbors are coming..." I held in an annoyed sigh; the Yowlers are one of my least favorite of our "neighbors." Neighbors is a term that Master as been using for years, we have quite a large abundance of neighbor. They pay Master to use me for as long as they wish, yet The Yowlers in particular have to pay extra for... External damage... The front door opened to the Yowler's home, exposing Mr. Yowler. He skillfully hid the devious smirk that dared to form on his k9 lips. Master and Mr. Yowler exchanged some friendly words, Master receiving his payment before handing Horment and my leash to him. "Have fun boys, Mr. Yowler agreed to take good care of you two." Master started to depart, chuckling devilishly to himself. "I'll see you boys tomorrow." I didn't have the chance to bid Master Farwell before I was choked into silence by my leash, the front door being slammed and locked shut as soon as both myself and Horment where within the house.

I sighed and finally decided to take a good look at Mr.Yowler before I'd close my eyes for the remainer of this Torment. This carnivorous individual was indeed quite attractive, looking to be within his late thirties. His simmering white and black coat giving off the impression that he was a nice modeled citizen; his teeth purely white, especially his dangerous fangs. I hid my shutter well unlike my fellow "companion," Horment. His mane was very frazzled and his eyes were widened in horror as looked up at Mr. Yowler. In return Mr. Yowler let out a pleased growl as we descended into his basement of neverending nightmares. He flicked the light switch and temporarily blinded us, his heaven lights buzzing annoyingly. "I think I'll just have the newbie watch a pro at work. Wouldn't you agree Innocence?" Mr. Yowler said in his usual shit-eating tone. I swallowed my pride, opening to decrease the intensity of incoming onslaught, "Yes, you're so right Mr. Yowler. The newbie must watch and learn." I smiled half heartedly, bowing my head in submission. This obviously pleased Mr. Yowler like I expected as he massaged his repulsive length within his jet black slacks. "We should really get down to business... I have a meeting at 3:30."

I put on my best smile, meeting Mr. Yowler's eyes, "Indeed, Master. We wouldn't want you to be late to your meeting."