Zombies are Wankers: You know how I Said There'd be Kinky Sex in This One?

Story by Albus Kane on SoFurry

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#5 of Zombies are Wankers

Everything went wrong that had to go wrong for me to say "fuck the sex scene! I'll get to it when I edit this sometime later", so sorry if you're disappointed.

NOTE: I had written several paragraphs TWICE, and just as I was NEXT TO FINISHED the second time, my computer just randomly shut down on me BOTH FUCKING TIMES because the power plug wasn't all the fucking way in. I had written that much smut, but now I'm not even remotely in the mood, so fuck it! Just...I'm sorry if I let you down. I let myself down, and this is fucking bullshit. I am just about ready to punch a hole in the fucking wall, though, so maybe sometime later, now that I've made sure it won't happen again, I'll edit this and add the scene in, if you guys really want that.

EDIT: I'm skipping le fucking and moving on to the story.