Blue: Chapter 9

Story by xXAnonymousBunnyXx on SoFurry

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Black sat in his bed, staring at Gray in disbelief.

"Don't do this..."

"I have to" Gray replied grimly "For Green."

Black frowned. He understood how Gray felt, but still, it was just too dangerous.He closed his eyes and looked down, sighing. He knew he couldn't talk Gray out of it. The rabbit was just to kind to leave someone behind, and Black supposed he was right.

Gray hugged him gently. "I'll be careful."

"I know you will." Black smiled at his partner sadly. "Now get goin' already." Gray smiled back and left. Closing the door behind him. Black sighed again and closed his eyes to sleep. Gray better come back.


The trio waited in the cache. Vio should've been there by now with their intel. Vio ran into the room panting.

"I'm... here." He managed to gasp out before falling to the floor. Dylan and Gray ran over to him and helped him up. They sat him down in a chair and looked at him with worried faces. Clyde was the first to speak.

"Vio, when was the last time you slept?"

"I don't remember..." the purple rabbit replied wearily.

Gray sighed "C'mon, let's get him to bed." Despite the protests from the larger rabbit the three managed to lift him and carry him all the way to his room where they promptly set him in his bed. They made their way back to the weapons cache and noticed that Vio had dropped their envelope when he sat down. Dylan picked it up, ripped it open, and began memorizing it's contents. When he was done he turned to Gray and Blue.

"There's a map here to the enemy facility. Intel says that it's on our PDAs along with blueprints."

"What do you think we should bring with us?" Blue asked

"Something light and quiet. We don't want to attract too much attention. Let's bring a medkit as well just in case."

Gray nodded, grabbing the medkits and three small pistols with silencers. "Anything else?"

Dylan shook his head "I think that's about it. Anything to add Blue?"

Blue shook his head. The three walked outside where an empty car was waiting for them. Gray looked inside.

"Keys are in the ignition."

"I'll drive." Dylan got in the driver's side and turned the key. He waited as the others got in, then he slammed his foot on the gas and they sped away.


Red's eyes widened as he realized the enormity of the situation. He had just sent three of his remaining 5 agents out to rescue one, and the enemy was expecting them. Red groaned and rested his head in his arms. He fought back the tears as the hopelessness of the situation overwhelmed him. It was times like this when he needed his brothers, and the odds were against him seeing either of them ever again.


Gold moaned as he woke up once more in his little cell beneath the enemy complex. He turned on his side and looked out of the cell door. The hallway outside was as gray now as it had been for... how many days? Gold couldn't remember. All he could remember was waking up here and feeling a sharp pain in the back of his head. It had faded over time but even now he was a little sore. He sighed and sat against the wall. He just hoped the others were alright. Now that he had been stupid enough to get caught the enemy would be expecting them. Gold cursed to himself. Why did he have to screw everything up?


Clyde shivered slightly as the three crawled through the very vent that Gold had crawled through a week prior. They did not, however, stop at the opening to the server room, but kept going until they found an opening into what appeared to be a small janitor's closet. They climbed down silently and began to get their bearings. Checking their PDA's first, they found their location was very close to Golds, though they suspected that this might have been on purpose, as the enemy was expecting them. What the enemy didn't suspect, however, was that at the last moment Clyde had brought along an EMP, which disabled all electronic devices within a certain area. He pulled it out and showed the others. They nodded their approval with serious faces. They decided to plant it in the server room, which was marked on their maps in red. They slowly made their way towards it. Killing any guards in their way with their silenced pistols. They kept a close lookout for security cameras and did a good job of avoiding them . They slowly entered the room and Clyde planted the device in the center. He set the countdown to 4 minutes and the three ran back to the broom closet where they had started. They waited for the explosion, and checked their PDAs when it came. The devices were unaffected by the bomb but would have to be shut down to provide damage once they entered the area of effect. They slowly made their way towards the basement entrance avoiding the large groups of guards running towards the server room. They entered the basement, which was now dark and empty.


Gold shivered in the sudden darkness. What was this? Some sort of new interrogation technique? Gold silently refused to give in. Suddenly he heard footsteps outside his cell.

"G-Gold?" A familiar voice called. Gold's eyes widened in surprise.

"Gray?! What are you doing here?!" He ran and grabbed the cell bars, seeing his friend in the first time in what felt like a long time.

"Shhh." Gray cautioned as he pointed the pistol at the lock on the cell door. He fired three times before the lock fell off. "Heavy duty." He murmured to no one in particular. He opened the cell door and Gold ran out, only to be tackled to the ground by Dylan, who was crying now. Gold smiled and slowly petted the back of his partner's head, murmuring softly into his ear. "Sorry to break up your little reunion," Gray said, grinning slightly "but we've got to get out of here, and fast. Gold nodded, and followed the three as they made their way back to the janitor's closet. They climbed back through the vents and made their way back to their car. They looked back to the enemy HQ, or at least, what was left of it. Half of the buildings were burning.

"You guys planted explosives?" He looked at the others questioningly.

"Only an EMP." Gray responded with a frown.

"Then who-" They heard a loud screech next to them and turned just in time to see another car speed past with what appeared to be a teenage racoon behind the steering wheel.

"Looks like we weren't the only one's with a grudge against A.I.D." Clyde chuckled. The rest laughed along nervously as the car sped off into the afternoon heat. Leaving the burning remains of the A.I.D headquarters behind forever.