Time Out Ch. 4

Story by Admiralkatz on SoFurry

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#4 of Time Out

Ch. 4 of the Time Out series. John and Cory finish the drive to Cory's house. They cuddle, bond, and finally have sex! Hooray

Tips and feedback are appreciated, I edit by myself so if anyone would like to help me proofread before posting I would greatly appreciate it :)

Thanks for reading!

Chapter 4

John's jaw dropped as he pulled into the driveway of Cory's home, it was around 10 p.m. in the evening. Cory neglected to mention his parents were loaded. The driveway wrapped around the large two story home and out of view. John parked the truck in front of the detached four car garage and nudged the still dozing fox that was leaning against him.

"Cory wake up, we're here." the white fox moved grudgingly, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

"Wha... already?"

"What do you mean already? It's the middle of the night dork," John reached across the fox and grabbed the shirt he took off earlier. "Here put your shirt back on, it's cold out." Cory took the shirt and wiggled into it, thankfully it was warm because it was near the heater the whole trip. John smiled as the cute fox slipped into the shirt. They both stepped out into the cold, Cory quickly started shivering and ran to the front door of the home, leaving John to get the bags.

"Hurry up it's cold out here!" Cory yelled as he stood by the door after opening it. John kept his head down against the wind as he lugged the bags inside, tired from driving all day. He got to the door and shuffled inside, dropping the bags and sighing with relief. John shut the door and walked past the fox as he composed himself from the cold and started looking around the home.

"I like how you never mentioned that you lived in a mansion." John said, folding his arms and looking at the white fox.

"It's not a mansion if it's only two stories, and take your shoes off my parents will kill me if they see shoe prints." Cory smiled playfully and skipped into the large living room, which was easily the size of a small home. John slipped his shoes off and winced as he put his feet back down, expecting the wood floors to be freezing. He gasped as his feet were met with warmth.

"Oh my god, the floor Cory, what is this?" John asked, confused but ecstatic.

"What? All our floors are heated? Yours aren't?" Cory asked after sitting down on a large L shaped couch, he looked back at John with his eyebrows raised.

"No... mine definitely aren't..." John said, a little taken back, he walked over to the couch, enjoying every step of the heated floor against his footpads. Cory shrugged and picked up a remote control. John sat next to him reservedly, he had never been in such a nice home. Cory looked over at him and scooted over to lean against him, propping his legs up on the couch.

"Want to watch something?" Cory asked, snuggling into the bigger husky.

"I'm pretty tired, but I guess we could, where's your T.V.?" John asked. Cory looked at him and smirked, holding his paw up and pressing a button on the remote. A large 80" T.V. began descending from the ceiling across the room.

"You're shitting me right?" John asked, his eyes wide.

"I'm guessing you're T.V.'s don't descend from the ceiling then?" He giggled and put on one of their favorite shows. John wrapped his arms around the fox so he couldn't escape and started tickling him. Cory wiggled and writhed, laughing while trying to grab and hold John's arms at bay. John laughed as he tortured the fox. He let up and Cory laid back against him, panting softly.

"Why are you so cute?" John asked, his arms wrapped tightly around the fox, his fingers running through the fox's soft fur.

"Hmm?" The fox's ears ducked and he blushed softly, it was easily visible through his white fur.

"You heard me cutie," the husky said, ducking a paw under Cory's shirt to rub his toned stomach. The fox turned over, laying on his stomach and on John, he cuddled up to the husky and nuzzled into his chest. John rubbed Cory's back, resting his paw on his lower back, just above his perfect rump.

"I'm not that cute." the fox said softly. John could tell something was wrong.

"Sure you are hun." John kissed Cory's head between his ears. It was silent for a moment, the white noise of the T.V. in the background. Cory kept his head on John's chest as he spoke.

"Guys don't usually call me cute..." he said even softer. John stayed silent, his eyes looking down at the fox while he listened. "Mostly guys just call me hot, sexy... sometimes slut, whore, bitch, but never cute." he said sadly. John wasn't sure how to respond, he kept petting the fox's back.

"I've never brought someone home to meet my parents..." he trailed off. He tucked his muzzle under John's arm and into his side.

"It's okay," John said, trying to comfort him, "you said it was no big deal."

"Well it is... guys don't want to date me they just want my tail..." Cory said, his words muffled into John's side. The husky shifted and lifted Cory's head, kissing him deeply, his tongue exploring Cory's muzzle. It was the only thing he could think of to comfort the small fox. John could feel Cory shiver, he ran his finger up the fox's spine, causing him to whimper softly while they kissed.

Cory broke the kiss and looked up to John, a million emotions in his eyes.

"You're different," Cory said, "you've never tried to push me into anything."

"Of course Cory... you said you wanted to go slow..."

"I know... it's just no one's ever listened before." The fox said, his tail tucked between his legs, his ears flat against his head as he opened up to John. The husky replied with another kiss, he licked and nipped tenderly at the fox's lips. They laid together, kissing and enjoying each other's company. The husky's paw remained above the fox's ass because he didn't want to make him uncomfortable.

"Thank you," Cory whispered between kisses. John smiled into the kiss and tickled the fox's side causing him to pull away, he giggled as he tried to keep their lips together. The fox shifted when he tried to avoid John's paw, the husky could feel something pressing against his leg after Cory moved. John ground his leg against the fox and got him to whimper. He could feel the fox's erection against his thigh.

John had a boner too and it was pressing against the fox's tummy. Cory had been subtly nurturing it to full size as they laid together on the couch. The fox pressed his body to John's, the husky flexed his trapped member, knowing the fox could feel it. Cory looked up as he felt the husky's member move, his eyes filled with need.

"John... you're too good for me." he said, "I've been teasing you since we sat down and you haven't made a move."

"Nothing's too good for you Cory," John whispered, he rubbed Cory's cheek. Cory bit his lip as he looked into John's eyes. He wanted the husky now more than ever. He wanted to give John everything he had. He sat up took his time to straddle the husky on the couch, sitting comfortably on his bulge. John sighed softly, his tired eyes looking up at the lithe white fox, he could see the bulge in Cory's jeans out of the corner or his eyes. John opened his muzzle to speak but Cory covered his muzzle with a paw.

"Shhh... you make me feel special John, let me make you feel the same way," Cory got off of John's lap and tugged his paw, "sit up, and take your clothes off." the fox said before he turned and walked away, disappearing down a dark hallway. John watched the small fox's tail weave behind him as he walked away. John followed instructions, he slipped his shirt and pants off and sat on the couch. His foot paws were warmed by the floor, sending shivers up his spine. He felt awkward sitting naked on the nice couch but his cock stayed hard as he thought of Cory.

The fox walked back into the room, completely naked, his feminine hips swaying. He was holding a bottle in his paw, he opened it as he walked up to John. Cory moved John's legs apart and knelt in front of him. He opened the bottle and held it upside down above the husky's knotted member, a squeeze covered the head in a cool lubricant. It was slowly sliding down his cock as Cory set the bottle down. John jumped as Cory wrapped both paws around his thick red member, stroking and twisting his paws over it, spreading the lube across the entire length. The entire time the fox had his eyes locked with Johns.

John blew a kiss at the fox and sank back into the couch, enjoying the special treatment, his mind swimming. He had thought about this moment since they first met, since the first time he saw the cute fox strutting down the dorm hall in his towel. He didn't want to disappoint his fox, and he bit his lip in anticipation.

By the time he snapped out of his thoughts Cory had the husky's balls in his muzzle, he could feel the fox's soft tongue kneading his orbs. He murred softly, he never let anyone play with his balls. He hated ball play but Cory was gentle and caring, he let them slip from his muzzle and he stood up. John looked up and grinned at the fox.

"Cutie." he whispered. The fox's eyes lit up and he giggled, he straddled John, sitting in front of his erection and forcing it between his ass cheeks, hot dogging his cock. John placed his paws on Cory's small hips, he rubbed his thumbs on his thighs and licked his lips, his slick cock sliding along the fox's smooth fur. Cory leaned down and kissed him, this time the fox bit his lip and tugged on it.

John growled playfully as the fox teased him. Cory growled back and yipped, he moved his paw behind him and gripped John's member. His paw positioned the husky's 8 inches against his hole and John rubbed his paws up the fox's toned tummy and chest, stopping to pinch both his nipples. Cory whimpered and lowered himself on the husky's shaft, his whole body shaking as he slowly impaled himself on his husky.

Cory kept lowering himself until he felt the husky's knot against his hole, the lube made it easier to hilt himself on the big dog. The fox winced as he got used to the cock inside him. He felt a warmth inside him he hadn't felt with others, somehow this husky made him feel complete. John's mind raced with lust, the fox's warm, tight hole consuming his thoughts. He let out a low growl, Cory's cock laid against his tummy, smearing pre across his fur as the fox started rocking in his lap.

The fox had ridden plenty of guys before, he wanted to give his husky the ride of his life. He rolled his hips over the husky's cock, it slid in and out of him, teasing his prostate each time. They both started panting, Cory's tongue hung out of his muzzle as he fucked himself on John. Cory leaned forward and nipped at John's ear.

"Make me yours husky," he whispered, the couch creaking each time he sank himself on John's cock, harder and harder until his knot popped in. John groaned as his knot was enveloped in warmth. The fox's tight hole squeezed him, desperately trying to pleasure the husky. Cory moaned loudly, he was panting heavily. John wrapped a paw around Cory's cock, squeezing around his knot. The fox's moans turned into a mix of desperate whimpers. He closed his eyes and let his orgasm take him, his knotted fox cock shot rope after rope up John's chest, some shots landing on his neck.

John kept squeezing the fox's knot, milking him until his blue chest fur was matted with fox cum. Cory kept riding him through his orgasm. He rocked his hips with the husky's, John's knot kept them locked together. John groaned louder and louder with each rock, he felt his cock swelling inside his fox, he kept his eyes on Cory's hips. The fox felt the husky's member pulse inside him, he knew John was close, he leaned forward and kissed John. The husky groaned loudly into the kiss, as his cock started throbbing uncontrollably, pumping his seed into the fox. His eyes closed, the tiring day quickly catching up to him as Cory rode him silly.

Cory noticed John losing interest in the kiss, he rubbed his chest lovingly, getting his own cum on his paws. He stopped rolling his hips and just sat on his husky's lap. John's eyes were closed, Cory leaned forward and rubbed his cheek gently. The husky was sound asleep. Cory had never tired someone out to the point they fell asleep. He licked his own cum off his paws and sat patiently, admiring John's body and cute face as he waited for his knot to shrink.

The T.V. was still on, Cory leaned over to grab the remote and turned it off so it wouldn't disturb John. He slid off of John once his knot shrunk and his cock retreated back into his sheath. Cory headed off to clean up and returned to clean up his husky. He gently moved John until he was laying down with his back against the couch. The fox grabbed a blanket and cuddled up to the husky, he covered both of them and nestled his body back against John's. The husky's arm fell forward around the fox, Cory smiled and laid in bed, wide awake as he thought about fucking John for the next half hour until he fell asleep.