The Dimensional Traveler- Chapter Four

Story by cjchess on SoFurry

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#6 of The Dimensional Traveler

I do not own the Legend of Zelda, Nintendo does.

Preparing for Adventure!

Hoo-boy. This was an eventful time. My life has been harrowing for what feels like a few weeks. When you know the ins and outs of a location, you would think that you would be able to traverse said location with ease! Well, I have proven that that is not the case! Let me start from after the battle with the Fantome Orck. Margret had told me to grab the hilt of the Orck's cleaver when the dust settled. Well, the dust had settled, but I can't grab the hilt. Well, I can GRAB it, but I can't PICK IT UP! The cleaver HILT felt like it weighed at least A TON! I don't know why the hilt weighs so much, but it does. --- Before anyone starts to shout at the story, telekinesis uses the power of the body and transforms it into a mental energy wave that affects the physical world. The only reason I could lift the pillar was because I desperately needed to. It is a really convoluted method that I still don't understand. I did not have that primal need to move the hilt. --- Not knowing what to think of, or do in, the situation that I now find myself in, I went to talk to Margret. After all, Margret has been running things in this city, and still is because I am still not used to this world, since the royal family, my family, disappeared. We now think that the royal family went into hiding because I was sickly. When I went to Margret I could feel the disappointment she felt towards me. Honestly, I felt the same way. I mean, I am a member of the royal family, and I can't pick up the hilt of a sword. Granted, it's a giant sword, but it is still a sword. "You couldn't pick it up, huh?" "No." "I figured that would happen as soon as I told you to pick up the hilt. We could smelt the cleaver down and use it to power up our weaponry to be able to harm the Orcks. After all, we would be using the enemy's technology against them." "Makes sense, from a military point of view. Now, what am I supposed to do? I can't think of a way to lift the hilt." "Follow me," was all she said. After walking down a long corridor, where there were three checkpoints where Margret had to punch in THREE DIFFERENT passcodes into EACH password protected lock, we finally reached a door that looked like it was made out of a crystal that was filled with a milky substance. This door was locked with a lock that you would see in everyday life. One that could only be opened with a key. Margret stopped in front of the door and looked at me expectantly. Confused, I asked her, "What?" "You have the key," she responded. "I was given no such thing." "Let me rephrase that. You ARE the key." "Huh?" "Just get over here," she said sharply. When I went over to Margret, the keyhole started to glow! A loud KACHUNK reverberated through the corridor. Slowly the door opened up, revealing a machine of some kind. "It has been a while since I was last down here," Margret said in a sad tone. "When were you last in here?" "When I was asked by your parents to send you to Earth." "Wait, I thought that we went into hiding because I was sick." "You did, at first, but by the time you got better, the city was no longer in danger. This was only because the Dark Forces had learned that your parents fled with YOU. Your parents put two and two together and realized that a prophecy that had been told when the Underworld Empire was first formed was coming true before their eyes!" "What did the prophecy say? I want the EXACT wording of the prophecy, not a "summarized-to-protect-me" version," I insisted. "If you insist," Margret said exasperated. "I do," I insisted, yet again. "I need to find the book that the prophecy was written in so that it was not lost. It may take a while, so you need to head to a realm that will give you something to help you pick up heavy things... can you think of a place like that?" As she was talking, Margret went to the only monitor in the room and started to type in what I could only assume is a search bar. As soon as she said "pick up" I knew where I needed to go! "The Legend of Zelda!" "Why did I not think of that?!" she asked herself, "but the question is when in the timeline you need to go to." "Easy, 'Ocarina of Time'." "Why?" "There are three items that you get that allow you to be able to move things that would be too heavy otherwise. The Goron Bracelet is the first of those items, and I need that to get the other items." "Which are?" "The Silver Gauntlets and the Gold Gauntlets." "Which is the best?" "The gold ones, but you get those at the end of the game." "You know a lot about that realm for never being there." "I may have never been there in person, but I played the game several times." "Which part of the Timeline is it on?" "It is during the Era of the Hero of Time." "Found it. Is this where you want to go?" Margret showed me the screen of the monitor and I saw the rolling forest the Kokiris call home, the vast desert of the Gerudo, the volcano that is the home of the Goron, and the only waterfall in that world, home to the mysterious Zora. "Yes, this is Ocarina of Time. It is even the right point in time to get the Goron Bracelet!" "You ready?" "No, I need a sword that will fit in with the theme of the realm." "A sword from Medieval Earth then?" "Similar would be better, better durability is preferred." "Ah, we have that in the Barracks. Anything else?" "No. If anyone questions my lack of a shield, I can always blame a Like-Like." --- Like-Likes are creatures from the Legend of Zelda series that can eat your shield if it sucks you in. --- "Alright, so you just need a sword. Let me send word..." Margret started to say. "I'll go get it myself. After all, if I am going to be using the sword for a while, then I need to feel comfortable with the sword." I said, interrupting Margret. "So, where are the Barracks?" I asked with a sinking feeling. "Let me load up the coordinates...Wait! WHERE DID YOU GO?!" I didn't hear any of that until I returned with the best sword that we had in the ROYAL ARMORY! Yes, that is where the teleportation took me this time. However, that is not the point right now. After noticing that I was gone, Margret used the device to try to locate me. --- The machine that allows Margret to teleport people can also detect a person's Aura. The Aura is the essence of who a person is. It is invisible to the average person, but the machine was developed by a person who is as far from average as you can get. Dr. Shlorgishbork (pronounced how it looks) is a specialist in auras. He is one of very few people who have powers and are not related to the Royal Family. --- Finding that I was in the royal armory, Margret had teleported me back to the secret chamber. After spending a couple of hours finding the perfect spot to drop me off in, I was ready to head out for a new realm. But, that will have to wait for tomorrow because I am tired, so good night.

The Dimensional Traveler- Chapter Five

Alright, the journey here has been tricky. More difficult than it should have been. Something went wrong when Margret sent me here and I ended up in the middle of the Kokiri Forest! How this happened is a mystery. However, until I can figure out how to...

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The Dimensional Traveler- Chapter Three

---The Might of the Mind and Body Combine--- Alright. This is getting scary! I can do things with my mind that I should not be able to do! Okay, let me start from the beginning of this week. It has been about a month since I have entered this universe,...

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The Dimensional Traveler- Chapter Two

---A Surprise Heritage--- Wow! A lot has happened today. Okay, let me start where I left off. I was in the cave that I had conveniently found along my path when night fell. I was terrified to say the least. I mean, I was in a strange new world, at...

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