The Worst Doctor's Visit

Story by Arakk01 on SoFurry

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Here's part two! Jarokk treats his new toy even more roughly, oh my! Maybe in the next story, Joseph will get his first orgasm as a slave. Maybe not. Maybe he'll get it without permission.. And be punished! Here we go, Joseph gets the big reveal.. He belongs to Jarokk now. Spoiler alert, Jarokk will be keeping him long after he breaks down!

Again, the note: I did this as a request for a special someone, but it you have a story idea I'd definitely be up for taking commissions to supplement my income. I'm poor!

Without a doubt, this was the worst doctor's visit Joseph had ever experienced. Bent over a table in his apartment, rectum exposed by a medical-grade speculum, not even noticing the rawness of several sample swabs scraped over the area past the constant itching, burning sensation that has overcome the general area of his tailhole. He's been here for twenty minutes now, and his physician- a one night stand turned acquaintance- seems to be just having fun poking around inside him with those rubber gloves at this point. "It's still burning. Any idea what's going on?"

The doctor, a gray-furred fox with a permanent smug grin on his muzzle, takes his time replying- jamming a finger into Joseph's prostate and producing a worryingly small amount of pleasure. "It looks to me like you got too rough. There's a bit of scar tissue, some small abrasions- toys or partners, you need to use more lube. It really sounds like this dragon was just a nightmare or a bad trip- the mark was enamel paint, you can wash it with nail polish if you need to or you can shed it in the next couple months, up to you. None of your swabs are off, so if you're really worried about it, you have to come in to the office." With what he remembered of the dragon, Joseph pretty much expected this- but he still sighs, nodding as the fox carefully pulls the speculum from him and gives his rear a firm slap. "Alright, thanks for coming over. I'll just take some painkillers and hope it goes away," he replies.

After that, there's a bit of small talk, the house visit fee minus blowjob discount, and a friendly seeing-off for the fox, after which Joseph throws himself in bed on his belly to let out a long, defeated whimper. It's been nearly a week since he was raped by Jarokk, and for four days now his most intimate areas have been burning as if pepper sprayed, involuntarily clenching occasionally. The doctor had been his last hope- a cream, a private wash, something- but the whole appointment had been treated like a humiliating joke, and nothing was better. He had a general idea of where Jarokk was.. So with another whimper, Joseph gets up to put on some pants and start looking for the door in the alley.


Joseph doesn't wander long. Once he's in the general part of town, he's able to almost make a beeline for Jarokk's home, only stopping to gingerly sit down when the motion of his body makes the pain from beneath his tail flare up. In broad daylight, the area is pretty densely packed- his awkward movement and frequent rests draw all sorts of funny looks, only adding to the humiliation of his doctor's visit. By the time he finds that odd door to Jarokk's home, the wolf is sure every person in the city has seen him stiffly hobbling around with a pained expression on his muzzle- and that embarassment drives him to yank the door open and dash inside with very little hesitation, even knowing what waits on the other side.

Even at this time of day, the interior is dark, windowless, lit only by candles. The same staircase greets the wolf, though this time the door stays put. Joseph already knows the stairs are going to hurt big time, so he takes it all in one go- rushing quickly down the carpeted steps, wincing and shuddering at the pain all that motion induces. The stairs seem to go on forever in this state, far longer of a trip than he remembers there being- and at the end of the trip waits something far from relief. A black scaled drake with all-too-familiar red markings sits on his haunches at the bottom of the stairs, gem-faceted violet eyes neutrally observing Jospeh, a condescending smirk covering his muzzle.

"I see my estimate was correct. Doctors couldn't find a problem, could they?" Jarokk purrs, tail flicking in dark amusement. "Approach, or I'll increase the pain you're feeling tenfold." In the face of such a harsh threat, Joseph can't even consider arguing. He stumbles forward, only to trip and fall- landing on his hands and knees at Jarokk's paws, which gratefully- or perhaps not- seems to amuse the drake more than anger him. "Aha, eager to get to work? Good dog- lick my paws, worship them." There's not a pause for Joseph to hesitate or comply- instead, a dirt-and-dust coated paw is shoved into his mouth, drawing a pathetic whine from the hapless canine.

Jarokk is quite forceful in using him, the big feral purring as he scrubs his pawpads one at a time on Joseph's tongue, eventually satisfied and stepping back. "I suppose you're wondering why you're burning undertail? Yes, that was me- natural part of my anatomy, you see. A toxin secreted by those barbs on my shaft that forms a rapid addiction cycle- the pain you're feeling is only going to go away if I fuck you again." This is news Jarokk seems to take great pleasure in relaying, staring down coldly and grinning at the sinking realization in Joseph's eyes.

"That's right. And since it's the same toxin soothing the withdrawl, you'll be in more pain, faster after this session- and so on. It does level out around the time you need to be fucked daily, but modern medicine can't do a thing to help you. You belong to me, mutt- and I'm going to use you as harshly as any other possession." With those words, Jarokk harshly shoves Joseph backward, leaving the wolf's belly and- of course- his slightly aroused sheath exposed. "What are you going to do to me!?" the canine asks in a low whine, panic clear in his eyes and tone.

Jarokk doesn't respond with any words Joseph knows- just another spell that makes the wolf's skin crawl beneath his fur. That's not the only effect, either- Joseph finds himself paralyzed, while Jarokk disappears briefly into another room. His body completely ignores his attempts to move, Joseph's fear almost overriding his thought as not even a muscle obeys his frenzied commands. It doesn't get any better when Jarokk returns, but for better or worse Joseph doesn't realize what he's carrying until it's far too late.

Click. Snap. Click. A handful of separate parts are assembled into a loose-fitting chastity cage, a simple device that secures a clear plastic dome over Joseph's sheath. There's enough slack to let his cock grow maybe an inch when aroused- and that's a good thing, as there's no piss slit like most devices might have. The wolf's movement returns slowly toward the end of the process, and he looks back and forth between dragon and device before Jarokk finally comes forth with an answer. "It's a bedroom torture toy, made to squeeze on your balls as you try to get hard. Not really made for long term use- hence the smooth dome- but I think it'll work fine for me. I don't care if you piss on yourself, after all," the black drake teases with a dark smirk. "You're allowed to go home after use, or stay here- but that won't come off more than once a month. I gave you pain, and I'm taking your pleasure~"

Joseph has to process this over several moments, but as Jarokk makes that last statement about how long he'll be in chastity- he whines and starts to thrash around. "Please, no! I've never gone more than a day, this is too much!" the wolf begs. It doesn't seem to entertain Jarokk enough, because it's answered by the black drake turning around and slamming his tail down between Joseph's legs- hard. The poor male is almost sure they'll break, but his hands find them intact as he curls into a fetal position, the only sound from him being the occasional whimper of intense pain.

"That's better," Jarokk purrs, not even bothering to let Joseph recover before yanking him onto all fours by the tail and mounting up. Sometime during this session of wolf-torture- probably from the beginning- Jarokk's shaft managed to creep out of its slit, and now it's inconspicuously begging out of sight between his hinds. Joseph gets no warning before a stream of hot piss sprays over his ass and lower back, and right as he manages to uncurl a bit and look back- Jarokk rams that menacingly barbed tip inside him, immediately causing several painful scrapes and starting to splash more of the harshly scented fluid into the hapless wolf.

Joseph desperately wants to protest- but even past the pain and humiliation of being penetrated and pissed inside, that deeper, constant burning has already started to fade. Jarokk told the truth- and that meant no escape, not anytime soon. He'd have to come back, give himself to the dragon for the pain to stop.. Something breaks in him at the thought, and the wolf goes half limp, starting to quietly sob as the dragon slowly, ungently pushes that length further and further into him.

Broken or not, the wolf's torment is far from over. Jarokk's bladder is finite, but by the time the drake finishes Joseph is left feeling swollen and uncomfortable, the sensation going deeper into his guts than he has ever felt before, even causing a slight swelling in his belly. There's no recovery time or mercy before Jarokk continues, yanking the nearly-knotted length backward almost to the tip and then thrusting back in before more than a trickle of piss can escape. This keeps up, bloodying Joseph as before, sending pain coursing through his body- but not as much as before. Not enough to make him black out, and that's almost worse.

Sloshing, spasming, gurgling... His body protests every motion the invading cock and fluid makes, and Joseph wants nothing more than to escape. It doesn't take long, and it doesn't take a command, for the suffering wolf to piss himself. He's following the last animal instinct he has to go by, hoping this 'predator' will be scared off or lose interest- of course, Jarokk barely even notices, and certainly doesn't slow down. The piss seems to be a sign that he has more space to fill, in fact- that massive, menacingly spiked knot starts pressing up against Joseph's abused hole as the first drops drip of piss overflow out of the wolf's chastity cage, which currently isn't having to work very hard to keep poor Joseph's cock from growing.

As that knot becomes more insistent, Joseph digs his claws firmly into the ground, still shaking and sobbing, but feeling like he has to force something out before he's knotted.. But what? The impression he has of Jarokk so far tells him 'don't knot me' isn't going to work.. So he gathers his breath between breaths and gasps out, "P-please.. Lube," before his head falls back to the ground, his little burst of breath and energy gone under the constant assault of Jarokk's shaft. It's not clear if Jarokk hears him, pushing that knot in a few more times- but eventually, the drake yanks completely out, sighing. "Only because you tear easily. Last time took more healing than I can.. Sustain," the drake growls, before padding off almost.. Sullenly.

Joseph is left laying there, dripping piss, shaking in pain, humiliation, and exhaustion.. He's surprised but grateful for the small mercy Jarokk is offering him... And in the brief reprieve from the pain of being fucked, the position and smells start to get to him. The dome over his sheath gets tight, then the nylon 'pouch' around his balls starts to constrict- it actually feels nice, briefly. Then, of course, it tightens further, sending enough of a jolt of pain that his length softens back up.

It's not clear if Jarokk left him like this on purpose, because there's time for that to repeat a few times before the black drake returns with a kitchen glass of clear fluid. He pours it liberally over his shaft and Joseph's tailhole, sending a shock of cold up Joseph's spine and prompting another jolt of pain as his shaft hardens enough to squeeze his balls. Then, a firm growl. "What do you say when I show you mercy, mutt?" Jarokk inquires sternly, lining his tip up with Joseph's rear. "T-thank you!" the wolf stumbles out, hoping to earn a little more mercy- before yelping as that shaft slams back into him like he hasn't had several minutes to tighten back up and 'relax'.

This time, with lube, it's not as awful. It doesn't leave Joseph sobbing and almost paralyzed with pain, and his cock actually does manage to harden inside the cage enough to exert constant pressure on his balls- it's down to the standard of a rough fuck for the wolf. At least, until Jarokk decides to knot him. There's no warning, it's just added onto another thrust- Jarokk grabs Joseph's shoulders firmly and uses the leverage to force the huge bulge into the helpless wolf. POP. Joseph could swear he felt some tearing, and a little trickle of blood leaks past Jarokk's shaft to prove it.

Jarokk seems to wait a moment for his orgasm, then huffs. "Blame the lubricant," he purrs with a shrug in his tone, before bracing himself and pulling that hefty bulge back out- complete with the semi-firm spines behind his knot scraping at Joseph on the way out. Admiring his handiwork, a lightly bleeding, shuddering wolf, he comments, "Much better than last time though. Like a virgin instead of a horror film," coldly, tauntingly- before slamming the knot back in. Pop! The pain is no less than the first time, but Joseph is almost ready for it- like he's ready for it to come back out. This time, though, Jarokk leaves it in, and Joseph feels himself involuntarily shifting back and forth as Jarokk bumps his hips against his furred rear, forcing him to clench and shudder around the shaft buried as deep as it can go inside him.

It takes a while from that point. Jarokk is merciful- or lazy- enough not to fuck him with that knot, but after a while of having it inside him Joseph's whole body begins to ache. Slowly, his body becomes ever-more-limp, until eventually- Jarokk growls softly and braces himself. Slowly, agonizingly, that knot is pulled out- and as the widest point passes Joseph's abused pucker, the entire thing gives a final, mighty throb that heralds a thick flood of hot seed. Groaning in stark contrast to his usual harsh actions, Jarokk relaxes and grins in satisfaction as he leaves his length inside a moment to fill Joseph with his seed. Then, gratefully before the wolf becomes painfully swollen like before, Jarokk pulls out, letting the remnants of his orgasm splash over the canine's gaping tailhole and piss-soaked lower back.

Joseph, of course, collapses immediately with an exhausted groan once that length is out. Everything hurts, especially his ass and balls. He just wants to curl up and sleep, even in this puddle of piss, blood, and draconic semen... And since there's no way he's getting up anytime soon and Jarokk is already walking off to clean himself, that's exactly what he does.