Duel harder ch1.

Story by London79 on SoFurry

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June 8,2016 Trucks p.o.v. I drive along the desolate desert highway, my Pete' chugging along quite nicely I look at the fuel Gage then Tachometer 65 right on the needle. I pull into a filling station and apply the brakes and pull the rope cord attached to the horn which gives out, a loud "honggg" "just a minute," the gas attendee replies. After refueling a set off again, I look into my rearview mirror and see a car and decide to have some fun. As soon as the other vehicle approaches I decelerate from 55 to a smooth 35 the others driver becames passed I motion for them to pass knowing full well, There's another vehicle approaching. The other swerves trying to avoid it, I lean into the clutch slowly-shift then accelerate catching the other off guard . They swerve but keep control, leaning onto the clutch again I shift and gain speed I keep my consistent Passing the other vehicle. Once again the other overtakes me but, doesn't slow down I wipe my muzzle the chase is on... The other banks left as do I, I lean in choking the clutch and shift. I accelerate pushing 66, almost, 67 still not enough the other speeds on I drown the clutch with my foot and shift, pushing 70+ I rocket down the pavement with tremendous force. I slam the clutch down shifting, my rig starts to shake and rattle, I take a glance at the tachometer I'm pushing 72 and 2/3rds. I see my presuiee draft into a corner I follow suit. Probably my best story yet!?! If anyone can tell me why the trucker's rig shook once he hit 72 & 2/3 m.p.h. I will update this submission imedently!