Happy,.... neglect,...love!

Story by james mikoto on SoFurry

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#27 of love

My Microsoft word made a mistake and can't seem to fix it I'll leave it as is

You needed me to choose to continue bedside reading just a little longer, you wanted me to choose family-no-phone daily dinners, just a little longer, to choose not to add StepSister to your adolescent chaos. Your challenges with reading other people's emotional verbal rhythms and rhymes with reasons, speak to me of missed opportunities to invest more eye-to-eye and same-room time, rather than those other more nutritious monocultural choices, the kind my dad made without me.

You needed and deserved more time invested in revesting what it could mean to learn together about muse and music, about rhythms with natural rhymes, cultural songs and political sounds and rapping economic voices of poetry as temporal rounds of time's seasons investments in political with cooperative economical treasons will always be the reason why I love you.....