
Story by Yure16 on SoFurry

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An idea that I had last year. I tried several times to make it a story or a comic and failed all times. So, I'm leaving this idea here for whoever wants to do something with it. Anyone can make use of this idea; I don't care. You can sell, modify, repost, whatever you please. I would like to receive credit for the original idea, tho.

Please, suggest keywords.

In Fenária, a rabbit cub was living in a very broken family: her father was a drunk man and wife beater and her mother had mental problems. One day, the father tried to kill his wife, but tables turned and the wife killed the father. She told her daughter that males are like that and that none of them deserve respect. The small rabbit didn't believe her mother until a group of male murderers tried to kidnap her and, to do so, they killed off the mother. The cub was subject of magical experiments, that gave her control over electricity and immortality. She got rid of the magicians and lived a life in seclusion, after many attempts of exterminating all males that she found.

After centuries of technological improvement, a group of scientists found the rabbit who was still alive after all that time, living exclusively in a wooden cabin in the forest. After some researches, they found out that she was not aging due to magic, that was casted over her centuries ago. The scientists decide to do some experiments on her to discover how she can last such a long time without losing her young appearance. Instead of finding the reason, they found that her body, if kept alive with increasing amount of nutrients, could generate a lot of energy. She was named Medeia.

Medeia was connected to a power supply station and, for a few decades, she provided electricity for the people of the whole island. But, after that time, it was quickly discovered that her very presence was causing the nature to corrupt itself. They decided that soon, the island wouldn't be inhabitable anymore. So, they began to work on constructing an underground iron shelter, made of four large rings: the third ring was reserved to the houses, the second ring was a water purifying station, the first ring was the power generator and the Ring Zero was the control room, inhabited by Medeia alone.

At some point, Medeia noticed that being used as power source was changing her body as well and she developed some astounding powers, which she used to the kill the scientists keeping her captive and resurrect her dream of exterminating men. Instead of seeking freedom, she decided against it and decided that she could be the goddess of the System, the name of the shelter. While the world outside died, the animals living in the System were taking a life under her control. To keep people from leaving the System, Medeia ordered her minions to rob all History, Geography, Philosophy, and any other Humanities books, to keep the animals from remembering how good it was to live side-by-side with nature. That way, living in the System and not in the barren world outside soon became the only option and, after a few generations, the life outside was forgotten.

She wanted females to be immortal like her, but found out that reproduction was a problem, as it would cause more males to appear, not to mention that the species couldn't continue existing if she got rid of all males at once. So, she began to shape the System to kill males little by little, ordering the implementation of gender-discriminating food (there were foods that only females could eat and some food that only males could eat), so that males could grow unhealthy and die soon, having just enough time to copulate. While it happened, Medeia continued researching a way to make females immortal.

Six generations after the book robbery, a little cub who was born with dyscalculia, a disorder that keeps people from correctly processing numbers, begins to go really bad at school. Without Humanities, numbers are the only thing to study and animals are risen to maintain the System, learning Engineering and Programming, for example, to keep the devices in shape. He was advised by his sister, an older tinker fox, to learn new things in the public library. When he goes, he finds an old, forgotten History book, that he brings home. He really loved History and thought that it would be nice to work with such a thing. He tries to look about it on-line, in the Paralela (a small Intra-net in the System), but found out that History was a banned subject to research about. Confused, he goes back to his reading, finding a tag "If found, please deliver this book at" some address. He goes there and finds a group of birds who resist to Medeia's administration. They have a decent amount of Humanities books and also a dream: to shut down the System, so that nature can resurrect, with a healing substance being developed independently.

From there, they recruit free thinkers, engineerers, medics and other kinds of animals, thanks to the cub's charisma (and maybe his ability to do favors). Once the group is ready, they begin to hack in the systems, destroy crucial machines, get more books and, ultimately, attack and kill Medeia, who is protected by a priest (the Sysadmin) who keeps the Ring Zero safe. To do so, they have to find:

an engineer,

a programmer,

a medic,

a chemist,

a physician,

and a summoner.

The summoner is someone with a bound with Nature, someone who prays to it and it listens. Now that nature is mostly destroyed, the only way to connect with it is through the water purifying station, because Water was the only element that could be found in it's brute, pure state anymore (the air of the System isn't pure). After the first five guys are found, they attempt an invasion to the Ring Zero, following the itinerary:

hacking the Paralela to put an anonymous informative site up, to wake people up, where the books in their possession are posted,

breaking into the water purifying station to shut down the power supply, causing some crucial machines to overheat and keep Medeia from having nutrients,

controlling small robots to shut down the energy supply (the power supply station can only be accessed by remotely controlled machines to be repaired and operated, as the space is short, and there are electric devices on the very floor),

enter the Ring Zero and get rid of the Sysadmin and Medeia.

While breaking in the water purifying station, the fox cub finds out that he is a summoner and that he can control water.

Medeia can only be killed with the touch of a living being, as she lived so long in Ring Zero that she developed an aggressive allergy to living things other than herself. Once defeated, the Ring Zero is completely deactivated and the healing substance must be put in the water purifying station. Then, upon reactivating the water station, on purge mode, the water flows back to the natural reservoirs, and goes to the surface from there. Within five years, Fenária will be inhabitable again.


Tales: a ten-year-old phlegmatic-melancholic student fox. Suffers from dyscalculia and was never good at school. He is a summoner, being born with a bound with nature, and has an affinity with History in particular and Humanities in general.

Heritor: a fifty-year-old phlegmatic-sanguine physician wolf. Works in the power generation station, researching techniques to enhance the purity of electrical current, so it can be used more safely and allow the sensitive equipment in the station to last longer time without maintenance. He was attracted to the cause after reading some books available in the site.

Lusa: a twenty-year-old sanguine-choleric student vixen. She is Tales' sister and studies to be an engineer. She doesn't join the cause right away, thinking that her brother would be safer without hanging out with those strange birds, but then Campanile shows her that the cause of her father's death was the food given to males, causing her to rebel against the System and Medeia.

Hobbes: a fifteen-year-old melancholic-phlegmatic programmer otter. He struggles with his depressive tendencies, acquired because of poor self-image (he is fat), and tries to cope with it by ruining people on-line! He joins the cause after Tales shows empathy for him and hands him a psychology book about depression, enticing his curiosity.

Campanile: a thirty-year-old choleric-melancholic medic cat. She is a doctor who runs a small business healing people from ailments. She always suspected that the cause of so many cases of cancer among males was the food given by the Government and, after reading a book about history of medicine, she joins the cause, seeing how Medeia's administration is "repeating errors" that were fixed in the past.

Locke: a twenty-five-year-old sanguine-phlegmatic chemist penguin. Works in the water station, but actually hates his job and picked Chemistry just because it was what he hated less. Joins the cause thanks to the site also, seeing how many great things he was missing, such as art, something he would enjoy doing (aesthetic art doesn't exist in the System).