Dad's Team

Story by Addykatz on SoFurry

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#9 of One Shots

This piece is a little shorter and fun fact it contains incest! If father-son incest isn't your thing then this may not be for you.

If it is I hope you enjoy it! Thanks for reading <3 Thanks to Wolfboy1995 for the ideas.

Dad's Team

Equipment and fur smashed together as football players scrimmaged. The sweltering summer heat meant the teams were out in the early morning to practice. A whistle tore through the cool morning air to break up the miserable pile on top of the ball.

"Sloppy! Run it again!" A burly german shepherd shouted. The coach marched up and down the sidelines as the players practiced. A mistake earned the players only a few burpee's if they were lucky. While the coach was managing the team his son was struggling to drag a cooler from the parking lot. The younger german shepherd was panting by the time he finished bring over two large coolers.

"What took you so long? Did you forget the cups again?" The older shepherd glared over at the runt of the litter. Jacob sighed and headed back to the car, texting along the way. His dad was always hard on him, as if it was his fault he was the runt. It didn't help that the small shepherd was gay; his father wouldn't let him live that down either. Jacob grabbed the cups from his dad's SUV and brought them back as the players took a break.

"You know once I start my sophomore year in college I'm not going to be able to help you out as much." Jacob said as he approached his father.

"Humph, you will as long as you live under my roof," his father replied before blowing his whistle. "Isaac!" he shouted. A panther in the crowd around the cooler stuck his head up after hearing his name. The cat pushed his way past the others and slow jogged over to them.

"Yes coach?" he said in a respectful manner.

"Take some of the equipment and put it away were going to finish soon."

"Yes coach." Isaac replied much more obediently than Jacob ever would. The two headed away, picking up various bags and items on the way to the sports building. The small shepherd didn't say anything until they were out of ear shot from his father.

"Why do you guys kiss up to him so much?" Jacob asked.

"No idea what you are talking about." Isaac answered as he shifted the weight of the bag he was carrying onto his other shoulder.

"Everyone answers to him and does exactly as he says like drones."

"Well... yeah... he's the team coach what do you expect?" the shepherd shrugged but didn't have a good answer. "He's not a bad guy you know."

"You don't live with him." Jacob unlocked the sports building once they got to it. They headed inside and began putting things away after flicking the lights on.

"Shit that doesn't sound bad, your dad's a stud." Isaac winked at Jacob and laughed when his face distorted.

"You're so weird." The shepherd shook his head and folded his arms.

"I'm weird?" The bigger panther walked over and cupped the shepherds' ass firmly. "I think your cute, would that make me weird too?" he asked teasingly.

"No because I'm not my dad." Jacob escaped the cat's grip and shoved a bag of footballs into a locker.

"But you look so alike, sometimes I can't tell you apart." Isaac said with a stupid grin on his face.

"I hate you so much." Jacob said disdainfully.

"Mmmm... no you don't, in fact I'm pretty sure you love me." Isaac said after batting the shepherd's tail when he turned away.

Jacob turned and swatted at the panther's paw.

"You know I don't love you, I just love what's between your legs."

"Want to prove it?" Isaac asked, placing his paws on his hips.

"What... now?" the shepherd asked shyly. Isaac raised his eyebrows instead of repeating his request.

"They'll be in from practice soon to shower." Jacob said, trying to get out of blowing the panther.

"Then you better get to work." Isaac said as he stuck his paw down his uniform spandex shorts to adjust himself. Jacob bit his lip as the big cat adjusted himself.

"Fine, but can we go somewhere people aren't going to walk in on us?"

"What, like your dad's office?" Isaac Joked. The shepherd's eyes lit up. Jacob pulled the key to his father's office off a key chain and smiled.

"If you insist..." Jacob strutted over to the office door and unlocked it. What better way to stick it to his dad than by messing around in his office.

"No way, he'll kill me... he'll kill you!" Isaac was about to walk away when Jacob leaned over his father's desk and looked back at him. The small shepherd was too tempting for Isaac to pass up. He looked around for any sign of another fur while the seductive dog had slipped his shorts down to reveal his rump. The cat got more than he bargained for; all he wanted was a blowjob and now the shepherd was bent over his coach's desk.

"Fuck." he muttered under his breath as he shed some of his football padding and quickly entered the office, forgetting to shut the door as he pulled his spandex down to his knees. The panthers pink member contrasted against the rest of his dark fur and uniform. Isaac pressed his pelvis against the shepherd's furry rump, grinding his length between Jacob's soft cheeks.

The shepherd was holding his breath with anticipation. He had blown the panther a number of times but only let him fuck him once before. That's why Isaac couldn't refuse the shepherds invitation; he didn't know when the dog would put out again. The panther spit onto his paw and rubbed it over his tip to provide a little lubrication.

Jacob brushed his tail against the panther's chest and looked back at him. Isaac knew he wanted him to hurry up so he gently pushed himself into the shepherd's hole. Jacob tightened his grip on the desk and the panther tightened his grip on Jacob's hips. Isaac's barbed cock slid into the shepherd like a perfect fit. He held himself inside the tight dog until he felt him relax. With one paw on the shepherd's tail and the other on his back the panther started pounding the dog against the desk. They were both trying to be quiet but the desk creaked under their weight.

Neither noticed the large fur in the doorway behind them as Isaac pounded the small dog on his dad's desk. Soft grunting filled the small office as the coach stood watching the show. He had planned on interrupting the two but oddly enough rather enjoyed watching his son being bred. The muscular panther was breathing heavily now and his knees were bent a little. The coach folded his arms across his chest as he waited for the two to finish.

It didn't take long before Isaac was bent over the shepherd's backside, pouring seed into him. Once it looked like the panther had finished the coach knocked on the door. Jacob and Isaac both gasped and turned their heads to see Jacob's father in the doorway with a noticeable bulge in his jeans.

"That's it? Is this what you do when I'm not around? You fuck my players in my office?" he directed the question at Jacob but both the younger furs blushed. The coach's son didn't utter a peep.

"Isaac, get." the coach whistled to the cat and he obeyed. The panther pulled his spandex up and tucked himself away before leaving the room in a shy hurry. Jacob turned around to face his father but kept his eyes on the floor.

"Turn around." Jacob didn't object, he turned around and leaned on the desk expecting the beating of a lifetime. It never came, instead a familiar feeling washed over the dog as he felt a cock slide between his cheeks. His body jumped but before he could turn around his dad's strong arm held him against the desk. He whimpered softly as his father's cock slid into him. Even with the panther's cum as lube the larger shepherd's cock hurt. The coach held Jacob down and started breeding him harder than Isaac ever did.

Jacob was panting quickly, his father's cock was easily bigger than any he'd taken before and he was loving every inch of it. Any discomfort faded quickly as his he rocked his hips back into his dad's.

"If you wanted to get fucked in my office you should have just said so fag." the coach said with a growl. The younger shepherd tensed his muscles around the shaft inside him as a reply. Isaac had finished too fast for Jacob but his father's cock was rubbing his prostate just right. The smaller dog came quickly against the side of the table. His orgasm went unnoticed by the coach as he forced in the same knot that tied to his mother.

The coach howled unexpectedly and held himself to his son, pumping him full of the cum that made him. Jacob laid on the desk, dead tired from his orgasm and the two breeding's. His dad was standing tall behind him, waiting for his knot to shrink. His howl had drawn some attention and a number of players had wandered over, including Isaac. Jacob looked back and could see Isaac whispering with a tiger whose eyes went wide. They high fived each other and the tiger looked at Jacob with a grin.

His father pulled out of him and tucked himself away.

"Stay" he said, like a master commanding his pet. The coach left the office and Jacob could only hear faint talking. He stayed on the desk, humiliated and full of cum. He saw some furs outside raise their paws and then everyone began to strip. The coach came back in with the tiger and closed the door.

"Welcome to the team son, you're the new honorary cock warmer." he said and then patted the tiger on the back. The cat leaned over Jacob and spread his legs.

The 14 players that stayed after practice each had a turn with Jacob; his father even came back for seconds.