Cosmic Persistence

Story by YZuntReticulan on SoFurry

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When Yerneley is grounded on Earth because of a war, he still finds himself being pursued.

Cosmic Persistance -

Genres -

Science Fiction



Content -


Sexual Content - Day 4, 5, 10

Day 1 - Unfortunate Grounding

Yerneley was a rather rotund, five foot eleven inches, green-eyed Zeta Reticulan with also a scar starting on his right cheek and crossing over diagonally and ending above his left eye and another scar that was cane-shaped in which the 'hook' started curving to the right on his right shoulder and the base going down and then ending at the top of his left ass cheek. Both of these scars were unfortunate birth marks, and Yerneley knew they stood out but he didn't care. Currently, Yerneley had been in New York City to pick up some lunch and then he found a no-windows stairway where he warped out onto his ship. Yerneley's ship was a dark grey and somewhat reflective ship, though at the moment was cloaked so Yerneley couldn't reveal his ship, and was shaped like a fat badminton shuttlecock and contained of three floors that from top to bottom included the living quarters, the subject and airlock area, and an engine room with four engines with a raised panel in the center that opened the bottom of the ship. On the bottom of the ship was four landing pads and the compartments they were in followed by numerous sensors on the edge of the bottom of the ship, a compartment for the ship's ray. On the outside of the ship on the top floor right outside the control room was a window shutter that could be opened and closed and by the left and right side of that window were two more shutters each containing laser machine guns and one large concentrated laser in the middle, when it became necessary. Inside the ship, the control room was connected to a main central circular hall in which a bathroom was out to the right, followed by a bedroom, an entertainment room with a flat screen TV, couch, game console, and surround sound, a sort of conference/teleportation room where Yerneley went inside a clear tube in the middle of the room for holographic conferences and teleporting in and out of his ship, a mini hallway to the edge of the ship that contained a ladder embedded into the wall of a ship, a kitchen, and then finally back around to the control room. The second floor contained a room within a room where that room in the middle was the examining room in which there was a chair with arm and leg restraints and beside it a chair and table with three needles - one to extract blood, one to insert environmental conditions and the last needle as an antidote to any allergic reaction. Just as Yerneley sat down with his meal, he heard a soft but bass-y tone coming from the conference room, so he went to it, pressed a few buttons on the raised panel beside the tube to open it and then stepped inside as the clear door closed behind him.

"Hello, Yerneley," it was Paxy, Yerneley's boss, a rather slender but sharp, piercing blue-eyed, and well-dressed Reticulan.


"Was I disturbing something?"

"No, why should it matter anyway? I came as quickly as I could."

Paxy squinted her eyes, "Well, anyway, I've come to tell you you're grounded and I want you to report to the nearest base as possible."

"What's happening?"

She squinted her eyes again, "Please?'

"I'll send some signals as soon as possible, I just want to know."

"It's the Navills, they are now recently becoming as difficult as possible and now they played a lot of cards and now a lot of races are at war, for short. And, I, of course, want to keep this battle as close to home as possible."

"But you know me and my ship are capable."

"I am not debating this with you, Yerneley."

"I'm not either, I'm just simply pointing it out," Paxy purposely sighed aloud for Yerneley to hear, but Yerneley continued, "I'll try and see what I can do, but I can't promise anything with all the new heated tension about our relations with the humans."

"I have heard of this," Paxy's signal tore her hologram in the tube for a second as she then struggled a bit to maintain balance, "All I can say safe," she pressed a button on her transmitter as her signal was cut.

Yerneley sure knew that the situation didn't look good, but he didn't want his food to get cold, so he exited the tube and went back to finish his meal. Once he was finished, he pressed the button, entered the tube, and then said, "Hello, this is Yerneley Zunteley, number three nine two under subcategory NT three one ten, requesting a place to ground...Hello, this is Yerneley Zunteley, number three nine two under subcategory NT three one ten, requesting a place to ground...Hello, this is Yerneley Zunteley, number three nine two under subcategory NT three one ten, requesting a place to ground..."

"Hello, Yerneley, this is James Burley, I can tell by your signal that you're quite a ways away, but we are happy to take you, however, while you've listed a lot of things, I need to know who you're under," a cheerful male voice said on the other line.


"Paxy...Paxy...ah ha. I see here, she said it clear that she just needs you grounded here."


"Now, we're down in Maryland, and we have the front and top entrance to our main hangar, which do you prefer to land in?"


"Sure thing, I just need you to send your ship's dimensions to see if we can fit you in the top."

"You got it," Yerneley swiped on the inside of his tube to a file and dragged it into a white circle on screen, "Should have it now."

"Hold on, I'm hearing the dimensions out loud...all right we can fit you in. When can we expect you?"

"Very soon if I make a jump."

"I'll see if I can get the doors to open, it might be a while, but I'll buzz you when they're open."

"All right," Yerneley swiped what was on screen to the side, exited the tube, and then went to his bedroom to grab his laptop and then onto the couch in the entertainment room that was conveniently placed next to the conference room. For the next ten minutes, Yerneley didn't do much productive things on his laptop, but once he heard that tube buzz, he went across the hall to the control room and then asked, "Ship, pilot above to the signal I am receiving from the conference room," sure enough the ship jumped above the signal, "Now, slowly, but smoothly, lower yourself into the hangar," the ship followed and then Yerneley swiped his touchpad on the control shelf that was extended into the ship as the shutter opened and he turned his ship around the hangar and then found a good spot in the corner, "Ship, keep the sensors active and alert me if I am landing on something or not," Yerneley piloted his ship over to the corner, swiped again on his touchpad as the ship's bottom landing pads extended as he then lowered the ship slowly down onto the hangar's floor. He swiped once more on his control room touchpad and then got up and went to his bedroom to get his suit on. For whatever reason, whenever Yerneley was around military or government humans, he was required to wear his work suit. His work suit was a tight, pale green suit that covered most of his body except his head, hands, and feet and it opened and closed in the back but also had a belt for Yerneley's holster on his right side. Yerneley also had to wear his work shoes, that were less a pain in the ass to put on, but once he got everything on he crossed into the main hallway down the ladder to the bottom entrance of his ship to the panel that opened it. Once he descended the ramp outside, told the panel inside to close the ramp in which it did and then turned to be greeted by a man in uniform along with another young one by his right side.

"Well, hello there, Yerneley, I'm James," the older one greeted.


"Well, we have a room for you."

"Not needed."

"What do you mean? What if you are not close and we need to buzz you?"

"Then give me a buzzer."

There was a pause, but then James continued, "I'd really appreciate if you room with the boys here."

"Unless Paxy handed off me as one to be under anyone in this base's orders, I'm rooming in my ship, did she?"

"No, but you're grounded, there is no need for the ship."

"Don't worry, I won't leave."

There was another pause, this time longer than the one before, "Then I need to clamp you down."

"Go ahead."

"Does this mean you won't help around?"

Yerneley sighed, "No, it means I don't have to necessarily follow all orders."

James looked to a couple of his men a little ways across base, whistled to them as they came and then requested, "Get clamps for this Reticulan's ship," the men both nodded as they went off and then James turned to Yerneley, "I'll be right back with a talkie." James went off to the office building behind him and opened the door and searched the second drawer in the desk, closed the door behind him, and then came back to Yerneley with a walkie talkie and Yerneley accepted it from him and then James stated, "Now, I am not the one in charge here, but I can let him know you're here and you have one now," he outstretched his hand, "Nice to meet you, Yerneley," Yerneley outstretched his hand and shook James's and then both returned their hands to their sides.

"I'll make sure to rush if I'm radio-ed."

"More like, jiggle to it," the young one beside James remarked.

"Brent!" James ridiculed, "Say you're sorry."


"Now, get out of my sight," Brent headed away from James and Yerneley, and then James turned to Yerneley, "Sorry about him, I thought he was getting better."

Yerneley nodded lightly and then returned, "Nice to meet you too," he saw James reply in a nod as they both turned away from each other, with Yerneley going back to his ship, seeing a few men clamping down his landing pads. Yerneley got under his ship and pressed under it making a panel descend from the bottom of it. He entered the code for the ship's ramp to open and then got on and walked up it, entered the code on the panel of the bottom floor for the ramp to close into his ship, and then went up to his bed to get undressed and then casually redressed and then to the entertainment room where his laptop was. Yerneley didn't know how long he'd be grounded to how frequent he'd be buzzed, but had some confidence in not sitting around waiting and actually wasting time away on his laptop and game console. Yerneley did keep the walkie talkie close at bay, but until dinner it wasn't buzzing at all. Yerneley didn't feel like putting effort into dinner since he made just a bologna sandwich and a lot of snacks afterwards. After dinner, this time Yerneley just gamed until he thought it was a right time to take a shower, with of course, the still inactive walkie talkie close at bay. After the shower, Yerneley winded down with some binge streaming, a break from it with chocolate chip cookies and milk dessert, and back to a bit more streaming, teeth hygiene, and then bed with some white noise in the background, since Yerneley could not go to sleep at all with complete silence.

Day 2 - Iffy Impressions

Yerneley woke up a little before noon which wasn't unusual for the time zone he was in now. While on Earth, Yerneley usually had to sit around in timezones if he wanted to get used to them, and that was if since he didn't do it often. Yerneley had some bowls of not so special cold cereal for breakfast and then to his computer to check up on the sites he was on. It wasn't long until the radio he had by his side buzzed and he had to go back to his closet to get his suit and his shoes on and then down, out, and closing up his ship behind him and then was greeted by Brent.

"We'd like you in the training area, asap."

Yerneley felt the top of his gun on his right side in its holster and then asked, "Did I need my own gun or?"

"Ask when you get there, follow me," Yerneley followed Brent to small wall that was extended that contained the elevators and got in one as Yerneley followed and pressed the 'B4' button.

"Oh, I've never been there 'B4'," Yerneley remarked, "Get it?"

"Yes, and it wasn't funny."

Yerneley shrugged, "Well, I tried," The elevator descended and then opened as Brent signaled, "Tenth door on your right," Yerneley got out of the elevator, turned his head over his right shoulder and thanked Brent and then turned back around, walked down the hall to the tenth door. Behind that door was a very large gymnasium with a number of courses with cover, building mock ups, and targets on plain stands or the dummies. A well-decorated green-hatted man turned and spotted Yerneley and came up to him, "You must be Yerneley," he nodded and the man continued, "Well, these men behind me are testing out the sort of firearm I'm assuming you possess."

"Yes, I do possess."

"Well, our technicians have tweaked and tweaked it and I quote that they say 'everything is operating correctly', yet all of my men are trying to perform with the weapon and it is not working as we would intend it."

"Just show me what you're doing and I'll see if I can help."

The man turned to all the plain-t-shirted, cargo bottomed, and booted men who were all lined up behind a wall of cover, "Men, tell your weapons to kill," all the men told all their weapons to kill, but Yerneley knew what the problem was and stated to the man beside him, "They can't say it all at once or the sensor gets confused."

"But isn't it programmed to all their voices and be able to single the owner's voices?"


"I wasn't aware of this, but I want a consistent weapon in the battlefield."

"Doesn't mean you can't make it, or is the word you're looking for 'quick?'" Yerneley asked.

The man shook his head, "No, consistent, unless we can change that."

"I wouldn't know since I can't, since I only use it, not modify it."

The man looked at him sternly, "Thanks for the info, now, get out of my sight."

Yerneley nodded firmly and turned left and out to the door and then left out the door back down the hall and he saw probably what he thought was another man who was part of the training, maybe returning from the bathroom and the man seemed enthused to see him and came up in his way, "Hey, you're a Reticulan, right?"


"Well, it looks like you're coming from the training room, right?"


"Yeah, it's something up the guns there, I'm supposing you know what?"

"Yes, you're not supposed to do that all at once."

The man leant back and crossed his arms, "Ah, so that must have gotten Stork pissed."

"I guess?"

"Yeah, Stork's my commander, he doesn't like no as an answer, on and off the battlefield."

This man's talky, in your face sort of personality at the moment was turning Yerneley off and he thought he should politely escape, "Yes, it is, and apparently I'm no longer needed, so I don't to be a waste being around..."

"And what are you going to do? You're grounded."

"Yes, but as I just said, if I'm not of use..."

"Want to take a tour around?"

"Um, no?"

"Come on."

"I'm not going to be down here often, so I shouldn't care."

"Let's do it, come on."

"Don't you have a training to get back to?"

There was a pause but then the man bared a smile, "It won't be bothersome if the tour isn't quick."

The man was stupidly persistent, but Yerneley held his ground, "Maybe another time."

The smile disappeared from the man, but he looked at his watch, and then back at Yerneley, "Maybe so," he then turned and went by Yerneley's left shoulder as Yerneley kept a steady pace and then once he heard the door close, he sped his pace to the elevator.

Once Yerneley was safe in his closed-up ship, he had some pizza leftovers for lunch and then some video games for a long while and then a break for some burger leftovers, chips, and then a buzz on his radio as he went in his suit and pants again and then back out the bottom of his ship only to be greeted by the young man he ran into the hallway and he wiggled a radio in his hand, "Looks like I have something that'll get your attention."

"What do you want?"

The man clenched his mouth and had an angry sort of glare in his mouth but then it decreased a bit and then he remarked, "Okay, how about, hello, my name is John," he outstretched.

"I'm Yerneley."

"That's better, now James over there told me over there that buzzes to you on this here radio only come in the afternoon, so I'll guess you'll say I'm not over here to bother you...that much, in your world of seclusion."

Yerneley sighed and then crossed his arms, "Are you trying to play me?"

"No, sir."

"Are you a fan or?"

"Am I coming off too strong? If I am I can understand, but this is how I am."

"All right."

There was a pause as John looked at Yerneley's ship, "You know, you'd probably want to move this ship downstairs."

"I think it's fine where it is."

"Sorry, this isn't a personal opinion, but people have broken into here on this level before, James knows about this, and it's safer."

"How do I know you're not playing me?"

"I told you I'm not."

"I don't rely on words."

John stopped and lightly smiled a bit, "Okay, either it's me or you really know how to piss me off. If you don't believe me, ask James, don't believe him, check the records, again, I'm not trying to play you into bed or anything."

Yerneley's eyes widened a tad, "Why would even think of saying that?"

John froze, "Um, ah,...because people have thought that before?"

Yerneley laughed a bit at John's unconvincing recovery, "That didn't sound convincing."

"Well, forget I said it then."

"I won't, but I'll forgive you."

"Thanks," he looked off to the side and then back at him, "I'll go now," John turned around and walked back to the elevator as Yerneley returned up his ship's ramps to close it in where he went to his entertainment room to game for a while, shower, stream some content, have some toaster pastries for dessert, stream some more content and then teeth hygiene, a trip to the bathroom and then to his to bed to sleep.

Day 3 - Heated Confrontations

Yerneley awoke at his usual time today, but this morning he felt that he should change it up a bit with some toaster pastries with milk for breakfast, and soon after he was finished, the radio buzzed again and this time Yerneley hoped this wasn't John abusing the radio, but once he got dressed and went down to the bottom of his ship and opened it, what he hoped it wasn't was.

"Hello, Yerneley."


"I still owe you a tour."

Yerneley sighed, "Is it like the base in Missouri?"

"I'm not sure I follow."

"Training area in the middle, then down a bit the living quarters on a side and cafeteria on another?"

"Uh, yeah, but...that doesn't mean there won't be a surprise on my tour."

Yerneley sighed and then crossed his arms, "Like what?"

"Um, ah," Yerneley stood there waiting and looking patiently at John, but then John struck, "You know what, you stay in your ship, you fat, lazy, stubborn bitch!" Yerneley's mouth opened a bit, but then he closed it, waiting for a turnaround, but that's not what happened: "Yeah, you heard me."

Yerneley sighed and then defended, "Okay, first off, I'm not lazy: I'm grounded, which means I can't go anywhere in the sky, secondly, I am under no one's orders here, so I can help out here all I want if I'd like, or I can't, fact is, I can't do fucking shit and I'm ordered to not to do fucking shit, and if I want to do fucking shit, I am doing it on my own goddamn fucking accord," Yerneley sighed, and then continued, "So, if that is so hard to grasp, that isn't my problem."

There was a deafening silence, "I'm sorry, I'm just trying to establish some sort of relationship."

"Insults won't help."

"And you're not, you seem to be too irritated to me, whether that is on purpose or not."

Yerneley looked off to the side and then back at him, "I'm trying to see where this goes."

"No, you are full of shit."

"Technically, yes."

"Shut up."

Yerneley sighed to settle himself, "I think we should both go, this is seeming to get heated."

"Huh, you would like that, wouldn't you?"

"Would you agree?"

There was a sad silence, "Yeah, whatever," John turned around and walked back to the elevator as Yerneley did to his ship's ramp and closed it.

Yerneley did try to block and settle from what just occurred between him and John after his lunch and a gaming session, but maybe it was time to not be so cooped up all the time, though it was comfortable, so he went down out of his ship, closed the bottom, and walked over to James's office building inside the large hangar and knocked on the door and James opened, let him in, and then invited him to sit on the couch.

"Hey, Yerneley, what's up?"

"Just getting out of the ship."

"Is John bothering you?"


James bared a light smile, "I see through the windows what goes on, at least here, I think he has something for you."

"Something, or a thing?"

"I think something, you know, he's a great soldier, good team member, yet not a good friend-maker, hell, a lot of his girlfriends didn't last long around him."


"Yeah, he's like a child, he doesn't learn."

Yerneley was feeling a little bad for John, "I don't like to go on first impressions often."

"Really? Well, trust me, Yerneley, from the time I've been here, that man's a no-go for anyone."

"From what you've seen, yes?"

"From what I've- he's a no go for anyone in life."

"Sounds like you're a little overconfident."

James bared a light smile again, "No,, you haven't gone soft for him, have you?"

"No, as I've said, I just don't go off of first impressions."

James shrugged, "Well, tread carefully with him, Yerneley, if you are planning anything with him."

"I didn't say that, maybe I'll just cut him some slack."

"Pfft, well whatever Yerneley, I've got to go, I've got a conference call soon," Yerneley lightly nodded, got up and out the door and back to his ship only to see John staring off to the side below his ship where he usually had waited for him. Yerneley wasn't sure how to play this out since he was out of his ship and didn't think John would expect that, so he tried an approach that was as easy-going as possible.

John saw Yerneley coming from Jame's office building, "So, look who decided to come out his hole." Yerneley stopped in his tracks and squinted at him, but John continued, "That was a joke," Yerneley continued walking and then up ahead and crossed his arm, but then John surprised him, "I'm not apologizing for calling you the truth, if that's what you're expecting."

"Or what you think is the truth."

"No, it is."

"Well, I know I'm not lazy, I've been to more places then you can imagine."

"Yeah, all with the help of your ship, what, did you walk to get these places?"

"To get food, yeah."

"Of course."

"All right, say if I am all these things, and if I am, you could've said them all in a different way and tone, which you didn't. And, if I am all these things, I'm not apologizing for being me, because that's who I am and I have my reasons to be that way."

"All right, Yerneley, how many people have you pushed away to defend yourself, or am I going too far?"


"What's your reason?"


"Picky? That's sounds convincing."

"Well, I am."

"Or, are you just getting slowly irritated of everyone?"


"Then what?"

Yerneley sighed, "I just don't want to be bothered sometimes."

"Really, so this 'grounded' business is some sort of vacation for you?"

"Of course not, I don't know what to think or do of it at the moment, though I am trying to make myself useful when the time comes, that why I was issued a buzzer."

"By your boss, right?"


"And what if you didn't have the walkie and were grounded you'd do whatever you please?"

"Pretty much."

"Why did she ask for the walkie to be given to you anyway?"

"Well, she knows how iffy the off worlder-human relations are and I guess she wants more of it."

"Well, I'm a human relation, Yerneley."

Yerneley was now careful of what to say next, "Yeah, one of many down at B4, I'm guessing my boss wants as many smooth relations as possible."

"Yeah, you're probably right, as much as you can."

"Don't push it."

"The sooner the better?" Yerneley shook his head and John continued, "At least consider it?"

"I can't say, depends on what this base asks of me."

"True, I've got to go, good talk."

Yerneley nodded as John went back to the elevator and Yerneley to his panel, then ramp up and then to close it, chicken tenders with barbecue sauce and snacks for dinner, more gaming, shower, streaming, donut dessert, a bit of streaming, dental hygiene, going to the bathroom and then sleep.

Day 4 - Hard Training

Yerneley awoke, had his usual cold breakfast, and then to his laptop but it was only a few minutes into it that he was buzzed on his radio in what he hoped wasn't John abusing his radio powers, but he answered it anyway, "Hello?"

"Hello, Yerneley, it's me John."

Yerneley sighed, "What do you want?"

"Oh don't worry, it's not silly, I need you down in the training room."


"Well, we're training in pairs, but there's an odd number of people here, so..."

"Yeah, that stinks, I'll be down in a jiffy," Yerneley ended the chat and got out of his casual clothes into his outfit, then out of ship and closed the bottom and then to the elevators to the training room. Once Yerneley got in the door he came in when he first came down here only to find pairs of men fighting each other with all of them obviously spread out enough so they weren't hitting each other while they were going one on one with each other. Yerneley looked around until he spotted John and came up to him.

"What, Yern, I've read you had fighting experience."

"Not that I'd like to put on display very often."

"What? Are you chicken, bawk bawk," Yerneley removed his gun from his right holster and bent over and placed it on the ground and readied his body in a fighting stance, with the right part of his body most forward, but then John asked quizzically, "Are you sure you're up for this?"


"All right," John threw a left hook at Yerneley as Yerneley blocked it with his right hand, and then John's right leg to Yerneley's left thigh as Yerneley rotated his left hand down and blocked it. John stepped back on his left leg and then moved his right hand under to take on Yerneley's chest as Yerneley backed off. John then went back and forth on each hand trying to get at Yerneley's face and sides with Yerneley blocking each one and in an attempt to break his defense, took a knee to Yerneley's crouch, but Yerneley bent over stopping it with both holds clasping the top of John's knees, slid his hands under John's leg and lifted and pulled causing John to unexpectedly lose balance and fall hard on the floor on his floor, "Damn, all about defense, huh?" John used the back of his arms and hands to lift his back up off of the floor followed by his legs that got him up. "How about that offense?"

"All right," Yerneley threw a left hook and right hook in which John both blocked and then under with his right in which John moved back out of the way. Yerneley then followed him with a kick with his right at John's left knee in which John grabbed and tried to pull him down, "Uh, fuck you and your fat ass," John remarked but Yerneley tried to pull his leg back but John had a good grasp on it, for a while, and he slipped, Yerneley saw the slight exhaustion on John's face and went in fast to overwhelm him with right, left and side hooks and a final kick up to John's stomach as he launched a bit backward and back hard onto the ground and just lay there, gasping for air.

"All right, I may got a little cocky, but I've fallen on these hard mats enough, you win," Yerneley nodded as he came up to John's side and extended a hand to help him up which he accepted and got up while Yerneley helped pull him up. Yerneley then turned back to retrieve his gun from the floor and leave the room and he went to the elevator to press the button, got in but then : "Wait, wait!" John slid in through the closing door, "I'm sorry, all these fighting sometimes gets me worked up..."

"Uh huh," Yerneley responded, looking at him like it was going to go somewhere he wouldn't like.

"Well, I want to tell me something."


"Well, sometimes when I fight with people, you know, I really like, I mean, I don't mean to, it's sort of in the moment, ah..."

"Spit it out."

"I get really hard for them. I mean, wait, not all the time physically hard, but an attraction."


"Come on, don't you want me to be in beautiful thickness of you?" John was still panting from either the run, the fight before, or both, "I'll take you right here."

"I thought I'd already proved that I can outmatch you."

"This place is different, more confined, right? Such as person like you doesn't do well in a confined space, not that I'm stereotyping..."

"John, breathe."

"Well, fuck you! You're always turning me down!"

"And I suppose yesterday evening was nothing but me turning you down by being open with you. Yeah, makes sense."

"I yearn, you, Yern," he took a step closer.

Yerneley didn't want to do this, but he reached inside his right holster and said 'light stun' to his gun and pointed it at John.

"Oh, I see, hiding behind the safety of your gun, turning me down again!"

"I'm trying to calm you down."


"I can understand you're in the moment right, but you need to think if this is what I want."

"I'm done with thinking, dude," John launched himself at him yet Yerneley was quick to fire as a green circular blast from Yerneley's gun hit John's chest and burnt a thin layered circular residue on his shirts and Yerneley's gun seeped out a bit of smoke as John then collapsed to the elevator floor. Yerneley still hadn't selected a floor on the elevator, so he pressed a button to open the doors, grabbed John under his armpits to chair nearby, lifted him up onto it, and returned to the elevator and ascended to his ship. Yerneley definitely needed a break from this John, but he didn't feel like telling it to his face, but at the same time he hoped maybe John would figure it out and turn himself around. In his ship, Yerneley didn't want to do anything that active after a chicken tenders and fries lunch, so he just streamed before, after, and in between a pepperoni pizza-filled dinner and a brownie and milk-filled dessert and then the usual shower, oral hygiene and bathroom break routine before going to bed.

Day 5 - Unstable Connections

Yerneley awoke an hour earlier than usual, but used this time to start on things earlier after some toaster pastries and milk and he just hoped the radio that was by him didn't have John on the other end. By the time lunch came around, Yerneley wasn't in the mood for any of what food he had in the ship and he knew after looking that there was some places to go to, so he went and dressed in his disguise which consisted of white tennis shoes, dark green cargo pants, a red hoodie and some light dark grey cotton gloves and last a ski mask that went over his head and large sunglasses in which he put in his right hoodie pocket at the moment as he descended down his ship out the bottom of it and then closed up behind him and went to James's office building and knocked on the door. Yerneley heard an answer from James and he came in but James was on the phone and once he was finished he hung up and looked up and down at Yerneley, "Hey, Yerneley, what's up."

"Going out, I just want to grab something quick."

"Going out? Of the base?"

"Yeah, yeah, I know how it sounds, but, I do have my teleporter on hand, so I'll just zap back when I got it. And my disguise."

"You've done this before?"

"Yeah, I'll make sure I'm in either a clear or closed area before zapping back."

"All right, careful now."

"I will be, but can I ask another favor? I have this walkie, and I'll know it'll be out of range if I have it with me, could you keep a watch on if it does? Here, I'll give my cell if I'm not back," He looked on top of the counter James was behind and found a loose piece of paper and then looked back up at James and asked, "Do you mind?" Yerneley saw James shake his head and Yerneley took a pen that was lying nearby, wrote down his number and handed it to James over the counter as he took it and responded, "I'll buzz Brent that you'll be coming to the checkpoint."

Yerneley nodded, "Thanks," he then went out of the door of the building and let it close behind him as he made his way over to the outside wall of the hangar.

"What do you think you're doing?" It was John.

Yerneley kept walking and put the ski mask over his face, "What does it look like?"

"You can't just go out."

"Looks like I am and will," He put the sunglasses on his face followed by the hoodie over his head.

"You think you can just do whatever the hell you want?"

"No, that's why I asked James," he opened the door that was at the end of hangar wall, "I'm going to lunch, want to come with?"

John paused and went through the open door Yerneley was holding open as Yerneley continued walking ahead, but John persisted, "Doesn't mean it's right with me!"

"Heh, wow, you of all people should know you don't have the rank or authority to boss me around."

"Fuck you."

"Heh, you'd like that."

"You're irritating."

"Look whose talking," Yerneley sighed, "Anyways, I've done this before, and made the necessary precautions."

"So, what? You're just going to waltz out in the open for a long while. I mean, have you looked how you're dressed? You don't think that'll look unusual?"

"That's why I don't stay long, besides, I'll teleport back when I get the food."

"Can't you just eat downstairs with us?"

Yerneley shook his head, "No, that's shit food."

"Yeah, that's probably no different from the shit food you're going to get right now."

"Fair point, but there's no convincing me,...I hope you can understand that now."

"Fuck you."

"But, by all means, come along with if you'd like," Yerneley approached the checkpoint where Brent was and waved at him with his left hand as Brent waved back at him and John and buzzed the gate to open which Yerneley did with John still close behind.

"But don't you think this is risky, going out so much, in, that?"

"I don't see why you care all the sudden."

There was a cold silence, "Why do you have to be cruel to me?"

Yerneley turned his head that was now in his mask over to his right side, "My same thoughts of you, but last time you seemed to only want a booty call."

"And yet you shot me."

"You should feel lucky that it was only the light stun setting. If you're really concerned about what I'm doing is wrong, maybe you should join me and form an opinion."

"Maybe I shall." There was another now calmer silence, "So, where are we going."

"Somewhere trashy because I feel like treating myself."

"Why a treat?"

"No reason, no accomplishment, just felt like it and got bored of the food I have," Yerneley turned left onto the sidewalk and walked on it, "Kind of a ballsy move having a base in the middle of suburbia."

"If you wanted someone to get you food, you could've asked and we would've gotten it quick with a car."

"I don't like calling or asking things of someone, plus it's easier. Plus also, you're right next to Route 1 so any turn here or in the mid lane is like a death sentence almost."

"Yeah, I wouldn't deny that, but still."

"Yeah, I know," Yerneley turned another left onto the sidewalk that was attached to a mini strip shopping center and walked to a gas station, "Here we are."


"Mm hm."

"Well, okay, I can deal with that, you know, if I don't order anything here, from what I've heard."

"Hearing isn't knowing, come on, see what they have to offer," Yerneley entered the gas station/fast food hybrid front doors and went to the tablet screen and picked out his order, "You should try the biscuits."

John was at his own tablet screen and searching through the options, "I think that's all I can have."

"Come on, you work so hard in training, aren't you really hungry after?"

"Yes, but I don't want to get fat."

"I'm not asking that."

"All right, all right, I'll take some chances," John said as Yerneley finished filling out his order and waited at the register as soon John followed behind him and Yerneley then took and paid for his order and then he waited for John to get and pay his and once he did, Yerneley said, "Well, I'm going to zap back to the ship soon, so I'm going to have to leave you because where I'm going doesn't accommodate two people."

"Let me try this biscuit you talk about," John went to a table, sat down, and opened his bag and found the biscuit, unwrapped it, took a bite out it, chewed and swallowed it, and then set it down, "Oh my god, that is too much butter."

"I know, right?"

"But it's still good, unfortunately, all the trashy food is."

Yerneley nodded, "Got to go," John returned a nod as Yerneley went out the door to check behind the Sheetz to see if it was clear in which it was, and then zapped back to the ship. Once he returned to the ship, he went back to John's office for the radio, thanking him in the process, and then returned to his ship, locking it up, and then started on his meal. After he ate, Yerneley gamed for a while and then had a burger and snacks for dinner and after some more gaming until he got out of the entertainment room for his evening shower and then some streaming after, and then dessert. Once he had his dessert he heard his radio buzzing and he picked it up, "Hello?"

"Howdy there, Yern-hah-ley."

"Hi, John, what do you want?"

"Just t-to talk, wanna open up down bottom for a bit?"

Yerneley was tempted to say no, but wanted to say that to his face, "I'll be down."

"Are your, are your, are your legs open for business? Heheh."

Yerneley reached the bottom of the ladder, "You're drunk, aren't you?"

"Heh, I'm a just a tad tipsy."

"I'll see to that," Yerneley pressed some numbers into the panel as his ramp descended down.

John then outstretched his hands and then pointed at the air, 'conducting' a rhythm, "Dun Dun Dun, Dun Dun Dun, Dun-Dun-Dun!" He put his hands to his mouth and breathed into them, "Yerneley, I am your father," he breathed into his hands again.

"All right, let's get you downstairs."

"No, no, no..."

"Why not?"

"My roomie has been helping me to get...sober, this would not make him happy, but I know I need to, hic!"

"Why would have access to it anyway?"

"Because this John's a sneaky, meesa very so."

Yerneley stepped outside and looked around the base as John then commented, "Wha? What is going on it that head of yours?"

"Checking for cameras..."

"Cameras? Pfft, you would think, right? But naw, this base is shit."

Yerneley backed up on the ramp, "All right, come on, you can spend a night."


"A night."

"Well...thanks anyway," he began to ascend the stairs but noticeably began to lose balance, "Woah."

"Hold on," Yerneley sat down on the stairs of his ramp and then moved to the side against them and then scooted forward and onto the ground, "I'll behind to support you, just slow now," he said as he got behind John.

"Yeah," John ascended the stairs slowly as Yerneley followed him behind, keeping a close eye on him and once he was up he got to the panel and entered a button code to close the ramp behind him. "Is that it?"

"Ladder," Yerneley responded as he pointed it out.

"Okay," John approached the ladder and ascended it a little bit, "Nope, I'll just stay down here and sleep."

"Yeah, okay, but how are you going to be comfortable down here?"

"Well, certainly you have a blow out bed or," he saw Yerneley shake his head. Yerneley got in front of him and raised his arms, "Well then, hold on tight."


"Just let me get close enough to the ladder, and I might not be used to holding you."


"It'll probably be disorienting still."

"Figures," He wrapped his hands around the bottom of Yerneley's chest and then his crotch against his butt, "I'm not apologizing for any boners."

Yerneley sighed as he moved closer to the ladder as John had his toes against his heels.

"I had a thought, but I didn't know if it wasn't going to strain you."


"I was about to go on you like Yoda to Luke in training."

"Yeah, probably not a good idea. Sure you can use your feet to climb up a bit?"

"I can try," Yerneley put his first foot and hand on the ladder as he began to ascend, "Woo."

"You okay?"

"How many floors up?"



"We'll take it slow." Yerneley continued to ascended, waiting behind him for John to reply with each motion so he didn't feel like the one behind him didn't hang his feet and lower body too much, "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm not going to lie: It is quite comfortable back here," John continued to clasp around Yerneley with his hands and following on the ladder with his feet.

"Just about to complete the first floor," Yerneley remarked. John's boner was fully erect and he began to slowly but softly dry hump up into Yerneley's butt as Yerneley responded to this by quickening his pace up the ladder, "Whoa, whoa, whoa, stop!" John's feet were now dangling, but he slowly but surely swung them back up onto the ladder, "Sorry, about that." Yerneley didn't move, "Please continue, I won't do that again, Yerneley." Yerneley continued his routine up the last floor as John looked back and stepped back onto it with his right followed by his left, released his hands from Yerneley, and stood up on solid, straight ground as Yerneley stepped back and onto the floor to as he crossed over with a new bold walk with his heels and waved the first door on his left to open, "That's the kitchen," he kept walking and skipped another door and waved it open, "bathroom," he skipped another door, "And your room with a pullout in the couch," he turned and faced him, "Do you want me to set it up for you?"

"No, you can be out of my way."

"You sure?"

"Yes, Yerneley, I'll take it slow, and don't keep a watch over me, you should be out of my way."

Yerneley crossed his arms, "Why do you say that?"

"I know the angry heel walk, as I call it, even if I just apologized, so I don't want to keep you still heated."

Yerneley lowered his arms a bit - relaxing his shoulders, turned, and then waved his hand to go into his room and then looked over his left shoulder, very lightly nodded, and then walked more into his room as the sliding door closed behind him. John went into the entertainment room for the next ten minutes setting up the pullout bed as he then finally laid down in it, reached for his phone in his right pocket, set an alarm, and went to sleep.

Day 6 - Staycations

A few hours after John went into the room, Yerneley had got out of his room for a trip to the bathroom along with going to lock the control room with a code, bathroom with a door lock when using and then unlock once he was done, and then back in his room to lock his own door behind him and then to sleep. Once Yerneley had slept and then woke up, he waved right to his alarm which also controlled the ship's upper level light dimmers as they then lit up and he woke John who was somehow in the bed beside him, "Oh, hello, Yern."

"How did you get in my bed? I thought I locked my room."

"Hm, you thought or knew?"


"Well, I didn't mean to get in, did I mention I sleepwalk?" Yerneley squinted his eyes at him, "What? I'm serious."

"Well, I had that time in between going to the bathroom and then coming back here."

"I must've walked in then."

"It doesn't strike you at all as a little coincidental?"

"Maybe, but I am being honest," He looked at Yerneley's exposed head and shoulders, "Are you naked under there?"

"No, aren't you hot?"

"No, but you are," Yerneley sighed and rolled his eyes, and John cozied on up in the bed, "No, I'm not feeling heated or warm. Do you know what time it is?"

"Yerneley looked over to his right, "Around eleven a.m."

"Shit, I had an alarm," Yerneley shrugged in the covers and John looked back at him, "Look, I know I shouldn't be asking, but I'll need to stay the day here."


"Because everyone will be suspecting that I was drinking, and I don't want James to see me coming out."

"But you were drinking."

John sighed, "Yeah, well, everyone thought I was done with that, and if you don't know, these people here are almost impossible to please and feed, I guess, negatively after my imperfections."

"You mean they're super critical?"


"Well, that's what you signed up for."

"I know, but you haven't given me an answer."

"You can stay as long as you don't get in my way that much."

"I'm fine with that, thanks again." There was an awkward silence, but Yerneley broke it, "I think you should go back to your room."

"Yeah, sorry," John slid out left from the covers and began to walk out and looked over his right shoulder, "Sure you don't want me to make you anything for breakfast?"

"Yeah, I'm sure," John went to the kitchen and fetched himself some cereal as once as he was out of sight, Yerneley went to his door to his room to close it and dress himself into some casual wear and get his laptop to check on his sites a bit and then to his own cereal and milk and then once he washed his hands and then washed his and John's plate that was in the sink, he heard himself being called over from the entertainment room as John looked back and then forward, "So, I usually have stuff to do, do you have anything around I can do."

"No, I think there's Netflix."

"That's around something I had in mind."

"Just add a user once you open."

"I won't snoop on yours, don't worry," Yerneley walked ahead and handed him the remote, "Thanks, Yern." Yerneley left and returned to his laptop to check on the sites he was on and browse some internet, it wasn't soon after that he returned to the kitchen for lunch, ate his own and then washed his hands, his own and John's lunch plate and then passed by in front of the entertainment room door to listen for a bit to check a bit on John. Once Yerneley got back to his laptop, he plugged in some over the head headphones and continued his show that he was watching for a while and once he got tired of watching, he wanted to start on an early dinner by heating up an oven and putting a pizza in. Once the pizza was done, he removed it with oven mitts, set it down, and then cut it with his pizza cutter as he waited a bit for it to cool down while he sat on the table on there looking at his phone.

"I thought I smelled something baking."

Yerneley looked over at John in the doorway and then back at his phone, "Yeah, I was going to leave some for leftovers, but I can have half and you half, if you want."

"Oh, I wasn't asking for any."

"Knock yourself out, if you want it."

"All right, where are the paper plates?"

"Third upper cabinet on your right."

John walked around the table, found a paper plate, and then grabbed a few pieces of it and sat on the other side of the table, "Oh, this is Freschetta?"

"Mm hm," Yerneley got up from the table and put his phone in his pocket.

"Oh, I'm sorry, may I join you?"

"Sure," Yerneley grabbed a plate a pieces of pizza and returned to the table. Yerneley and John said very little to each other for the next half hour, and the little they said was just small talk about their day and how they were, and then first John went to the trash can to throw out his plate, followed by Yerneley to throw out his as they both went back to their rooms. It wasn't till around ten in the evening when John knocked on Yerneley's door. Yerneley closed his laptop, got up from his bed and then opened the door as John responded, "I need you to let me out," Yerneley passed him and went across the hall to the ladder and went down it first while John followed, "Ah, don't want me to get a nice view, hm?"

"Pretty much," once Yerneley got down the ladder he turned and walked to the panel.

"Doesn't that suit you wear give you a wedgie?"

"Yes, it does."

"I should probably put in a call to get something looser."

"They probably don't have my size."

John shrugged, "Maybe," he watched Yerneley enter a code on the panel as the ramp descended onto the base floor, "Thanks again, Yerneley," he descended the ramp.

"You're welcome." Once John fully descended the ramp, Yerneley then entered the code to close it and then went back up the ladder to his main floor for his shower. Yerneley didn't feel like going into the entertainment room or using headphones that ached his head, so he watched more of his show through the internal speakers on his laptop, went back to the kitchen for some toaster pastry dessert and milk, watched more of his show, then to his dental hygiene, bathroom, and then sleep.

Day 7 - Some Questions

Yerneley awoke at his normal time along with a cold breakfast and then to his laptop and it wasn't soon until he was buzzed on his radio, and he hoped it wasn't John, "Hello, Yerneley, this is James, can you come by me? I want to see you for a second."

"Sure," Yerneley got up, got in his suit, went down and out of ship after he locked it up and went over to where James was and knocked on the door. He heard a response and came in, "Hey, what's up?"

"Sit down," he watched Yerneley sit down, "So, there was big fuss about trying to find John yesterday since he wasn't on role call."

"Okay, I don't see what this has got to do with me."

"Well, I've been thinking and also checking around and you can't just go out of the front or other way which is a key I have at all times."

"Any other ways out?"

"The tunnels, but that's for authorized personnel only, but I've made sure no one has gotten out that way." James sighed, "We all found a number of beer cans in the trash that are now being processed, since we know John is one of the few cases who have had a drinking problem, I must ask you, did he spend the night in your ship?"


"Then you wouldn't mind if we looked at your ship?"

"I didn't say he wasn't in it."

"What did he do?"

"He said he needed to take care of something outside the base, he asked for a favor, and I said yes and let him use my teleporter."

"Asked for a favor?"

"He said he'd be right back, I didn't know it'd be a whole day."

James sighed again, "When did this happen."

"A few nights ago, I'm guessing the night before he went missing."

"All right, we are looking into this, you're free to go, for now."

"Glad to help," Yerneley returned to his ship to get the sheets on the pullout bed in the entertainment room and wash and dry them for a few hours and put them back. For lunch he had a burger and snacks, and just streamed until bedtime, with dinner and dessert in between along with the usual dental hygiene and bathroom break before bed.

Day 8 - Tense Fibbing

Yerneley awoke to the usual morning routine of a cold cereal breakfast and some computer time and after about fifteen minutes of settling in, Yerneley was buzzed on his radio and this time he didn't really care who was on the other end, "Hello?"

"Hello, Yerneley, this is Stork, can I have you down here in room 10B4, it's on the right."

"What's this about?"

"Can you just get down here please? I will try to make this short."

"All right, I'll be there," Yerneley cut the radio, got into his suit, went out of the bottom of his ship and closed it up, and then to the elevators. Yerneley pressed a button to go down and then once he got out and went down the hall and then entered a room where John was sitting with his back toward him and facing Stork with another chair beside John and then Stork insisted, "Come, sit," once Yerneley sat down, Stork continued, "Now, from what I know, you assisted John some nights ago?"


"But that isn't the whole story, is it John?" He turned to John, "According to our report, your prints and your saliva were discovered on multiple beer cans. I mean, come on, John, the evidence."

"Mmm, may-haps I was going to drink but emptied them all out."

"On all the beer cans?"

"May-haps I was indecisive?" John sassed back.

"Cut the shit, John."

"Ha, believe me, I know how this goes, and you have no witnesses that I was drunk, and I took your test and it showed nothing."

"Oh, aren't you clever, how about you, Yerneley, was he drunk when he saw you?"

"No," Yerneley answered.

"You know, you're not quite out of this as you think," Stork rebutted, "From what I know, you're type of ship doesn't have that sort of technology to just teleport someone out of the ship, unless it has a receiver on the other end."

"That's what I meant," Yerneley fibbed.

Stork looked hard at Yerneley, "And did he use that teleporter of yours to get those beers?"

Before Yerneley could speak, John touched his shoulder, shook his head, and leant forward to whisper something to Stork. Stork nodded and nodded some more and then returned to his sitting form as he responded, "Well, yes, very interesting, I will look into that. If, and only if your information is correct, you will be relieved of potentially having a suspension. You two are free to go."

"Thank you," Both Yerneley and John said in unison as they got out of their chairs. Yerneley left and went down back down the hall with John walking still beside him, "What? John, do you wanna spend another night?"

"No, the vending machine is out of order, and the only one available is by James."

"Really, on all those floors?"

"Yeah, they've closed off all of them, apparently really busy."

Yerneley pressed the elevator door, the doors opened, walked to the back and he turned around facing forward as John followed him close behind. Yerneley then obviously noticed John staring over at him and turned his head to his right a bit to see what, "Are you checking me out?"

"Sorry, I just need to do something to relax right now."

Yerneley walked ahead and in front of him, a little bit in front of the elevator doors, "That better?"

"Yeah, much."

Yerneley had a thought in mind of what to do next, in which he internally battled with himself on whether not to do it or not, but the end he just thought 'fuck it.' He placed his hands above and against the elevator doors, spread his legs a bit and then arched his butt up and back a bit looking back over his right shoulder at John with a soft look in his eyes as John's eyes widened a bit. Yerneley didn't want to hold that long, but he did for a bit, and he went back to his original position before that, now thinking if that led to John thinking that he was asking for it or not.


"Well, I tried."

"Well, it seems like you know how to do it well."

Yerneley shrugged, "Yeah, maybe."

"I know you were wearing a thong that night I walked into your bed. I snuck a peek while I realized I was in your bed, and then I got curious, the tag was sticking out. Scarred Pear isn't your real name, is it?"


"Sounds like a porn name to me."

"That's a matter of opinion."

"Then what is that name from?"

Yerneley turned his head forward, "Nothing I want to discuss."

"Oh come on-"

He turned to face John, "And yet you snooped and didn't leave that room did you?"

John was struck by Yerneley's tone, "I wanted to remain with good company too, it's not just one thing, not now," he saw Yerneley about to turn around, "Don't. Don't submit if you don't want to," Yerneley turned around anyway as the elevator reached the top floor very soon after and he walked back to ship, ate lunch, and then streamed some stuff to settle down in between a hot dog and snacks dinner, shower and brownie dessert along with the final streaming, dental hygiene, and bathroom break before bed.

Day 9 - Change of Plans

Yerneley awoke to his usual routine of breakfast and looking at sites and soon after had his lunch. Yerneley was sort of bored of the snacks he had after lunch, so he dressed himself in his suit to the vending machine outside his ship that he heard John mention the day earlier. Once he had gotten his snack, he went back to his ship and was about to open it up when John caught up to him, "Hey, Yern, howsit going?" Yerneley turned back to him and saw Stork with a bunch of other men looking to approach John. Yerneley didn't like to stereotype, but the look of them spelt bad times as he saw Stork put his hands to his hips and spoke, "Hey, Stork."

John turned his head over his right shoulder, "Yeah?"

Stork took at his pistol and pointed it as his head, "Fuck you," Yerneley heard a shot ring out, but Stork's side of head exploded in blood as his head waved a tiny bit from side to side as he fell limp onto the concrete. The men behind them's holographic disguise went out and they revealed themselves to be Navills - black-scaled, lizard-headed reptilian off worlders. The group of Navills was about to go to their holsters as Yerneley quickly stepped ahead of John, pointed his gun which he had taken out once he saw the late Stork brandish his, and then spoke into his gun 'laser' as a bright green beam emitted from his gun as he quickly swiped it from left to right through the group. The Navills stood there in shock as then all their upper halves of the their bodies flopped to the floor followed by their collapsing legs. Yernley looked over to the right where he first heard the shot that killed Stork and saw James walking toward where he was aiming at the group and then lowered it and looked at Yerneley and remarked, "Jesus."

"This isn't good, is this how much was down there?" Yerneley asked.

"Yes," this time John answered, "All of my crew."

Yerneley turned back to him over his right shoulder, "I'm sorry."

James had holstered his gun and his radio was buzzing, "Burley. Uh huh, let them in," he silenced his radio.

"Who was that?" Yerneley asked.

"It's Paxy and some company, they were just let in by Brent, I need to get back to my station, Yerneley, I'm guessing you need to be to greet her?"

"That sounds right."

"I can't leave you guys, I'm not sure if I can go down there." John stated.

"You can be in my station when I open it up," James replied. All three of them went back to the station with Yerneley outside by the door and John on the couch and James watching the monitor as he buzzed them in and Paxy walked up to Yerneley as he stood aside and gestured to the disposed group behind him, "You shouldn't have done that, Yerneley, that wasn't your call."

"I know, I was just trying to keep people safe here."

Paxy looked off to the side, "I know, I just caught wind of this, we need to move you somewhere else, possibly the underground towns."

"I'm not sure if my ship can fit through the tunnels."

"No, probably not, but there is a way."

"Like what?"

Paxy looked back to one of the group as he came forward and showed him a ray as he then spoke to Yerneley, "I'm sure you know what this is?"


"Well, once it gets down, just be careful, or we have a case to put it in."

"I'd like the case," one came up and handed him a case as the one that just spoke to Yerneley came in front of him, aimed the ray at Yerneley's ship, disabled the clamps on the ship, fired, and Yerneley's ship shrunk to about marble size in height as Yerneley then went over to his shrunk ship and carefully placed it in the case and headed back to Paxy as she spoke, "I also need some sort of authorization to get into the tunnels, and we'll accompany you and scout the station down there since I don't know how far down these human-Navill connections go."

"I think James might be able to help," Yerneley replied as Paxy alone went into James's station and then up to his desk, "Yerneley tells me you might be able to help with authorization into the tunnels."

"Yeah, sure," James got up, turned around, and then gave Paxy a keycard as she took it, thanked him, walked out of the station and back to her group and Yerneley as they began to all walk to the elevators but James was following, "Excuse me, mam? What about me?" Paxy turned around followed by her group in unison and then approached him, "Well, go back to that station. From what I know, there should be a call there soon from another base, let's just hope it's one for help and not a rebellion." John nodded, turned back and walked back to the station as Paxy and her group and Yerneley continued on their path to the elevators and Paxy pressed the button down and looked at Yerneley, studied his face, and then scoffed, "Oh, come now, Yerneley, don't get too attached."

Yerneley turned his head toward her, "He just had what he thought had been his teammates and the people he worked with be taken and sliced in half, by me, along with his C.O., so yeah, I'm a little guilty of making his life worse."

Paxy stared ahead at the elevator, "This is all a hard day for all of us, Yerneley, a betrayal on the human's part."



"You do know they use those, things, to make people into their slaves."

"That is something we need to consider, fair point."

"And they're tricksters."

"I just didn't think they'd infiltrate at this level, so far from home," the elevator doors opened as Paxy and Yerneley first followed by the group went inside and turned around as soon the elevator doors closed in front of them. Five minutes later, the doors opened and they went into small hallway with a door at the end in which Paxy swiped a keycard and went onto a wooden platform that was attached to some wooden covering above and about a few paces to the left was a station with an attendant in which Paxy approached, "Hello, I'm Paxy.."

"Hello, Paxy, what can I do ya for?"

"I'm not sure of what you've heard, but do know there is some sort of rebellion going on."

"I have heard of it."

"Now note I'm going to have my team scan for things," three of Paxy's team got out their scanners out and pointed them out around the area."

"I'm not sure what you're suspicious of, mam, I'm the only one down here."

She looked back at her team and then back at the attendant, "Well, we will make sure of it. In the meantime, do you know where the nearest underground town is?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I'd like to relocate a colleague of mine."

"Yeah, I think it's somewhere in Kentucky, but that's not the name I don't think."

"Kinteney?" This time Yerneley butted in behind Paxy.

The attendant pointed at Yerneley and then nodded at Paxy, "Yup, that's the one."

"Does it have enough space to fit a ship?"

"Depends on what the dimensions are."

Paxy looked back to Yerneley, "Yerneley, the case." Yerneley handed her the case as she opened two tabs with her thumbs and swiped on the lit touchpad and then turned it to the attendant as he squinted over and responded, "Let me see." The attendant went to a computer keyboard and typed in the numbers and pressed the enter key and waited for a bit and then lightly smiled, "Looks like we do."

"Could you send those dimensions to the station attendant ahead of time, please?" Paxy requested.

"Sure thing."

Paxy looked behind her and around and back to the attendant, "Do you know when the next train will be by?"

"Sorry, it'll be by the next few minutes."

Paxy nodded and then turned back to Yerneley as she retrieved the case from the attendant, "How did you know the name of the underground town?"

"I've heard the name passed around throughout some bases." Sure enough, as the attendant said, the train was by in a few minutes and the front cart of the train opened and there stood a highly decorated officer and Paxy went up and greeted him and pointed back to Yerneley, "He's a special request to Kinteney by me." Yerneley was about to go on when Paxy put her hand back, signaling him to stop and then turned back to her team, "Scan the train."

"Oh, there's no need to, mam, all it is in the conductor and me," the officer assured.

Paxy turned back to him, "I'm not taking any chances." She waited to the eventual, reassuring 'clear' from one of her team members as she then turned her head to Yerneley and nodded as he came forward and the officer stepped forward to let him in and Yerneley turned his right side a bit back to say goodbye to everyone and then went into the train and into the first cart which was on his left and sat in a chair as the officer greeted him, "If you have or are using cellular, just know to switch to Wi-Fi, since we have it on board. The trip will take only but a few hours, I'll be behind here if you need anything." The officer went behind the doors as Yerneley set his case down in the seat beside him and reached into his pocket where his phone was and began to swipe, scroll, and text through it as very soon the train began moving to its destination. Once he arrived, the officer came back into the cart and greeted him again, "Out to the right is the attendant who will help," Yerneley nodded as he got up from his seat and walked forward as the officer stepped aside and Yerneley exited out of the train to a very similar sort of layout of the station he was at before.

"Hello, sir, first time to Kinteney?"

"Yes, and you received my info ahead of time?"

"Yes," the female attendant looked behind her to a group of men behind her and then turned back to Yerneley and said aloud, "And, I think Keith will attend you to that." Keith popped up and into the room where the female attendant was as she pointed to a screen off to her right, "I'm betting you know where that is?"

"Yup, I'll get him to it," Keith popped out of the station to greet Yerneley as he put on his tan, straw and curved hat, also donning dark blue jeans, a collared, red-striped short-sleeved shirt and some brown pointed cowboy boots, "Hello, I'm Keith," he outstretched his hand as Yerneley shook it for a while and responded, "I know," and Keith nodded and gestured him to follow him with his head.

"So, you're the first one of them Reticulans to be down here, at least to my knowledge," Keith looked Yerneley up and down, "sir."

"I'm Yerneley."

Keith turned and looked ahead, "Well, after we get over this hill, as we so call them, you'll see what we're all about." Once Keith got to the top of the 'hill' he stopped and waited for Yerneley to get to the top of it. The hill overlooked first what seemed like a mile wide area of one story houses followed what was behind was a hotel on the furthest left followed by a small strip mall containing a food store, restaurants, a game store, and a mass merchandise store and finally to the farthest right was a small movie theatre. Keith watched Yerneley's eyes widen, "Yeah, it sure is something."

"Why is this here?"

"In short terms, paranoia," Keith began walking down the hill now while Yerneley followed looking more around at the orange dim street lamps every few houses followed by the whiter ones by the stores, theatre and hotel as well as the elevated megaphone-like speakers emitting soft country music, "This is one of a few places that's a plan B in case of nuclear fallout or other circumstances."

"How does it run?"

"Well, if you've looked around, you see a few towers which work for cell reception which is powered by a wind power farm way above."

Yerneley felt his eyes drying up, "A little dry, don't you think?"

"Yeah, it's all about the right tunneling which has been done, and helps with some air filtration, to say the least. It all depends on how mother nature is faring above."

"Now where do I to set down my ship?"

"It's quite a ways there, and quite a ways away from all the good stuff like food, well I'm only assuming that of you."

"You aren't wrong."

"So, what brings you this way, Yerneley?"


"Witness Protection?"

"No, a colleague wants me to be here."

Keith scratched his shoulder, "Funny, I've heard something about Reticulan/Navill war as of late."


"Oh, I'm sorry, you don't know?"

"Don't know what?"

Keith looked forward, sighed, and then looked back to his right side at Yerneley, "Well, in short, everything's open here. From what and whom you see down here, they either made a choice to be here or are working for the government down here, so they know about everything going on up their like the off world wars."

"And what if someone leaks this place to the world, have you thought of that?"

Keith smiled at him, "Heh, I'm already beginning to like you," he lost the smile, "Speaking of that, do you have a mobile phone?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Can I see it? Don't worry, I'm not going to take or look at what's in it," he watched Yerneley take his phone out of his right pocket and show it to him as Keith then took a device out of his left pocket and waved it in front of Yerneley's phone and then put it back in his pocket.

"What did you do?"

"Disabled the camera app."

"What if I have a digital camera somewhere?"

"Do you?"

"No, I'm saying what if?"

"We will check if you do once you came in and if you purchase it at one of the shops here. The only place you can take a photo is the houses with the window shutters closed if they are in the way."

"What if someone blabs about it on social media?"

"Won't happen, we have staff on twenty-four seven looking at watching everything."

"Uh huh."

Keith recognized the tone, "I can see why you seem to not have faith, but we haven't had an incident."

"What about rebellious kids?"

Keith was about to counter, but didn't, "You a cop?"

"On other planets, sometimes."

"What do you work in?"

"I dabble, but I like detective and investigative work, don't like working in the front lines too often."

"Yeah, it is risky," he looked to his right, "Here we are." Yerneley looked too in what looked like a solitary elevated portion of the cave and a walkway zig zagging up to the top of it, "You can use the lift if you like," Yerneley looked to the bottom left of the elevation and saw a space that was carved for the lift to go up and down, but Yerneley then replied, "No, I'll walk. So, you a cop?"


"Kind of ironic since a lot of people work for the government here."

"Well, rebellious kids."

Yerneley nodded and turned ahead.

"So, how old are you? Sometimes I can't tell with Reticulans."

"I'm...almost in my mid twenties."

Keith crossed his arms, "Ah, I sense hesitation and a somewhat guarded response from you, Yerneley."

Yerneley stared ahead, "Guilty."

Keith sensed he had somewhat effected Yerneley and he tried turning it around, "So, how long do Reticulans usually live?"

Yerneley responded by trying to sell that he was easy going, "Usually the same lifespan as a human - around 100 years." They were reaching the last stretch of the walkway.

"It's amazing isn't it? How all these species can be so similar to us humans, yet so far apart."

"Not Reticulans."

"No, of course not, you guys were doing the 'magic trick' with our telescopes, hm?"

"We knew you were watching and we weren't sure you race was ready."

"I hate that they'd say that."

"What do you think?"

"I think they should be more open." They had reached the end of the walkway up.

Yerneley turned to Keith, "And you know why we aren't?"

Keith angrily stared at Yerneley as well as flaring his nostrils, "Your race as just as guilty as being destructive as ours."

"But not self destructive."

Keith looked off to the side, "I'm sorry, I can't accept that," he watched Yerneley nod and turn around to look where he is, "The space is under that arch," he saw Yerneley look at the arched rock that arched onto the top of the elevated rock he was on, "I know it looks a little daunting, but the arch will hold." He watched Yerneley walk under it, open the case he had and held his miniature ship he had lightly in between his index and thumb lightly, step back and measured a bit, and then placed it on the ground, step back to where Keith was, took the ray gun from the case and aimed and fired it at his ship as it expanded to fit the arch and the ground.

"Well, thanks," Yerneley said as he went to his ship.

"Wait," Yerneley stopped and turned around, "You don't need that suit on, you can dress what you like, because everyone is expecting your race to be down here."

"I'll make sure of that," Yerneley turned back around.

"One more thing," Yerneley turned back around to Keith as he went to sit in a lawn chair in front of a mobile home behind him, "This is me."

Yerneley wasn't sure of what Keith was luring him into saying, but whatever he might be planning, Yerneley trusted his gut this time so he replied passively, "Okay."

"Did I scare you off?"

This time Yerneley played honesty, "No, it's been a long day, and I just want to settle down."

"Ah, I see, well, I can set up the fire," he gestured to the dry fireplace in front of him, "Or some s'mores and we can talk about your day. I'm off duty, if I'm not called, so it wouldn't be a bother."

Yerneley sometimes had a craving to be crude about just a no, but he did the latter, "I appreciate the gesture, but."

"But what?"

"I'd like to settle in someplace more comfortable, at the moment, and I've only met you."

"Haven't made you comfortable enough yet?"

Yerneley bargained with what he said next, but he'd hope it make Keith let him go, "I guess not."

There was a tense pause, "All right, it was nice meeting you."

"You too," Yerneley went to his panel under the ship, entered the code, went up the ramp, and then closed the ramp behind him.

Keith laid back in his chair, sighed, and whispered, "What a stubborn fat bitch," he smiled a bit, "for now at least...maybe."

Yerneley undressed in his roomed and ate dinner, streamed some shows, had a long shower, streamed some more shows followed by some chocolate chip cookies and milk for dessert, and then usual bit of streaming after and then the dental hygiene, going to the bathroom and then sleep.

Day 10 - A Hard Meal

Yerneley awoke to his usual morning routine of a dry cereal breakfast and some time on his computer after. It wasn't long before Yerneley decided to go out of his ship to explore Kinteney more, but also to grab a bite to eat for lunch down by the strip mall. He ordered a hot dog, fries, and a large fruit punch drink and sat in a booth and was about to chow down on it when Keith came around the corner and greeted him, "Hey."

"Hey," Yerneley reached for the hot dog.

"Wait, wait, wait, first do you mind if I join you?" he saw Yerneley shake his head and he sat down, "Well, I saw you come in, and I thought you might like this," he gestured to his plate, "It's a bacon cheese hot dog."

"I didn't know that was on the menu."

"You have to ask for the secret menu, that's what make this place fun...This was the right assumption that you'd like this?"


"All right, let's switch, I can't have this anyway," he handed Yerneley his hot dog as he took it and handed his own to him, "I'm sort of on a diet. These hot dogs are fat, huh?"

Yerneley sensed that this was not the Keith he met yesterday, but he went along with it.

Keith watched him eat, "I love the way you eat."


"Would you...suck on my fat hot dog, I'd really like it."

Yerneley stopped eating and watched Keith stutter in his breath and squirm a bit in his seat and then finally caught himself and then attempted to rescue himself, "I've got to go, oh yeah, oh, something bad I ate this morning." Keith got up and looked to his side away from Yerneley, but Yerneley was quick to spot Keith's fat bulging erect member inflating an impression as it was probably pressed up against his underwear and to the side, but not pointing out. Yerneley caught this as Keith rushed to the bathroom, knowing that Keith would probably not be taking a shit in the bathroom. Yerneley slowly but surely washed away these thoughts in the taste of the bacon cheese hot dog, somewhat sickened that it came from Keith, but he still wanted to taste it. It wasn't soon that Keith came out of the bathroom and back to the table to retrieve his new hotdog meal, "Sorry, duty calls," he said as he grabbed his meal and rushed out of the restaurant. Once Yerneley finished his meal he returned his ship up the lift this time and settled just a bit for some streaming and then some dinner after. Yerneley wasn't the one to encounter or confront after something like this happened, but he wanted to try, so he got out of his ship, locked it up, and sat in one of the lawn chairs in front of Keith's mobile home. Yerneley wasn't sure when Keith would be back, but it wasn't until a few hours later until he saw him, "Hey." Keith glanced at him and then went into his mobile home for a bit and then came back to sit on the lawn chair opposite of Yerneley as he said, "Hey."

"I'm mad at you."

"Mad? I'm the one who should be mad."

Keith took out a device from his pocket and laid it in the palm of his hand, "You might cover your tracks well up there," he pressed a button and it showed a hologram of Yerneley only clad in a dark grey thong and a ski mask and doing very suggestive dance moves with his body, "but you can't hide from me, Scarred Pear."

Yerneley looked at the hologram and then back at him, "That was a very different time in my life."

Keith sighed, "You don't get it, do you?"


"I came down here because I found about this and was hard for you!"

"Yeah, I got that."

"Really? Because from that I thought you were good at the sexual stuff."

"At the dancing, not the sexual stuff."

"Yet the place you danced at had that room for it."

"I elected not to be involved with that room."

Keith looked at Yerneley, trying to read him, but then looked to the side, "Are you just saying that to push me away like everyone else."

"No, I am not, you're assuming," Keith laid back in his chair and sighed, but Yerneley continued, "And if you wanted me, why did you back off and storm off? I don't think, no, I know this isn't the Keith I met yesterday."

"You think?"

"It sure did seem so."

Keith looked to the side, "I just," he paused and then looked at him, "thought I'd stop kidding myself and actually go after my...urges."

"Sure, okay, but don't back out and look like a klutz doing it, can you admit that."

Keith lightly smiled, "Yes, thanks..." he sighed in relief, "I think I need to settle down myself from the world too, goodnight." He got up from his chair as Yerneley followed, said his goodnight, as Keith went into his home while Yerneley went into his and did his usual night routine and sleep.

Day 11 - To Act Out or Not Act Out?

Yerneley awoke to his usual morning routine and then dressed in some light blue jeans, a light blue tee, and some white tennis shoes because he'd like to go out of his ship for lunch, and once he got out of his ship and locked it up, he found Keith on his lawn chair, remarking, "Couldn't resist, hm?"

"I'm not sure I follow."

"Well, you get to be out and about, no disguise..."

"How did you-"

"I read on about the Roswell convenience store incident."

"Ah, I'm out for lunch."

Keith sighed, but then hesitantly paused, "Well, off you go then."

"Given up on me so easily, am I right?"

"No, no, I got a good view from here of what goes on"

Yerneley looked ahead of him below at the underground town, "You sure do."

"Do you mind if I ask you a personal question?"


"Does your race have, you know, sexual urges?"

"Of course."


"Yeah," Yerneley had a sense of where this was going.

"Any urges to humans?"

"Yeah, but you know, I have to be careful."

"Ever act out on them?'


"Do you want to?"

Yerneley was a little hesitant, "Sometimes."

Keith looked around him and gestured his hands around, "Well, if you do, you don't have to hide here if you want to act out on those urges."

"I know."

"You like humans?"


Keith looked to his left and right a bit and leant a little forward, "Well, you know you can quit whatever you're doing now and come live here, think about it," there was a pause, "what?"

"It's too dry here."

"It goes in and out."

"But, still, it's dry."

"Okay, what is a suitable place for you."

"Seattle, if I could."

"Are you just saying this or meaning it?"

"I'm sensitive to a lot of things, dust, pollen, humidity."

"So? Take some pills and wear a mask."

"I want a place where I'm more comfortable at, and while this place has a homey feel to it, I'd rather prefer other places."

"Okay, that makes sense, enjoy your meal."

Yerneley looked at him, nodded, and descended down the walkway, debating whether he turned the idea of living here down, turning down Keith, or both, and one of which wish he hadn't been so defensive to. Yerneley had his meal and came back up the lift, saw no one there, went back into his ship to game, have some pizza for dinner, game some more, shower, and repeat his usual night routine till bed.

Day 12 - A Destructive Spin

Yerneley awoke to usual morning routine and some bologna sandwich and snacks for lunch and then felt like going out of the ship to see if Keith was in his usual lawn chair which he was, "Hey, I was just thinking about what you said yesterday, about acting on your urges."

"Oh," Keith was setting up a tripod in front of him.

"What are you doing?"

"Sometimes I set out a rifle to get a better look to see what's going on," he patted a case on the ground beside him with his right foot, "Nothing to worry about, I won't shoot anyone."

Yerneley felt his pocket buzz and took out and looked at the text, "Sorry, it's work, conference call, I'll be right back, hopefully sooner than later," Yerneley turned back around and back up the ramp to his ship and closed it up and back up to the top floor and went to his pocket and swiped to his contacts and selected a number to call and then held it to the side of his face, "Hey, I'm in a secure place."

"I have good and bad news," Paxy responded on the other line.

"Okay, good first."

"The good is the war at home is over, the bad is that this rebellion goes deeper than we originally thought."


"And the humans are willingly joining the Navills."


"And I know this since a lot of things have been happening deeper."

"How deeper?"

"Like in the underground towns deeper."

Yerneley was sensing something, "What is happening?"

"They are using those...rifles in the town, in a few of them, hundreds have died in a few of them."

Yerneley was growing a shocking hunch, but he hoped he was wrong, "I'm supposing I should go?"

"Yes, but me and my colleagues have been researching them and we have come through a bunch of faces that might be with the Navills. Has anyone recently tried to pursue or get close to you?"

"Yeah, but it seems to be going casual."

"The last human I came into contact who used those rifles against one of those towns got too close and murdered one of my employees. I'm sending you some photos of some possible faces."

Yerneley felt his phone buzz and started scrolling some faces and stopped and then touched to return the call, "Yeah, what do I need to do?"

"If you know any of these faces, I'm ordering a kill on site."

Yerneley nodded, "Agreed," he hung up as went to his suit to get his gun and then to the middle floor where he opened the airlock that worked as a second door as he slowly but silently scooted down his ship and then took a jump down, turned around, but a little too late as he saw Keith fire a small red small swirling lighted ball from his rifle into the town below him. Yerneley slowly approached Keith under his ship, whispered 'laser' into his gun as he got close enough and fired up and down quickly through Keith's hands as they fell off and Keith fell back and screamed in pain as Yerneley inspected the rifle, knowing what kind it was.

Keith settled down, now watching Yerneley, "I see, you might know what kind of gun that is, you wanna know what it does?"

"I know enough about Navill technology to not give a fuck," sassed Yerneley.

"Look, I know your race has some sort of beef with the Navills..."

"Galaxy-wide carnage is not a beef, it's a threat."

"That's your opinion."

"That's not an opinion, that's what's happening!"

"If that's what you believe."

"Do you know what they are doing? What they are capable of?"

"Oh, they have shown me, and I believe in their cause."

"Only makes you more of a threat," he pointed his gun at Keith's head.

"Oh, come now, Yern, what will happen is this will get big enough that I'll be a sacrifice, that is seriously what they wanted," Yerneley spotted the slightest form of a grin on Keith's face, and that was enough to settle it, "I'm not taking any chances."

"You can't kill me, you don't have the guts."

This time Yerneley smirked, "And the truth is, you wanna know?"

"Yeah, but I want you to know that everything I felt for you was real, and you don't want that to go away, do you?"

"I know, it did feel honest, but it doesn't matter."


"I was ordered a kill on sight."

"Yerneley, n..." Yerneley shot a laser right through Keith's head as he his head rolled to a side and fell limp onto the lawn chair. Yerneley then reached into his pocket as he was teleported onto his ship as he then swiped quickly and rushed out of the teleporter/conference tube to his control room, in which he swiped his touchscreen to close the airlock doors and then to start up the ship and open the window in front of him as his ship rose and hovered out away from the town. Yerneley's looked ahead through the window to the hill where the train station was, and there stood a few figures, though he couldn't make them out, so he used the touchpad to zoom and enlarge the figures on the hill and saw it was the station attendant baring a wide smile as she watched the town below her and also surrounded by a few Navills. Yerneley swiped on his touchpad as the gun compartments opened and sent a purple light grenade ball at the group, eliminating them. Yerneley got to the top of the hill as he got hovering over it and turned his ship back around, looking at Kinteney. The red, glowing, swirling ball rumbled, lifted houses, lights, and towers up and off their foundations as well as tearing up the strip mall, hotel, and theatre in the back amongst the screams of hundreds of innocent people and all swirling and disappearing into the middle where the ball was, like a miniature, slow black hole tornado. Yerneley turned his ship back around as he swiped to his sensors in which they were seeing how big the tunnels where. They finally figured that the tunnels couldn't fit Yerneley's ship, so Yerneley swiped that away as he pressed and then shrunk him and his ship down to a quarter of their size, as he then sped through the tunnels. "The war isn't over, it seems," Yerneley thought, "It's only just begun."

To be continued...