Otter's Daily Life- Dad's Gone, Day 6

Story by Ragemend on SoFurry

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#64 of Otter's Daily Life

The last day of Dad being away.

Xeila belongs to:

Kyle woke up around 10:30 the last day with Dad gone. He walked into the kitchen to find Jean sitting at the table naked. He was getting ready to comment on it when she pointed to a note in their mother's handwriting on the kitchen counter. It read: "Kyle, Jean, today's rule is that clothes aren't allowed. I'll be home around noon with a special surprise." Kyle nodded at Jean and walked back into his room. He completely stripped and walked back to the kitchen to get breakfast. Jean and Kyle ate in silence, but Kyle could smell Jean's musk and as a result he spent breakfast hard. When Mom came home she wasn't alone. Xeila walked in the door with her.

"Hey, kids. Kyle, Jean, your mistress has something to say to you, so why don't you go greet her?" Said Mom with a wicked smile.

Kyle and Jean marched to the front door. Kyle's cock was at attention the entire time, so as he stood before their mistress he blushed. Jean couldn't help but look at Kyle's stiff length. When Xeila coughed the otters jumped, they knew that if Xeila was there they were in trouble.

"You two are in trouble. Kyle, Jean, you didn't tell me that you had almost a full week without your dad around." Stated Xeila.

"S-sorry, mistress." Mumbled the otters.

"It's time for your punishments. Jean, come here." Grinned Xeila

"Yes, mistress." Said the otters.

Jean walked over to Xeila and the folfess made Jean bend over in front of her brother. Her cunt was on display for Kyle to see. He throbbed, but he quickly felt a cool sensation over his cock. He looked down to see a suction device being placed over his cock by his mother. He heard Jean moan and looked up to see Xeila sliding a vibrating egg into her pussy and taping another one to her clit. He groaned suddenly as he felt a cool wetness on his pucker as Kris slid in a vibrating egg into his tailhole. Kris turned on both devices at once and Kyle let out a gasp as he felt a suction on his cock and vibrations against his prostate. He heard a similar gasp from Jean when Xeila turned on both of her toys too.

Xeila laughed and grabbed both otters by their wrists. Shi lead both of them into the living room and stood them next to each other. As well as they could stand, anyway. Xeila began to undress and when Kris saw her children's mistress stripping she did too. Kyle felt a load building in his balls but knew that cumming would lead to a punishment. Jean also felt a load building up, and bit her bottom lip to avoid squirting on the carpet.

"Kyle, on your paws and knees." Ordered Xeila.

Kyle did it and Xeila sat on his back, one leg over the other. Shi watched Jean tremble as she tried to avoid cumming, and felt Kyle shaking as he tried not to cum too. Kris stood next to Xeila, giving Kyle a good look at her shapely rump. Jean flumped to the floor and shuddered as she squirted on the carpet, calling out her mother's name in a strained voice.

"Kris!" Moaned Jean as her pussy squirted violently on the floor.

"Oh dear, Xeila, it looks like one of your pets came without permission." Said Kris.

"Yeah, and it looks like Kyle won't last much longer." Replied Xeila, nonchalantly.

"I have something I want to try." Said Kris, keeling down to get face to face with her son. "Kyle, you'll be allowed to cum, but only after I do from you taking my tailhole. Got it?"

"Yes, Mom." Mumbled Kyle.

Xeila got up and slid the cock sucker off Kyle. However, shi left the vibrator in. Kris fetched the lube from the kitchen and lubed up her tailhole, then got in front of her son on her paws and knees. Kyle saw his mother's tailhole and pussy in front of him and almost came from the sight alone. He gripped her hips and hotdogged his cock between her shapely rump cheeks. However, just as he was getting ready to penetrate his mother he lost control and bathed her pucker in a sticky load. His thick otter cum drizzled on her tailhole and dripped down over her pussy. Kris gasped from the warmth and looked back at her ejaculating son.

"Kyle! You didn't even get in me before cumming!" Moaned Kris.

"S-sorry, mom." Mumbled Kyle.

"I think that means you're going to be punished." Grinned Xeila.

Kyle shuddered as he came sticky ropes on his mother's rump cheeks. He couldn't help but notice that Xeila's cock was at full mast and dripping. He finally started paying attention to what else was happening in the room and watched as Xeila had Jean over hir knee, spanking her cunt. With each wet spank she moaned and with the last one she called Xeila's name as she squirted a slick load of girlcum onto her mistress' paw. Jean collapsed and twitched on the floor from orgasmic overload.

"What is my punishment, mistress?" Asked Kyle after he finally finished spooing.

"Lick your mother clean for me, it's my turn next." Smiled Xeila.

Kyle looked at the mess he made of his mother. Not wanting to to disobey his mistress he knelt down in front of her luscious rump and slowly lapped at her tailhole and pussy. He slowly licked up all the thick cum he had squirted onto her, finishing up by thoroughly lapping at her tailhole, hoping to help her take Xeila's monster. Kris yelped and squirted on Kyle's chest as he rimmed her. Kyle fell back, startled by his mother's ejaculation.

"Good boy, now, sit on the floor against the foot of the couch. Kris, why don't you stand with your pussy over him, and holding the couch for support." Said Xeila.

Kyle crawled over to the couch and Kris stood over him, displaying her pussy over her son and her tailhole to Xeila. The folfess hotdogged hir length between Kris' perfect rump cheeks a few times before poking hir tip at Kris' tailhole and sliding in slowly. Kris moaned out and shuddered as her pussy rained girlcum down on Kyle. Kyle gathered it and slicked up his cock, but as he started to masturbate he heard his mistress' stern words.

"Erf. Now now, Kyle. You just came. Unf. Don't be... er... greedy." Said Xeila, groaning as shi fucked the tight lynx.

Xeila gripped Kris' rump as shi humped into the lynx's tailhole. Kris moaned and panted, getting ready to soak her son again when she felt Xeila's knot against her tailhole. She felt it stretch her as it invaded her depths and when she felt that final "pop" she clenched tight on it and showered her son with more girlcum as she felt Xeila squirt a huge load into her depths. Xeila grunted and groaned as she squirted into the lynx. Before shi was done spurting Xeila pulled out and aimed hir cock at the poor otter at hir feet, firing a sticky volley onto the messy ott.

"M-mistress!" Groaned Kyle as he was showered with folf semen.

"Th-that's a good pet..." Sighed Xeila, happily.

Xeila finished cumming and stepped back to admire hir work, but a squeak from Jean reminded hir that the girlott still had her vibrators going. Xeila shut them off and Jean relaxed. Kyle got out from under his mother and Kris promptly fell onto the sofa. After an hour of clean up to make sure no cum or girlcum left any stains, Xeila found hirself at the otter family's kitchen table with Kris while the otters took a long shower.

"That was a lot of fun, Xeila." Smiled Kris.

"You should learn how to be a dom, your kids might benefit from better training." Grinned Xeila.

"Maybe you're right..." Replied Kris, zoning out for a bit.

"What's got your attention?" Asked Xeila, watching the lynx come back to earth.

"Well, I enjoyed you in my tailhole, Jean enjoys taking it in hers, and Kyle does too. Maybe my husband would like a chance?" Wondered Kris.

"You never know, Kris." Laughed Xeila.

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