Covet, Part 3 - Wrath

Story by Spear on SoFurry

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#3 of Covet

The finale...?! Will Alax take it all like a pussy, or what?

All Alax could do for the moment was stand there, shivering in fear. Being this close really emphasized the fact that the border collie had a good foot over the wolf. It was hard to not outright piss his pants as the dog squeezing his shoulder so roughly that it hurt, but he held back.

Kyb stared down with an expectant look, waiting patiently for a response. After a good thirty seconds or so of the two merely staring at each other, the control of shock over Alax faded slightly, and he whispered.


"Good," the dog said, and slowly pushed Alax to sit on one of the benches. He knew better than to resist, and took a seat. Kyb continued speaking after that. "Well, I do have to wonder why you came. You gave me an angry glance or two during the sermon... Yet, I found your cum. I even tasted it."

'Tasted? What a pervert!'

After a loud gulp, Alax wore a timid smile. "I, um. I'm merely a little intimidated by you."

"I can fucking tell that much," the collie smirked.

"It's true, though," he swallowed, shifting his eyes about to reconfirm he was alone. "Uh, yeah. I liked watching you. And, um."

Alax took a deep breath. The wolf leaned in, and gave Kyb's lips a gentle peck. At first, the dog was unresponsive, but his eyes narrowed at him. Then, the paw resting on his shoulder loosened slightly, and began to massage him while pulling him closer.

"You don't have to choose between us, you know," the wolf whispered, and gave the dog yet another peck.

Kyb's tongue pried between the wolf's lips, pushing to the back of the weaker male's throat. It was sudden and forceful, the shaking wolf's whimpers being totally ignored. After all, he had been given an offer, and the collie wasn't going to let it pass. "That so, huh? Well, since you're giving yourself so eagerly..."

While standing on one foot, Kyb rested the other on the bench. A hand squeezed the back of Alax's neck, and roughly yanked the wolf's face to his crotch. The scent was clean, but powerful. Clearly, the dog groomed himself extremely well, especially where it counted. If he had to guess, Alax might even think there was some kind of body spray that had been used right there.

A finger snapped, and then Kyb pointed to the large bulge between his thighs. "Well, come on there. Get to work, bitch."

Once Kyb lifted the robes out of the way, Kyb saw there was nothing under there. Alax stared in shock at the red rocket. The dog found the reaction amusing, and gave a brief chuckle, but got tired of waiting. A paw shoved Alax forward, grinding the ten inch cock against the black muzzle. With great impatience, Kyb simply gripped the wolf's ears as handles, and placed his tip against those beautiful black lips.

Finally, Alax opened his mouth slightly, his tongue slithering out and pressing up against the same cock that creamed his wife. But it was a mistake to even think of teasing the bigger male, who immediately growled and forced his head all the way down the twitching flesh. A deep sigh emitted from the collie, finally relieved to have his cock in something warm and wet yet again.

"Oh, you're such a stupid slut," he laughed. "You like this cock, huh? The one that tied your wife? She screamed, you know. Begged and screamed."

Kyb didn't thrust. Instead, Alax's ears were painfully pulled back to force his face to move back and forth by pulling on the his ears. Hoping to get the dog off faster, he very lightly raked the tips of his fangs over the shaft, and stuffed his tongue into the white sheath each time his face was pulled down. A drop of pre unloaded over his tongue, and it smeared to coat his muzzle after a few more pulls.

Then, after the next pull, Kyb held the back of Alax's head in place. His entire throat was stuffed with dog dick, choking him. Instincts forced him to eagerly swallow in an attempt to clear his throat, which was met with a low groan and more pre from the bigger male.

"Trying to swallow it like you own it?" he moaned, and gave the wolf a little thrust. "You know, if I tied with your mouth, I'd probably break your jaw."

He could feel the knot begin to take form, and he tongued over it, trying to push it out. Of course, that didn't work. Muffled worried whimpers and choking sounds made Kyb pet him in a rather insincere attempt to sooth the wolf.

"Aw, don't worry," he cooed, and pulls his cock out, now masturbating himself before the wolf's face. "I can't have you broken just yet."

Once the knot expanded nearly to its full size, Alax slapped the dog's hands away and squeezed it. The wolf's grip was hard enough that Kyb grimaced, but the wolf used his other hand to jack off the rest of the length, and gave the large sac in front of his nose a deep nuzzle and lick. While Kyb didn't stop him, he growled at the treatment, and dug his claws into the play toy's shoulders.

"You like this?" Alax nuzzled against the shaft, and gave it a deep lick from base to tip, lapping up the pre dripping from the tip. "You want to cover my face in your cum?"

The canine let out a sharp gasp. "Y-yes!"

Ropes of spunk shot out, glazing the black fur with white. Alax hung his mouth open for a second, catching some of it. He wrapped his lips back around the tip, sucking on it in the height of Kyb's hypersensitivity, causing the dog to buck his hips and deposit an extra bit of seed. "Ohh, yeah, take it!" he barked, savagely fucking the lupine's face for an extra few seconds.

Once the orgasm had died down and Kyb had a moment to lean on the wolf to catch his breath, Alax slowly pulled the spent flesh from his mouth, and stood up. With a coy look, he places a paw on Kyb's cheek, and leans in.

"Why don't you come over for dinner, big boy?" Alax gave a soft flick against Kyb's tip.

The dog winced a little at that, and returned the favor by biting down on the wolf's neck. It was hard enough to pierce his skin, but it wasn't a real attempt to truly harm Alax. He rolled his eyes back, moaning softly, resting a hand on the collie's back. Kyb backed up, and grinned.

"Dinner? What is this, a date?"

"Mea isn't just good in bed. She's quite skilled in the kitchen as well."

After a moment of silent thought, Kyb shrugged. "Well, I can't say no to free food and free pussy, now can I?" A loud laugh erupted, echoing in the small church. "It's going to be so fun using both of you, and best of all, you even love me doing it!"

Alax narrowed his eyes and gave a weak smile as he wiped the dripping cum off of his face. "Yeah, it's going to be great."

"I love you, too, my special little wolf," Mea said, emphasizing the word 'little' with the slightest change of tone.

After they had a brief kiss, the coyote walked to the stove and began cooking. Alax continued to sit at the dinner table, sipping at the red wine before turning his gaze to her. The sunlight shined over her fur from the kitchen window, and for a brief moment, he was able to forget everything and only appreciate what used to be only his.

The final drops of the wine were gulped, and the wolf smiled down at the table as he spoke. "I invited Kyb over for dinner."

Silence was all Mea replied with at first. She slowly turned her head, letting the vegetables in the in the skillet go unwatched as they cooked. "E-excuse me, honey? I didn't hear you."

"I said," he started again, his voice having the slightest tinge of anger. "I invited Kyb over for dinner, so be sure to make enough for three."

"Are you sure that's a good idea, honey?" The nervousness in her voice was painfully obvious, and upon realizing that, she tried to laugh it off. "I'm not sure if I have enough vegetables."

Alax shrugged, clearly not caring. Besides, he knew that was a lie. "I don't mind if you give him more than me."

There wasn't anything Mea could do to get out of the situation in a convincing way, and Alax knew it. When she turned to continue cooking, he grinned behind her back as she spoke. "Alright, sweetie..."

"Mea, darling?" he asked as he sniffed the air. He had to admit, her cooking genuinely was fantastic. "Are you happy?"

She tilted her head, looking at her husband with a confused look. "Why would you ask such a thing? Of course I am."

Mea set the plates and silverware down, her hand shaking as she did so. Alax feigned concern, but after insisting she just felt a little tired, he stopped asking. Mere minutes after the table was set up, there was a rattle at the front door. "I'll get it," the wolf sweetly offered, and quickly stood up to rush to the door before his wife could have the opportunity to stop him.

There he was. Dressed in a casual sweater and jeans, Kyb stood there with the briefest dark smile. The second Mea looked at him, the fake collie took over, and he extended a hand to shake. Alax accepted it.

"It is good to see I'm not late. Oh, the food smells absolutely perfect!"

"Come on in." Alax gestured to the table nearby.

Meanwhile, the coyote was hastily trying to get the table ready with the last final touches. Silverware was slapped onto the table, and wine was poured for the three. Finally done, they each sat down. But the collie wasn't quite interested in eating mere food. Instead, he focused on his drink, and stared at the two.

"You two don't have to be so oddly quiet; I hope I didn't interrupt anything." Worry coated the dog's whisper.

"You're not interrupting," Alax laughed out, and grabbed the minister's shoulder to pull him closer into a half-hug.

"That's great." The touch seemed to annoy Kyb, but he kept himself together and gently pushed the hand away. "You two seem like a wonderfully happy couple."

Before, Mea would always stare in lustful admiration. But with him here, alone, at their home, she avoided eye contact and merely nodded. "Why, yes. Together for about eight years now."

"That's fantastic!" Kyb clasped his hands together, and leaned closer. "You know, I was never told how you two met."

"Fun story," Alax began, and clapped his hands. After a quarter of his wine, he already felt pretty warmed up. "It was-"

Mea interrupted. "It's not important!" By the time the words came out, she regretted it. Her mouth opened up to take it back or make some comeback, but nothing happened.

There was a slight pause after that, until Alax broke the silence.

"An arranged marriage."

Kyb looked genuinely taken aback for a moment. "Oh... Well, I guess that makes sense."

"...What makes sense?" Mea asked.

"Why you constantly fuck me," he replied, waving a hand like she had just asked the most obvious and dumb thing in the world. Kyb smiled at the two, leaning back in his chair and spreading his legs wide to relax, letting his fake exterior crumble. At the same time, Mea dropped her silverware onto the ground, frozen in shock.

Alax's ears twitched with annoyance. It wasn't that he expected the meeting to not reveal to Mea what was going on eventually. He looked back at Kyb for a moment, and then to his wife. At this point, she looked ready to burst into tears, staring at her husband in near-disbelief.

"Yeah, I found out." After gulping down the rest of the wine, he calmly set the glass down. "I... understand."

Mea finally broke, and slammed her fists on the table, rattling the plates. "No, you don't!" she yelled, and stood up. "You don't understand anything, I love Kyb! He treats me the way I want!"

Mad howls of laughter filled the room. Alax almost tipped over his chair as he leaned back, holding his pained stomach. After he finally recovered, he walked to his wife, leaned to her, and whispered into her ear. Whatever was said must have been terrible, since Mea turned to Kyb with a glance of shock and anger.

"You -what-?!"

Mea stood up, and in the height of her anger, swung an arm at the collie. Kyb stood up and caught the arm, and simply threw her aside. When she fell down, instinct forced Alax to leap at Kyb. The dog sidestepped and punched the back of the smaller male's head.

When he awoke, a pain throbbed through Alax's skull, and his vision was blurred. Before his eyes could clear up, a hand grabbed the back of his head, pulled it back, and something thick slammed inside of his maw, hitting the back of his throat. The wolf gagged, tears filling his eyes, making it impossible to see. But eyes weren't needed to recognize whose moan he just heard, or to recognize the scent he smelled.

Kyb clawed at the wolf's cheek, who was currently choking on his dick. The throbbing shaft stayed lodged deep into the black-furred male's gullet, his tails curling at the feeling of a tight throat convulse over his pre-dripping shaft. Just as Alax's eyes rolled back, before he passed out, Kyb pulled back for one second to let his play toy breathe, and then slammed back in, holding himself in place for as long as possible each time.

"St-..." Mea watched from the couch, her arms tied to the bed post. All she could do was watch her husband's face be raped while he himself was tied up, his arms behind the chair's back and his feet tied to the legs of the chair. "STOP!"

Of course, he didn't. Kyb continued to slap his balls against the helpless wolf's chin with every thrust against his face. The wolf's lips became numb as Kyb's enormous knot slammed into his face. Only moments later, cum poured from the wolf's muzzle, though most of it was forced into his throat by the scream, thrusting dog.

Once the orgasm ended, Kyb leaned against the wolf, panting to catch his breath. Alax was finally able to clear his vision, and once he spat out as much of the cum as he could, he looked up to the dog. All he felt now was anger, even if before this had been some kind of kink that he let go out of control for mixed emotional reasons. All he saw above him was a lunatic.

"Let me go," Alax growled. Kyb laughed, and before he could make some witty retort, the wolf interrupted with more. "I have proof you broke the condom. Let me go, and I'll give it to you."

The facade broke, and the deranged collie narrowed his eyes at him. "Ah, I see. Well, if that's the case..." Kyb reached over to the wolf's bindings, and undid them.

With a huge screams, Alax grabbed the lamp from the nightstand, and smashed it against Kyb. The dog fell to the floor, a small trickle of red coming down the back of his head as he laid on the ground, unconscious. Alax dropped the smashed object in his hand, and merely stood there for a moment in a bit of a daze.

"H-hon-... Alax." Mea looked up to him with begging eyes. "Please, untie me."

Slowly, he looked up to her with an intense amount of disdain in his emerald eyes. The wolf turned, walking towards the door, and scoffed. As his footsteps could be heard going down the steps, she screamed at him, and he called back.

"Don't worry, I'm sure Kyb will take real good care of you and your kid!"

Warmth spread through Alax as he sipped a cup of coffee in one hand and turned the steering wheel with the other. In the rearview mirror, all he could see was the fading town. In front, snowfall was blown gently in the wind, obscuring the horizon before him.