Hail The Queen [Collab]

Story by Lukas Kawika on SoFurry

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SO this good buddy of mine http://www.furaffinity.net/user/kapuofficial/ did this awesome picture of a hyena character of his, and i fell in love as soon as I saw it

see it here: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/20054982/

but anyway, of COURSE i wanted to write about her, so i asked, and he gave me permission


so, when she meets my hyenasona Shekh at a bar, she decides to bring him home and put him in his place ;9

This hyena, Nubia, really enjoys being in control. I like that.

This story counts as a collab because he provided the wonderful thumbnail <3


His patreon: https://www.patreon.com/kapuofficial?ty=h

My patreon: https://www.patreon.com/laruf?ty=h

enjoy <3

The sun had gone down quite a few hours ago, but the city rising up in all directions and its countless lights kept the sky an even blue-black as far as the eye could see, unblemished by stars or anything other than clouds. Shekh kept his paws shoved into his pockets, eyes focused down at his feet watching the lines of the sidewalk go by; maybe he'd had a little bit too much to drink, but this kept him from wobbling too much, kept the vertigo from kicking in. He liked to believe that he knew his limits, but... that damn spots he'd met at the bar had ordered more than a few drinks that he didn't recognize. He knew that the otter bartender doubtless knew more about booze than he did, but the speed with which he brought some of the more obscure ones out still surprised him.

Shekh risked a glance up a little ahead of him. Spots. Spotted hyena, female, slightly taller than him, slim; she walked on the pads of her feet, shoeless, various jewelry hanging from and around her body - rings in her ears, bangles on her wrists and ankles, all gold - jangling musically in the quiet whirr of the city. She'd caught his attention from across the bar with a fixed look from her similarly golden eyes, seeming to glow with a luminescence of their own in the dim neon light of the place. How could he not get up and go sit next to her? Hell - there was someone in the seat next to her when Shekh first caught sight of her, but that person had disappeared before he could get a second look. When he'd approached, this spotted hyena had flicked those sharp eyes of hers down to the seat beside her, a silent invitation.

Nubia, she'd said her name was, her voice peppered with the spice of a foreign accent. Perhaps her interest in Shekh stemmed from his being a hyena, too, striped rather than spotted. He hadn't been sure in the bar due to the lighting, but out here he got a better look at her: she wore some sort of garb clearly not from around here, showing parts of her legs, her bare side and arms, shoulders... she showed fur from the dark brown of moist soil, to a lighter, more even tan, and then to something almost grey, like - like Shekh's own fur, like smooth stone tinted brown in the half-light of midmorning.

He couldn't exactly remember what they'd spoken about in their conversation, or if he'd even mentioned his own name, but he did_remember her flicking her pink tongue out over black lips and then saying, in that same lilting voice, _"why don't we head back to my place, just down the street?" Sure, it felt weird to Shekh to find himself invited home by a woman at a bar, but... seeing those eyes of hers, the way her ears constantly moved around with the noises of the place, how her chocolate hair covered one of her eyes... he'd meant to offer something else in reply, but instead agreed. A warm paw had drifted up his leg, along his thigh, had squeezed the bulge between his legs - and she'd slid down out of her chair, a brush of her tail across his lap signaling for him to follow.

And that left him where he was now, trailing a short distance behind the spotted hyena as she led him back to her apartment. This was how all those horror stories about getting robbed began: pretty woman catches a naive guy's eye at a bar, invites him home, and then her big muscled cronies beat him down and take his wallet... but, this Nubia really didn't seem the type. Though, then again, they never seemed the type. Something about all this just felt right to Shekh, though.

The first thing he had noticed when he'd sat down beside her at the bar was the gentle scent hovering off of her, a pleasant dry spice that made his whiskers twitch and his nose tingle, that made his senses kick into higher action. Part of why he walked a short distance behind her now was because the gentle wind brought that scent back to him every now and then, cementing it in his mind; if anything, he knew that that scent was something he wouldn't forget about this night for a long while.

Even now she hummed softly to herself, as if in opposition to the relative quiet of the city streets. Despite everything else, Nubia still seemed... shy, somewhat, or reserved. Shekh had tried talking to her, had tried figuring out a little more about her - where are you from? Do you have any family? What things do you like? - but couldn't recall getting much more of an answer other than a quiet little laugh, or a rosy blush tinting her spotted cheeks. There had been one point where she'd opened up, though, but the striped hyena had been nose-deep in a tankard of some blood-red brew that also made his nose tingle. That must have been the moment when Nubia decided to take him home, though: after he swallowed down the last of the booze, he'd licked his lips and turned to her to ask what she'd just said, but she just... she just licked her lips right back at him, and gave him a smile that showed a little glimpse of sharp white fangs.

And, then she'd asked her question and felt him up when he responded. The electric jolt of being touched like that still vibrated through his system and kept his pants slightly uncomfortable.

"Here we are..." he heard her say. Shekh looked up and saw her climb up the steps to an apartment complex he'd passed by every now and then; she waited for him at the top of the stairs, snakeskin purse held in front of her. "Are you ready?"

Climbing up the stairs felt to be a lot more work than it should have been. Shekh tried to hide that fact by again angling his muzzle down towards the ground. "Ready? Ready for what?" A shy girl like her... just what the hell did she mean by are you ready? Only a handful of things could come from being invited back somewhere after meeting at a bar, but still...

"What did you say your name was?" Nubia pushed the front door open with her shoulder and slid into the building, leaving Shekh to scramble forward to catch it before it closed. By the time he had made it in, the spotted hyena was already halfway to the elevator. "Shekh, yes?"


"Ah. Shekh. That is a good name, I think."

Ding - and the elevator doors slid open, to let out a tall German shepherd with a pipe between his lips and a much smaller otter beside him, leaning close to him and telling him an apparently very interesting story. Nubia waited for them to clear the path before stepping in, golden eyes fixed on Shekh. The... thing she wore - too short and informal to be a dress, too form-fitting to be a skirt - looked _damn_good on her in this light, decorative spaces and holes in the fabric cut apparently to show off the pattern of her spots along her legs and sides. It also cut down fairly low along her chest, showing the border of the darker fur along her shoulders with the lighter misty brownish-grey of her chest, as well as the lines and shape of her breasts...

Shekh realized he was staring, and quickened his place to take his place in the elevator beside her. She kept one ear pointed his direction, and looked over him with bright eyes before tapping the button of her floor. Shekh wasn't exactly sure how to respond to her last comment, so he just said nothing; after a few seconds, though, her bushy tail brushed against his leg, and then after a few seconds longer, did so again.

The slight tightness in his pants had not yet gone away, especially as she took a sideways step closer to him, and then another - until her arm brushed against his. Now he could _definitely_smell that unmistakable faint musk he'd picked up on her in the bar, that scent that made his heartbeat pick up and whiskers twitch-

Without warning, the spotted hyena stepped around and pinned Shekh to the wall of the elevator, one sharp-clawed paw on his arm while the other pressed against his upper thigh, thumb too close to the fly of his pants to be a mistake. Half-lidded eyes glimmering liquid gold briefly scanned his muzzle, and her nose twitched with each of his exhalations - which had predictably picked up with her sudden movement.

"It has been a long time since I have had another hyena," she purred, in carefully enunciated English. Still her accent came out, possibly even stronger than before. Her warm breath just made his whiskers tickle even more. "You do not seem like you will disappoint."

Then - ding - and the elevator doors slid open. Nubia's tufted ears perked at the noise, and she shifted her paw to hold onto Shekh's to lead him down the hall. He stumbled with the speed of her steps at first, but soon caught the pace himself - what had she meant by all of that? First "are you ready" and now that? God, Shekh found himself thinking, among not much else, what if I am about to get mugged? She seemed excited by something.

As it went, though, he would definitely soon find out: the spotted hyena briefly let go of Shekh's paw to reach into that purse of hers for the key to her apartment. Inside was silence and darkness: either she lived alone, or the two would have to be exceedingly quiet in whatever it was she had planned for them.

Nubia stepped in first, black lips curled upwards in quiet amusement. Shekh had to put his paws out against the walls for balance, especially when his host closed the door behind him with her foot-

And, then, before he could do anything else, he again found himself pinned against the wall, though this time with a paw pressed firmly up between his legs. The sudden movement squeezed a short bark of surprise out of him. All he could see in the darkness was golden eyes, glinting slyly in some unseen source of light.

"So, tell me, Shekh..." Nubia spoke slowly and carefully, her manner having changed enough to make Shekh's heartbeat pick up in a different way. Still, though, the paw squeezing at him through his pants kept him at attention... "What did you expect when I invited you home with me?"

He swallowed - and then let out a small _yip_as that paw tightened. It took his slightly-inebriated mind a moment to find the words. "I - I expected to fuck you."

Black lips curved back to show sharp white fangs in a brighter smile. "You expected to fuck me?"

"Mhmm. Yes." The two had briefly grinded against one another at the bar, before Shekh had gone to sit next to her. He remembered standing off to the side, minding his own business, when this slim spotted hyena came up in front of him and rubbed her rear against his hips, the heat of her rump against his front making him shiver all over - and then, just as quickly as she'd shown up had she disappeared back into the crowd, leaving him with that unforgettable scent tickling at his nose.

"Do you still expect that to happen?"

Somewhat drunk as he may be, the more this spotted hyena held him here against the wall, the more she rubbed her paw against his growing bulge and dug her claws into the fur of his shoulder, the more she smirked and growled - God, it just turned him on more. Being a hyena, Shekh loved a good challenge. He swallowed and licked his lips. "Yes."

"You do?"

"Yes, I do-" and he mustered all his focus to push himself off of the wall, in the course of which knocking Nubia off-balance and back towards the other wall of the hallway. She caught herself at the last moment, though, and let out a little chuckling laugh before lunging back at Shekh - who caught her wrist and twisted it around her back, other arm held firmly in his paw. With one arm wrapped around her, he could feel her heartbeat, slightly elevated like his own; just like back at the bar, he pressed his front up underneath her tail, grinding his steadily growing firmness against her rear. She pressed back against him. "You seem like _you_want to play, though, miss Nubia."

"'Miss'?" She leaned over a little; Shekh tightened his grip on her, but then loosened it when he realized she had down so to push more firmly back against him. A low moan escaped his lips. "Ah, dear, I prefer ma'am, or queen..."

...and then she did the same thing he had, overpowering him in a single moment and turning things around again. Somehow he ended up on the cool tile floor, legs raised with Nubia sitting back against them - which gave him a clear view up the underside of her outfit, at leopard-patterned underwear. She shifted forward, though, and settled her paws against the fly of the striped hyena's pants, deft fingers working quickly and wrists pressing in against him.

"That's not how things work in my house, Shekh. What kind of hyena are you?- since when is the male hyena the leader, hmm?"

He swallowed again, feeling the release of pressure when she unzipped his pants and brought his hard length into the cool air. This wasn't exactly how he'd expected things to turn out, but... well, he wasn't complaining. He let out a gentle huff of breath and then turned his muzzle down to look at the other hyena, her lips curved up in that characteristic smirk. She had reached her other paw behind herself to start undoing her outfit; the shoulderstraps started to loosen and fall away, bringing her breasts more fully into view. "I don't know where you're_from," he replied, "but the way we do it over _here-"

She squeezed her paw around his cock, claws pressing gently into the sensitive skin. His voice cut off instantly, and despite himself, his ears flicked back. He absolutely hated to admit it, but - this Nubia was starting to become a little intimidating. "No, no... you still do not understand. I do not care how 'we do it over here'. I care how I do it."

Nubia lifted her paw from Shekh's cock to continue working at the fastenings of her outfit, up along her back. The striped hyena briefly entertained the idea of taking the opportunity to flip things around yet again and pin her to the ground. But, instead - perhaps due to the weight of alcohol leadening his mind - he remained where he was, silent as she moved her shoulders. The fabric of her outfit slid easily down her body, showing her sleek form, the hidden lines of muscle along her arms and belly; firm breasts that swayed gently as she leaned forward, curved chest and belly slowly rising and falling with her breaths, leopard-print underwear concealed from view by her paws placed between her legs...

Finally finding the confidence, Shekh straightened up, squeezed his arms around her - God, she was heavy for her size; all of that weight, he figured, was due to taut muscle - and flipped her down onto her back, tossing her dress off to the side in the process. His eyes had started to grow accustomed to the darkness, and now he could more clearly see the lines of her markings in her fur, the arrays and patterns of darker spots, the way the color of his muzzle smoothly shifted from one to another, how the color of her underwear matched that of her eyes... Shekh lifted one of her legs over his shoulder, and with his other paw pressed firmly against the warm fur of her breast.

She looked upset, but amused at the same time: Nubia's ears had half-folded back and her mouth had turned into something halfway between a snarl and that smirk of hers, but her bright yellow-gold eyes - her hair had fallen back to bring her other into view - remained focused on Shekh's muzzle, and belied her true feelings. Then, excitement of the moment gone, she dragged her tongue over her lips once again and struggled against the other hyena's grip. Shekh could tell she was holding back; he had already figured out that she could easily overpower him if she wanted to.

"So?" she cooed, squirming more. He had purposely positioned her so that his revealed cock pressed up beneath her tail. "What would your next move be?"

"I think you know..." he said in response, moving his other paw down from her breast, along her belly, towards the waistband of her underwear. He wanted to lean down and press his muzzle against her neck, but - honestly, he was afraid that she'd take the opportunity to clamp those sharp fangs of her down on his shoulder. Shekh traced his claws down through her fur, relishing how he could make her shiver and breathe out a gentle moan; he wrapped his fingers around the waistband of her underwear, felt the intense heat of her sex, the slightly-unkempt pubic fur, somewhat moist with arousal and exertion...

...and then brushed his fingers against another cock as hard as his own, twitching and throbbing against the confining fabric of her underwear.

Nubia took his moment of surprise to push him down, positioning herself above the striped hyena with her knees on either side of him, squeezing his chest to hold him down. She tugged her underwear half-down her legs to allow her cock to hang out in the air above Shekh, twitching with her pulse; from there on the ground he could still pick up the warm scent emanating off of it, similar to that unmistakable musk he'd picked up on her before, but - stronger, more intense, sharper. Again, he hated to admit it, but part of him wanted to lean in to get a better taste of that scent...

"Now that is a better look for you, Shekh," she purred, one paw wrapped around the base of her length. A little drop of pre drooled down and landed atop the striped hyena's nose, making him jerk backwards with surprise. "On the ground, just where you belong... bet _this_is not how you expected tonight to go, mm?"

He couldn't take his eyes off of her. Feminine face and muzzle, feminine form - couldn't say no to those breasts and the curve of her belly above her hips - but, then, between her legs, instead of supple lips she had a throbbing cock and full sack, good for nuzzling... Shekh swallowed. "No..."

"What was that?"

"No." He licked his lips. "No, ma'am."

Golden eyes appraised him for a second. "...Mm." Then, she leaned over, slid her other paw around his head behind his ear... "How's this, then?" ...and shoved his muzzle up and forward, burying his nose in the pubic fur alongside the base of her length.

So this was the 'shy, somewhat reserved' spotted hyena he had met at the bar earlier tonight. Whenever Shekh tried to move back, when he attempted to lift himself up off the ground, Nubia just tightened her grip on the back of his head and kept his muzzle between her legs, buried in the focus of her heat and scent. Her strong musk quickly overtook each of his inhalations, to the point where he could almost _taste_her; he could certainly feel her length throbbing beside his muzzle, against his cheek, against his lips as she pulled him closer. Hell, his own hard cock still twitched between his legs, but - well, she didn't have to know that.

Her paw kept him firmly in place, but still he had the freedom to trace his nose up and down in her pubic fur, to run his lips along the base of her length and flick his tongue out to catch a small taste of her musk. He had kept his eyes closed at first, but when he half-opened them to look up - he saw her looking right back down at him, golden gems half-lidded with contentment, tongue halfway through coursing over her lips again.

Then, with another movement of her paw that made Shekh move up along her length: "Blow me."

The male hyena squinted up at her. She had moved him so that the end of her length pressed against his nose; he tried not to show it, but - God - each time he breathed in... "Why in hell should I-"

Again she took the opportunity she was given, tugging his parted lips down along her hard length. Shekh instinctively tightened his lips and cupped his tongue around the underside of her cock as she slid into his muzzle a ways, soon to move back and then slide back in a short rhythm. Not only her scent, thoroughly ingrained into his nose, but her taste, too, made him tense up and shiver; Shekh brought one paw to rest against her thigh while he moved his other down between his legs to stroke at his own shaft, kept hard by all of this.

Above him, Nubia thrust slowly forward and back, grip tightening and weakening on the back of her prey's head as she did so. Sure, Shekh had fully expected to wind up with his muzzle between her legs at some point tonight, but - certainly not like this. He had expected for his tongue and jaw to be sore tonight, not the back of his throat; he expected to leave this apartment with the fur of his chin thoroughly soaked through, not - to have swallowed down a mouthful and a half of thick cum, or whatever it was Nubia would have to give him...

That was a while off, though. Right as he was getting into it, right as Shekh had let his eyes close again, she tugged him back off of her length, waited for a moment to wipe some of his saliva off across the side of his muzzle - he squeezed that eye shut and let out a low growl - and then stood up.

"Follow me."

"Why?" Shekh barked. He was perfectly content to watch from here as she started down the hall, hips swaying in the shadow while, between her legs and beneath her tail, her tan-furred sack swayed with her movement.

Nubia stopped to grin down at him. Shekh first held eye contact, but then couldn't help but lower his gaze back down to her shaft. "One way or another, you are going to leave my apartment with a sore rump. It's just a matter of how sore. Now, come on; we are going to my bedroom."

He waited for her to disappear around the corner before getting up to follow. On the way there, Shekh worked at removing his shirt and pants, too, and threw them off into the other room; he'd get them on his way out. Certainly wouldn't be needing them tonight. On his way down the hall, he bumped his toe against a corner and rammed his shoulder against a hanging painting - but still managed to find his way to her bedroom.

She waited for him there, collar and leash bundled in one paw while her other pointed down in front of her.

Shekh looked between the collar and her face. "What?"


"Excuse me?"

"Sit. I also have a whip lying around, if you are insistent on being... disobedient."

Not much he could say to that. Shekh padded forward, keeping his eyes on hers, and then lowered himself down to his knees in front of her. He intentionally leaned forward to nuzzle against the side of her length, to rub a little bit of her scent against his muzzle...

Nubia leaned down and affixed the collar - a cute little black thing, with metal studs along it - around his neck, then clipped the leash on afterwards. She gave a firm tug against it, and Shekh moved forward and buried his nose again in her pubic fur, perhaps a larger movement than the tug required.

"On the bed."

"Mm?" Shekh looked up at her, rubbing his muzzle against her twitching shaft. "What was that?"

"Why must you purposely be like this?" Nubia growled, but her bright eyes and black lips showed her enjoyment. She enjoyed_roughly pulling on Shekh's leash, bringing the leather of the color to dig into the flesh of his chin; she _enjoyed seeing him squirm and wriggle, enjoyed_watching him crawl his way up to the bed; she _enjoyed his expression as he looked back at her.

And, hell, he enjoyed it too. He just wasn't going to admit that.

"Raise your tail."

Shekh swallowed. His chin burned a little bit, right where the collar had scraped a little roughly - that would probably scab over soon... but, God, the slight pain... "No."

As expected, the next thing he felt was an unmistakable firm and slightly saliva-slickened heat pressing up under his tail, accompanied by his leash tightening. Then, Nubia leaned over him a little, bending his tail and pressing her hips more firmly against his rump. "Excuse me?"

Shekh shivered sweetly at the tone of her voice. Each of her little movements made him catch her scent a little stronger in his muzzle, or caused the gold bangles along her wrists to jingle, or rubbed the end of her cock a little more firmly underneath his tail, against the pucker of his tailhole... he couldn't help but grind back against her, feeling the resistance when he found the angle at which she'd slide into him. He licked his lips. "Do it yourself."

His head was jerked back on a sharp tug to the leash; Nubia both lifted up against his tailhole and bent his tail further forward with her other paw; and she also leaned over him, until he could feel the heat of her body and the pressure of her breasts against his upper back, all the while the slickened end of her cock started to slowly sink into him. Shekh swallowed down the best breath he could with this tight collar around his throat.

How the hell had he ended up like this? Not even an hour ago, he was sitting at a bar alongside a damn attractive female hyena, and now - he found himself on all fours with a thick cock sinking up under his tail, his head kept back at the end of a leash...

Honestly, what bothered him most about this whole turn of events was, frankly, that Nubia was bigger than him.

Shekh gritted his teeth as she continued to press into him, occasionally shifting her hips back for a moment before pushing back in, slowly but not exactly gently, only lube her pre and whatever saliva had been left along her shaft from earlier. As she sank further into him - Shekh had to dig his claws into the fabric of the blankets and mattress underneath him; she was thick - Nubia just leaned further over the striped hyena, pressing the firm warmth of her breasts against his back.

"Just look at you..." she purred, then, her gentle breath making his ears flick and twitch. He swallowed. "Shivering and groaning, panting and moaning..."

"I'm not-" He had to let his breath out in another little huff. "-panting-"


It was just the way that she moved her hips, forward and at a bit of an angle to dig her cock up into the striped hyena underneath her; just how she lightly tugged on the leash and kept the end wrapped around her paw; how she remained where she was, leaned all the way over him, and then carefully took the soft skin of one of his ears between her sharp, sharp teeth and pulled, squeezing a different light noise out of his lips... Shekh pressed back against her once the pain of having something under his tail had mostly faded, and then hated that doing so just made him want to do it again.

"What was that?" Nubia shoving forward while already buried in him, grinding her hips more firmly against his rump - it made the striped hyena arch his back, clench around her, and give voice to a higher pitch of a moan. She spoke through her teeth clenched around his ear, while he kept one eye half-closed against the mixed pain and sweet enjoyment.

"What - do you want from me?"

"'Fuck me'. I want you to say it."

"I'm not-" But before he could finish, the spotted hyena pulled out of him to about half of her length, and then slid back into him - still slow, but faster than before. Fast enough to make his words cut off into another low moan, fast enough to make him swallow and shiver again. "-ah-"


God - dammit. He hadn't even said it yet, and already his cheeks felt hot with the blush. Both of his ears would have remained flattened against his head, were one of them not being kept captive between Nubia's teeth. Shekh wriggled his hips against the other hyena, found that he enjoyed the feeling, did it again intentionally... and then let out a noise of disappointment when she pulled away from him.

It seemed that if he squeezed around her cock and pressed back against her at the same time, he could get some sort of noise out of her. That was reassuring, at least. He bit his lower lip. "Fuck-..."

"I'm listening, puppy..."

"Fuck you. I don't have t-"

His voice was cut off, then, not by a tug on his leash but rather by his muzzle being forcefully shut, by a paw on the back of his head pushing him down into the bed. Nubia kept his rump in the air as she started to hump at him, remaining deep under his tail first but gradually pulling out further and further, to sink back up into him and press another moan out of him. Shekh's ear stung where she'd bitten him, and now he could swear that he'd bit his own lip when she pushed him down - but, honestly, that didn't matter so much. It just felt - damn good to have her fucking him like this, for him to be squeezed between a soft mattress and a hot hyena...

"...Close enough..." he heard her growl along the way. One paw still keeping his leash taut, Nubia moved her other up to his side, where he could feel her claws scraping through his fur and along his skin with each movement. "Just look at you..." She let out a quick bark of a chuckle. "Squeezing at the mattress, moaning through clenched teeth, fucking pushing back against me... I have let your head go, Shekh, but still you remain with your rear in the air. As if you are enjoying this."

God, he was. He really was. Each time she pressed forward into him Shekh felt another jolt of sweet pleasure reverberate through his body, and it took all he had not to let out yet another breathy moan of enjoyment - and, usually, he failed somewhat. Nubia's rhythm had picked up a bit so that now she steadily pumped into him, the noises of her thrusts, of her hips against his rump just starting to take over the squeaking of the bed underneath them.

He stretched an arm out in front of him, keeping his other underneath his muzzle for support - though part of him _definitely_wanted to work a paw back to stroke his twitching length. He felt fairly certain, though, that if he were to do this, Nubia would bat his paw away and call him some array of embarrassing names, like - like "damn bitch," Shekh found himself moaning-

"Excuse me?" Nubia leaned over him again, hilting deep in him so that her sack brushed against his. Shekh gasped at the feeling. "It looks to me like you are the bitch here, Shekh. Getting bred from behind, like a good dog in heat... wiggling, moaning. Trying to push your way back onto me." She tugged back out of him, almost all the way, to prove her point; Shekh had shifted his rump back and brought her back under his tail before he could stop himself. "In fact, you remind me of this skinny little otter I fucked not too long ago. Pinned him to the wall, just like I did with you - but he didn't resist; gave me a bunch of _yes, ma'am_s and _of course_s, raised his tail when I asked, shoved his nose between my legs when I told him. Squirmed and moaned underneath me, and ended up shooting his load without me having to touch him... ah."

Here, she leaned far down over Shekh again, and traced her nose up along the fur of his neck. He shivered.

"If there's anything I love more than a guy who enjoys being dominated, it's a guy who won't admit that he enjoys it."

Again, Shekh would have given some snarky response or another, had he been able to. Nubia easily prevented him by picking up the pace of her thrusts again, using her position of being bent over him to her advantage: she pounded down into him again and again, leash wrapped around her other paw pulled short and tight to keep the striped hyena's head back and mouth open. He'd definitely received for a woman before, but... oh, it hadn't been like this. It wasn't like this at all.

By now all of his inhibitions had long since left him, and he freely and gladly lifted his rump up into Nubia's thrusts to bring her deeper into him. He squeezed his eyes shut and panted through his open mouth, clenching around her cock every time she pounded into him... if she kept on going like this, well, he'd soon become a lot more like that skinny little otter she'd mentioned. The spotted hyena had moved her other paw down his body and around to the base of his cock, where she squeezed and rubbed as she fucked him.

He humped forward into her paw and back against her hips, moving in a jerky rhythm against her thrusts. Honestly, he had no idea if Nubia was close - how could he expect to tell with someone like her? She was one surprise after another - but, Shekh himself started to grind back against her with more effort and force, and could tell that she had started to do the same against him. He didn't even mind the tight collar constricting his breathing and swallowing.

"Say my name."

Shekh swallowed, and slid a pair of fingers underneath his collar to make it easier to speak. Still, though, his words came out broken and breathy- "W-what?"

"I want you to say my name when you cum."

"A-ah-..." ...and he had to nod to show his assent. Certainly wouldn't be much longer now; the spotted hyena had shifted her position again so that now she pounded him down into the bed, forcing more and more noises (as well as slick pre) out of him. At one point, Shekh had to dig his claws into the mattress and grit his teeth together - and he arched his back, lifted his tail, pressed his feet against the edge of the bed in attempts to push further back onto her-

"Ah, God - Nubia-"

-and felt the hot wave of pleasure shoot through him, then, when he shot his load out over the sheets of the bed underneath him in one, two, three, four thick spurts, each one feeling hotter and faster than the one before. His mouth remained open through the whole thing, to allow him to suck in deep breaths and let them out in low, shuddering moans, lips half-forming words that couldn't quite make it out.

Nubia's voice sounded haggard when she spoke next. She hadn't yet slowed her own thrusts. "That's a good puppy..." and Shekh soon found out: a few seconds later, she was the one bucking fiercely forward into him, thick cock throbbing and twitching as she reached her own peak and emptied that sack of hers under his tail. That just made him blush a little more strongly: here she was, maintaining her composure through her orgasm, while Shekh - had grasped at the covers, had shuddered all over, had squeezed his eyes shut and let out a string of unintelligible noises...

She didn't let him go, though. She remained hilted in him and then again leaned over him, taking his other year between her teeth for a brief moment. The feeling of her warm tongue flicking over his sensitive skin... "Why don't you stay the night here, Shekh?" she growled, still holding on to his ear. "There is always room in my bed, and in my lap, for you..."

He licked his lips, swallowed - his throat was dry - and briefly struggled with freeing his claws from the sheets of the bed. They had accidentally dug in a fair distance. "...Yeah," he managed after a moment. "Yes, ma'am. I would - would like that."

"Oh, and I have a question..." Nubia wriggled her hips, her length still buried under Shekh's tail. He shivered. "How was that collar? Too tight? Too loose?"

"-Just right, I think..."

"Ah. So I shall tighten it next time."

That was exactly what he had wanted.