Born Bad - Part 6

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#6 of Born Bad

School was going to be starting up in a few weeks, but that really didn't matter to Marv and Sean Mortenson, who were only at school half the time anyway. The school system in the city was in such disarray that Brenda hardly ever got a phone call or letter from school informing her of her sons' absence. Even when she did get notification, she didn't care. If her boys were out robbing and getting her money, that's what really mattered. Really, who even cared if they could name all fifty states and their capitals? That didn't put food on the table or pay the rent. Her boys were here to work, not study.

Working was something Sean was doing at the moment. The smaller wolf was lying on his brother's bed with Marv. Both of them were completely naked, with Marv spreading his legs as Sean went down on him. Marv had bribed his younger brother into sucking his dick weeks ago, and since then, he was giving Sean a hundred dollars a week to pleasure him anytime he wanted. To Marv, it was easily worth every penny and then some. There mother was at work much of the time, so she couldn't always provide her older son with sexual gratification. On the other hand, Sean was always around, so Marv took advantage of that, making his brother pleasure him several times a day. Just as he suspected, the younger wolf actually admitted that he enjoyed doing it, and Marv had shown him what else males can do with other males.

"Hey," he said, tapping his brother on the head. "Get on your stomach."

Sean let Marv's long, thick cock slide out of his mouth as he did what he was told. Lying on his stomach, he lifted his rump up slightly, making sure to raise his tail as Marv entered him from behind. Grunting, the older wolf shoved his cock into his brother's ass, not worrying at all if he was overloading the smaller wolf. Sean yelped, not in pain, but pleasure. He wanted this just as much as Marv did. Still thrusting into his younger brother, Marv leaned down and nipped at Sean's neck, letting him know that who was in charge. Sean loved it. He loved being dominated by his older, bigger brother. He moaned as Marv sped up his fucking, wanting to climax inside of the younger wolf's tight ass. Sean reached underneath himself, tugging on his hardened member. Closing his eyes, he jerked himself off as Marv was nearing his climax. Digging his claws into the smaller wolf's sides, he gave one final thrust, growling as he shot his load deep into Sean's ass. Pulling out, he smeared his cum over the younger wolf's butt fur. He watched as Sean rolled onto his back, still jerking himself off as he blasted his own load into the air like a geyser. Marv laughed as he watched the cum shoot into the air, only to land right back on Sean. Marv ruffled his brother's ears affectionately. There was this strange new feeling he was experiencing with Sean since they started having sex. Marv had fucked Brenda over a hundred times, but never really felt anything with her, other than his own orgasms. Sean was different. They were together almost all of the time, so perhaps he was actually getting close to his brother.

"This is fun," said Sean, still basking in the afterglow of his own orgasm.

"Yeah," said Marv, getting up. "You're getting' pretty good at sucking my dick."

"That's cause I like doing it," said Sean.

Marv playfully shoved his little brother. "Ah, I'm glad you're a faggot, Sean."

Sean didn't respond to his brother's words, not because he felt them to be insulting, but because he was more concerned about resuming playing his Nintendo game. With all of the hunting that he and Marv had done lately, Sean had amassed quite the library of video games, even going out to the electronics store to buy Metroid the day it was released, which was the very game he wanted to get back to. Putting his clothes back on, he ran out to the living room and unpaused his game. Marv, still naked, flopped down on the couch, watching Sean play his video game. He reached over to the coffee table, grabbing a cigarette and lighting it up. He took a drag from it, exhaling the smoke, he got his bottle of Johnny Walker Black and took a deep swig from the bottle, quickly feeling the intoxicating effects of the hard liquor. He flicked the ashes from his cigarette into the glass tray sitting on the coffee table, getting ideas in his head.

"Hey," he said. "You wanna pull the trigger tonight?"

Sean swiftly paused his game, looking back at his brother. "You serious?"

"I think you're ready," responded Marv. The older wolf had already fatally shot three drug dealers after holding them up and taking both their cash and drugs. Now it was Sean's turn to prove his worth. "So," he said, taking another drink of the scotch. "Whadda ya say?"

"Sure," said Sean nonchalantly. "Can I use my gun?"

"Probably should," answered Marv. "I only got three bullets left in mine. Gotta find a way to get more soon or I'll have to pistol whip motherfuckers to death instead."

"Okay," replied Sean. "What time we headin' out?"

"Not till at least ten," responded Marv. "I've been stakin' out a place about twenty blocks away. There's this cougar that's slingin' dope over there. We're gonna wait until he's got his guard down, then you're gonna put one right between his eyes. Just one bullet is all you should need. Don't go fuckin' around tryin' to pump him full of holes. Blast one right through his fuckin' brain."

"Got it," said Sean with confidence. "I'll do it just like you said."

Marv watched his brother go back to playing his video game. He put the bottle of scotch up to his lips, but decided against taking another snort. He wanted to be good and sober for tonight. He couldn't allow alcohol to fuck up his senses. Oh well, he knew that he was going to get sucked off a few more times before they left to go hunting anyway.

Hunting, as Marv preferred to call the robbing, beating and killing he engaged in, was something that he was quickly honing into a fine skill. He remembered his late father telling him never to get sloppy when pulling jobs; that's how guys got caught and wound up in prison, or worse, ended up like Ken Mortenson, dead. Marv was now being ultra careful in planning jobs, as he wanted to risk their exposure to police and witnesses. He acted swiftly when he had to beat or kill someone and avoided getting into the light of the street lamps if at all possible. In his mind, he was a ninja. He lived in the shadows, struck without warning, then was gone before anyone could retaliate. That was the key to success--the key to survival.

Before they actually went to take out the cougar, the brothers went out on the town, spending the money they had earned from their lives of crime. They were making more money than most of the adults in their apartment building, and even Brenda had been suspicious about all the things they were buying, thinking that they were holding out on her. Marv shut her up by giving her all the money and items he'd collected from breaking into cars one night. It stuck in his craw that his mother was so greedy about all the money that HE had earned. She wasn't the one going out into the streets and risking her ass, he and Sean were. The day he turned eighteen--he was outta that apartment. All the money he and Sean made would be theirs and only theirs

They went to the same restaurant that they had gone to the day they went out and bought news clothes, aviator sunglasses, and even managed to bribe the zebra taxi driver into stopping at the liquor and going in to buy Marv a bottle of scotch. The brothers were always on their best behavior when going out to a place like this, not because they were concerned with good manners, but they didn't want anyone becoming suspicious of what they were really up to. They told the waitress "please" and "thank you" and always left a big tip. If any cops came around here and asked if they saw any suspicious looking characters who were up to no good, the staff wouldn't have a clue who they were talking about. Marv and Sean were perfect gentleman.

Both boys ordered Philly steak sandwiches with fries. Luckily for them, the restaurant wasn't that busy--it was a Tuesday night, not the busiest restaurant night of the week. Making sure no one was eavesdropping on them, Marv explained the plan to Sean, telling him when to approach the cougar, when to pull his gun, and when to shoot. There were times when they saw their waitress approaching, but instead of staying silent, they seamlessly directed the conversation to something completely innocuous, feigning excitement about going back to school in a few weeks, how much they loved their mother--it never failed to bring a smile across the waitress's face. She'd walk out of earshot and Marv would joke about how he should win an Academy Award for his performance. Marv checked his watch, it was past nine o'clock now, so they hurried up eating, paid for the meal, and were off to get into position.

Not wanting to get right on the spot where they would perform their misdeeds, Marv had the taxi driver drop them off three blocks away from where he had seen the cougar selling drugs. Marv kept explaining the plan to his brother. He would would approach the cougar, flashing a huge wad of cash, and Sean would walk up behind the cougar, pulling the hammer of his nine millimeter back and pressing the barrel of the gun up against the back of his head. Marv would demand that the cougar give up all his money and drugs, and when he gave the signal, Sean would blow his brains out. He reassured Sean that everything was going to be fine, just fine.

The cougar was located in front of a building that had boarded windows, broken glass and debris--all signs that the place had been out of business for probably years. Only half the street lamps were even shining that night as it was a very rotten part of town, and no one really cared if the residents in the area had working lights or not. The fewer the lights, the less likely anyone passing by could see what a sewer the place was. Poverty, decay, violence and drugs--all part of modern inner city life.

Marv could see the cougar walking back and forth, though he didn't pay any attention to the brothers. Whispering into Sean's ear, he told him go around the block and walk out of the alley after Marv had made contact with the cougar, making him think he legitimately wanted to buy drugs. Quietly, Sean moved around the block, taking note of which alley he needed to come out at. Marv gave him a couple of minutes to get into position, making sure that he wasn't staring or even looking at the cougar. He couldn't afford to spook the cat, as he was certain he was armed. Activating the flashlight on his watch, Marv saw that it was five minutes since Sean had taken off. Pulling a huge wad of cash out of his pocket, he walked across the street, hearing cars and horns in the distance. This area of town was practically dead. Not a single car had driven by where he was standing since Marv and Sean got there. He doubted that the police even ventured into this place. The cougar finally took notice of him. He put his paws in his pocket, possibly getting ready to draw down on Marv, but took them out when he saw the wolf holding money.

"You got any shit?" asked Marv. He knew that beasts buying drugs rarely actually said the name of the drug, as many were paranoid that the dealer might be an undercover cop wearing a wire. The cougar grinned at him, happy to see so much money.

"Yeah," he said. "How much do you want?"

"However much this will get me," said Marv. The older wolf never took his eyes off the cougar as he saw Sean creep up behind him. The cougar, putting his paws back in his pocket, quickly took them out when he heard the metallic click of a pistol hammer being pulled back and a barrel pressed hard into the back of his head. Being so much shorter than the cougar, Sean was forced to hold the gun up at a steep angle. Marv went to work, ordering the cougar around.

"Give up all your shit," he demanded. "Fuck with us, and we'll put a round in your skull."

The cougar kept his paws up as Marv deprived him of his drugs, money, and a .45 Automatic that he kept tucked into his pants. It looked like they had gotten a good haul tonight, but the brothers would have to wait until they got home before they could count it up. Marv stepped to the side, looking at Sean.

"Kill him," growled the older wolf.

The cougar managed to say, "but you said" before Sean made his bones that night. Squeezing the trigger, he sent a hollow point bullet through the cougar's head. Blood, fur, bone and brain matters exploded from the front of his head before he fell forward, obviously dead. Marv couldn't help but laugh at the sight. He saw the grin on Sean's face, patting him on the back.

"Did I do good?" asked the younger wolf.

"Fuck yeah you did," said Marv. "Now, let's get . . .-

Marv's sentence was cut short as he felt something hard smack the back of his head. Everything suddenly went black as he fell down unconscious. Sean had no chance to get away, as he was knocked out simultaneously with his brother. Both Mortenson brothers were dragged over to a car, stuffed in the trunk. The car engine started up and quickly drove off.