The Clock And The Town of steamy part 1.

Story by DingoDog45 on SoFurry

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here is part one of my new fursteamsonia

This is the story of my new fur steamsonia

You ever hear that old saying walk in someone else's shoes and life will grant you freedom.

Man do i wish that was true.

Greetings my name is Mr.dunderhead h. wolf I am a inventor designer and all around good guy that was until i got myself into the biggest mess of my life and it all began with a clock i had designed for the town of steamy for there holiday celebration.

See The town of steamy prides itself on every holiday and during the summer months we all prepare for the winter season gathering wood for the long winter nights and the fires to keep are loved one's warm and start making the decorations for the new holiday trees that will be set up for christmas time is are favorite time of year to celebrate the coming of the new and the leaving of the old this year was no different except for the new mayor that insisted we do something grand something amazing then he came up with a most grand idea a clock tower furden has one so does badgerton why not us.

Why not us indeed they all shouted the mayor surrounded by his fellow animals there was the mayor the white fox and his accountent the black wolf there was the sheep from the local bakery and the cow from the local farm.

And they all agreed it was time for a clock.

they sent out a letter to me with the most craziest requirements i have ever seen the note read.

Ideas for a clock for the town of steamy.

  1. the clock must be steam powered

  2. the clock must be tall

  3. the clock must make music at 12:00am

  4. the clock must chime on the hour.

I thought excellent i can truly show this town what my skills are for see before a inventor i was a clocksmith.

i drew up a design right away and dropped it off at the local city hall and the mayor was so impressed the next day he started construction on the clock that would ring up the holidays.

they completed the tower in september and i could start installing the clock right away i had the blacksmith making gears and cogs i had the townsfolk helping assemble the boiler for the steam engine that would run the clock.

By thanksgiving the clock was installed and ready to be powered up for the first time the whole town turned up to see my lovely clock brought to life.

the townsfolk started up the boiler and the clock moved to the position of 12:00am then we heard a ding and saw the townsfolk running for there lives out of the steam room yelling it's to late we all doomed get out of here.

But before the second dong the clock exploded with a huge bang and people where thrown everywhere. the explosion so great the townsfolk where killed where they stood mrs sheep and the other sheeplets where found shiskabobed on top of the new christmas tree in towns square there where pieces and arms and legs as far as the eye could see i was thrown 12 feet into a tree nearly 4 blocks away from the blast my hearing damaged and my clothes tattered and torn i went looking for survivors but there was only me and my assistant who was at my lab when the explosion happened i finally composed myself and looked around to find such great horror everyone was dead i killed them all i then noticed my tail was damaged and had changed color from the blast i was in shock the mess i had caused the great damage that was my loss and all because i failed as a inventor i forgot to check the boiler myself. i would have seen the seem that failed and caused this blast.

humanity living in a not so furry world

Humanity living in a not so furry world: In january 2016 i decided it was time for a change and to do some soul searching in my life my story begins in the town of seattle Wa after completing school and getting my cert in art of photography i was...

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