90 Nights - Part 1

Story by Xiuh on SoFurry

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A young king, captured and tortured. A servant desperately searching for his lord. Will the young king hold out for his most trusted advisers to find him, or will he succumb to inevitable madness?

Warning:  This story and its sequels may involve some extreme content that some people may find offensive, including but not limited to:-Rape-Forced Sex between an Adult and a Minor-Torture(Sexual and Non-Sexual)-GoreWith that warning out of the way, I hope you all can enjoy the first part of this story. I have high intentions of finishing 90 Nights in 2 Parts, and have already begun work on the second part. Will it be the only story of my young king? Probably not, but we will just have to see about that. Please, read and enjoy!*****Drip. Drip. Drip.


It's so cold here. Where am I? Why is the floor so hard and

the air so stale. It was as if fresh air had not been allowed into this room in

centuries. Centuries.... Yes. That's how long it feels as I if I have been

trapped in here.

Drip. Drip. Drip.


That dripping... so endless. It was the most torturous part of

being trapped here. The cold... the cold is just a feeling, ignored if given

enough time to get used to it. The stale air... also easy to ignore, though a

steady desire for fresh air does tend to build after a while. But that

dripping... that dripping was uncontrollable, echoing so as to sound as if it

were dripping directly into my ear, it's insistent noise invading even the

deepest of my sleeps.

Drip. Drip. Drip.


There was one good thing which I could say about that

dripping... with each drop that hit the floor, my hatred grew stronger. Not just

for the one who put me in this situation, but for those who were failing to get

me out. I stood. It was a cramped cell, giving me barely enough room to stand,

but stand I did, and I turned. In the faint light I could see the only odd

feature of the cell, a mirror nailed to the wall firmly, so as to prevent

removal. In it, I could see myself. When I had first been thrown here, I was soft,

malleable. Their torture made me cry, their anger gave me fear. But now.... Now

when I looked in the mirror, the boy who stood there was different. My violet

eyes glinted maliciously in the light from beneath the cell door... and once

again, I scraped my knuckles roughly against the wall to draw fresh blood,

calmly making another tally at the top of the mirror.

Drip. Drip. Drip.


Though the blood on the mirror was drawn by my own hand, I

counted each tally the same as I would a session of torture, as if each mark

was made from blood drawn by the whip they had so often used on me in the

beginning. As I finished this newest mark, I sighed. For all my hatred, it was

not yet strong enough to attract that which I desired. Crushing the steadily

growing feeling of dread, I turned and laid on the cold stone floor, eyes

closing as tight as they would go. On night sixty, I fell asleep with blood

dripping from my hand and hatred burning in my heart.

Drip. Drip. Drip.


It doesn't matter how long it will take. I will escape this

place. No matter what.


"What do you mean you still have no idea where he is being


The words were shouted so loudly that those around the table

jumped, their eyes widening collectively and at least two clenching the table

hard enough to scratch the hard lacquer that coated the fine mahogany table.

The wolf who shouted them stood at the head of the table, his fists clenched so  that the whites of his knuckles showed

beneath the pitch black fur that covered his body, graying in few spots.

"It has been two months!" he said, his anger quite

profound. His chest heaved as he inhaled deeply, clenching his eyes shut for a

moment, attempting to collect himself before he turned slowly to the fireplace

that stood behind him, the merrily crackling fire only seeming to anger him

further. The room was surprisingly stark, the furniture simple yet made finely

and of the highest quality material, the only true decoration besides the table

and chairs a large tapestry depicting the Battle of the Far Plains, one of the

key battles of the Kingdom of Markoenen's conquest of the eastern societies.

"We have been actively searching all of the cities where his

rivals are most outspoken, Sebastian," a lazy looking fox said from where he

was lounging at the opposite end of the table, "My eyes and ears have been

investigating thoroughly into each of his most prestigious rivals, inside and

outside of the kingdom." He said.

Everyone jumped again as Sebastian's paw slammed into the

table, a loud cracking heard as the table leg gave way beneath the force of his

anger, causing most of the maps that littered the table to slide to the floor

as Sebastian stared down the length of the table, his eyes glinting with his

anger. "If I were worried about his prestigious rivals," Sebastian said, "I

would simply gather them and execute them. We would have found him already if

it were a prestigious rival."

The fox smiled a bit, baring his teeth with a crooked twist

to his lips as he leaned forward, placing his paws on the sloped table and

holding his fingers together steepled in front of him, "Then how are we to hunt

for him, exactly? I am all for putting all of our resources to finding him, but

first we must have an idea of where to look..." he said, almost casually. "Unless

you are withholding any information from us, we are doing all we can." The

fox's eyes glinted in the light as he lowered his chin to look at the wolf

through his eyelids, almost lazy if not for the predatory expression that had

taken over his face.

"I have withheld nothing," Sebastian growled, "I will do

anything to get my King back. Anything." He turned again, once more staring

into the flames. "Search the villages along the eastern border, they are still

greatly angered over the tariffs which we have placed to discourage trade

between them and the west. Also... search the mountains of the Southern Reach

again. I still feel as if we are missing something from those fortresses."

There were echoes of "Yes, my Lord." From the furs

surrounding the table as they stood, saluting before promptly exiting, most

with haste though a few, like the fox, left in a casual, almost lazy stroll.

Those were the ones Sebastian was most nervous about. He turned and looked at

the table, sighing and raising a paw to cover his eyes for a moment before he

left the room, looking at the two furs standing guard outside and gesturing

into the room, "Gather some servants and clean up the mess. Replace the table

with one not so fine, I'm not made of money." He barked, the fox and lion

saluting promptly and running off to see them completed.

Sebastian watched for a moment more before turning and

beginning to stalk through the corridors, his tail lashing behind him in his

agitation. Without his king there was not much which he could do. He had never

had the mind for political matters, as such the young king's advisors had taken

over the politics of the kingdom, which left him with the cities defense and

the hunt for his king. The cities' defense was taken care of by his underlings,

and the hunt for his king was going... poorly, at best.

He stopped next to a window and stared out over the palace

grounds, his eyes moving from one courtyard to the next, admiring the work that

the young king and his ancestors had put into making the palace beautiful in

every way they could. He stood on the top floor of the palace, so he had an

excellent view of not only the entirety of the palace grounds, but much of the

city that surrounded it, the palace grounds a tranquil paradise compared to the

sprawling, bustling city that existed on the other side of the wall. He sighed

and turned away from the window, once more stalking through the hallways. He

needed to be doing something.

He walked towards his rooms, planning on turning in early

for the night, already making plans in his head to go out with his own hunting

party early in the morning. Perhaps out in the field he could find something

that he hadn't thought to look for, some hint or clue that only he would

recognize. He had to have hope in something, after all, if he couldn't get back

the king then he would destroy a reputation that his family had upheld for so

many generations before his.

He froze outside his rooms, his eyes following a small

hooded figure that moved quickly through the shadows of the hall towards the

king's room, located just down the hall from his own. After hearing the click

of the king's door he moved slowly towards it, opening the door and peaking

inside, blinking in surprise at what he saw. He stepped in and looked at the

young slave who was sitting on the bed, rubbing the blankets and looking lost

in his thoughts until he heard the door open, jumping up and staring at

Sebastian with wide eyes, "My lord! I-I was just..." he began, the young fox

stuttering through his words until Sebastian held up his paw.

"Enough, Marco." He said, his voice gentle as he approached

him slowly. "I know of your relationship with the King, I have no grievance

with you sleeping in his bed while he is... away." He said that last bitterly and

then turned to sit on his king's bed, patting the spot next to him for the fox

to sit there.

Marco was the king's favorite slave, really the only true

slave in the palace, and he had taken to the king rather quickly. In fact, the

young fox could have been no more than twelve years old, and he served the king

with every bit of eagerness you would expect in one so young.

Marco eyed the spot for a moment, still seeming nervous,

before finally sitting on the bed next to him, reaching up to slowly brush one

of his paws through the bright orange fur that covered his face and presumably

the rest of his body. "Y-you knew, my Lord?" he said, turning his head away for

a moment before looking up at Sebastian. "But we took such pains to hide it...

master knew that you disapproved..." he started to add, but was once more cut


"It is my job to protect the king, young one." He murmured

gently, stroking over the fox's cheek with one knuckle affectionately before

patting him on the head, "I often peak in on the king at night. It would not do

for me to wake up in the morning to discover he was missing." He sighed and

reached up to rub one paw over his eyes before he looked at Marco, "No, I can't

say I do approve of my lord's relationship with you, but it is not for me to

judge him for what he wishes to do, only to do my duty and support him."

Marco nodded along with him and then turned his head away,

looking at the pillow where his master's head so often used to rest. "Perhaps I

should refrain from sleeping in his bed chamber." He said at last. "When he was

still here it was understandable for me to slip in... but with him not here

people may start talking." He said with a mournful sigh, "I just miss him so."

The fox said with a whimper, tears glistening in the corners of his eyes.

Sebastian smiled at first as the fox spoke, nodding in

agreement with what he said, glad that the fox had thought of it before he had

to mention it directly. However, his smile slipped as the fox nearly began to

cry, his paw squeezing on his shoulder gently. He thought for a moment of a way

to cheer the kit up, and an idea came to his head. "Marco," he said, his voice

firm. "Tomorrow morning I will personally be leading a search party to search

for the king. I'd like you to join me."

Marco sniffled and wiped his eyes on the sleeve of the plain

black robe he wore and looked up at Sebastian, "What use will I be in a search

party, my lord?" he asked. "I have no tracking ability, no combat ability, and

I'm terrible at asking questions."

Sebastian squeezed the boy's shoulder once more and said,

"What can you do? That's a good question Marco. How much do you love your

master?" he asked, getting off the bed to kneel on the floor in front of Marco,

Sebastian holding Marco's paws firmly between his own.

Marco looked into Sebastian's eyes for only a moment before

turning and looking away before Sebastian grabbed him roughly by the chin,

forcing the eye contact and raising an eyebrow. "I love my master more than

anything, my lord. More than my own life." He said finally, giving his tail a

slow flick.

"If that is true," Sebastian said, standing up slowly and

letting go of Marco's paws, "Then what can you do to help in a search party for

the master you claim to love? Unless you don't really love him." Sebastian

said, trailing off his sentence with the last word, smiling at the flash of

anger in the kit's eyes.

"I love my master with all my heart!" Marco shouted,

standing up and clasping his paws to his chest as he glared at the much larger

male, "I'll do anything I have to find him! Anything!" he said, his voice

cracking in his anger and his face red with his anger.

Sebastian nodded his head in satisfaction, "Then that is

what I expect you to do!" he said simply, turning slowly, "Get some sleep and

be prepared to leave. We will be going at the crack of dawn." Sebastian said,

heading off to make plans to insure that everything would be prepared for the

morning, his eyes shining with renewed determination as he strode through the

halls. He had sat in a state of inaction for far too long. Now was the time for

him to hunt.


Drip. Drip. Drip.


That never ending, torturous noise. Oh how I loathed it.

Despite my loathing though, my mind was latching onto it, using it as a

lifeline. That sound that tortured me so was the best fuel for hatred that I

had. It gave me something to distract my mind from the pain of my body, and so,

my ears twitched in cadence with that noise, and I let the flames of my hatred

grow brighter with each drop.

Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip.

My ears perked as a new noise joined that of the dripping,

my tail giving a nervous flick before I could stop it and my body instinctively

pulling away from the door as the echoes of footsteps approached the cell door

slowly. I curled up against the wall and clutched my knees hard against my

chest and I bit my lip, struggling against the growing whimper. I would not let

them win.

Drip. Drip. Drip.


The sound of the key turning in the lock drowned out the

sound of the last drop. I couldn't help it and let out a whimper, the sound

making my hatred grow far more than any of the drops could. Not even hatred at

my captors, but hatred at myself. That was another flame that I nurtured,

growing equally alongside my hatred of them.

Drip. Drip.


The door opened, the poorly oiled hinges squealing and

making me cringe as the tiny cell was suddenly flooded with light, my eyes

clenching shut to save them from the sudden brightness. "Well, well, well."

That voice said, followed briefly by a shrill cackle. "If it isn't my young

king greeting me with another beautiful sight!" Another cackled followed this

and then a paw gripping me by the scruff of my neck.

I heard his heavy breathing before he began to breathe in my

face, the foul scent invading my nose and would have made me gag had I not long

ago mastered my control over it. He heaved me into the air by my scruff and, as

he held me, his other paw trailed through the fur on my naked stomach, then

wrapping around me to do the same down my back, trailing over the many scars

and scabs that he had given me over the duration of my containment.

He pressed me back against the wall and licked up my face

slowly, cackling again when I flinched away from his tongue, the hyena licking

his lips as he moved in to nibble my ear slowly, breathing more heavily as he

pressed his entire body against mine, forcing me back more roughly against the

wall, "Has another night of contemplation changed your mind yet, my little

king?" he whispered, using the title almost mockingly, "My lord has ordered me

to start with another breeding if you say no." the hyena added, sounding almost

hopeful for that word to be spoken.

I clenched my paws and whimpered before I could stop myself,

turning my head away from the hyena and his foul breath, "I will never cede the

throne!" I growled angrily, "It matters not how much you torture me, the throne

is mine, and shall remain so until my death!"

The hyena cackled and promptly threw me to the floor. I

landed on the cold stone with a grunt, wheezing as the air was knocked from my

lungs and I heard the soft sound of his breeches hitting the floor, followed a

moment later by the disgusting warmth of his body on top of mine, shifting

around until his chest was resting against my back and his breath was once more

in my ear. One of his paws groped my side while his other was reached around to

tease my chest, tugging and twisting my nipples as he began to nibble and pant

into my ear, the paw groping my side slowly sliding down to massage my hip,

then grope my rump, firmly rolling it in his hand... and then one of his fingers

delved beneath my tail, pressing roughly into my tail hole, drawing a quite

unwilling gasp from my maw.

He cackled as his finger pumped roughly into me, my tail

lashing as he continued to nibble and bite at my ears, slowly moving down to

include my cheek, chin, and neck as well, his paw on my chest still tweaking my

nipples, my nipples rather sore from the attention already. "You know," he

whispered into my ear, licking up at my neck to my face and then up my face as

well, his tongue damping my fur with his saliva, "I've always been more of a

feline person," he growled happily, "But I saw your mother once, and as far as

wolves come, she was quite a bitch to look at... and you look so much like your

mother." He nipped roughly at my ear, this time hard enough to make me yelp,

drawing another cackle from him.  "It's

almost like I'm claiming her each time I fuck you," he said, slipping another

finger into my tail hole and continuing to pump them into me.

I gasped as suddenly he pulled his fingers free, his teeth

closing on my neck and his paws leaving my body just long enough for him to

move them to my hips, rubbing his cock against my rump, his cock rubbing

through my fur and his paw gripping my tail to yank it up, "Are you ready, my

precious little bitch?" he whispered into my ear, guiding his length to my tail

hole and then beginning to press into me. I clenched my fists and tried to bite

my lip, but he gripped me by my chin and turned my head up towards his,

pressing his lips firmly to mine as he pushed his length into me, his lips

holding mine open so I couldn't hold back the whimpers as his thick cock spread

me open.

He grunted and groaned into my maw, shifting constantly

behind me as he pressed into me firmly, never relenting as he added inch after

inch. I could feel all of it, whimpering around his tongue as it violated my

maw, my paws clenching on to the hard stone floor as his hips finally came to

rest on my rump, his balls resting on top of mine as he panted heavily. For a

moment, he simply relaxed on top of me, one paw holding my head firmly to his

as he ran his tongue around the inside of his maw, the taste of his breath

making me want to gag as he pressed himself firmly against me.

His lips came free of mine and he began to pant heavily into

my ear, his paws rubbing at my sides quickly, "Such a tight little bitch," the

hyena groaned happily as he gripped my hips and slowly began to pump into me,

only pulling out the smallest amount of his length as he humped me quickly,

"Almost hard to believe a perfect little piece of tail like you could be a

king..." he added, licking up my face to my ear, his tongue dipping into my ear a

bit and swirling around before he nibbled firmly on it, cackling again as I

tried to pull my head away. "It's almost pathetic how hard you try to deny

this..." he whispered softly to me, "We both know you enjoy this." He breathed,

licking my neck this time, his teeth nibbling at the nape of my neck afterwards

before he bit down hard on my neck, using his teeth to hold me still as he

gripped my hips and really began to fuck me, his cock slipping out almost all

the way before thrusting back into me, the hyena grunting happily with each

forceful thrust.

I gritted my teeth and took it, eyes clenching shut as my

teeth grinded against themselves, my face pressing to the rough, cold stone

floor as his thrusts rocked my body across the ground. I could feel the

abrasions on my knees and elbows slowly getting rawer as the fucking continued.

I could feel every thrust as he violated me deep, the warmth of his length

throbbing inside me every time he stopped to adjust himself on top of me. The

only thing that distracted me from the true pain and humiliation of the fucking

was the morbid knowledge that I wouldn't have to draw my own blood for the

night's tally mark.

Suddenly something changed. My eyes widened and I let out an

involuntary cry of pain as the hyena howled, his shrill howl echoing off the

close confines of the cell and ringing in my ears as his knot popped into me.

He had rarely ever tied me before, and usually taunted me about the act well

before he did it. This time it had come completely as a surprise, and the

sudden pain had broken past my defenses, my cry intermingling with his howl in

the cell. He was still thrusting. Even as our mixed cries ended and I went back

to being silent, gritting my teeth, a few tears sneaking out of the corners of

my eyes. At this point I just wanted it to end, my paws were clenched into

fists and pressed against the floor and my eyes were once more shut tight.

Finally, he grunted and leaned into me, licking up my face as I felt his warm

seed pouring into my tail hole.

He gave himself a second to relax, panting happily into my

ear, nibbling and licking around my ears and cheeks, getting his saliva on my

fur, making sure that I would be able to feel it and smell it even after he

left me alone in the cell. Aftewards, he picked me up, pressing me up against

the mirror and reaching around to peel my eyes open, roughly pinning my eye

lids back to prevent me from squeezing them shut. "I want you to watch your

face for this part," he growled, one paw gripping my hips as he then began to

pull hard at his still fully inflated knot. Soon the paw holding my eyes open

wasn't needed as the pain steadily grew and my eyes widened on their own, my

maw opening and closing as I struggled to hold in a cry as I stared at my face

in the mirror. Finally, I lost the battle and squealed out my pain in a single,

despairing cry. As I cried out, his knot popped free and he let me fall to my

knees in front of the mirror.

I began to sob. Tears that I had been holding in for so long,

and knew that the hyena would count it as a victory. I heard his cackle again

as I saw him tie his breeches in the mirror. "If you will excuse me, my king." He

said, using the title mockingly once more, "My lord told me to report to him

for an audience after my fun." He gave me a mocking bow and then turned to

leave, hesitating at the door, a grin spreading on his face, "You would have

made a much better queen then your mother you know..." he said, then cackled as

he closed the door behind him.

I stared into the mirror and used my wrist to wipe the tears

from my eyes. My shoulders still shook and I was having a hard time getting

control of the tears that still leaked down my cheeks. My tail hole burned with

the pain of the fresh fucking and I could feel his seed dripping down my

thighs, matting the fur. I would be reminded of that until the next time they

decided I was filthy enough for a bath. It didn't happen often. After a while,

however, I got control of it. I ignored the pain and wiped the last tears from

my cheeks and then stood on shaky legs, reaching to my neck where his teeth had

drawn blood and smearing some on my fingers before reaching up to shakily make another

tally. Sixty one days. I needed to escape.

I turned and curled up on the floor, waiting, listening.

Finally, my ears caught that sound again and I focused on it, tuning out

everything else. Listening to it was utter torture, but so was reality, so in

spite of my hatred of it, I focused on it, and my ears twitched along with it.

Drip. Drip. Drip.


There was one good thing I could say about that breeding. It

had taken away the last bit of dignity I had managed to hold onto, the last bit

of self-respect. Now it was gone, and in its place, fresh hatred rushed in to

fill the void. I heard a sound besides the dripping, almost like a whisper in

the wind... except there was no wind. I smiled as I heard it, a cruel and

malicious imitation of something meant to show happiness. I smiled, and curled

up, looking at myself in the mirror before I closed my eyes and focused only on

the dark, and the dripping. Soon. I would make my escape soon.

Drip. Drip. Drip.

Drip.****And so ends the first part of 90 Nights. As usual, please rate and comment whether you liked the story or not. Constructive criticism is always accepted, Non-constructive criticism and anything I consider to be rude will be ignored. Thank you for reading, and keep an eye out for the second part!