Assignment #1- Love Thyself

Story by Klesk Vadrigaar on SoFurry

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WARNING For those of you who are new to my work, this is an adult story that contains scenes of bizarre explicit sex between anthropomorphic animal beings and clones of anthropomorphic animal beings. To simplify what this signifies: >Legal age = carry on and enjoy, where have you been? It's been ages since I last saw you!" Limly draped her wings around the two morphs as they continued to hug. "I decided to pack and move some place else for a while. You know, start anew while I tried getting my life back together after I nearly lost it." The vixen grimaced slightly as she thought back to the incident in New Jersey that had taken the lives of most of her friends, and very nearly hers as well. "I know, I was worried sick about you after that happened!" Limly stepped back and bowed her head in condolence. "Oh Deus, I'm so sorry you had to go through with that. And what they did to you afterwards was even more unacceptable." Kaitlynn shrugged and wrapped an arm around Limly's waist. "Well it appears someone thought I deserved a second chance. Those bastards finally got what they had coming to them and Dralion and I got a stay of execution." "Oh yeah, how's he doing? Experiencing any problems with his new arm and leg?" "Not a single one. In fact he says both work better than his original limbs." Kaitlynn smiled and kissed the lapin on the cheek. "We both owe you our eternal gratitude for your help, me especially for all the prosthetic organs you created to replace the ones I lost." Limly smiled and blushed. "Well it seemed the least I could do for you two after all that you went through." She raised an eyebrow as a thought came to her. "But seriously how the schmed did you know where to find me?" "A computer savvy friend of mine was hired by your guys to test out the security of this place's mainframe. Happened to come across your name on the duty roster while he was snooping around." Kaitlynn looked at her lapin friend quizzically. "Though I can't quite comprehend what could possibly motivate you to move house and come back planetside so unexpectedly." "Well, the press has been hounding me like rabid dogs, 'scuse the phrase, for the last month and some, so I figured the only way I was ever gonna get enough peace to finish this stage of my project was if I temporarily transferred to another lab." Limly rolled her eyes and sighed. "So what brings you out at a time like this?" "Boss gave me the night off, thought it was high time we hook up and have a go at rekindling the embers of our friendship." The vixen looked over at her pink lapin friend and ran a paw down her lopped ears. "After all, things are last beginning to look up for me again, and you know how I hate just leaving relationships at a loose end." "Don't I ever." Limly smiled and wrapped her paw around Kaitlynn's waist. "I've missed you a lot too." "Then what say you direct us to somewhere intimate so I can fill you in on what you've been missing?" Kaitlynn playfully slapped her on the back. "Come on, I'll drive us!" At that the bunny abruptly stopped and folded her wings around herself in a rather defensive manner. "Erm, no offence Kaitlynn but do you really have to? I still haven't forgotten the last time I let you get me on a slider bike." Limly shivered. "I tell you, the whole time I felt like at any moment we were going to do a live re-enactment of the end of Meat Loaf's Bat Out Of Hell.'" Kaitlynn just looked back and grinned. "Well you needn't worry, I've got myself a new set of wheels now." She said as she closed her eyes and contacted somebody via her cerebral link. \Alright No. 7, we're ready to go.\ Limly suddenly became aware of a steady thumping coming somewhere from the left while Kaitlynn's grin became decidedly slyer. "Or perhaps I should say feet." The pink lapin looked at her friend in puzzlement until she heard a slight 'thud' and turned around to catch sight of something quite large leaping off the roof of the lab complex and sailing majestically through the air to land in front of them with surprisingly little sound. On instinct Limly initially took a step back, only to stop dead when she got a good look at the thing and found it to be an eight metre long, quadruped mekanik, modelled in the likeness of a non-anthro panther. The body and head were painted a sleek shade of black while the legs and the tail had been left as their default silver colour, save for the two front knee joints which were emblazoned with a large neon green 7. The robot shook its head in a rather feline-like manner and stood waiting patiently as Kaitlynn turned back to Limly and placed her paws on her hips. "So, having second thoughts yet?" Limly just stood there with her eyes as big as dinner plates and her jaw hanging open in shocked surprise. "Oh by that one of the M.C.A.T.S.?" As a response, the massive mek turned around and regarded the lapin with the red optical bar running across its face. - Yep, Miniature Cyber-organic Assault and Transport Sentry number 7, at your service! - It said in a high-pitched, feminine toned voice. Limly took another step back as the M.C.A.T. spread its front paws out and bowed politely to her while a smaller manipulator claw folded out from the left leg as if to shake paws. - Pleasure to make your acquaintance! Miss Kaitlynn's never allowed us meet any of her friends before.- "Aside from darling Lim here, I'm afraid there aren't that many left to meet." Kaitlynn admitted sadly while Limly grabbed hold of the mek's claw and began examining it like an extremely dedicated Star Trek fan might scrutinise an authentic phaser prop that was on auction. "Deus above!! These things are meant to be the military's latest breakthrough in AI enabled, all purpose patrol crafts. I didn't even know they'd been given the go ahead to start mass-producing them yet!!" "Technically they haven't. This one comes from the proto-type group we're currently giving a test run." Kaitlynn reached up and patted her metallic steed's side as Limly continued to feel over the leg. "So is this really a genuine tek-shell like they've been claiming?" Kaitlynn walked over and pressed a small panel on 7's leg, causing it to flip open and reveal an interior that bulged with muscle and sinew interwoven into the metallic components. "Oh wow, just like I'd imagined it to be!" Limly brought her hands up to her muzzle which was etched all over with the delight of a true geek at last being allowed to get a glimpse of her newest fixation. "It's a near perfect synchronisation of organic parts and cybernetic neurone wiring. Gives 'em a much higher level of sentience than your average mekanik, and makes 'em a damn sight easier to handle and work with." - I do my own parallel parking too. - The M.C.A.T. stated proudly while Limly continued to gaze over its sleek, agile body in utter amazement. "Wow, this is just so incredible! I never thought I'd get a chance to see one of these things for real!" The lapin said at last. "How the schmed did you get you paws on this, Kaitlynn?" The white vulpine leaned against her feline mek and half-smiled at the lapin. "Easy, Dralion and I joined the Cyber-Trackers." She looked up at the behemoth that was regarding the both of them in a playful manner. "Without a doubt the best decision I ever made in my life." Limly turned to look at her friend and the gap between her jaw and the ground decreased a little more. "C-Cyber-Trackers? That Network sponsored, bounty hunter organisation? You're with them now?" Kaitlynn tapped No. 7's side and the mek duly responded by opening up its mid-section to reveal an interior large enough for two operators to sit back to back. "Lim, we've seriously got a lot to talk about. Know any place quiet and intimate that stays open late?" Limly blinked at the realisation that, after being shown this magnificent piece of vehicular robotic perfection, she was now being offered the opportunity to ride around in it. "Uh...yeah, yeah I know a great spot." Kaitlynn grinned devilishly. "Well then hop in and hold on tight. This kitty may not be that comfortable to sit in, but she handles like a dream on the road!" * * * - 12: 47 p.m.- "...and so as I'm helping to march this thug out to where the C.S.F. can meet up with us and take him off our paws, he starts blubbing and pleading and begging us not to send him back to the cages, so my boss just looks up at him and says 'Well maybe you should think about buying the whole basket next time.'" "Oh please," Limly got out before doubling over in laughter as the two sat in a quaint little restaurant enjoying their catch up time. "Wow Kaitlynn, I gotta say it's wonderful to see you've been able to pick yourself up again and continue on with your life as normal." The lapin said after she'd calmed down. "Yeah, I guess that's mainly due to having finally found my dream profession. Thanks to the unusually high demand for our services, plus the fact that our assignments are usually spaced far enough apart that I can hold down another part-time job, I'm hauling in up to twice as I did in the marines and seeing a damn sight more action than I ever did previously. I get free board as part of the benefits package and my colleagues are a much nicer bunch overall." "And the fact that your superiors and co-ordinators are mekaniks doesn't bother you?" Limly asked. Kaitlynn pondered for a moment and puffed on her cigar. "Well, yeah I guess having robots for bosses was kinda weird at first." The vixen propped her head on her paw. "But you have to remember, these are the Network's little Soul Harbourer meks we're talking about. They're practically like us in terms of sentience and intelligence, even more so than the M.C.A.T.S." She glanced out the window at No. 7 who was lying down in its parking spot, tail swaying slowly in contentment. "They make absolute sure everyone gets along with each other, they listen to us when we have something to say and they treat us far more fairly than my marine commanders ever did." Kaitlynn licked her lips and blushed. "In fact if I had to be honest, at times it's almost like having a family again." Limly hung on the arctic vixen's every word with rapt attention, a surprisingly warm feeling settling in her innards as she listened to her. "Wow, that's a very touching sentiment, and here I was thinking you'd be drawn to that kind of job because it entails that you still get to blow up everything and drive around recklessly like you always do." She chortled. Kaitlynn looked at her and chuckled. "Yeah, that's a plus. We also get to -" "Look I'm telling you Ricky, it's better we just admit defeat. There's no way we're can pull this off!!" Both vixen and lapin went silent as the rather frustrated voice sounded out. Twisting her neck around to look behind her, Kaitlynn caught sight of a well built badger dressed in a waist length black suit jacket and pants with a blue open collar shirt on underneath stepping past the maitre'd and headed for the bar as an equally toned panther wearing a stylish gold trimmed coil suit under a hip length grey coat followed behind him. "Mike, I simply can't understand what the problem here is. It's not breaching any laws, it guarunteed to attract the masses and it'll be perfect for wh-" The black feline found himself being cut off mid-word by the badger whipping around and clamping his muzzle shut with his paw. "Yeah okay I know it has advantages, but somehow I get the feeling going through them one by one in a public area ain't that great of an idea!" The badger said in a more hushed voice. His feline companion's eyes looked mildly surprised but soon closed as he nodded. "Right sorry, got a little carried away there." Ricky said in a muffled voice. "You think you could let go now? Or am I gonna have to lick your pads?" He smiled playfully. "I just had my weekly tongue cleaning so you know it's gonna feel smooth." Mike looked back at his friend and then relaxed. "Don't tempt me okay? Just try to keep your voice down. No need to tell the whole world." He went up to one of the terminals at the bar and accessed the menu. "I don't see what you're so het up about, it's not like anyone really cares what we have to say most of the time." "Even so, I'd prefer not to run the risk that some life devoid gossip columnist might try to tap us in here. Though, considering our present situation any attention might help." He selected one of the drinks on the holo-display and rubbed his eyes as his order appeared moments later, floating down on a small tray through the gravity tube that connected the bar to the kitchen above it before being slid in front of him. "Look, I know you must've put a lot of thought into it but let's face facts here, we need a minimum of ten more morphs to ensure a fair test of the equipment and we simply don't have that many acquaintances around these parts to spare." "Then what about that friend of yours that lives nearby? You said he's good at organising big groups." "Not by tomorrow night. He needs at least two days notice for anything amounting to over six participants." The feline sighed and ordered a drink for himself. "Well, it was a good idea anyway." He picked it up off the counter and sipped. "I'd have even been willing to pay them top solarium too." The two drank in silence while Kaitlynn watched them with intrigue. "Well now, doesn't that sound like a cry for help?" Limly looked past her friend and cocked an eyebrow. "Perhaps, but I hardly think it's any matter of ours." Kaitlynn grinned. "Limly, if there's one thing I've had drilled into my head continuously since becoming a Tracker, it's that where there's a possibility of earning some moolah, it's always advisable that I make it a matter of mine." She turned momentarily to pull out a solari chip and swipe it over the booth's terminal to pay for their meal before getting up and walking over to the two while Limly sighed and followed. "Hey there boys, mind if my friend and I join in on this conversation?" She asked while plopping down on the stool next to the feline and badger. "Huh?" Ricky turned around to regard this new arrival. "And, who might you be?" Michael asked in confusion. "Just a couple of free spirited gals having a night on the town, who heard there might be a prospect of some mischief abound." The vixen leaned on the bar and struck a sly smile. "Name's Kaitlynn Vernora." "Nice to make your acquaintance, I guess." Michael said, still rather confused. "And your bunny friend is?" Kaitlynn quickly turned to Limly. \Mind if I tell them?\ She sent over the cerebral link. \Why not? After all the media attention I've had focused on me, I doubt it's gonna make that much of a difference.\ Limly sent back. The vixen turned back to the badger. "She's known as Limly Sivitrii round most parts." She leaned back and continued to smile. "So what, may I ask, has gotten you two in such a tiff that you're broadcasting it out to the entire establishment?" Ricky's gaze turned decidedly sheepish as Michael regarded him in contempt. Skillfully he reached into his jacket and pulled out a holo-brochure. "Rick please, don't start again!" "I keep telling you, if you don't like it you're more than welcome to enact revenge on me if you so desire." He smirked before turning back to the females. "Well ladies, it may interest you to know that you are speaking to two of the official product testers for 'Omni-poly Services' , offering the latest in sensual experience products suited to anyone's particular kinks or likings." He handed it to Kaitlynn while gauging her for a reaction. "How was that? Too obviously indicative of my lack of seniority?" "I wouldn't advise that you handle your own advertising." Kaitlynn said as she studied the brochure. "So, your company jumped on the all purpose sexual products bandwagon, and you guys are the lucky sods who get to give the stuff a test run huh?" "It's a job that has its perks." Michael shrugged. "However, unlike those other companies who prefer to cover their hides in the generalised section of the market by producing stuff that sort of does everything but not really, we deal only in specialised fields." "How so?" Limly asked. As a response Ricky leaned in closer as if revealing an important secret. "Our products are all geared exclusively for orgies." "No schmed huh?" Kaitlynn removed the stogie from her lips and whistled a thin stream of smoke as she examined a variety of publicity shots. "Looks pretty impressive. So why all the frustrated whingeing?" "We need to have a report back on how well our goods work to our bossess in two days time so they can close a deal with some potential distributors. But unfortunately our new line is designed to be able to suit parties of around 15 morphs or more, the largest we've ever done, and it took a while for us to get the test items shipped in." The panther ran a paw through his head fur. "Hence we're now fighting a deadline and strapped for members of the public who are willing to do a trial run, so you can kind of see the reason for our...anguish." Kaitlynn nodded slowly and drummed her claws on the counter top while Limly was trying to get a look over her shoulder at the brochure. "I see." The vixen said at last. "And did I perchance hear a mention of there being monetary compensation for those who volunteer?" "Well of course, what else is there that can provide enough incentive for this kind of thing?" Ricky took another swig from his drink. "We pay 500 solaris per participant, though I trust you'll forgive us if we refuse to negotiate for more." Kaitlynn looked up and dropped the brochure on the counter as the slyness of her grin went up tenfold. "Well then boys, perhaps it is fortunate we ran into each other." \Kaitlynn, what in Helgon are you doing?\ Limly sent in shock. \Just trust me.\ The arctic vixen assured. "I don't know if we can find 15 friends by tomorrow," "Oh we don't need that many for the trial, 12 oughta be enough." Kaitlynn got off the stool and leaned against the bar. "Then what say we do business then? Give us a time and place to direct the congregation, and we'll be happy to give your wares a thorough try out." Badger and panther looked at each other in shocked silence. "What do you think?" Ricky leaned in and whispered. "I think we're in no position to argue right now, it's a quick fix and frankly we're running out of time to get this deal done." Michael said as he set his drink down and pulled out a transparent card which had his business details laser imprinted on it. "The directions are encoded in that. Show up at around 9:00 tomorrow." He handed it to the vixen. "And may we just say how eternally grateful we are to both of you for showing up when you did." Ricky raised his glass. "Cheers!" He downed it in one big gulp. "Happy to be of help." Kaitlynn tossed her cigar butt into a nearby ashtray and casually walked back towards the entrance while Limly turned to look back at the two males before groaning and following after her friend. "Ha, ha, see it does pay to speak in louder tones sometimes." Ricky smirked. "I guess, though don't expect me to apologise in public." Michael said defiantly. "I'll settle for you paying for another drink then." The panther smiled before closing his eyes in discomfort. "Oogh, must remember from now on it's not a good idea to down a frozen daiquri in one go though." * * * - Outside - "Okay Kaitlynn, I really have been meaning to ask. Were you dropped on your head as a kit?" Limly said in disbelief as they walked back to the M.C.A.T. "Probably. At least I can't think of any other explanation for my rather reckless and somewhat suicidal approach to life." Kaitlynn grinned again. "I thought that's what you liked the most about me." "But still, agreeing to engage in sexual activities with two morphs you've only just met?" "It's how I met Dralion, and you if I remember." Kaitlynn turned back to the lapin and placed her hands on her shoulders. "And if it's my safety you're worried about, don't be. After last time I've made absolute sure to train myself in how to survive whatever I might encounter in this lifetime." Limly nodded in agreement "I've never had any doubt about that." She crossed her arms over her exceptionally large bosom and folded her wings against her back. "I just hope you're not expecting me to join in this little get together." "Would be nice of you if you did, but you know I'd never force you to do anything like that." The vixen reached out to stroke over the soft white feathers of her friend's wings. "Though I have to admit, having a few of you would've been nice to add some diversity to the entourage." "Excuse me?" Kaitlynn walked up to the M.C.A.T. who was staring at her with an almost organic sense of excitement. - Welcome back, Miss Kaitlynn! I trust you both had a pleasant meal.- "With Lim around, any meal is garunteed to be pleasant." Kaitlynn smiled back at her friend. "Open your left cargo compartment and bring out our special supplies will ya?" - Yes ma'am. - A large section of the M.C.A.T.S. hind quarters slid out and snapped open. "Now what are you doing?" Limly asked "I was planning on just taking these back to store in our base for safe keeping, after I picked them up from the Network's research division. But I think they'll be very useful here." With a flourish, Kaitlynn stepped away as two large metal boxes, each about three feet long by two feet high, walked out of the compartment on thin insectoid legs. Both had holo-panel locks on them and were emblazoned with huge black and yellow signs that read CAUTION: LIVE ORGANISMS "What are those?" The lapin asked. "The rest of my little group for tomorrow." Kaitlynn replied as she tinkered with the holo-panel on one of the boxes and disengaged the locks. With a woosh of air the top split open and the vixen reached in and pulled out an extremely bizarre, jelly fish like creature that made Limly's eyes nearly pop out of her skull. "Recognize this?" She held it out for the pink bunny to see. "By Deus! That's a ment'hesesk organism! The ones they said the inhabitants of Pelthon use in their cloning process!" Limly snatched it out of the vixen's paws and felt over the smooth, slightly spongey material of the dome, her previously reserved self now giving way to the overtly excited science geek she'd been acting like before. "I've been petitioning like crazy for us to get some of these when they finally got permission to start shipping them planetside." "Well, consider this an advanced glimpse at Neo-Terra's two newest life forms," The vixen opened up the other box and pulled out a large glass capsule that was filled with dozens of small gelatinous blobs slowly swirling around like a cloud of doped up flies. "Her and her little friends here." Limly looked up and gaped. "Wow, they even gave you some xaerotroth parasites too?" "Can't go about creating clones unless you have both components." Kaitlynn said while the ment'hesesk began to twitch as Limly's continuous caresses gradually roused it back to full wakefulness. "Sorry, they have a tendency to slip into hibernation while in transit. Just let her go if she gets too frisky." Limly did so and the domed alien floated up from her paws and began using its fins to lazily swim through the air in a small figure eight. "Cool, it does its own party tricks." Limly giggled before turning back to the vixen. "So your plan here is what exactly? Just make a few dozen replicas of yourself and then give the two guys in there a literal extravaganza of arctic vixen action?" "Any copies I do create won't be around long enough to make use of the cash. And how many times am I gonna get the opportunity to earn 6,000 solaris, tax free, no obligation to split it with my colleagues, and all for a few hours work?" Kaitlynn turned the capsule containing the xaerotroth parasites over in her paws as she contemplated. "Though I'd be more than happy to split it with you, that is if you're willing to join me on the copying." Limly thought about the prospect. She still wasn't quite sure about her vixen friend's thought process but, then again, she had practically been going crazy with wanting to see what these newly imported miracle life forms could do, and to now be offered the opportunity to experience it first hand... "Well...oh, what the heck, it's been far too long since I did something outrageous like this." The winged lapin said at last. - Wonderful, the world can always do with more cute bunnies! - No. 7 said happily. Kaitlynn just nodded and patted her on the shoulder before reaching into the box containing the ment'hesesk and pulling out a data tablet. "Okay, now to make this work we apparently just let these little buggers latch onto us, absorb a small amount of our DNA and then sprinkle them liberally on the dome heads." The vixen made a questioning face. *Oh well, guess not everyone in the universe favours the hi-tech approach.* Limly thought as she watched the vixen open the capsule and catch several of the parasites in her paw. She sealed the capsule back up and then rolled up the sleeve of her coat before placing the gelatinous organisms over her arm. "Ngh, ooh geez these little guys have teeth." She grimaced slightly as the xaerotroth momentarily glowed a bright orange and then dropped off. "Lousy grip though." She bent down and scooped them up off the ground before reaching up to grab the ment'hesesk out of the air and placing a few on the dome. Both vixen and lapin watched as the larger alien creature twitched and then absorbed the xaerotroth into the transparent covering of its membrane, the jelly like tissue folding over to envelop the tiny globules and suck them inside. "Right, let's have one more of me." She placed the ment'hesesk back in the box and then brought out another one on which she spread the rest of the parasites over. "Okay then Lim, let's do you now." "Alright." Limly slipped off her coat and held her organic arm aloft so the vixen could place another handful on it. "Hee hee hee, that kind of tickles." She said as the parasites bit down, glowed and dropped off. Moments later Kaitlynn was putting two more newly infested ment'hesesk back in the box. "Right, I've got four more of these guys left." The vixen pondered and then grinned wickedly. "And I think I know just who I'm going to use them on." She snatched the capsule back up. "No. 7, keep an eye on Lim for me. Be back in a moment." - Aye, aye ma'am - The huge M.C.A.T. replied, doing a little army salute with its manipulator claw. Kaitlynn walked back into the restaurant. Twenty or so minutes passed and she then re-emerged. "Geez, I've never seen anyone get so het up about a little nip. You'd think neither of them had ever had a bug bite before." She shook her head. "Our friends surprised to see you again so soon?" "Somewhat, I pretended I wanted to confirm the time they'd specified while surreptitiously dumping the rest of these little things on their necks. Badger boy's still berating his kitty friend for pinching him in a public place." Kaitlynn snickered as she infested the rest of the ment'hesesk. "Well, now that that's done, how long do those take to...develop?" The winged lapin enquired. "According to what current reports state, round about sixteen hours." "Incredible." Limly said quietly as Kaitlynn closed the box and both retreated back into the cargo compartment. "Well then Lim, shall we meet up at the same place tomorrow night? Or do you still want out of this?" "Are you nuts? I'm not passing up a chance to see these things in action with my own two eyes! Heck, if nothing else I should be able to grab some nice juicy stills to spruce up my work station." "That's my winged wonder." The vixen climbed into the M.C.A.T. "Any place I can drop you off before I head home myself?" "Back at the lab would be nice. I don't know if you noticed but I did have a rather expensive craft of my own parked there which I have no intention of leaving out all night." * * * August 16th - 5:09 a.m.- In a dazzling display of light, a T-D gate materialised in the M.C.A.T.S. maintenance bay of the Cyber-Tracker's base of operations, located on the outskirts of Aureatore. - Yahoooo! - No. 7 exclaimed as it vaunted out of the gate and landed in the centre of the bay. - Those are so much fun! - "Speak for yourself." Kaitlynn said as she got out looking a little green. "I'm just glad you girls come equipped with experimental, site-to-site T-D generators. Be a very difficult process checking you onto an overnight flight as luggage." The vixen held onto her stomach and groaned. "Deus, they have got to come up with a better way to stabilise those portals. I can only be spun around so many times before I finally have to let hurl." - Have a pleasant night out otherwise, Kaity?- The vixen smiled at the familiar voice. "Best one I've had in a long time, boss." She turned around to see the three foot tall, bipedal mekanik walking up behind her, clad in his normal garb of trench coat, ninja suit and gloves. - How did No. 7 fare? - Hacker lifted his oddly raptor shaped head up from the data tablet he was studying to regard his vixen Tracker. "Top marks as usual. Thanks for letting me borrow her." - Well, she wasn't doing much good just sitting in the garage. Aside from joining in on the inane philosophical banter these M.C.A.T.S. seem to get up to in their spare time that's so irritating to listen to it makes a tropical skin disease look like a minor rash.- Kaitlynn chuckled as she looked around the place and noticed several meks and maintenance personnel gathered around the other M.C.A.T.S. "What'd I miss around here?" - Got a new offer in from the Network. Seems a couple of black market nano-augmentation runners have broken parole and taken to their old habits again. We've got the location of where they're striking their next deal, so I'm going to take Slinger and stake out the place tonight.- Kaitlynn looked down at her robot leader in disappointment. "That's it? No scouring the depths of cyber space, or wild chases through different dimensions, or time travel, or frantic hunts across space or anything?" - Afraid not dear girl. Rather a relief isn't it? To know that there are still some organiks in this world with the decency to have no concept of ingenuity.- Kaitlynn rolled her eyes and sighed. "Well seeing as how I'm obviously not going to be of much use for that, can I take tonight off too? And maybe borrow M.C.A.T.S. 7 and 9?" Hack regarded the vixen quizzically before shrugging. - I don't see why not. I'm only going to need Nos. 1 and 2 for this assignment, maybe with 8 acting as back up.- He walked over to where the meerkat siblings were working on a M.C.A.T. that had a ocelot like body structure, emblazoned with the number 2, and was caked with mud. -How's it coming, Jenna?- "Two of the shifters need replacing, right intake valve's clogged to the gills," The meerkat got up and banged the tool she was holding against the M.C.A.T.S.' chin. "And I don't like that squishing sound the connector valves are making one bit." Hack shook his head as he folded his hands behind his back. - Amazing isn't it, how an ultra-advanced combat mek, with armor designed to withstand direct contact with radioactive waste while being fired upon by 10 legions of enemy troops, can be almost crippled by a little pond scum and some mud.- - Well, at least mud helps the complexion, right? - No. 2 said sheepishly as another meerkat hosed the crusted filth off its face. Hacker rolled his red robotic eyes and dragged his hand over his head. - Just from now on, try to take heed of your base series' instinctual phobias, and stay away from the backyard lake. At least until I can get a sanitation crew out here, okay ? - He turned around and began walking away, all the while muttering to himself. - Why cats ? Why out of the millions of perfectly apt morph series on this world did they have to model them after bloody cats!?- Kaitlynn sighed and left them to continue in their activities while she got the box containing the infested ment'hesesk out of No. 7 and left the bay to head to her room. "So how is our dear long eared, winged friend doing?" Enquired a muscular spinosaurus carrying several large crates as he passed the vixen. "Attracting a little more attention than usual, but aside from that she's the same as she ever was, Dralion." Kaitlynn smiled up at the dinosaur. "She's exceptionally pleased to hear you're not having any problems with your new parts." Dralion turned his stoic gaze to his bionic right arm and flexed it slowly. "She deserves all the credit. I doubt these would've synched so flawlessly with my body if she hadn't given them her special touch." He said as he lowered his gaze to his equally bionic left leg. "Well I made sure she knew how grateful you are." Kaitlynn grinned knowingly before stifling a yawn. "In fact I'm seeing her again tonight, as soon as I take care of something and get a few hours sleep. Any other messages you'd like me to relay to her?" "Only my best regards. Sleep well my vixen." He leaned over to kiss her gently on the forehead before continuing on down the hall. Kaitlynn closed her eyes and sighed happily to herself as she walked up to a pair of blast doors and waited as they slid open to reveal a small hovering mek with skeletal, foot long fingers, hooked into a massive bank of computer terminals which it was eagerly typing on. Smiling wickedly, the vixen set her box down and slowly crept towards the mek like a shark moving towards its prey. Sensing it was still unaware of her presence, the vulpine grabbed hold of it, reared up to strike, And then planted a big wet kiss on its silver cranium. "How ya doin, Scratch?" She said in a low sultry voice. The bot immediately ceased all activity before trepidly turning around to regard the vixen with severe apprehension in its red visored eyes. - Okay, judging from the speed and enthusiasm you put into that kiss, I'm guessing that I've either done something very nice and you're thanking me for it, or I've seriously screwed up big time and you're just tenderising the area where you're going to pound me. - Scratch nervously linked his fingers together as he waited for the vixen's response. "Relax bud, this particular time it's the former. For inadvertently leading me back to Limly." - Oh, right. - The little mek sounded quite relieved. - Well I knew how much you were yearning to meet up with her again after your unfortunate... you know what, and when I stumbled upon the duty roster for that place, it just seemed like the logical thing to do.- "That it was, just wanted to say thanks." - You're welcome. - Scratch nodded and turned back to his screens; glad it hadn't been anything bad but still cautiously glancing over his shoulder as the vixen walked out of the chamber. With that done, Kaitlynn then went straight to her own room, smiling in anticipation at what promises the coming night would hold. After closing the door and having the base's A.I. computer dim the lights for her, Kaitlynn parked the box next to her couch and opened it to observe the ment'hesesk, finding they had all nearly tripled in size. Gently she lifted one out to examine it, and noticed what looked to be an embryonic foetus developing inside the transparent dome. She examined it closer and found she could make out the slight outline of stubby but distinctly lapin ears. *Congratulations girl, you got it pregnant!* Chuckling to herself, the vixen picked out all of the mutating aliens and placed them on the couch next to her so the foetuses inside could continue to grow and develop unhindered. Feeling another yawn coming on, Kaitlynn took a moment to strip out of her clothes before lying down on the bed and letting herself drift off into slumber, dreaming of her bunny friend. * * * - 9:01 p.m.- \Geez Limly, let her go and try to relax. You're gonna rub the fur right off their bodies if you're not careful.\ Kaitlynn sent, watching the exuberant bunny through the video link between M.C.A.T.S. 7 and 9 as they ambled up to the building Ricky's directions had lead them to and stopped. \Sorry, it's just, Deus this so cool! I can't believe how perfect they turned out!\ Both of the robot felines kneeled and opened up their crew compartments. \I swear if I'd known your reaction was going to be like this I'd have insisted that you ride with me.\ The vixen sent in response as she got out of No. 7 and watched in bemusement as her friend leapt down and helped her two new identical twins step out of No. 9. "Oh this is so much fun, to be able to actually step back and admire myself from the standpoint of another person." Limly clasped her paws together as she drank in the sight of her clones. "I am glad you approve of us so." The first Limly said softly as she bowed her head. "Of course I approve, you both look even cuter and more adorable than the image that greets me in the mirror each day." She lowered her paws and sighed happily "Just think of all the new things I can learn about myself from this." "Such as?" Kaitlynn was curious. "Well to start off with, I should never be seen dead wearing your wardrobe." The winged lapin giggled. Both of her clones were dressed in two more of the vixen's biker outfits which clashed heavily with the modest light blue coat and dress with dark blue shirt that the original was wearing. "Well what choice did I have? Would've looked an odd sight loading eight nude morphs into the M.C.A.T.S. Just thankful Dralion was willing to spare some of his clothes too." She stepped aside as the other clones got out. "Besides, considering what we're about to do I highly doubt much of that gear's going to stay on for long." Upon hearing that, Limly looked up at the blank, slightly run down building in front of them and shivered. "Are you sure this is going to be okay, Kaitlynn? I mean this is a sector of town I usually make sure to stay way the hell away from." She wrapped her paws around her two replicas and held them closely to her. "And on top of that, I've got two more of me to look after so I've extra cause to be nervous." Kaitlynn just smiled and patted her friends shoulder. "Trust me, it'll be okay. My cerebral modem's tuned to the Trackers' HQ computer if I need to call for help, and I made sure my bosses knew I was going to be out tonight." She looked up at the building and then at the M.C.A.T.S. "Further more, if those guys dare try anything threatening towards us," She walked out in front of the two. "7, 9, if you please." - Yes ma'am! - The two responded. In a flourish a massive plasma cannon sprung out of No. 7's left shoulder while an equally intimidating mini-gun took up position on the right. The cyber-feline then whipped its tail around to show the tip had folded out into a menacing looking claw that sparked and sizzled as if highly charged with electricity. "As you can see, they'll have more than adequate cause to regret any attempts on us." Kaitlynn stated proudly. - Got that right! Just say the word and we'll be happy to crash the party for ya!- No. 9 responded, turning its even larger sized body (almost three times the size of No. 7) around to show off its surface-to-air missile launcher, plasma cannon, chain gun and fusion emitter. Limly observed the M.C.A.T.S.'s arsenals and took a deep breath. "I should've guessed you'd come prepared as usual." She turned to the clone on her left and stroked over her wings. "I just don't want anything bad to happen to any of us, that's all." Kaitlynn regarded her friend in puzzlement. "If I may ask Lim, why the sudden concern? Most other morphs usually don't get this attached to copies of themselves." Limly looked away, as if in embarrassment. "Well, cause of this." She held up the first clone's left paw which, unlike her own, was completely organic. "I never thought I'd ever get to see myself as a complete morphson again, and even if they are just genetic replicants I don't want any version of me who still has all her normal limbs attached to come to any harm." The bunny explained as she dipped her head slightly. "Just because I've been physically reduced doesn't mean the same should happen to them." Kaitlynn stared at her friend for a slient moment before walking over to pick her up and give her a hug so tight and loving it would have done a mother bear proud. "Oh, come on Limly, you know even with your cybernetic components I've always thought you're the most perfect little bunny I've ever encountered." Limly felt her head being tilted upwards before her mouth was engaged in a very loving kiss. "And don't split any hairs on how they're going to be treated. Even after we have to give them back to the pelthonians I know for a fact they'll be well looked after." Limly 'mmphed' softly into another kiss before breaking off and smiling. "Alright, alright, I'll trust you on this one." The lapin took hold of her two clone's paws and walked inside the building while Kaitlynn lead the other clones after them. * * * - Meanwhile - Hacker cracked the joints on his fingers as M.C.A.T.S. 1 and 2 finished scaling up the side of the building and stood poised and ready on the roof overlooking the opposite side of the street. >All right, good work, Slinger, I don't think anyone saw us. < The little robot placed his hands on the holographic interface panels and activated the video transfer between the two cyber-felines. >Now we have to play at the waiting game. < A display screen materialised in front of him, showing the aforementioned horned mek loading up his Pulseblaster pistols, the same perverse sense of pleasure crossing his eyes at the sound as they powered up. >Ne vous inquiétez pas, mon droogie. Till a duexieme jugement from the Deus comes, shalt I endeavour, attendre for those who have wronged. < The bot sent with the ritualistic twirl of his weapons around in his hands before holstering them. >As I've always expected of you. < Hacker tapped the panel and the screen showing Slinger shifted over to his right to make room for another one showing Scratch at his usual position. >All coming through fine on your end, Scratch? < >Like a bell, Hack. < Hacker nodded in satisfaction. - *Right then, we just sit tight until these chaps decide to show their faces.*- The mek folded his arms under his head and waited. After a while he began humming a tune as he glanced around the interior of No. 1. Then, when he tired of that, he shifted position so his right arm was now supporting his head while he drummed his fingers on the console in front of him. A little while later he decided to check the watch on his wrist comp and discovered, to his amazement, that around fifteen seconds had passed. - *I trust they aren't going to be too long.*- * * * "Well hello there, good to see you again." Ricky exclaimed as Limly and Kaitlynn walked into the testing area. "Welcome to our humble abode." Bunny and vixen glanced around the area. Several large and intimidating machines were situated in different areas of the room, all surrounded by a plethora of pillows and blankets. "Looks quite cozy." Limly commented as Mike entered from a side room. "Okay, we already have your names down, now we just need the names of all your friends who've agrees to participate to submit to the Network and then we can get started." Mike looked up from his data tablet and cocked an eyebrow when he saw the two girls appeared to be alone. "Uh...wait didn't you say you'd have a group with you tonight?" Kaitlynn struck a mischievous smile and nodded. "Oh there are quite a few more of us here. Just wanted to give you two a moment to prepare before the unveiling." She turned around and clapped her paws. "Okay everyone, you can come in." The expressions that passed over the panther and badger's faces thereafter could at best be described in the following order: First confusion when Kaitlynn's two clones entered. Then bewildered surprise when Limly's came in. Followed by shock upon seeing two perfect copies of Mike enter. And then aghast when they were succeeded by Ricky's replicas. "I don't think you're going to have much use for their names though, seeing as they don't yet have any." Kaitlynn smirked at the two morphs who were still so shocked they didn't even notice the beep of a camera capturing a still. \See, wasn't it a better idea to reveal them slowly to these guys?\ \I'll say.\ Limly snickered as she looked at the picture she'd taken. \Those expressions are priceless.\ "H-how...what?" Was all Mike could manage while Ricky just gaped as their copies walked up and presented themselves. "Really doesn't bear explaining. I happen to know a few friends who can work wonders with tiny amounts of DNA, and just thought it'd be a better solution for this type of thing." Kaitlynn moved over and patted the shoulder of one of her clones. "I think you'll find these are a lot more willing to follow instructions and participate with each other. And unlike normal morphs, you needn't worry about any of that legal horse schmed, they're exempt from it." Rick grabbed his colleague by the shoulder and turned the two of them around. "Okay, I freely admit this is not what I was expecting." He glanced over his shoulder and just shook his head in disbelief "What do you think? Should we go ahead or send them packing?" Mike turned briefly to count how many individuals the clones added up to. "Well, she did deliver as she promised, and Network reports have been rather strongly in favour of those...things," The badger thought a bit longer and finally shrugged. "I guess we can't complain, specially at this late stage of the game." Ricky looked a tad unsure but nodded before turning around again. "Okay, while this is a little off the beaten track it shouldn't present a problem." He glanced over his two clones and propped his head on his paw. "However, I really must ask that we come up with some way of distinguishing between everyone here." "Then how about we use our first initials followed by a number? You know so mine would be L1 and L2, yours would be R1 and R2 and so on." Limly suggested. "I know it's kind of idiotic in its simplicity, but I can't think of anything else right at the moment." She smiled and showed off her pretty buck teeth. "Works for me." Mike responded. "No protests here either." Ricky said as he walked over to a huge transparent dodecahedron which was lined with fake fur on the inside. "Right let's start off with something simple here. This is your average run-of-the-mill anti-gravity simulator with a few added modifications." He emphasised the statement by pressing on one of the faces, causing it to bulge inward. "Highly flexible plastocile walls, feels like bouncing into a soft fuzzy film and comes equipped with a static charged coating on the inside that adheres to the fur on your body so you can lie comfortably on it with being bounced back off." The panther turned back to the other morphs. "It's designed for a maximum of 12 morphs, but I don't think we need to test this thing to the limits tonight." "Indeed," Mike followed up. "Let's go with two males and, uh, three females, that oughta be sufficient." "Liking this already." Kaitlynn smiled seductively as she slipped off her jacket. "Might be worth mentioning though, these sweet guys and girls need some one to start them up first and then lead them on." She turned to her two clones. "Go ahead and lose the clothing now." Both nodded and began getting undressed while the white vulpine looked at her lapin friend. "Feel like joining us?" "I'll just observe for right now if that's alright." "Mind if I borrow one of yours then?" Limly blushed and giggled as she pointed to one of her replicas. "L1, do as they're doing. If nothing else, it'll get you out of that ridiculous outfit." "As you wish." L1again bowed her head as she slipped off her leather vest and unfolded her wings. Limly felt a strange but intriguing sense of lust wash over her as she watched her twin pull her blue tank top over her head, letting her large D-cup sized breasts swing free. The cyborg lapin swallowed as L1 then pulled off her pants and then let the panties underneath drop to the ground. She stood there meekly, her wings curved slightly around her curvaceous pink body while her paws were crossed over her front. Limly just kept staring in amazement as she approached her now nude duplicate and lightly touched her shoulder. The pink fur felt just as soft as her own, but there was also a distinct 'lightness' to it too, the sensation most common to plush toys which have just been bought and not had a chance to be washed or weathered by the elements. A kind of 'newness' feel. Excited by this, Limly wrapped her arm around L1's shoulders and gently ran the back of her fingers over her cheek as the clone looked up at her. "Does my appearance still please you?" "To no end." Limly replied, giving the clone a warm reassuring smile before hugging her tightly. "I know mine certainly do." Both bunnies turned to see Kaitlynn stoking over the fur of her replica's tummy, bringing a low murr of satisfaction from her. "Deus, they got you both down flawlessly, right to the last hair." the vixen stated as she traced a claw up K1's stomach and taking a right to circle the swell of her breast before she lightly kissed her on her black streaked muzzle. "I've just gotta see you in action." She led the clone to the anit-grav chamber, slowly disposing of her own clothing each step of the way. "Wow, never thought they'd be" Ricky said quietly to himself as the vixen revealed first her lithe, athletic torso, blighted somewhat by a hideously long scar that ran down through the valley of her breasts then coiled serpent like around her abs. Kaitlynn then slipped her pants off to reveal two equally well sculpted legs before calmly tossing away her undergarments and undoing her hair. As the panther now followed her with an almost trance like gaze, the arctic vixen ran her paws through her hair and then turned to face him. "You know, it'd be appreciated if you contributed something to this too." She said while striking a pose that, while slightly intimidating, showed off her gorgeous figure in its entirety. "Huh....oh what?" Ricky at last managed to snap back to alertness. "Sorry, um okay R1 you do the same as the girls." "You too M1." Michael stated at his copy. Soon two fit and trim males were joining Kaitlynn and her females in the chamber. "Right, now let's add these for comfort." Ricky tossed a couple of pillows in and closed the door. "And we're off!" He flipped a switch on the side of the machine and soon all five morphs found themselves floating weightlessly around inside. *Let's start partying!* Kaitlynn thought as she pulled K1 over to her and wrapped her in a warm embrace. Smiling she reached up to trace over the clone vixen's lips, feeling them flutter slightly in first time nervousness. "Just relax; I only want you to enjoy yourself." She looked out at the others floating around her. "That goes for all of you." K1 nodded but didn't say anything as Kaitlynn then leaned in and pressed her lips against hers. K1 shivered slightly at the feel but as the vixen held her closer to her in her black furred arms she felt herself start to relax. As Kaitlynn pressed herself even further into the kiss, K1 allowed her lips to part, her body telling her to let the vixen have further access into her mouth which she was more than content to comply with. Once her lips had sufficiently drifted away from each other, K1 was rewarded with the strange new sensation of a moist tongue being slid into her muzzle, her own tongue lifting up to feel along the underside before snaking up to run over the surface as Kaitlynn's tongue slipped over the roof of her mouth and then explored over the tips of her fangs. *Oooh, neat she even has the same technique as me! Wonder what else she's inherited.* Kaitlynn kept the kiss going as she leaned back and began kicking her feet to propel them closer to where L1 was watching with rapt attention. Untangling her left arm, she reached down and pulled the pink lapin clone up before breaking the kiss. As K1 gasped with the sudden rush of air back into her lungs, Kaitlynn drew the bunny closer to her and smiled. "Liked watching that?" L1 looked at K1 and noted how much more at ease she now seemed. "Care to try it for yourself?" L1 turned back to the vixen and nodded meekly. Kaitlynn never stopped smiling as she gave the clone bunny the exact same treatment as she had her own replica, finding the lapin mouth to be just as warm and playful as the numerous times she'd kissed her friend in the past, with just a hint of first time innocence which made it all the more enticing. Feeling both were ready for something a little stronger, Kaitlynn wrapped her arm around L1 and began shifting her body around slightly so her nipples rubbed against her's, prompting a strangled murr from the bunny clone while her paw slid down K1's back, slowly letting the fur run through her fingers as they cupped over her nicely toned ass before moving down lower until she could extend one nimble digit to reach under her tail and stroke over the tip of her sex which set the vulpine clone off moaning slightly too. This continued for about another minute or so as the three morphs twirled slowly through the reduced-G environment, things getting more and more heated until Kaitlynn's head bumped into M1's chest. "Oh yeah, almost forgot." She let go of her friends and guided their paws to trace over the two's chests. "Okay, let's see what you can do here." She demonstrated with her own paws and watched as a mixture of curiosity and excitement slowly set into the two replicated morph's faces as they followed her lead and then slowed their caresses over the morph's bodies to a more teasing speed, some unknown force telling them to take their time and just enjoy being able to feel and play with two well-filled out morph clones. M1 had a beefy but nicely balanced build, the kind normally found on those who've become serious about body building but haven't yet put in enough time to really get really huge. R1, on the other hand, was lean and streamlined, more like a runner or dedicated swimmer. Not that the difference really mattered much at the moment. To the three females the combination of soft fur and developed muscles felt perfect, and the males were clearly showing some added 'excitement' from all the attention they were receiving. "Getting a feel for what's involved here girls?" "A little," L1 sighed as she caressed the contours of the feline's abs. "I would like some more 'guidance' though." She looked wantingly at the vixen. \If I didn't know better Limly, I'd say they've also inherited some of your darling quirks of innocent desire.\ Kaitlynn sent. \I hope so, might make for more fun later on.\ Limly sent back as her gaze fell on L2 who was watching intently as if making mental notes on what to do when it came to be her turn. In the chamber, K1's paw had now been guided down to the badger's sheath and begun stroking it, followed by Kaitlynn doing the same with her clone on the badger. "The trick to getting a male excited is to keep your thumb and forefinger on either side of the sheath and squeezing gently while you stroke. Helps to ease the meat out when the skin surrounding it gets too tight." She smiled. "But then as you're another version of me you probably already knew that." "I still like to be reminded." K1 responded as she gently ran her paw up and down on the badger's sheath, smiling in satisfaction as the head eventually popped out followed by the first two inches as she toyed with the ballsac. M1 groaned slightly and then sighed in contentment as he felt his tool being lovingly fondled and stroked by the two lovely white vulpines. It didn't take long before the double ministrations had M1 standing erect at his full 7½ inches. *Well it's a little less than what I'm used to. Katlynn admitted. But then that just means there's less chance of gagging.* She smirked when she saw K1 leaning in to lap tenderly at the badger shaft. She looked over to notice L1 had opted for the mammary approach, gently rubbing R1's slightly larger shaft between her soft pink globes as her tongue lowered itself to explore over the barbed head. \Yes she's definitely gotten some of your better quirks.\ the vixen sent to Limly. \Glad to see it. I've always loved doing that.\ She stole another quick glance at her other clone before turning back to watch the proceedings with renewed intrigue. To be honest, even though she was still harbouring some reserve about this whole thing, Limly was finding it immensely fascinating watching herself pleasuring another morph. Being able to see from a third person perspective how she made use of her tongue on the feline's barbs, seeing the look of satisfaction that her face was settling into at the knowledge that she was bringing pleasure to someone else, it was not only making her wet but also causing her to realise just how appreciative she was of her body. Limly sighed inwardly and hugged herself as she again looked over at L2, seeing she was also getting turned on by the ordeal but still patiently waiting until she was needed. \Tell him to hump her tits a bit, that feels even better.\ Limly sent back. Kaitlynn turned and gave the bunny a knowing wink as she swam over to R1 and whispered something in his ear. R1 looked back in surprise but then nodded and raised his hips slightly so his cock began bumping against L1's mouth. Taking the hint, the clone bunny opened her maw wide enough so her buck teeth wouldn't get in the way and let the feline shaft slide into the depths of her warm muzzle. Her tongue pulled back to lick over the pole that was now being rhythmically thrust into her mouth, finding the taste to be quite enjoyable as R1 moaned a little louder at the feeling. Seeing she was doing fine, Kaitlynn tenderly grabbed her rear and pushed them into one of the plastocile faces so they wouldn't start drifing away as she rolled over to where her own clone now had taken the badger's cock in her mouth and was lightly bobing her head up and down, producing a series of low grunts and groans from her partner. For a while she just hovered there and watched, feeling her own treasure getting decidedly more slick at the enthusiasm K1 was putting in to pleasuring the badger while reaching down to stroke over the folds of her own sex. "Here, why not let me take of that for you." Kaitlynn said before swimming over to embrace her replica around the waist and just hold her as she let the cock fall out of her mouth and went to just stroking it while she turned her head around to be met with a loving kiss. "Mmmm, such a good, pretty little vixen. Just like I always wished myself to be." Kaitlynn reached down and continued the slow sensual rubs across K1's lips, bringing about another surprised moan from the clone as her other paw raked up through her stomach fur and then to the swell of her nice medium sized breasts. K1 sighed in appreciation before having her muzzle guided back to the badger's shaft while Kaitlynn lightly nipped and licked at the back of her neck, prompting the clone vixen to shiver in anticipation. Seeing this was having the desired effect, Kaitlynn then began to move along K1's back, laying down a line of gentle butterfly kisses as she used her feet to propel herself downward, eventually bringing her muzzle on level with her duplicate's love box which she began lapping at with surprising ferocity, like a dog that was enjoying its first drink after a long time out in the desert. "Well, you gotta admit, this is a rather interesting insight into how we may have turned out if our personalities were different." Mike said as he pulled up a stool. "Yeah, who'd have thought you could actually stay quiet long enough for someone to do something nice for you without hearing directions being shouted continuously at them." "Hey, I know what I like to have done to me and I think it's only right that I voice so as to ensure satisfaction for both parties. Besides I'm still surprised that any incarnation of you could possibly be submissive." He gestured to R1 who had now pulled L1 up into a slowly rotating 69. "She has so got you wrapped around her fingers." "So it would appear." Ricky said as he took a step closer to watch the orgy unfolding. "What I'd give to be in her place right now." He said quietly. "Oh please, do you mind? I don't need that image in my head right now." Mike said in exasperation. * * * - Elsewhere - >Dear me, these chaps certainly are taking their time. < Hacker sent as he checked his watch for what seemed like the fiftieth time. >If I'd known we'd be waiting for this long I'd have brought my guitar. < >Hack, you've been there all of 15 minutes and my sources said the deal isn't set to go down until 22:00 at the earliest. < Scratch sent back. >I know I'm usually not one for suggesting how to run our operations but it might be a good idea to just chill for a while. < Hack glanced over at the image of his long fingered friend and leaned back. >Perhaps, guess I'm still kind of on edge. After those kitá narashiì media freaks made such mince meat out of the disaster that was our last assignment, I just want this one to go down smoothly and quietly.< He looked over the console in front of him. >I can't believe with all the features and abilities they gave these felines, the one thing they forgot is a radio. < >Well, according to these maps and schedules I pulled up of the area you're in, it looks like there's a street side mek vendor about to pass by the corner near you.< Hacker sat up as the images materialised in front of him. >Est-ce que thou would wish pour moi to go forth et obtenir but two measures of the ever reliable boisson known as coffee? < Sling sent. >Great idea, I'll take a mocha with about. oooh, eight sugars. < >Mais naturellement, mon droogie. < Slinger left his M.C.A.T. and headed down the stairs to street level while Hack crossed his legs on the seat and tried to meditate for a while. Presently he heard a tapping sound and instructed No. 1 to open up so Slinger could hand him one of the steaming cups. - Thanks Sling. - He unscrewed the top and took a sniff, finding it to be something decidedly different than what he was expecting. - Wait a tic, what is this?- - Vanille française. - - French Vanilla?- - All it had that had been fraîchement brassé. Tis just as high on le facteur de douceur. - Hacker looked down at the coffee and then up at his horned, gun packing effendi. - Sling come on, our own kits won't touch this stuff with a ten foot pole, do you honestly expect me to be any different? I like my coffee strong, sweet and creamy, with just a hint of chocolate and maybe a little cinnamon on top. Not this new-age malarkey!- Slinger stared calmly back at his leader, waiting patiently for him until he'd finished his rather punchy statement. - Alone to well then, buvez-le I but shall.- He reached out to take the cup off him but Hacker held it back. - Hold on there, I didn't say anything about not drinking it. - He added a straw and began sipping at the steaming beverage through the small intake valve located on the underside of his head . - Actually it's not that bad; I think I can just about keep it down.- - Whatever yea wishes, mon frè re.- Slinger popped a cigar in his valve and turned to move back to his M.C.A.T. * * * - Back at the testing area...- L1 and R1 spun slowly towards the floor of the chamber as they continued to pleasure each other's more intimate regions. On the opposite side Kaitlynn had moved up to help ease her genetic twin onto the shaft of the badger, watching with a hint of relish as it slid slowly but effortlessly in. "Oooohhhhg." The white vulpine clone groaned as she felt the oddly pleasing experience of being penetrated for the first time without all the associated pain that came with losing her virginity. Wishing to experience it more, K1 grind her hips against M1's loving the feeling of the hard length filling and resisting against her contracting sex. As their more animalistic instincts began to take over, the badger grabbed her hips and began to lift her back off while K1 wrapped her arms around his neck to prevent drifting away in the zero-g environment as the two began to fuck. Kaitlynn released the clone and swam away to observe the situation. She wasn't going to be able to do much more with that couple. Glancing over to the others she saw L1 had now also shifted to allow her panther lover to enter her depths while she grabbed a pillow and used her wings to propel the two of them away and onto another of the faces lower down, one where she could lie down comfortably while R1 took the reins. Seeing that she was also pretty much going to be a third wheel there too, the arctic vixen pondered as she looked back at her now heavily enraptured duplicate and came up with an idea. Turning herself around she swam to where she could get a look out on the intently watching individuals outside. \Limly, I'm kinda getting phased out here. Tell K2 to come in here to join me.\ \Okay.\ The pink bunny walked over and gently whispered something in the other Kaitlynn clone's ear. K2 nodded and calmly went to open the door of the zero-g chamber and step inside. "Hey wait a minute, what do you think you're doing?" Michael asked. Limly just turned and smiled sweetly at the panther. "Your plan on how to do this was a little flawed. We're making the necessary amendments." The badger looked back with a mixture of confusion and scepticism as he turned to watch Kaitlynn now embracing and giving some extensive tongue action to her second clone before moving down to lick over her heavily aroused nipples as their black tipped tails curled around each other, much to Limly's increasing interest and amusement. *Well, if nothing else, this should provide a fascinating insight into what constitutes as incest and what counts as masturbation.* The lapin pondered as a wayward paw reached down to slip under her dress and run along her increasingly soaked panties. \Kaitlynn, if you don't mind my asking, what does that feel like? I mean kissing and fondling someone who's basically a less experienced version of you?\ Kaitlynn lifted her head from her suckling and gazed at her friend in a 'know-but-won't-tell' way. \You have the means, why don't you find out for yourself?\ She winked before going back to suck on K2's tits, relishing each and ever moan that came from the clone showing she was enjoying herself. *Oooh, perhaps I could probably do with some more 'research' on the subject.* She groaned to herself as her eyes again found their way to L2 who was now kneeling on the floor with both paws thrust between her legs, looking like she was enjoying the visual display but at the same time yearning to want to join in. Finally deciding she'd watched for long enough, Limly walked over to embrace her clone and give her a gentle kiss. "I think you've spent enough time on the sidelines, let's get you in on the action." She helped her stand up and walk over to the comfortable lay out of pillows and blankets that surrounded a machine shaped like some oversized, silver plated burrow bush. Tenderly she lay L2 down before beginning to dispense with her own garments, watching a glimmer of excitement cross the lapin's eyes as she unzipped and dispensed with the coat she was wearing then pulled off her shirt to expose her own magnificent pair of breasts. A small coo emanated from the lapin's lips as her twin began to pant excitedly at the sight and then reached up to fondle them. *Oooh, Deus her paws are warm!* Limly sighed softly, relishing the long forgotten sensation of having two flesh and bone paws feel and carress her pink furred globes. Marvelling at the sight of L2's innocent but wondering face as she ran her thumbs in small circles over the nipples, Limly reached down to slide her paws under the waist band of her skirt and let it glide slowly down her thighs, being joined soon after by her panties. Now as bare and exposed as her genetic twin, Limly gently placed her paws over L2's and held them in place as she climbed on top of the clone bunny and lay down. For a while the two morphs just stayed as they were, eyes slowly scanning over the other's body, marvelling at how flawlessly identical they were (save for the absence of Limly's bionic appendages), until the bunny on top sat up and unfolded her wings. Gentle she used the tips to lightly glide over L2's arms, starting at her paws and then lightly tracing up her arm, up along her shoulders and then down over her breasts. L2 giggled slightly at the feeling of the white feathers grazing her sensitive nubs before they proceeded downwards to follow the outline of her hips and the top of her legs before moving inwards to stroke along the dampness of her slit, all of which made the clone bunny squirm and tense her own wings with the tiny pin pricks of pleasure that the massage produced. "You are so cute." Limly stated happily as she withdrew the wings and leaned down so she could hug and kiss her again. "And you smell so divine." "I...I smell the same as you smell." L2 replied in between pleasurful sighs. "Uh, okay then, I smell divine." Lim stopped as she thought about the statement. "But then it was a compliment directed at you as an individual, and not as a representation of me, so technically I shouldn't have tried to correct myself. But then again we are essentially the same morph, and possess the same qualities, so in that regard my latter statement would still be correct as...damn this whole thing is really messing with my head!" Limly sighed and held her cranium. "May I suggest you not think about it and just enjoy what's happening?" L2 said as she leaned up to give each of Lim's nipples a delicious lick. The pink bunny looked down at her clone and then smiled. "So you've also got some of my common sense too huh?" She sighed and then moaned softly as L2 took the nub in her mouth and bit down very gently with her buck teeth before opening her mouth to encompass the areola and suck on that too. Sighing Limly took the bunny's lop ears in her paws and stroked them lovingly as a long bolt of pleasure moved up her spine from the milking of her tit. Moaning a bit more loudly, Lim moved her bionic paw to run through L2's hair, gazing down in fascination as the replicated lapin switched to the other tit and began to love that one with equal tenderness and care. As much as she still found the whole concept of what she was doing to be a trifle bizarre, Limly did have to admit she was nonetheless enjoying getting to indulge in intimate activities with herself. L2 clearly had all the knowledge of what Limly liked to have done to her and where she liked to be touched. And if the lapin's own caresses were anything to go by, she also had the same sensitive areas and pleasure zones, a fact that was immediately confirmed when one of Limly's wandering fingers trailed down to brush over the base of L2's cute little tail, producing a muffled squeak of pleasure. *So she has the same ticklish spot as me down there too. Cool!* Now mapping out the areas where she could bring the most pleasure to her cloned self, Limly brought her bionic hand up and extended a small electrified needle out of her index finger. "I normally only use this for when I have to do maintenance on my assistants, or if I lose my security cards and have to start picking locks." She giggled. "But on a low voltage it should feel quite nice." She began to expertly trace a series of circles and crosses over L2's left nipple, watching in bemusement as the cloned bunny gasped and then mmmphed at the feeling of her tender flesh being assaulted by small currents of electricity. Glad that it was having the desired effect, Limly then reached up and dragged the needle across the bone parts of L2's wings, pausing to hold it on the joints as they were more sensitive. "Ooohh, that's good." L2 groaned, taking her mouth off of Limly's well sucked tits so she could bury her face in between the huge inviting mounds. Nodding, Limly then ran it down her spine before tracing it over her hips to her stomach. There she held it for a second before finally letting it head down in between the replicant's legs and over the now drenched folds of her pussy. "Ngh...oooogghhh...dayyyusss!" L2 almost screamed as she felt electricity now being sent over her wet lips, the feeling being akin to having millions of microscopic mouths nibbling constantly on the slick flesh. Limly chuckled and continued to trace lightly over the folds until she heard a clumping sound and looked up to see Ricky standing over them. "Sorry to interrupt ladies, but I may know of a way to make things even better for you." He rolled up his sleeve, revealing a remote control cuff of some kind grafted onto his arm which he aimed at the silver burrow bush and selected ACTIVATE. With a flurry the bush seemed to expand outward and then split apart, revealing that it was in fact a mass of writhing bio-mechanical tentacles, several huge ones forming a ring on the outside, followed by ones of decreasing size but increasing length on each successive inner ring. "Though, I doubt it needs much explaining." Ricky shrugged "Oh wow!" Limly said, which she then followed up with a small squeak of surprise as two of the largest tentacles wrapped around her and L2 and lifted them up into the air. "This is our company's latest foray in multi-purpose tentacle drones." Ricky explained. "Each set is equipped to give you sexual gratification in a different manner." "So I see." Limly gasped when two of the medium sized tentacles gently wrapped around her legs and pulled them apart so another of the larger ones could rub itself against her soaked pussy. "I was...nn gah...wondering when...ooogh... the Network would finally make this stuff available c-commercially." Limly grit her teeth and tried not to moan too loudly at the conflicting sensations of a cold metallic part of the tentacle rubbing across her folds followed by a warm organic component and then back again. As she continued to gasp and murr at the combined feeling produced she noticed L2 was being lifted higher so that her own twat was on level with Limly's face. "I like the way it thinks." The pink bunny smirked before leaning in to lap at her clone lover's sex. "Still though, just having it cater to two morphs doesn't really constitute a fair test." The panther looked behind him at Michael who was still watching the action inside the zero-g chamber and R2 and M2 who were doing the same. "What the heck, everyone else is doing it, might as well join in." He walked over to the remaining clone of himself and patted him on the shoulder. "Right I think I finally found some use for you, ditch the clothing and come over here." R2 nodded and began to undress as Michael looked on aghast. "Rick, you, you can't really be thinking of..." "Oh come on, it's not like you haven't been thinking about it too." Ricky started shedding his own clothes, making sure to be provocatively slow and playful just annoy his badger counterpart as he leaned in to whisper. "Besides, be thankful those bunnies finally gave me an excuse to introduce the Eroto-Octopod into the action. Now all we have to do is let your guy have a whirl on it too and we've done our bit." He grinned and stroked Mike's muzzle with his tail before stripping out of his boxers and taking hold of R2 to walk off paw in paw. "But how am I supposed to...oh for the love of the Deus!!" Mike groaned in realisation at what he'd now been landed to do. Groaning he ran both paws over his black and white hair as he looked over at his cloned self, noticing for the first time how well the black tank top and jeans M2 was wearing complimented his fairly muscular physique. *Well, now that I think about it...* * * * - 9:32 p.m.- >Okay, it's a video game, three words...< >Of the tout entourant platform HV2, it is but non. < >Right, right. First word is...ummm....looks like something writhing and...< - Ooh! Ooh! Is it Metal Gear Solid???- M.C.A.T.S. Nos. 1 and 2 both shouted out excitedly. - What?? Oh come on, that's nothing like Metal Gear Solid!!- Hacker said in indignation. - Oh, sorry I got mixed up with the hand gestures there. - No. 2 said. - Yeah, the whole snake thing you were doing made me think you were...- - Snake? What snake? - Hacker interrupted his cyber feline. - Dear girl, I believe I'd know if I were miming a snake! - >Well, your arms were moving in a decidedly serpent like manner, Hack.< Scratch cut in over the cerebral link. >And seeing as the M.C.A.T.S.' s current AI development level is still only at 41.623% of what we operate at, it's highly conceivable that they may find such a specific gesture to be misleading, thus resulting in the confusion and their subsequent incorrect...< >Yes, yes, yes alright. Let's just forget about charades and try to think of something else so our time here isn't so dull.< >Well I could see what's being broadcast on the Network. < Scratch suggested. >Or maybe we could sing a few songs or something. < - Yay! Let's do the ones everybody sings at football stadiums! - No.1 exclaimed. Hacker momentarily viewed the console in front of him with horror before leaning back in his chair and stared up at the ceiling. -*Then again, there's a lot to be said for dull.*- * * * - Meanwhile...- Ricky was making headway into his own escapade, having decided to take the initiative and engage R2 in quite a passionate kiss as several more of the largest tentacles picked them up and brought them to join the two bunnies dangling over the centre of the mek. Ricky was a little surprised to find his mouth tasted so sanitary, given that he wasn't one for spending an excessive amount of time on dental hygiene, but he just put it down to the fact that the clones were 'new' and therefore hadn't had any time to be exposed to the elements of the planet as the kiss deepened, producing a noticeable spark of excitement for both morph as they were slowly wound together in the tentacles. "G-glad to...oaggh...have you with us." Limly got out, writhing and moaning as a smaller tentacle equipped with an organically grown tongue continued to lick over her love box while she continued to do the same to her clone's. "Well, it seemed unfair to not give you two ladies some company." Ricky smiled, murring lightly to himself as R2 started feeling over his chest, the smooth kitty pads feeling oh so good against his fur as they circled over the nipples in curiosity before slowly gliding down over his developing abs like two snails that were enjoying feeling the contours of the land sliding under their soft underbellys. "Like what you see?" The feline asked. As a response the clone panther nodded his head before leaning down to lick through the black fur. "I am very grateful to have been generated from such a fine specimen of your series." "Glad to finally hear a respectful comment on that matter." Rick grinned; silently wondering in astonishment at how this thing could possibly know how big a turn on it was for him to be licked. *Because he's a copy of you, remember?* Rick nodded and smiled at being caught out by such an obvious answer. Deciding it was better to just enjoy the experience without worrying about it, the feline let himself surrender to the gentle caresses of his counterpart, mewling in contentment as R2's tongue eventually found its way down his body and onto the now rock hard length of his shaft. Gasping slightly, Rick squirmed against the bond of the tentacles supporting him above his clone. Despite his relatively easy going approach to the challenge, Rick had actually had relatively few males as sexual partners, and as far as he could remember none of them had been felines. Therefore it had come as a bit of a surprise when he felt the rough panther tongue of his duplicate running over his meat, producing a sensation that, while still relatively nice, was marred somewhat by the wierdness of it. "Ergh, go a little slower R2, we're not racing anybody here." "Pity, I was almost going to suggest that same thing." Rick looked down to see Mike approaching them with M2 in tow. "Finally decided to join us?" The panther smirked. "Not like I had much of a choice." The badger stated before emitting a small sigh as the two of them were also picked up by the tentacles. Well, this certainly is turning out to be a hit. Limly mused, groaning more intensely when two of the thinnest tentacles snaked up her outstretched legs and then in between them so they could gently pull the folds of her treasure open, thus allowing the tongue tentacle to proceed in deeper with its oral assault. \How are you...oof...doing Kaitlynn?\ \Getting...oh Deus...close, and ahhhh loving every minute of it!!\ The arctic vixen managed to get out in between her own tongue attack on the lips of her clone while she rigorously fingered her in the depths of her chambers. A cacophony of yips, growls and moans reverberated around the interior as the two couples around her got closer and closer to their own finale, both vixen and bunny bouncing madly on the shafts of their lovers as if tied to them with elastic. Determined to make sure she and her partner were the first to peak, Kaitlynn leaned down to grab ahold of K1's tail and slowly coax it up to 'scrub' over the dripping wet folds of her pussy, being sure the black bristles of the tip scratched against her clit and helping to add to the torrential waves of pleasurable euphoria that were coursing through the clone vulpine's body. Sensing she was nearing the point of no return, Kaitlynn decided to try her last tactic. Deftly she parted K2's petals a little further and then added her other two fingers, slowly stoking in a 'come hither' like gesture that allowed her to inch the rest of her paw in while curling her fingers around until K2 found her womb filled up with a pleasantly sized fist. Knew she'd have the same liking as me for this. Kaitlynn smirked happily as she moved her fist around, gently trying to make sure she didn't accidentally hurt her clone while she used her strong, prehensile tongue to keep flicking at her clit. The move worked, with a world record setting "YIP!!" followed by a deafening scream, K2 went flying off the edge into orgasmic heaven, thrashing around like an eel and sending the two of them twirling like crazy into one of the plastocile faces before going limp with the bliss of final release. Smiling triumphantly, Kaitlynn eased her paw out and licked it clean. *Let it never be said I don't know how to get the jump on someb-* Her thoughts were interrupted when she felt a somewhat tired but still eager tongue recommence with its lapping of her love box as a pair of paws slowly reached up to grab her ass. Surprised she lifted her head to gaze in amazment behind her to see K2 was still trying to pleasure her. "Ooogh, durable little thing aren't you?" She mused. "I just want to make you feel as good." The clone vixen panted as she eased two fingers into the tight pucker of Kaitlynn's ass. "Eraaaggh, well that's a...ngah!...great way to go about it!" The vulpine grabbed her twin's legs and grit her teeth, knowing that after all the licking, fingering and teasing she wasn't going to last much longer herself. Things finally came to a head when K2 gently began to open Kaitlynn's tight anal ring open and then lifted her weary head slightly so she could let her tongue slip into the hole, the feeling of a warm slick mouth muscle in her rear passageway proving enough to do the vixen in too. Kaitlynn's scream of peaking proved to be almost louder than her clone counterpart. Her frantic clawing and squeezing of her legs certainly proved to be superior as she sent a cloud of juicy globules out over K2's face which she was all too happy to lap up. Sated at last, Kaitlynn let go of her genetic sister and pushed herself off enough so she could turn around and embrace her again. "Well, you most certainly have to be the most interesting partner I've had in a long time." She said licking over her black streaked muzzle. "I...(pant) glad you found me to be so." K2 got out. "I sensed...(pant)...that you might enjoy having that area pleasured...(pant) it's the same area where I felt a twinge of want when you were doing the same to me." Kaitlynn had to laugh at that. "That's the problem with being so open to this sort of thing, eventually it gets to the point where everybody knows more about my body than I do." She said as something wet and strong smelling splattered against her muzzle. Surprised, she licked it off and found it to have a exceptionally distinct taste, one that could only indicate... Still smiling knowingly, Kaitlynn turned and noticed her other clone as well as Limly's, Michael's and Rick's were also floating lazily around in obvious post-coital glow, all panting and licking at each other as small globs of an unmistakable white substance floated around with them. *Figures, I do it first and everyone just has to join in.* The vixen laughed again before laying her head back down on her duplicate's chest and nuzzling the sweat covered fur. Meanwhile, in the grip of the tentacled mek, Limly was beginning to feel the onset of her climax as her sex was relentlessly tickled and lapped at by the tongue tentacle while her head remained trapped between the legs of L2. Opposite her, the two panthers and badgers had been formed into a rather lewd four way chain with each other's head positioned in the next one's groin. It was turning out to be quite an enjoyable position for all four as the remaining outer tentacles were doing an excellent job of supporting them via splitting their ends open into a flower like design so that each could lean safely and comfortably either on their backs or their chests while they sucked each other off. Muffled groans and moans were coming from all sides as each morph slid their mouths up and down on the shaft in front of them, a shared feeling of pleasant satisfaction radiating through their bodies. Deus how I've missed being able to do this! Ricky thought as he bobbed his maw on the shaft of the feline in front of him, feeling just a little sad that it was R2 and not Michael as it had been many times before. Michael on the other hand was finding the experience to be somewhat new and surprisingly nice. He'd never given much thought towards being in the position of the one doing the sucking, preferring instead to take the dominant role most of the time. Yet as he hung there, gently lapping and letting the cock of his genetic replicant slide into his muzzle, he had to admit he was getting a fair deal of pleasure from doing so. M2's cock tasted as smooth as he'd imagined his own to be, and the slightly salty taste he got every so often when he licked the clone's balls mingled nicely with the small jets of precum that were splashing onto his tongue. Just one thing still bothered him though... "Rick, hey Rick!" He said quietly, trying to talk around the cock in his mouth while being somewhat blinded by the pleasure coming from R2's tender mouth. "Yeah?" Ricky's response came back as equally muffled. "Just to confirm, we're not going to be subjected to the same treatment as these things are right?" Ricky just sighed, producing a low mewl of approval from R2 as the slight vibrating sensations added another twang of pleasure to what the clone feline was already experiencing. "Yes you worry wart, I made sure to not calibrate the two tentacles we're being supported by." He held up the control cuff to confirm his statements. "But what if one of the other one's joins in?" "I'll be sure to switch off it's alternate function too, now stop worrying and get back to sucking. It's not nice to leave yourself hanging like that." Mike raised an eyebrow in confusion, until he looked back up and noticed M2 looking down on him with a wanting, somewhat pleading expression, as if silently begging him to continue. Submissiveness does not become me. Mike thought as he licked up some more precum that had dribbled down the clone's shaft before going back to work on sucking it. Seeing all was well, Rick looked over to the two bunnies and noticed how close they seemed to be getting to climax. Snickering to himself, the feline entered another command on the cuff with the result that two tentacles equipped with octopus like suction pads slithered upwards and clamped over both lapin's breasts. With their sensitive mammaries now being suckled strongly, Limly and L2 were soon hitting an all new range of octaves with their panting and moaning as one mammoth bolt of pleasure after another surged through their bodies, eventually culminating in both convulsing and screaming out almost at the same time as two no doubt substantially powerful orgasms ripped through them, ravaging their bodies and sending an impressively long stream of juices spewing out of their pussies as several grappler tentacles reached down to grab hold of their white feathered wings and prevent them from flailing around too much. Chuckling again, Rick watched as Limly and L2 were then gently lowered back down onto the pillows, basking in the after glow as they embraced and smothered each other with kisses. *Okay, now that they've been sated, let's take things up a notch here.* Rick entered another command and soon found himself mewling more intensely as a hollowed out tentacle moved up and slipped over his as yet untouched shaft (he being on the bottom end of the chain). While not quite as gentle or innovative as a real morph, it felt good enough to the panther as he resumed suckling on his clone. The chain continued as the sexual ecstasy each morph felt continued to pile on. R2 was demonstrating a rather intrinsic technique of wrapping his rough tongue around Michael's shaft and then slowly pulling it back into his mouth, something which the badger guessed must have been something Rick had been planning to try on him at some point. He found it to be quite nice as he tried his own technique of flicking the tip of his tongue up and down against the sensitive head of M2's penis, marvelling at the effect it produced as more approving moans emanated out from above. Intrigued he reached up to run a paw down the fairly well toned abs of his duplicate, noting that while not as buff as he'd like still seemed to indicate that he'd made a remarkable amount of progress in improving himself over the past few years. Eventually, however, all pondering on the subject ceased to matter as Mike soon felt a tightening in his balls and sensed he was getting close to finishing up, no doubt so too was his clone based on all the moaning he was hearing. Below him, Rick was beginning to feel the same way. Wanting to make sure his climax was as earth shattering as possible he typed in one final command and grunted as a smaller tentacle with a self-lubing phallic shaped head gently rubbed across his butt cheeks before pushing itself in and pistoning in and out. Rick's jaw tightened, though he made sure to not bite down too hard on R2's shaft as he felt himself teeter on the brink before finally toppling over into spoogey bliss. As he murred and growled around the clone panther's cock, R2 also felt himself slip and tumble past the point of no return, leading to Mike following suite as the clone panther sucked more vigorously on his pole while speeded on by the throes of orgasmic euphoria. The chain at last concluded with M2 flooding the badger's mouth with his first ever serving of creamy goodness, leaving Mike to gag and spit somewhat do to being caught rather off guard as the four were also lowered down back onto the pillows. For a while nobody said anything, all being too tired and worn out from the orgy to think of anything to say. "Well...(pant)...I have to say...(pant)...that was most enjoyable." Limly finally got out as she disentangled from her clone and lay next to her. "Certainly...(pant)...the most exertive." "Glad to hear it." Rick said as he extracted himself from the pile of male morphs and switched off the tentacle machine. "Course we'd appreciate if you could fill out a little survey report but that can wait until after you've had a few minutes to rest." "That...(pant)...I could do with." She leaned over to kiss L2 again. "Damn...(pant)...I've forgotten what an energetic...(pant)...little bunny I am." She tried to contact Kaitlynn over the cerebral link but only got a low hum in response, the sign of a brain in the blissful peace of slumber. Sighing happily she draped her wings over the two like a blanket and wrapped an arm around her clone. Both of their eyes slipped closed soon after. * * * - 10:00 p.m.- "Rick, yo Ricky." Mike's whispered voice emanated out amidst the silence of the room. "Yeah, right here." The panther cautiously moved the sleeping body of R2 aside and sat up. "I don't think our guests are going to be waking up any time soon. Get your pants back on and break out the wares. It's time to complete our business for the night." Ricky checked the time on his control cuff and nodded. "So it is." He carefully made his way over to his clothes and began to get dressed again. "Well?" "Well what?" The badger asked as he pulled his shirt back on. "Can you now admit this was a good idea?" Michael looked around at the numerous sprawled bodies and then at the ones still lazily floating around in the zero-g chamber. Sighing he tugged his coat on and rolled his eyes. "Okay you win this once, but next time we need to plan this a little further ahead so we don't have to rely on the slim chance of some broad overhearing us and volunteering." He leaned down and gently stroked over Limly's body, a satisfied smile coming over his face when she didn't respond. "Excellent, those bio-electric siphoning devices really have proven their worth. My compliments to the C.S.F. for coming up with the idea." He chuckled. "And for making it so easy to pull the plans off the Network and have our own built for half the price." Ricky mused as he tip toed back to the tentacle mek and entered another command. "Made it that much easier for us to slip a few into the organic components of this thing as well as in the chamber, have them drain the energy off our little test group here," All the tentacle rings went limp and flopped onto the ground like some exotic silver flower wilting and dying. "And then transfer the power to our latest batch of nano-augmentations so they'll be nice, charged up and ready to be sold." A box, hooked up to many charging nodes, each of which was connected to one of the tentacles, rose up. Inside were numerous capsules filled with a cloudy blue substance that surged with electricity. Mike nodded as he nudged M2 with his foot and got no response. "I still can't believe this worked. I mean you'd think the Network computers would pay a little more closer attention to two morphs who've been paroled and landed some cushy jobs at a company like this." He shook his head in disbelief. "Their fault is our gain. We play this straight tonight and tomorrow those 'debt collectors' that were hounding us will be getting a very nice hefty deposit that should more than cover any 'late payment' or 'compound' charges. " Rick mused as he ran a scanner over the nano-augmentation meks suspended in the liquid. "Perfect, all are at full power and ready to go." "Great, how long will these guys be out?" Mike asked as he nudged over the body of M2. "Long enough for us to do our business and get out of here." The feline checked over the still sleeping body of R2. "Gotta admit though, that whole cloning thing was pretty original." Ricky gently felt over his shoulder. "And I guess if I had to be honest, it was kind of cool getting to do that to myself." "Whatever, I'm just glad it didn't take much to subdue them." He leaned down and ran a paw over the black stripes on his clone's face. "I mean the caressing and sucking off was fine, but I draw the line at letting myself be mounted, genetic copy or not." "Oh darn." Ricky mused sadly as he hefted up the augmentation capsules and headed for the building's rear entrance. "And I was kinda hoping tonight would provide the foundations for a reconciliation." "Face it Rick, now is just too soon for me to be worrying about that." Mike groaned as he followed the panther out. "Still though, '500 solaris for participating'? That was a rather cruel touch." "I'd like to see you come up with something better on the spot." * * * - 10:04 p.m.- >Right, he's landed on 50,000, and he's selecting 'k' ,of which there is one.< Scratch narrated as he scratched his silver head at what was happening on the program he was watching. >Hmm, now she's landed on 15,000 and is opting to buy a clue. It's "Comes in pairs, a gift from the heavens." Hmm, this is a toughie.< > It's bollocks, yep definitely bollocks I say.< Hacker intoned. A pause followed as Scratch studied something on the screen. >"Bollocks" doesn't fit Hack, it's fifteen letters long and there's two r's in it.< >I meant that show you're watching is bollocks.< Hacker sent as he slumped in his chair. >Honestly ,if it failed to be a hit 200 years ago, what do they think the chances are that it's going to fare any better today? Nobody on this planet is that brain dead any mo-.< Hacker was cut off by No.1 suddenly lifting its head and turning to face left. - Hey did you hear that?- - Yes, that would be the sound of my brain cells slowly turning to cauliflower from a combination of boredom and prime time HV shows.- Hacker said in weariment. - No somebody just opened a door across the street.- No. 1 bounded over to the edge of the roof and looked down. - Look, it's them! The guys we've been waiting for! - At the sight of Ricky and Michael sneaking out of the back door and into the alley with their wares, Hack suddenly became a lot more active. - Great chank, so it is! - He grabbed his pair of chainsaw enabled wakizashi swords that were lying behind him and strapped them to his back as he leapt out of No.1 and shot his coat sleeves, causing his elegant RX-79 Plas-pistols to come sliding out of their wrist holsters into his hands. -Thank the Deus! I was getting ready to dish out our first rent payment for this space.- - Le temps est venu then, mon droogie. - Sling stated as he tossed his cigar away and hovered towards his leader, a plasma rifle slung over his shoulder and Pulse-blasters at the ready. - Run in the cutter, shall we? - - Damn right! Nos. 1 and 2, split up and block off the alley! Slinger, you take position and cover the other side in case anyone else shows up. If we take these guys down before they buyers get here they'll most likely just assume they've been stood up and go home. Got that?- - Yes sir! - M.C.A.T.S. 1 and 2 cried in unison before rearing up and taking off down opposite sides of the building, the feline speed and agility they'd been programmed with showing through in spades as the two massive meks gracefully leapt from fire escape to window sill to balcony and so on with hardly any sound. >Scratch, contact the C.S.F. branch for this area and inform them we have some property they may want to come and claim.< >All over it Hack, they'll be there in about five minutes.< - Right then, tally ho! - Hacker said leaping off the roof and doing a series of somersaults down to the ground below as Slinger followed suite... * * * - Back Inside...- Gradually Limly began to stir after her light doze, a content smile creeping across her face as she awakened to the sight of the still sleeping form of L2, noting how angelic she looked with her wings splayed out over the pillows and her face set in a look of purest blissful innocence. No wonder everybody says I'm such a pleasant sight in the morning. The lapin chuckled as she sat up and tried to smooth out her hair. It'd gotten rather dishevelled during the orgy but she could live with it until she got home and took a shower. "Okay you guys, I think I'm ready to deliver your first glowing report of customer satisfa-". Limly looked around and stopped when she noticed the collection of males next to her was now two fewer than it had been before. "Rick? Mike? Uh, hello?" She sat up and took a closer look at the panther and the badger. Though it was rather hard to determine, her gut instinct told her they were the clones. \Lim? Limly, you there?\ Kaitlynn's voice reverberated through the lapin's brain. \Yeah I am, but strangely it appears our hosts aren't. How are you feeling?\ \Surprisingly more drained than I normally do after just one go. And I've found something that's made me think we've been had here.\ Limly turned to the zero-g chamber and walked over to see her arctic vixen friend scrubbing at the face she'd been leaning against with a decidedly less friendly expression now taking residence on her features. \What do you mean?\ \Let me out and I'll show you.\ The lapin tinkered with the holo-panel on the outside and switched off the anti-gravity field, leaving the occupants to crash to a most undignified halt on the floor. "Oogh." Kaitlynn groaned as she got up. "So what's the matter?" Limly asked as she opened the door. "These," Kaitlynn held her paw out to reveal what appeared to be a small white smudge on the black fur. Limly brought it closer to her face to examine it but couldn't quite see what the vixen was getting at. "Kaitlynn, I don't understand, what's going on here?" "You got a nano-scanner, or something that can detect metal installed on that bionic paw of yours?" Limly nodded and activated a device on her index finger. A small beam of blue light came out of the digit which she focused on the smudge while it took a reading, determining it to in fact be composed of several thousand microscopic meks. "Nanites!" Limly exclaimed as Kaitlynn nodded. "But, why?" "I'm not sure, but I have a feeling they weren't meant as a part of the experience." She leaned down and gently shook K1, watching with disdain as the clone arctic vixen groggily attempted to wake up. "Hmmm," Kaitlynn walked out and around to the back of the chamber. Searching it over she managed to uncover a tiny micro transponder attached to the bottom. "Aha! Thought so!" "What is it, Kaitlynn?" Limly asked. "Something our dear 'hosts' neglected to mention." Kaitlynn hurried over to the trail of her clothing and began searching through it. "Those are bio-electric siphoning devices, tiny little non-sentient machines designed to adhere to a surface of some kind and slowly drain the bio-electric energy off anything living that comes in contact with it." The vixen grimaced. "Those bastard Vereor troops tried the same technique on me and Dralion when we were their prisoners. They'd torture us through the day then had those things smeared over the mattress and walls of our cells so we'd wake up feeling even worse than we did the previous night." Limly went wide eyed and cringed. "Deus, that sounds awful." "I suspect that tentacle thing is also covered in them." Kaitlynn said, now more in puzzlement as she checked her coat. "Hey, are you missing anything? All my stuff is still here." Limly rushed over to her clothes and checked through them. "Nope, everything's accounted for." The arctic vixen cocked an eyebrow and scratched her head. "So they knock us out but don't attempt to swindle or kidnap us. Okay I gotta admit, this is a new one on me." "Maybe they didn't intend for us to come to so soon after." Limly mused. "Sounds most likely." Kaitlynn responded before smiling at her friend. "Obviously didn't anticipate those organic self-charging batteries fitted to all the replacement organs you made for me. Must've given me the extra boost I needed to compensate for the drain." She said while gently stroking the lapin's white hair, causing her to blush. "Looks like I again owe you one." "Well after seeing how well they worked on my new legs, and the rest of my body, it seemed likely that you'd find them to be of great help too." She smiled back, just before a distant sound of plasma beams searing through the air reverberated from outside, followed by some shouting and a small explosion. "What was that?" Both lapin and vixen whirled around in alarm as more plasma fire echoed out followed by more shouting. "Sounds like it's coming from the rear of the building." Limly said. "Get dressed Lim, and see what you can do to rouse our friends." Kaitlynn ordered as she slipped her panties back on while sending out a mental command. \7, 9, move to the rear of the building and see what's going on. The last thing I need tonight is to get involved in a shoot out.\ The vixen groaned as she tugged her shirt over her torso and then pulled her biker jacket on over it. With that done she stepped back into the chamber to help get K1 and the other clones up and help them dress as whatever scuffle was happening outside continued. *Please Deus, don't let this happen now! Not with Lim still in the vicinity!* Presently, after about another five minutes or so, the firing ceased, to be replaced by the wailing of sirens and the whooshing sound of a craft setting down on the ground nearby. "Well whatever that was about, it sounds like the C.S.F. put a stop to it." Limly said in relief. "Indeed, though I think they may have made a little more haste." She said as she contacted their M.C.A.T.S. \So what happened out there 7?\ >Miss Kaitlynn, you have to come see this! Hacker and Slinger are out here and have just had Mr. Rick and Mr. Michael arrested!< The robotic feline sent back. "What!?" Kaitlynn ran across the room and practicall ripped the rear door off to be greeted with the sight of two C.S.F. agents, a ring tailed lemur and a rhino, leading a rather dishevelled and slightly scorched Rick and Mike into their D-wagon. "You know you would never have taken us alive if these guys hadn't shown up!" Mike said with an underlying hint of disdain. - Who says we wanted to? Given all the heart ache you've been causing lately there are probably a lot of morphs who'd pay double to see you dead.- Hacker replied as the rhino slammed the craft door shut on the unfortunate morphs. "Good work as always guys, the Network computers had a inkling those two wouldn't take long to go back to their old ways." He gave the two bots a slight smile. - Good thing they had us to call upon then, to find and corner them discreetly.- Hacker said before handing the box of augmentation capsules back to the lemur. - Here, I believe you'll have far more use for these than we will. - The agent took the box and looked over its contents with surprise. "Hmm, guess we should've suspected as much. Thanks again." - Do have fun with the incarceration! And be sure to send any more experimental hardware you might have that needs testing our way - Hack patted the side of M.C.A.T.- 01 as he waved the craft off. - Just as long as you don't expect to ever get it back.- He said under his breath as a suitably shocked Kaitlynn stepped out of the building. "Boss?" - Huh?- Hacker turned around to regard his vixen tracker in surprise as Limly came out from behind with the clones in tow. - Kaity?- - Hacker!!- Nos. 7 and 9 bounded out as they came running up to the group along with 1 and 2. - What a pleasant surprise this is! - -7? 9? What the?- "What's going on here? What was all the shooting about? Why did I just see Rick and Mike being led away?" Kaitlynn began questioning before the little mek silenced her. - First my questions, then yours. First, what are YOU doing here? Second, how do you know the names of those two? Third, why pray do my sensors indicate that there are in fact three of you here? And fourth,- He craned his neck to look behind at the pink winged lapin. -Who the daemon is that drop dead gorgeous bunny with you??- He said with a rather eagerly interested expression in his red visored eyes. Kaitlynn exhaled and grinned as she recognised the regular signs that occurred whenever her robot leader saw any babe with long ears and bucked teeth. "Well, we encountered them by chance at a restauarant last night. They claimed they were recruiting morphs to do some test runs on some new merchandise their company was producing that was suited to orgies. With some promise of monetary compensation of course." Kaitlynn grumbled at the realisation as Hacker nodded. - Okay, so far this is sounding exactly like something you'd normally be apt to doing, so please continue.- The little robot said. - So she used the ment'hesesk and xaerotroth organisms I was carrying to create a few extra copies of her, Miss Limly and Mr. Rick and Mr. Mike,- No. 7 continued "And as you just heard my name is Limly, Limly Sivitrii." The pink bunny giggled as she presented herself to the mek. "She's a long time friend of mine." Kaitlynn shrugged. "One of the fortunate ones." She added with a hint of sadness, while Hacker looked on at the clones in bemusement. - I was wondering what happened to those specimens I sent you to retrieve from the Network labs for safekeeping. Oh well, it's what they were supposed to be used for any way. - His bemused expression grew as he approached the lapin - So you're the Limly Sivitrii who helped patch this girl and her significant other back together after we rescued them from the Vereor, huh?. - "Yep that's me." She said, picking the bot up and giving him a nice big hug, with the unexpected result that, due to his rather miniscule stature, Hack ended up with his head in between her ample breasts. "It's such an honour to finally meet you." The only sound she got as a response was the clattering of Hacker's pistols being dropped on the ground in shock. \Sorry, she get's rather affectionate about these things.\ The vixen giggled. Hacker slowly swivelled his eyes around to look behind at her. >Does it look like I'm complaining?< He sent as he was lowered back down. - Well it's a pleasure to finally run into you too. I've been meaning to send a thank you along the way to you for bringing Kaity and Dralion back up to full strength. They've both proven to be exceptionally trustworthy and able additions to our organisation.- - True horror show avec a PPK-80 plasma cannon dear Kaitlynn is too.- Slinger nodded. "Yeah, well I'll be sure to make liberal use of mine if I ever see those scuzzpucks again!." The arctic vulpine huffed and ran a hand through her hair. "Stiff me for 6,000 solaris and try to drain me and my friends dry for their damn augmentation running scheme will they?" - You just can't trust anybody these days.- Hacker mused. - Though if it'll make you feel any better, we did just make 80,000 solaris from the capture of those two. And seeing as how you did inadvertently keep them in the designated spot and thus ensure our side of the operation went smoothly and as planned...- Kaitlynn looked down in surprise at her boss before snatching him up and kissing him on the head. "Is it any wonder I stay with this guy?" "Indeed." Limly mused before turning to the clones. "So what happens to to you all now?" "We must go back to Pelthon as soon as possible and aid it inhabitants in maintaining the population levels of the planet." L2 explained. At that Limly looked rather crestfallen. "Oh, too bad. If nothing else I actually had a great time tonight getting to know myself better." She smiled "Literally and figuratively speaking of course." Hacker contemplated the group in front of him. - Well, I don't know about that. Limly. The night is still fairly young,- He narrowed his eyes almost as if trying to look sly. - And the pelthonians won't have another transport back to their home world ready until tomorrow.- Limly's eyes lit up in realisation. "Wow, really?" The little mek nodded. - I should probably take them back to base for their own safety though. Care to come with us? Meet the rest of Kaity's new family perhaps?- The response he got was another big bear hug and another kiss on his silver head. "I'd love to, Hacker." Limly said excitedly. "Any chance to have another session with these two!" She stood and embraced her genetic twins. "We would most certainly welcome the extra experience." L1 answered "And I'm sure Dralion will welcome any opportunity to take me off his hands for another night." Kaitlynn snickered as No. 9 knelt down and opened up so the clones could be loaded into it. - *Well, seems tonight turned out to be worth the wait.*- Hack thought to himself as he climbed back into his own M.C.A.T. - Right then No. 1, let's have a nice big T-D gate so we can get the action started shall we?- - Coming right up! - The robotic feline said as it revved up its generators. -Though I still say that looked like a snake. - Hacker suddenly snapped out of his good mood as he looked down at the interface controls in front of him. -'t! - He said in aggravation as all four M.C.A.T.S leapt through the portal and vanished from the premises. * * * I can't conceive the words to sing a song about you there's never enough to go around can't give ample of myself to get ecstatic she always needs some more of me so she has cloned me - clone me I will never be all alone it does no good to be out on your own now i am two faced and remote you enjoy the presence of another man resembling me as the best he can I'm not the same as i used to be after she cloned me after she cloned me after she cloned me after she cloned me push a button inside of me see what comes out so baby yeah it all comes out so naturally and if you don't like all that you see you should live in sodomy - in sodomy - in sodomy after she cloned me Flipp - Clone Me * * *