Slice Of Lex: (Side) Another Slice of Christine

Story by JRHarlow on SoFurry

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#17 of A Slice Of Lexi

Christine gets to go home.

Slice Of Lex: (Side) Another Slice of Christine

By Jenny Harlow

Christine was woken up early in the morning. A nurse stood above her, smiling. She took a large bandage, and set it on the bed. She asked Christine to lower her blankets for her. The mouse complied, watching her. The nurse pulled the curtain around the bed, carefully rolling up the mouse's hospital gown. Christine looked down, she found herself staring at the long line that ran from left to right just under her belly. It was red, and prickled as the nurse laid her gloved finger on the sutures, checking them carefully for any tears. Christine winced. "I'm sorry." The nurse said, smiling at the mouse. "Everything looks like it's going okay, are you in much pain?" Christine held up four fingers. "You'd say you're a four right now?" The mouse nodded, laying her head back. "I'll get you some medicine for that, we're doing our best to get you back home today. The mouse sighed quietly, she looked over at James who was still asleep. She couldn't particularly blame him, he had spent days getting maybe a half-hour sleep every few hours. His own body had finally given out on him. She smiled at the squirrel before leaning back and closing her eyes again. She was absolutely soaked through with sweat after her fever had finally broken. Sadly Christine was used to nights spent in a hospital bed.

James woke up a while later. The squirrel sat up and stretched out. He walked over to the mouse, and placed his hand gently on her forehead. He smiled, she was warm but not feverishly so. He leaned down and planted a small kiss on her cheek. She turned raising her arm gently, she pulled him back down into a proper kiss. "Good morning pretty mouse." He said, sitting on the chair next to her. Christine blushed under her fur. She sat up, wincing slightly. She reached out and gently cupped James's small round ear in her hand. The squirrel leaned into it, his eyes closing. He was so glad to finally feel her touch again. "I bought something last night."

Christine pulled out her phone. James's buzzed softly, he smiled as he took his phone out. "What did you get me?" He looked up, the mouse had a mischievous smile on her face.

"You'll see later." He laughed, "Look at you, just assumed I bought YOU something huh? How do you know I didn't get a massive new TV for my dorm?"

Christine gave him an amused 'really bro?' look. She texted him again. "No but seriously."

"As I said, you'll see. I'm not just going to spoil it for you."

Christine let out a small quiet snort. And the squirrel started giggling uncontrollably at the mouse. The two sat for a while, watching Price is Right, the universal show for sick people to watch when there's nothing better to do. James was still sitting next to her, her hand stroking the floof of his tail. The leopard doctor walked in, and she looked at Christine's chart. She then pulled up the chair on the other side of her patient. "Hello Ms. LeBlanc, I'm Dr. Kayle, your OB/GYN. We haven't been officially introduced yet, as last time we met you were on a table in front of me.." She said as the mouse took her hand. The doctor pulled her chart open, and made a couple notes. "So Christine, it says here you're pain's at about a four. Is that correct?" Christine nodded. "Very well, we're going to try to get that to down around a two if at all possible before we send you home." She made a couple more notes on the blue paper. "But I can tell you this much, with your vitals looking this good, your incision healing so nicely, you are indeed going home tonight." Christine could've hugged the leopard. She was tired, sore, and all she could think about was her own bed at home. "Just a couple more things to go over." The doctor pulled a sheet out from the back of the folder. "Okay, so we didn't remove anything more than we absolutely had to, which means that your ovaries are still intact." The doctor drew an 'X' over part of the page. "So these are your recovery instructions, before you're discharged, I'll set you up with an appointment at my practice for your post-operative check up, any questions?"

Christine shook her head, really she couldn't think of anything that hadn't already been answered for her. If not by the sheet in front of her, then by James who answered honestly and the best he could. The leopard patted her shoulder before walking out. It wasn't long before the strong pain medicine given to her had kicked in. It made her a little nauseous, but it did greatly help her pain. They brought a wheelchair in, and the doctor returned, handing her her discharge papers and her prescriptions. Christine was overjoyed sitting in the small little car, even though she was out most of the past two days it was still a tiring experience. James didn't look like he had fared much better. The skin beneath his eyes was dark and shadowy, yet he would smile whenever she looked at him. She really felt bad that she had put the squirrel through this the past couple days, regardless of the fact that it wasn't anywhere near her fault. She rode up the small elevator to the fourth floor. It's so good to be home, she thought as she started to walk towards her apartment.

"Christine, close your eyes."

James, sweetie, darling, I don't feel like playing games right now. The mouse thought, slumping. She frowned slightly at the squirrel, holding her key to the door.

"Please, for me?"

Christine sighed, and looked at him. There was that broad, goofy smile on his face. How could I pass on that grin? She relented, giving a half-smile as she closed her eyes. James opened the door and guided her into the apartment. I'm so tired James, I hope this doesn't take long. She wandered over.

"Now sit down." The squirrel said, easing her onto her bed. Christine was getting slightly impatient. "Open." He said. Christine's eyes opened, and she stared confused at what she saw. In front of her was a dark gray couch, about the same size as her old one.

What the heck was wrong with my old couch. She thought, as she stared from the squirrel to the sofa. I mean, seriously, this must have cost you a fortune. Christine laid down, her energy dwindling faster than it was being restored.

"Look, before you decide you don't like it. I've got something to show you." James walked over to the couch, he pulled the cushions off the seat and lifted up a metal frame. He folded out a bed. He then laid a small ribboned pack of sheets on the bed, and a blanket with whales printed on it. Christine realized what he had bought her. The fold out was large enough for them to both sleep on while being comfortable.

Oh James, she thought as she held her arm open for him. The squirrel hugged her gently.

"I'm going to be staying here with you for a while, my classes ended early so I can help you recover." He said, smiling.

That's great babe, but I'm covered in sweat. She looked at the recovery list, oh good, I can shower. She smiled and picked up her phone. The battery alert beeped softly and the phone shut off. The mouse's face twitched slightly. She was way too tired to sign right now, especially since James was still learning. She rustled the paper noisily to get James's attention. The squirrel turned from where he was making the fold out up for her.

"Whatcha need?" He said, sitting on the bed. She used her finger to underline the instructions on how to shower. "Ah." He smiled, and took her hand, guiding her into the bathroom. She stood shyly next to the tub, it was obvious James was willing to help, and she definitely felt like she needed it. For an inexplicable reason, her shoulders were cramping. The mouse slowly lowered her pants, she carefully lowered her underwear, the pad placed on it was really red by now. She attempted to pull her shirt off, but stopped just above her bust. James looked over, he gently took her shirt and pulled it the rest of the way off, she pecked him on the lips as the shirt passed over her head, leaving her eyes and ears covered. The squirrel giggled slightly. He took the dressing off of her incision, slowly and carefully, trying his hardest to avoid pulling any fur. The small shaved patch on her bikini line revealed the injury. James had not actually seen it until now. He shook his head, "That must hurt," He said, Christine shifted her feet slightly, looking towards the floor. "They went through the... Um, front door to retrieve mine, and it wasn't quite as bad." James said as he put the mouse's clothes on the wire shelves.

Christine sat on the bottom of the shower, it felt cold against her skin and she shivered slightly. She turned to James who reached up and grabbed the shower head. He reached towards the faucet, no wait, Christine thought. She gently tugged his pant leg, patting the tub behind her. James began to remove his own clothing. He sat down in the tub behind her, carefully reaching around her to start the water as he pulled the glass door shut. Christine blushed slightly as he scooted forward to press against her back. He turned the shower on, he let the mouse test the water. Ah, that's nice. She leaned forward carefully exposing her back. James let the warm water flow across it, eliciting a long exhale from the mouse. He poured a drop of the shampoo into his hands and lathered it thoroughly. He held the shower head between his neck and chin as he rubbed it into her back. She pressed back into him.

"Back and shoulders cramping huh?" He said, rubbing them gently, he could feel several deep knots under her skin. He winced as her joints clicked softly. He spent several minutes massaging her back. He passed the shampoo to her, letting her take care of the front side of herself. Afterwards, he gently rinsed her off. He carefully leaned her back so that her head was rested almost against his chest. He wet her hair, and began to lather it, making sure the shampoo got deep into her scalp. Her eyes closed, she let out a quiet yet contented sigh.

You never have to stop that you know. She finally understood why Lexi and Victoria loved bathing and showering together. There was something deeply soothing about having someone who loves you pamper you. Note to self: when feeling better, attempt shower sex. Christine shook with her silent laugh. James raised an eyebrow, yet continued carefully. He held the shower head in one hand, and ran the other through her hair to get the shampoo out entirely. After he was sure she was clean, he let the water run on her, as he held her with his other arm. Finally, she signaled that she was ready to stop. James helped her wrap in a towel, and he combed her short hair out as they sat together on the almost made up fold out.

"You look pleased with yourself." He said, as he continued to make the bed around her.

You have no idea, she thought, smiling at the squirrel. She made a mental note that she owed James a ton at this point. After the bed was made, and the mouse was dried, James made her lie down. He took the gauze out, and the antibiotic ointment, he applied it carefully. The air that passed through Christine's lips manifested in a soft hiss. He looked up apologetically, he taped the new dressing down. He pulled out a pad, and a pair of Christine's panties. He passed her the two items, knowing that she could best fit it in the way she was comfortable. It had also been a long time for James since he had last dealt with such items directly. He had his last period when he was about eighteen. The mouse put the protection on, and lay back on the new bed. She had to admit, it was fairly comfortable. She rolled over on her side, as at the moment, her body would scream less if she did. Her back was a ruin of knots and cramps. James lay down beside her, so that they were facing one another. It wasn't even very late in the afternoon, only around four or so, yet they were both still trying to catch up on their bodies needs. He kissed Christine on the lips, and the mouse returned it eagerly. He rolled onto his back and the mouse wrapped her arms around him immediately. Mmm, boyfriend warmth. She buried her muzzle into the fur on his chest. In the back of her mind, over the past few days, she recalled knowing James was somewhere nearby, but not being able to reach him. She had a couple times dreamed of him as a faerietale prince, who was coming to rescue her. Now she had him, his right arm wrapped protectively around her, the pleasant musky smell of his deodorant.

"I love you, more and more every day." He said, as his eyes closed.

I love you, my prince. She fell asleep, every breath scented like her mate. In her dreams, she saw her and James, walking along and talking. Her voice sounded much the way it always did in her head. It wasn't really a dream about anything, but it made her happy and that's all that mattered/

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