Lawful Evil- Part 2

Story by ElonTrove on SoFurry

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#2 of Lawful Evil

A small series about a mad anthro in a human world. Trying to fight his animalistic urges to kill and finds a way to sate his need with the help of local police.

A mix of funny, violent, and sexy.

My mental drippings series. Anytime I need a break but want to keep writing, one of these happen. They may not make sense but they are all just supposed to be for fun.

It was maybe 30 minutes or so after I left the house when I got the call. I flipped over my phone and saw a name that I dreaded seeing.

I pressed the green button and held it up to my ear.


I jumped in surprise before setting the phone down in my lap with the speaker facing up so i could still hear him. I could tell he was mad clearly by his tone of voice and rightly so.

After about 60 seconds of yelling I picked up the phone and answered it.

"Hey Mike, how's it going?" I said casually.

"You know how it's going. You did it again."

"You're being vague again. I have no idea what you could be talking about."

"Our child porn informant. That was supposed to be a clean job. It was supposed to look like an accident."

Mike began to huff and puff on the other end of the phone.

"I know you're different and all but no one is going to believe he accidentally hit himself in the head with a corded phone a few hundred times."

"It wasn't that much. Maybe 15 at the most."

"Who cares?! At this point you might as well of just left your ID at the crime scene. The police could of covered this up a hell of a lot better if you just followed instructions."

There was a silence that came over him.

"Are you done?"

"No I'm not done. This was supposed to be clean with no witnesses. But I get a call from some old lady across the street said she saw a big spotted bear pushing a man into his house."

I looked down at my blood spattered white button down.

"It was clean. Plus that clearly wasn't me then since I have stripes, not spots."

"You think this is a game? We have a deal. You take care of our garbage and we turn a blind eye to your actions but we can only do that when you follow instructions."

I sighed, rolling my eyes. I was glad he could only hear me.

"Alright Mike, I'm sorry I was a bad boy. I will try better next time I promise."

"Elon, this isn't a game. One more screw up and we're done. If you keep acting like an animal, we will treat you like one."

My mood went from happy to down right pissed off at the comment.

"Got it." I said plainly as my paw tightened around the phone to the point that I could hear it creaking under the pressure.

Then he hung up and I tossed the phone to the passenger seat after checking the time.

"Right on schedule."

After a few more turns I made my way through a parking lot and stopped at the office of one Dr. Tabitha Veg, Antrho Psych MD.

Dr. Vega specializes in anthro psychology. Helping those who were lucky enough to have a functioning mind deal with the issues that come up in this strange new world.

Yeah some of us now are lucky to be able to have proper brain function. Some of the offspring of the earlier test subjects back in the late 1940s were just hairy accidents that drooled over themselves. Now with the advancement of the programs started by the Russians with their ape men and the German wolf soldiers, we now got a variety of species that live as hybrids.

I was a descendent of the African theatre of research that was being secretly guarded by General Eugen Rommel. He actually didn't know what was being done in the secret bases that were being built there but oh man, when he found out he was rightly pissed. So much that he began to not only dislike the Nazi ideals, like he did already, but actively fight back and disobey orders given to him. Of course we all know the rest, poor guy.

But that's where my bloodline comes from and now I am most part African Striped hyena. It was one of the easiest to obtain canine DNA. They are scavengers and all you needed to do was find a fresh kill and wait for the hungry pack to walk by.

I stepped into her office and flopped down on a chair in the waiting room as I flashed a smile and a wave to the receptionist.

I was here a lot and she knew who I was. So I waited patiently, eyeballing the others who were there, no one interesting unfortunately so I took to my shirt and began to freshen it up with a little spit shining.

It wasn't as bad as I thought. A few speckles here and there.

Dr. Vega was always precise with her appointments. No one got any extra time but everyone got their full hour. It's not like she didn't care about her patients she just needed to keep on a tight schedule since she was one of the only Anthro psychologists in the city.

I checked my watch then looked to her office door and sure enough as soon as the door opened the clock struck 3pm.

Sauntering over to the door, tipping my head to the fox leaving her office as he wrung his hands nervously and kept his head down.

I stepped into the dim room and took in a deep breath. Only to let it out as I heard Dr. Vega lock the door behind us.

She was a fox but in the hot way. It was in that kind of uptight business way especially with her usual outfit that she wore. Always in a white button down, pencil skirt, thigh highs, and those glasses that really sold the whole look. Her body was tight even though she was around my age. Not to mention that she was unique due to her fur color being so violet. I guess some just win the genetic lottery with both brains and looks. She was a hot little bun to say the least.

I sat down on the couch across from Dr. Vega as she sat in her big puffy chair. Taking her notepad and placed it on her lap.

"Welcome back, Elon. How are you doing today?"

I smiled.

"I'm doing alright I suppose. Nothing too out of the ordinary going on today. Wish I could find a job but you know how these pinkies are."

She shook her head.

"Well first off, calling the pinkies isn't exactly a good thing. It comes off as speciesist and hateful. No one wants to hire a hateful employee."

"Maybe so but they sure don't make it easy on us Anthros to assimilate into society. Hell, we are the only ones who need to take an ID test to vote. That is speciesist in its purest form."

"Yes this is true but you can at least see where they are coming from. Most of the Anthros today don't have the mental capacity to be on their own, to be able to make right choices, or even learn a language. They still have to much of their original animalistic DNA that just hinders proper development. If anything you should be happy certain laws are in place. People with lower IQs are actually easier to persuade which can lead to people who want to take away our rights as hybrids and turn us back into just experiments instead of loving, breathing, and free thinking beings."

I didn't say anything. I didn't want to anyway.

"In my notes I have you going to an appointment tomorrow."

"Yeah government mandated breeding. So much much for laws being in place so they don't take away our rights."

I growled a bit, my paws on my knees as I squeezed, digging my claws into my black pants.

"Humans can choose who they want to be with and who they love. But since I am some science fair project I have too pass on my DNA to some other experiment so these doctors have something to study."

I released the death grip on my knees and buried my head in my paws and groaned.

"The worst part about it is that I don't want too. Not because I am mad about what i was made for but the fact that my little cub, son or daughter, will be poked, proded, and examined like an animal. While I can do nothing but watch or wait behind a door."

"Just be lucky you even have the option of kids."

Dr. Vega added.

"Sorry. I forgot about the uh...deformity."

"It's alright. Even though the irony is that it is a common human deformity where everything still works down there, including that horrid time of the month, but I can never have kids."

She nodded to herself and placed the notepad aside.

"I do understand your point though. If I was forced into such a program I would hate for my kids to be treated like that. I would want them to have a normal life as if nothing was wrong except they had a little more hair about them."

We talked for a little while longer before she uttered those ugly words.

"Well it looks like our hour is up."

I tried not to look down but my ears betrayed me. Damn body language anyway.

"You know we could always continue this after you get off work you know." I said slyly.

"Yes I know we could. You say that every single time we end a session. The answer is still no."

I growled playfully only for her to flash me a playful but "could you not" kind of grin. I nodded and got up.

I said my goodbyes and i was back out in the real world where my problems matter.

Then it got worst, the phone rang again.