Sweetening the Deal - Part 3

Story by Magna Vulpes on SoFurry

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#3 of Sweetening The Deal

Night had fallen and still there was no response from Arthur. Karen periodically burst into tears, thinking about what would happen to her if Troy came back before Arthur could come and get her. The vixen had no illusions about the fate she would suffer at his paws. She ran outside from time to time, looking to see if Troy had returned. Afraid, but not stupid, the vixen had armed herself with a large kitchen knife in case she needed to defend herself. She looked down at her laptop. There was a new message.

"Karen? What's wrong?"

It was from Arthur! She replied back, saying that she had been beaten up by her boyfriend because he had found out what had taken place. She went into the whole story, explaining that the cops would be no help, and that she feared for her very life. Arthur responded back.

"I'm ten minutes away, but I'll be there in five."

The vixen was elated. She would finally be able to get away from Troy after all. She looked over at the bags she had backed earlier. Everything she owned, everything of hers was in two large duffel bags. She would leave here, never to return, hoping that Troy would be completely out of her life after tonight.

Arthur was as good as his word. Seven minutes after his last message, he was knocking at the door. Karen looked through the peephole, making sure that it was indeed him that was knocking and not her ex-boyfriend. She swung the door open, falling into his arms as she wept.

"Karen," he said. "What happened?"

"He beat me up so bad," she responded. "Please, get me out of here, Arthur."

He nodded. "Okay, but we need to get you to the hospital first."

She cried again. "I don't have any insurance."

He shook his head. "Don't worry about that right now. I'll take care of the bill."

She sniffled. "Are . . . are you sure about that?"

He held her paw, gently stroking it. "Yes. Don't worry about how much it costs. All I care about is that you're okay."

She kept crying, hugging him. "Thank you, Arthur. I knew you were a decent guy."

He managed a laugh, trying to comfort the battered female fox. "I try to be. Come on, let's get your things and go."

Before they could pick up her bags, the door opened. Both of them turned around to see an angry Troy standing in the doorway. Instantly, Karen was frozen with fear at the sight of him. The wolf was clearly intoxicated, reeking of booze. He glared hatefully at them, walking over and shaking his fist.

"So," he said. "This the guy you decided to be a whore for, huh?"

"Troy," she said, backing away. "Just let me go, please. I don't want you in my life anymore."

"That so?" he said, cackling. "What if I decide I don't want you to have a life anymore. Whatcha think of that, you slut?"

Arthur stepped in front of Karen, trying to protect her. "Don't be mad at her. Be mad at me."

"Trust me," said Troy, showing his canine teeth to the squirrel. "I'm plenty mad at you too, squirrel. You think you're cool, fucking another guy's girl?"

Arthur kept a stoic look about him as he countered. "You think you're cool beating up on females? You're pathetic."

Troy snarled at the squirrel, trying to intimidate him. "Don't fuck with me, squirrel. I could kill you right now if I wanted to."

Arthur looked calmly over at the coffee table. Taking his glasses off, he sat them on the surface of the table and looked back at the wolf. "There's no need for this, Troy. Nobody else needs to suffer."

"Oh, yes they do," he said, raising his fist and taking a swing at the squirrel. Arthur, seeing him make the first move, ducked out of the way. Troy missed, and was quickly met with a kick to the stomach by the smaller beast. Making a sucking sound, the wolf fell face down on the floor. He swiftly rolled around, seeing Arthur standing there, completely calm. A look of quiet confidence resonating from him.

"If you know what's good for you, you'll end this now, Troy," said Arthur.

Drunk, but not to the point of being uncoordinated, Troy jumped to his feet, ready to get revenge for the kick to the gut. Arthur assumed a fighting stance, mindful of every move the wolf was making. Troy rushed forward, but the older squirrel was too quick for him. Jumping into the air, Arthur sent a roundhouse kick that landed on the wolf's jaw, knocking him down once more. Karen watched in utter amazement at what he was doing. Never would she have guessed that such a non threatening looking beast could perform such a move, especially Arthur, a forty-five year old nerdy looking accountant. Troy got up again. Furious, he rushed at the squirrel. Arthur moved swiftly, grabbing the wolf by the paw and flipping him over his back. Karen watched as Troy landed on the coffee table. The sound of wood breaking rang throughout the apartment as the legs of the coffee table snapped. Troy hollered in pain at being slammed with such great force, but still he didn't know when to quit. Staggering to his feet, he moved in on the squirrel once more. Arthur punched him in the stomach again, then grabbed his right wrist, speedily jerking it to the side. The wolf screamed in pain as his wrist was broken. He fell to the floor, unable to put up a fight any longer. Arthur, no longer showing stoic, knelt down, grabbing the wolf's throat and squeezing as hard as he could, he glared venomously at the wolf.

"Now," said Arthur. "You're going to leave Karen alone, got it? You ever approach her and I won't be so merciful next time."

Karen watched as Arthur gave the wolf a hard downward chop to the muzzle, knocking him out cold. Still in shock by the display, she had to be shaken by the squirrel in order for her to move.

"Come on," said Arthur. "Let's get you to the hospital."

The two left the apartment, seeing several beasts poking their heads out of their apartments, wondering what all the commotion was about. In the parking lot, Arthur threw Karen's duffel bags into the trunk of her car, but before the vixen could get in, she had to ask him some serious questions.

"Arthur," she said, her voice oozing with awe. "Where did you learn to . . ."

The squirrel interrupted her. "I've been taking martial arts classes since I was a teenager."

"I never would have guessed," she said, getting in the car.

"Neither did Troy," said Arthur, climbing into the driver's seat. "And look what that got him?"

At the county hospital, Karen underwent X-Rays and several tests to determine the extent of her injuries. Luckily for the vixen, she had suffered only cuts and bruises, no broken bones or vital organ damage. A nurse came into the room, having a form to sign for Karen.

"I just need the name of your healthcare provider, ma'am," she said.

"I don't have one," she said. "But I . . ."

"I'll sign that," said Arthur. "Please send the bill to me."

"Okay, I'll need your name, address and phone number, sir. What's your relationship to this female, if I might ask?"

Arthur didn't know what to say, but Karen did. "He's my boyfriend."

The nurse, a large female polar bear, looked back and forth at the two, hardly able to believe such a claim. She sighed as Arthur filled out the form and handed it back to her. Taking the clipboard she told Karen. "We're going to release you now."

Arthur took Karen by the paw as the two of them walked out of the hospital. Karen put her arm around the squirrel, sniffling as she walked out. Arthur patted her on the back.

"I'm your boyfriend?" he asked.

"Yes," said the vixen. "If you want to be."

"I do," answered the squirrel. "You're the loveliest creatures I've ever met in my life, Karen."

The two walked out the main entrance of the hospital, just in time to see some paramedics wheel in a wolf on a stretcher. Karen shuddered as she saw that it was none other than Troy who was being brought in. Arthur blocked her view, glaring at the wolf who shuddered in fear. He watched as the paramedics hauled him off to be admitted. Comforting Karen, he put his arm around her.

"Come on," he said. "Let's go home now."

Karen was blown away by Arthur's house. The single squirrel owned a large house out in the country, surrounded by trees and a cornfield behind his property. She walked around the house, seeing a skylight in the living room. He had a large kitchen, complete with top of the line appliances. She was still sore from the beating she had endured, but despite the physical pain, she felt safe and secure here. Arthur's house was far, far away from her apartment, and after how Troy had reacted in the hospital, she knew he was completely out of her life.

"This place is just lovely," said the vixen, sitting down on the Italian leather couch in the large living room.

"Glad you like it," said Arthur. "I hope you'll be comfortable here."

"I will," said Karen, putting an ice pack to her face. "Are you going to go to bed soon?"

"I am," said Arthur, yawning. "Let me get you some blankets."

She saw him go into a closet and get her some blankets. "Here you go," he said. "Is this going to be good enough?"

"No," she said.

"Oh," said Arthur, surprised. "Do you want more?"

"I don't," she replied. "Arthur . . . please make love to me."

Arthur approached her slowly. "Are . . . are you sure?"

"Yes," she said. "I want to."

Arthur and Karen went back to the large master bedroom. Karen marveled at the room, thinking that it was bigger than her entire apartment. Slowly, carefully, she removed her clothes. Arthur did the same and the two of them embraced. Karen gave the squirrel a kiss on the cheek.

"Arthur," she said, getting choked up. "I love you."

"I love you too, Karen," he said. "That's why I gave you the money."

"It is?" she said. "But I thought you . . ."

"Oh," he said, laughing. "The money wasn't for the sex. I gave you the money because I saw how you were living and I knew you really needed it. Truth is, I wanted to make love to you because I knew as soon as I saw you that you were the female of my dreams."

She laughed. "Oh, aren't you dirty! Falling in love with someone old enough to be your daughter."

"I know," he said, rubbing her back. "I . . . I think we were meant to be together, don't you?"

"Yes," said Karen, giving him a kiss. "You're the nicest, sweetest guy I've ever met in my life. Now, please make love to me. Be gentle."

Karen laid down on her back and Arthur climbed on top of her, inserting his member. There was no wild fucking like the night before. His lovemaking was sweet, tender, always mindful of the injuries she had sustained that day. Arching her back, she cried out as the squirrel inserted his member, carefully thrusting his member in and out of her. They locked lips, kissing deeply. It was then that Karen knew without a doubt that they were meant to be together. Despite being different species, despite the age difference, their souls were now one as Arthur pumped his cock into her. She moaned, but was not in pain. She wanted this. All the cuts and bruises she had suffered, Arthur never thought for a second that they diminished her beauty. He wanted to make her the most important person in his life. Still kissing, he pumped into her for a final time, shooting his seed into her. Karen sighed as she was exhausted. Though she didn't have an orgasm, she was fully content. The two lovers cuddled together, happy and in love.