The Reunion

Story by WolfEater on SoFurry

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Chapter 5 - The Reunion

Rachel ran out of her room. She yelled out to the other roommates unpacking.

"Lucy is in trouble! Get over here!"

Rachel ran out the door, with her roommates trailing behind her. Rachel ran up to Lucy, who was still lying on the ground motionless.

Rachel bent down and checked Lucy's pulse. Her heart wasn't beating. She wasn't breathing either. Rachel hated Lucy more than anything, but she couldn't just let her die.

"Someone call an ambulance!" Rachel yelled. "Her heart stopped!"

All of the roommates were mortified. Jessica was starting to cry. Amy held onto Jessica in fear, letting out cries of despair. Beth immediately rushed into the house to call an ambulance.

Rachel never thought she would see herself do this, but she immediately started performing CPR on Lucy. She was lucky to have taken that CPR training seminar back at the college the other day.

Tommy was the last one to make it out of the house.

"What was all that yelling?!" Tommy asked. "What the?!"

Tommy noticed the love of his life, lying on the ground... lifeless. He then noticed someone kneeling over next to Lucy. He immediately noticed who it was. Tommy felt a massive surge of rage and hatred rush through him. He yelled at the top of his lungs.

"Rachel! Get away from her! I'm going to fucking destroy you! You fucking monster!"

Rachel couldn't pay attention to Tommy. She was too immersed into trying to revive Lucy. That was the only thing that mattered to her at the moment.

Tommy pulled out his utility knife from his pocket, and ran over towards Rachel screaming bloody murder. Right before Rachel was about to deliver air to Lucy, Tommy pounced on top of Rachel and stabbed the knife into her right shoulder.

"Tommy, no!" Jessica yelled out in horror.

Rachel let out a howl of pain. Blood was spraying out of her shoulder as she struggled to get Tommy off of her back to continue reviving Lucy. Jessica and Amy ran over to Tommy to pry him off of Rachel's back. Tommy continued to stab Rachel. Blood had started to blanket her body as she struggled.

"Is this your idea of revenge Rachel?! I'll kill you for this!"

Rachel struggled to breath into her lungs and give Lucy the oxygen she needed, but luckily she still managed to do it. However, blood was already dripping down Rachel's mouth, as she started to cough up blood.

Eventually, Jessica and Amy managed to get Tommy off of Rachel's back.

"No! Let me go! What are you doing?!" Tommy yelled.

"She's trying to save Lucy you idiot! You are going to get them both killed!" Amy yelled.

"No! I won't believe it! Rachel killed her! She fucking killed her!" Tommy cried out in anguish.

Rachel kept pushing on Lucy's chest. Her arms were starting to feel weak. Her vision was starting to become blurry. She kept struggling, but was starting to lose consciousness. She could hear the sound of an ambulance, as her vision started to fade. She blacked out.

Everyone was waiting at the hospital, desperately waiting to hear about Lucy and Rachel's condition. Tommy was sobbing, with Beth putting her arm around him to comfort him.

"This is all my fault! Lucy would have a better chance of living if I hadn't been so stupid!" Tommy sobbed.

"Tommy, this wasn't your fault. You were only trying to protect her," Said Beth. "She'll be fine, I'm certain of it!"

A doctor walked out of Lucy's room, with a smile on her face.

"Is she okay doctor?" Tommy asked.

"Yes, she is alive and well. She just needs to rest a little bit. You can come in to see her now," the doctor replied.

Tommy desperately rushed into the room, along with all the others. Tommy was relieved to see Lucy smiling back at him.

"Lucy! You're alive! Thank god! Lucy I'm so sorry!" Said Tommy as he embraced Lucy.

"Tommy, it's okay. You did nothing wrong. I'm okay now. Everything is going to be alright." Lucy replied softly.

Tommy and the others explained the whole ordeal that occurred this morning.

"So, Rachel tried to save my life.." Said Lucy, with a look of disbelief.

"Yup. She tried to save you. She was the first to notice you lying on the ground after you were electrocuted," Explained Jessica.

"If Rachel hadn't given Lucy the CPR she needed, Lucy might have never survived," the doctor added.

Lucy couldn't believe this. She never imagined she would end up being saved by the worst person she had ever met. Rachel was Tommy's ex. She couldn't think of any reason why Rachel would want to save her.

"Maybe she has changed after all." Lucy thought to herself. "Oh god, what am I going to say to her?"

Many of the others were having the same thoughts.

"You know, I can't believe I am saying this, but... I really feel bad for saying all those horrible things about Rachel," Beth frowned.

"Yeah, me too. She must have been very upset. I guess you were right Jessica," said Amy.

"It's okay guys. You didn't know. When she gets better, we are all going to make it up to her," Jessica replied.

"Yeah, if she gets better." said Amy, looking over at Tommy.

Tommy looked down at the ground in shame.

Tommy never felt so guilty in his life. He never thought he would feel sorry for Rachel, even after she wasted years of his love life. If Rachel doesn't make it through this, he will be a murderer. He didn't know what to do. He put his hands over his face and began to sob.

"Rachel, why'd you have to do this? We could have been happy. If you hadn't tried to ruin me, this all would have never happened. Why Rachel? Why?!" Tommy thought to himself.

But then again, he knew that he was the one with the knife in his hand. He didn't have to try to kill her. He knew that this was his fault. He continued to cry in anguish. Lucy grabbed Tommy's hand, trying to comfort him.

"It's okay Tommy. She will be alright. I promise. Rachel is strong. She will make it through this, and so will you." Said Lucy stroking Tommy's hand.

Another doctor came into the room. It was one of Rachel's doctors.

"Is Rachel okay? Is she still alive?" Jessica asked.

"Yes, she is. Unfortunately, we have to keep her sedated for now. Her right lung has been punctured, and so she will have to undergo some surgery. Her wounds are also very severe, but she will heal up. After about a month, she will be perfectly back to normal." The doctor said.

Everyone in the room was relieved.

"See? She is going to be fine Tommy," Lucy smiled.

"Yeah. I just don't know how I am going to apologize to her," Tommy frowned.

A few weeks had passed. Tommy and Lucy had to move back so that they could continue working at their jobs. All of the roommates were depressed and worried about Rachel. Their schoolwork was already starting to pile up, and they did not know if they could even handle the stress.

Those last few weeks were hell. They just couldn't wait for Rachel to get better.

After about a month and two days, they finally got a call from the doctors' office. Lucy and Tommy also made their way up.

Everyone rushed into the hospital. They were let into Rachel's room.

They all saw Rachel sitting upright on the side of the bed. Rachel was happy to finally see everyone again.

"Rachel!" Jessica smiled.

Jessica ran up to Rachel and hugged her. Everyone was so relieved to see that Rachel was okay. Tommy walked into the room sheepishly. He didn't know how Rachel would react. Lucy held his hand and helped encourage him to get over the fear.

"You all came to see me.." Rachel said with a look of surprise.

"Well of course we came to see you. You were in the hospital for a whole month. That, and you helped save Lucy's life." Beth explained.

"Look Rachel, were sorry we said all of those bad things about you. It was wrong of us. You have every right to be upset at us." Amy apologized.

Rachel looked up to see everyone looking at her with looks of remorse on their faces. Tommy however could not hold his gaze. "We all apologize. We hope there is a way we can make it all up to you." Said Beth.

"It's okay guys. If you hadn't said those horrible things, I probably would have never realized just how terrible I actually was. I needed it more than anything." Rachel replied.

"Rachel, I.. I'm so sorry Rachel! I didn't know what I was thinking! I should have never attacked you like that! Please! Please forgive me!" Tommy outburst.

"Tommy.." Rachel could not believe Tommy would be the one begging for forgiveness, especially after everything she has done to him.

"I didn't know you were trying to save Lucy. I attacked you because I thought you killed her. I'm so sorry Rachel."

"Tommy, it's okay. I forgive you. I forgive all of you. It's me who should be apologizing, not the other way around." Rachel replied. "I'm sorry I have been such a bitch to you all. I could have been a better roommate. I caused nothing but drama and stress."

Rachel looked over to Lucy and Tommy.

"I cheated on Tommy and I hurt him. Lucy, if you hadn't stepped in and put a stop to me, I would have made his life miserable. You did the right thing."

Lucy was astonished. She never thought Rachel would finally admit to her wrongdoings. Now she was certain that Rachel had finally changed.

"I just wish I could make it all up to you guys."

"Rachel, You already have," Beth replied, putting her hand on her shoulder.

A tear made it's way down Rachel's face. She never thought she would be given another chance. She never felt so grateful.

"You saved my life Rachel. You have no idea how thankful I am. I am forever in your debt. I'm sorry for humiliating you. I'm hoping we can put all of this behind us." Said Lucy as she smiled and also put her hand on Rachel's shoulder.

Rachel smiled back and nodded, "Me too."

Rachel got herself off of the bed. She felt some pain on her back, and flinched a little.

"Be careful Rachel. The wounds on your back still haven't fully healed. It is recommended that you get home right away and get some rest. Here are some pain medications," Said the doctor.

Rachel took the medications, and everyone left the hospital to drive Rachel back home.

A house party was thrown for Lucy and Rachel a few days later. Everyone was having a blast. There was beer and a whole boat load of concessions. Everyone was gathered around the living room. Some jocks showed up in front of the door carrying flowers and chocolates.

"Um, sorry boys, not tonight," Beth waved at them.

"Aw, but Rachel... our love! We need her! She needs us! Please let us in. Pretty please?" One of them begged.

Beth was not amused.

"No, she's still injured. She will see you guys some other time."


Beth shut the door.

"Seems like you two are the talk of the town now." Said Amy to Lucy and Rachel. "You're a hero now Rachel. How about that?"

Rachel blushed, as she put her hand behind her head and grinned.

"Oh, by the way, Rachel. It seems you murdered your pillow, so I got you a new one." Jessica giggled.

Rachel blushed even more.

"Um, heh heh, thanks Jessica."

Beth heard yet another knock on the door. She grunted and opened the door again.

"I thought I said... oh, hello. Who are you?" Beth asked.

"My name is Audrey. I'm Rachel's friend. I wanted to come over to see her."

"Oh, well okay. Rachel, your friend Audrey is here." Beth yelled behind her.

Beth let Audrey inside. Audrey walked into the living room. Her fox tail wagging.


"Hey Audrey!" Rachel greeted.

Audrey ran over to Rachel and hugged her.

"Ow, careful," Rachel yelped.

"Oh my god. I'm sorry Rachel. I forgot you were injured," Audrey apologized.

"It's okay. Hey everyone, meet Audrey."

"Hello." Audrey smiled, blushing a little.

Everyone continued to converse and party until 2:00 in the morning. Afterwards, almost everyone was tired and drunk, except for Tommy and Amy. Rachel was only a little tipsy. She still had to wake up for class tomorrow, so she could not drink that much. Almost everyone was preparing to go to sleep, and Lucy had already passed out on the couch, but Tommy still couldn't sleep for some reason.

Tommy couldn't help but still feel uneasy about the whole ordeal with him and Rachel. He felt like he still needed to talk things out with her. Even though Tommy and Rachel were bound to have very bad chemistry with each other, he still had a place in his heart for her. It was as if he still cared for her in a way, even though they weren't destined to be together. He could not explain it. Ever since Rachel had saved Lucy's life, he began to see the good in Rachel, and felt that she deserved better. He still remembered all the pain she caused him, but he knew that she had changed, and that she needed some reassurance that he would truly forgive her. It seemed to him that saying sorry to her and thanking her for saving Lucy wasn't enough.

Tommy knocked on Rachel's door. Rachel opened it and was surprised to see Tommy.

"Can.. I come in for a second? I just want to talk.. a little." Said Tommy sheepishly.

Rachel felt a sense of dread and sorrow start to well up inside of her. The last thing she wanted to do was have a one on one conversation with her ex. However, she was willing to listen to what Tommy had to say, as long as it was quick.

"Sure Tommy.. but I am getting ready for bed.. and.."

"Don't worry, it wont take long. I promise."

Tommy sat down on the stool next to Rachel's bed. Rachel sat down on her bed and looked to the side, trying not to meet his gaze.

"Rachel.. look. I.. I realize.. that you really have been trying to better yourself.. regardless of whether your apology last year was sincere.. and I.. I just want to say that.. ugh, it's hard to say."

"It's.. okay.." Rachel cringed a little. She couldn't help but be very uncomfortable by Tommy's presence. His slow talking didn't make things any better.

"I know that.. you are probably very upset.. that.. we couldn't be together.. but.. I just want you to be happy Rachel. I don't want you to ever feel like you aren't worthy of love. You have proven that you deserve to be given a second chance, even if we can't be together. I just wanted you to know that."

Rachel felt like a knife had been stabbed through her heart, to know that she could have been with Tommy. She knew that Tommy was trying to comfort her, and in a way his words meant a lot to her, but overall she was devastated. She didn't know what to think. Her voice had began to crack.

"Tommy, why are you telling me this? I am upset. And.. I'm glad you think that I deserve a second chance but.. we still can't be together. It's too late Tommy. You said it yourself.

"I'm sorry.. I should.. probably go."

"No wait.. listen to me Tommy. I am happy that you have someone that you can trust. I am happy that Lucy makes you happy. Even if we can never be together, I am still glad that things have turned out right in the end. Lucy loves you, and you love her. That is all that matters. But please.. don't come in here and remind me of this. I just want us to go our separate ways. I learned a lot from you Tommy, but please.. I don't think we should ever talk to each other again. It will just bring back bad memories. I hope you understand."

"I understand.. Rachel, I hope that someday, you will find someone who can love you the same."

Tommy walked out the door.

"Sayonara.. Rachel."


Tommy had closed the door behind him. Rachel dipped her head in sorrow. She was about to sob, but then she thought about what Tommy had told him. That she deserved to be loved. In a way, this sort of warmed Rachel's heart. Rachel looked up and smiled as a tear rolled down her cheek. Perhaps that breakup between her and Tommy wasn't the end for her, but only the beginning. Perhaps someday.. she could find someone, that she can share her love with.

Lucy and Tommy slept in the living room. Audrey was allowed to stay over in Rachel's room. As Rachel got dressed in her pajamas, Audrey was already about to fall asleep. However, she got up as soon as she remembered what she wanted to ask Rachel."Um, Rachel?"

"What's up."

"I... heard a lot of bad things said about you after I left from the campus cleaning. Are they true, or are they just rumors?"

"Oh, that. I'd say neither, actually."

"Huh? I don't understand."

"They were true. I was a terrible person back then. It took a long time for me to finally realize the error of my ways. But it eventually happened. I'm a new person now. All those things they said about me were true then; Not now," Rachel explained.

"It... it must have been very difficult to clean yourself up from all of that."

"Yes, it has. It was torture. Nobody respected me no matter how hard I tried to earn their respect. It was the worst experience I ever had in my whole life. I never felt so worthless. But it was worth it in the end. I pulled through. And now, here I am."

"Wow. I'm glad you managed to make it through all of this."

Rachel shut off the light and got under the covers.

"Yep, and I have a feeling things will only get better from here on out."

Rachel smiled contently, happy to have finally redeemed herself. She closed her eyes and fell asleep.


The Crank Call

Chapter 4 - The Crank Call "What do you mean, we can't hang out anymore? What did they tell you Jessica?" Rachel asked in confusion. "They don't want me to hang around you because they think you are going to cause me harm. They get nervous whenever I...

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A New Conflict

Chapter 3 - A New Conflict "Um, hey Jessica. I thought you were going to bed early tonight," Said Rachel with a confused look on her face. "I just wanted to ask you about all the noise you were making in your room. I thought I heard you talking to...

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A Decision

Chapter 2 - A Decision Rachel woke up the next morning, her throat still hurting from last night. She found that her roommates had already left for class. She packed up her bags and headed to school. As she walked to class, she couldn't stop thinking...

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