losing hope/first steps ch14.

Story by London79 on SoFurry

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I pray my GTO doesn't give out, the SUV gives chase

I hesitate looking around push in the clutch grab the

hearse shifter and drive into fourth and roar the road.

The SUV gains speed and bumps me hard, the car jolts

forward we come to a straight shoot of road I gun it hoping

for the best...

The SUV drives along side creaning into the

side of my car I loose control but, right it quickly

I glance into my rearview mirror watch the SUV's

every move.

The SUV rams me again forcing me off the road I turn into the skidd

and keep control falling by a few miles, I strain to catch up

but forturely I do speeding along at 115 miles pre hour .

The SUV swerves and looses control I ram it turning it over

the vehicle sits there but starts back up and the chase begins again

I apply all the pressure possible to the accelerator

my GTO doesn't quit.

I don't back down and keep coming faster and harder

the GTO's engine screams and power boils in its cylinders

I grip the steering wheel. with all my might. trying to hold on,

but, the power is too, great.

The SUV tries to catch up but, can't I pull ahead further and further

traveling further away from the SUV ...

losing hope/first steps ch15.

I suddenly look up see a large Anthro wearing a red jumpsuit with black flames all over it, staring down at me he opens the door and grabs me, throwing me around landing punches and kicks I try to attack him back but it's no use. He throws me...

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Rising from the ashes of hatered from the depths of Hell a monster of an Anthro roams for justice. "Ya, know J.R. some furs just wanna watch the world burn," Jarry Lawler says "you got that right, King," J.R. remarks, KANE enters the ring a large...


A night at "The Beat Club."

1970, Ozzy,Tony,Geezer and Bill Ward of famous heavy metal band Black Sabbath walk into "The Beat Club" in Germany for a live show. The group "mounts" the stage for a few practice drills moments late, a couple hundred furs pack the awaiting awaiting...
