Splice - Main Character Profiles

Story by Cocoa on SoFurry

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#1 of Splice

These are the character sheets for Splice's five main characters. Four have been seen in the short stories, and the fifth will be introduced in the novel. If you care about spoilers, read the preview chapters before clicking the PDF links!

The full novel - Splice: Conditioning - is now LIVE.

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The four characters that were introduced in Conditioning ( https://www.sofurry.com/view/1017503 ) and Independence ( https://www.sofurry.com/view/1026075 ) have been fully fleshed out, and their character sheets provided for your convenience. The fifth character, Andrea, appears a few chapters into the Splice Novella.

These snapshots are taken JUST AFTER the events of Independence. If you have not read both of the preview chapters, please read them first! There are absolutely spoilers to the preview chapters in these profiles. So again, please read those first if you care about such things. The only spoiler for the Novella is that Andrea exists, and a 'public record' description of her history and motivations, nothing that will spoil the plot.

Lexi's Sheet

Andrea's Sheet

Henry's Sheet

Kaleb's Sheet

Mikey's Sheet