The show pt.2

Story by Star_Rathion on SoFurry

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Name:Sean Greene



Hight:8.0 foot



Description: has short brown hair a big belly and mouth small green eyes with a scar going down his right nostril, he was not handsome but for a hippo good looking. Not too smart but has the muscle for any physical work. And has a 8 inch cock (long slim like).

"Ooooooh! Not too meany hippos on death row ya know, usually not doing anything is not a crime but it doesn't matter now you're old life has ended and your new one begins" with the swift removal of the blindfold a welcoming sight is out in front of you, a tall wolf morth stood proudly of his two paws as he held his hands up, in one was a long velvet stream witch you could guess was your blindfold and in the other was a...

A swagger stick? Yes a swagger stick with a built in mic... How Did you know that well because I can talk into your thoughts with this Beautiful piece of Tec" he holds up the sagger stick that he was speaking into, the wolf himself was tall reaching 7.2 feet tall, had white inner fur that covered and belly and chest and down his legs and arms and up to his jaw his back outer fur was a light grey that stretched over his face except round his eyes which were white, his eyes were blue, bright light neon blue, he was barely dressed, the cloths on him were just some light grey joggers and a purple top hat.

"Pretty descriptive huh? Oh well moving on to more exciting news... Your new life! Yes here we go with the 'placement wheel' it picks where you go, we've been booked up lately so we only have 4 placements left for you but don't worry their still pretty good" as he walks away you can see an overly sized wheel of fortune type thing in front of you, there's only 4 coloured pieces on it.

As you squint your eyes you can see the words on the 4 sections, the icy tundra, the cloud cleaners (red zoned), the lost arc, the pit (red zone city) and all of these names bring sparks of fear to your heart.

"Let's get started" he jumps up grabbing the spinners nob and pulling it down sending it spinning round and round, dread washes over you as the spinner starts to slow what will happen to this guy if he doesn't go to the place you want.

The silence is deafening as the only sound that fills the room is the fast clicking of the spinner.

Slowly it comes to and end painfully so as it seems like a close call between the pit and the arc both seem rather interesting but it jolts to a stop and a wide grin passes over the wolfs face, he dose a skipping and jumping action as he shouts out "ladddys and gentallllllman!!! Our friend here is goooing toooo theeeeee PIT! There a crowd of cheers and boos as this is announced he then turns to Sean and in a blink and a press of his forehead he's asleep...