A New Beginning(Chapter 2)

Story by KyleCross on SoFurry

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When we got back to my place, we instantly went to my bedroom. Gray was still carrying me in his arms even after I said I could walk. He really is something special. Gray was about to put me down on the bed, but he ended up tripping on some carpet that was sticking up and we fell. I landed on the bed safely and Gray had landed with his snout in my crotch. I let out a soft moan. Gray quickly got up and his face had turned bright red.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to-" I stopped him with a kiss.

"Don't worry about it, it's fine" I whispered into his ear. He smiled at me and stood up. Gray put his paws in my shirt and looked at me as if he was asking if he could undress me. I nodded "As long as I can undress you after." He chuckled and removed my shirt with ease. Next he unbuttoned my jeans and started to remove those. His touch got me hard and soon I was left in only my briefs. He smiled when he noticed my boner.

"Someone's a little pent up down there." he smiled at me and I couldn't help but smile back. He didn't do anything about it, yet. "You have any rules about what I can and cant do?" he asked softly.

"I'm not that comfortable with things in or up my butt right now. Other than that I'm okay with just about anything. Just ask if your unsure about anything okay?" He nodded.

"Can I... you know." he gestured to my dick, obviously nervous, I nodded and he pulled out my now unsheathed dick and started to rub it gently. Grey only did this for about a minute before putting it back and then stood up. "You can undress me now." I stood up and put my pawunderer his shirt and took it off. After that was done I got his jeans and noticed he was also hard. We both got into bed, wearing nothing but our briefs. Gray wrapped his arms around me and I rested my head against his chest, rubbing it slowly. That got him excited as I could feel his tail wagging and his dick was right next to mine which I also felt move a bit.

"Thanks again for saving me." I kiss him softly.

"Don't mention it. I'll always protect you." I felt a tear run down my face as he kissed me on the head and with that, I fell asleep in his arms.

The next morning, I had woken up at around nine and Gray was still fast asleep. I didn't bother to wake him. Instead I slipped out from his arms and grabbed my sketch book. I began to sketch him. At around ten o'clock, he woke up and saw me still sketching. I added the final detail as he spoke.

"Morning cutie." he said softly. I looked up at him and smiled.

"Morning babe. Sorry about sketching you, I normally do it with all my boyfriends."

"Can I see it?" he asked while gently grabbing my paw. My ears perked up at that as I cuddled up beside him. "Holy shit you're good!" his eyes widened at the drawing and I began to blush.

"You like it?" I asked with my face now red from embarrassment

'I love it." he replied as he kissed me for about two minutes. "Can I see some other ones?" he asked as I nodded and began to flip through the pages. Everything was going great, Gray was loving my sketches. That is until I got to one. One I thought I had ripped out to try and forget. That was the first, and hopefully last time I fully remembered "the incident". I told Gray what happened.

2 Years Ago

"Spike!, Spike!" I called out into the woods no answer. I later found him by a tree bleeding from his nose. He also had a black eye. I gasped and threw my arms around him, he didn't stop me. "Oh my god, did your dad do this?" I asked him knowing about his abusive father.

"That fucker is no father! He's just a low life asshole!" he screamed out as he began to cry intensely. I just wrapped my arms around him telling him it would be okay. Spike and I had been dating around the time and his father was becoming more abusive as he found out about us. "Its not okay and it never will be!" He pushed me away

"Don't say that it's not true." I began to cry now.

"It is though." he said as he dug his face into his knees. I raised his head and gently kissed him. I then wiped his remaining tears away with my paw.

"Hey, why don't you come move in with me? We are dating so we can share the same bed and that way you won't have to deal with him anymore. I wont make you worry about rent for now either". His eyes widened.

"You would do that for me?" He asked with more tears now running down his face.

"Of course you're my boyfriend I would do anything for you." I kiss him once more. He kisses me back and begins to cry into my shoulder. I pet him on the head and later we walk back to my place.

Things were getting better through out the days. Spike no longer got abused and we were living happy in my apartment, together. That is, until one day.

We had just gotten off the bus at around two in the morning and we were heading home. It was pouring outside and we were walking across an intersection when a Ford F150 came rushing down the street. He either had no intentions of stopping or he didn't see us because he never slowed down. I was a head of Spike and he was yelling for me to move but, for some reason I couldn't hear him or move. I just stood there like I was in shock. I felt something push me as I fell to the ground and herd a loud thud. Spike had been hit and I had come out of my shock noticing him on the ground bleeding. It was a hit and run.

"S-Spike. Spike!. SPIKE!" I rushed to his sides and held him in my arms. "HELP SOMEONE PLEASE!" No one was around to hear me.

"Shane?" he muttered.

"I'm here baby I'm here!" I held him in my arms which were now soaked in his blood.

"Thank you.. for being... an... amazing... boy..friend. I love you... goodbye." He gave his final breath and as he did I felt his heart stop. He was gone.


Present Day

I snapped back noticing that Gray was holding me in his arms and petting my head. My face was soaked with tears and so was the page that had the drawing of Spike on it. I just kept crying.

"I couldn't save him I couldn't save him I couldn't save him

." I muttered on and on.

"Shh." Gray just held me in his arms trying to comfort me. "I'm sorry, it will be okay." We just sat in bed, Gray petting me as he tried to get me to stop crying. "I'm sure he did it because he loved you and wanted you to have a happy future." he said now starting to cry a little bit as well. I finally looked up and said my final words to Spike.

"Don't forget, I always loved you. Goodbye."