The Pet-Sitter Part 1

Story by Randomsquidborn13 on SoFurry

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#1 of The Pet-Sitter

So I couldn't just leave Jessica, amazing how her short little time with Saxon has changed her completely. Now she's going to use her pet-sitting job to her advantage, after-all her love life never seems to have anything much going on. But will she be able to have 'fun' with all her clients... even the ones that are a little more unusual?


One: The Little Yapper

Jessica's most recent care giving to the mastiff dog Saxon had ended up quite a profitable one as his owners had been ecstatic to see him looking so proud and pleased with himself. They couldn't quite put their finger on why he was so different but they were pleased with him all the same. Jessica was glad to know that she had not left anything behind or even dared to guess what she might have done; but it had left her surprisingly wanting.

A few days after she finished Jessica was called up by the office for her next pet-sitting job but she was surprisingly nervous. She hadn't been to the office in a long time and with her manager being a fox she was always a bit on edge of being bitten! Thankfully though the boss was brief in her words and simply gave Jessica a typical job for an afternoon, looking after a very problematic little terrier dog called Rascal.

Jessica had looked after Rascal before but it had not been an enjoyable situation at all for her. In fact Rascal had done nothing but run around crazily and try to destroy everything in the household the moment his owner left. In hindsight Jessica recalled that the owner had stated it was a simple issue the little guy had with his hormones always getting him pumped up for energy. Rascal could indeed be cuddly but only when he was exhausted and this gave Jessica an odd idea... if only because she knew Rascal wasn't castrated.

Jessica was cautious though about the situation; she didn't know if Rascal's owner was the kind to film in the house! But Jessica recalled the lady was old and far too near-sighted to be able to use such a thing when she barely could tell what was on the television she fell asleep watching. Even so, Jessica was not sure if she wanted to do something with Rascal... but she was desperate to have something to do with a dog again!

The day she went over for the job she almost grimaced as the damn brown and white dog jumped straight up at her face with his teeth snapping the moment she put her hands on the gate. Rascal was always defensive when the gate was touched but the moment she unhooked the gate and told him he was a silly boy, the dog ran back to the house. You shook your head in frustration and noted that the carer going to take the old lady out for her little day trip had also arrived. Straightway you were ushered in by the old lady named Victoria, a greyed mouse who always wore near shawls about her flowery dresses no matter the temperature outside. She could literally be on fire and she'd complain that she was too cold!

Once Jessica had sat down to listen to Victoria tell you about where the treats, lead and toys were for the dog she breathed a sigh of relief as the woman was ushered out. With her on a Zimmer frame being ushered to the carer's car Jessica took up the lead and called the monstrous little dog to your side. He came bounding over with a shriek of delight before she attached his lead and he suddenly grasped it in his teeth for a wrestle. Jessica could not believe this little dog as he began to wrestle with the lead and wanted to swear aloud over the dog's misbehaving attitude. But as she decided not to engage in the wrestle and simply dropped the lead, Rascal ran off for a second before rushing back over with a whimper of concern.

"Alright little monster... you want to go for a walk then you've got to behave and you need to listen to me. Got it?" Jessica growled playfully toward the startled looking dog. He was not sure exactly what she meant of course but it gathered the idea she was not going to let him have a walk or game if he did not wait for her. With a sigh of relief Jessica hooked up the lead and took the little rat out for a brief walk to go to the toilet and be comfortable before she dared to try anything.

On their return Jessica let him have a good drink of water and threw a toy for him to play with a little while as she began to figure out what she needed to do next for him. She decided that with only about an hour or so of time left she'd deal with Rascal the easiest way possible... she'd give him a good rub and let him have a sniff of her. As she got up to go to the toilet the little dog reacted naturally with curiosity and followed her into the bathroom, hardly noticing the fact that she did not stop him from coming inside. If there was one thing Jessica knew then it was that a bathroom was the one place in a house where no one would put a camera!

Once inside Jessica swiftly removed her skirt and her knickers and lay down on the floor. With the owner being an old lady a larger bathroom meant that she had space to fall that wouldn't bring her any injury so more then enough room for Jessica to have some fun. Now she was lying back she waited for Rascal to show interest, understanding that his smaller stature meant that he would not be able to just press his nose to her crotch or hop on like Saxon had. She had to be cautious and she had to be a little gentle and careful he was not going to bite her. But straightaway Rascal rushed to have a sniff of her crotch and before Jessica could even encourage him he started to lick at her.

The sensation was exciting and pleasurable straightaway and she practically giggled in delight over the suddenly attention of the animal. She felt her body tingle and her crevice wheeze with juices that the animal began to lap up much more eagerly as if he liked it. Slowly Jessica lifted her legs up to bend her knees and widen the room for the animal; Rascal backed off straightaway and then paused. When she stretched her fingers out to slowly pull the lips apart for him the dog rushed over to sniff and then lap far more eagerly. Jessica was surprised she didn't have to resort to anything and to her greatest surprise the little terrier was licking so hard and fast against her clitoris and dipping his wide tongue into her passage that she was soon gritting her teeth and holding in a squeak of pleasure.

She'd never been brought this close to an orgasm so quickly before but the little dog rushed away with delight and fascination. He must have liked the taste or it must have something in it that caused a reaction in his brain because he continued to carry on for Jessica to give soft whimpers of delight and produce much more fluid. To her great relief and pleasure, the dog lay down in front of her crotch as she held herself open to him and he lapped onward. Suddenly delving his tongue right into her passage way she gave a slight shriek of surprise as a swift orgasm spilt a thick fluid onto the dog who gave a whimper of surprise and then lapped it up eagerly.

"Oh fantastic boy... good boy..." Jessica moaned softly, her hips rocking gently as she straightened herself. She was surprised that Rascal practically scratched at her closing legs to try and get them open again and she bent down to stroke at his shoulders. Rascal, hearing the praise started to lap at her arm and whimper with his happiness but he still dove his nose into her fuzzy warmth. Jessica was startled and then she noticed something that made hr very happy. "Oh you are a darling..."

Jessica's eyes practically swelled at the sight of Rascal's peeking pink point between his hind legs. When she kept stopping him from licking her and he gave a very unpleasant whine she began to itch at his back and encourage him onto his belly. Once he rolled happily onto his belly, she began to rub and itch at it much to his delight. As much as Rascal gave whimpers and moans of relief and delight at the attention, when Jessica's fingers separated to rub around the length of his sheath, the suddenly warmth and pleasure caused an immediate appearance of his long but very fat penis. Jessica could hardly believe it as the dog practically relaxed for her to continue rubbing at his sheath for it to start coming out fully and even swelling!

With its burning heat rubbing against the top of her wrist as she rubbed him, Jessica's hunger to touch him more grew and nervously she let her hand slip over the now throbbing pink shaft. It was burning hot but the moment she touched it Rascal gave a yelp of surprise and leapt onto his forepaws. He stood staring at her in confusion for a moment but with his soft juice on her hand from where he must have been dribbling with the nuance, Jessica spread her legs open and rubbed at her clitoris with her hand.

Rascal rushed over again to lap at her and this time he snuffed at her hand, himself and then her crotch before he continued to lick at her. Trying to hold in any thoughts of another orgasm before she'd started to get more from Rascal, Jessica stretched her hand out to rub at his length again but Rascal backed off once more. After three times doing the same thing and letting him lick her out and come to the edge of an orgasm, Jessica was finally able to stroke his length outside of the sheath and Rascal would stand still. She tried to rub harder and faster, getting speed as his balls seemed to twitch and pinch at the back and she could feel the knot starting to form near the bottom of the shaft. But no sooner had she started then he'd begun to suddenly look alert and excited.

Jessica was careful to flush the toilet, wash her hands and make sure her clothes were on properly as she let him out of the bathroom. Checking in the mirror that she looked perfectly normal Jessica stepped outside of the bathroom and sought a treat for the dog. He took it eagerly and then hurried to his bed. When Jessica checked the time she realised that it was only going to be about ten minutes before she'd get the phone call from Victoria to say she was practically home! Breathing a sigh of relief not to get caught Jessica settled into reading a book whilst the now tired Rascal fell straight to sleep.

If she wanted to get anywhere with this dog it would take more attempts and thankfully Victoria went out once a week like this. Jessica decided that she would not turn away any request to take care of this dog from now on but she was still a little unsure of how she could get him to do anything more then lick her out. Still hungry for dog cock she could herself thinking over her time with Saxon and then a text came through on her phone.

Jessica's eyes bulged with surprise at the sudden request from her company to do an overnight job in a flat with a rather ridiculous canine known for his habit of grabbing legs. Jessica couldn't believe her luck and quickly returned a message of acceptance before receiving the phone call from Victoria. When Victoria arrived she was startled to see that her dog was completely asleep and Jessica stated that he'd been very well behaved for once, which surprised her. She explained it had all been about the lead wrestling and with this as her cover story, Victoria was suddenly very interested in the though of Jessica coming to look after him again. But now Jessica had a different dog to go and spend quality time with....