Part 3 - The Spring

Story by starbtle on SoFurry

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#3 of Reincarnation: Dragoness

Recap - Anna, a young dragoness has started a new life with her father in a serene forest, protected by dragons and other creatures both magical and non-magical. She has learned something of dragon magick, and is about to learn another lesson that her father never prepared her for...

I moved into the water, it was very cold; I could feel it flowing around me, moving against me, in-between the scales that covered my body. It felt almost alive, very calming. I was relaxed, and would have been lost to the flow of time, if I hadn't noticed Gwen at that moment.

I realized that I had never seen her without her human garments. I was suddenly curious why she never went without them. I had never thought to ask her. I moved my head to look at her, watching her undress. She looked up at me blushing.

"Why are you staring at me?"

"I'm not staring, I'm just watching you. You always wear your dress, though I've never seen either of you parents with human clothing on. Why do you wear that when it is safe here?"

"I am not a pure faun. My father was human... he ... well I look more like a human woman in my upper half than my mother, so in embarrassment, I hide it."

"You don't have to hide from me, I'm you friend and I will be no matter what you look like."

Gwen continued to blush as she removed her dress and came over to the water. I had never seen a human female before, and I had never seen a faun who had breasts like a human, though at that time I did not know what they were called. I was amazed as well at the way the little points on them hardened as they touched the cold water of the spring.

"You see? If human men were around, and I was here in the water they would think I was a human being captured by a dragon, it's not fair. I hate looking like a human."

"I think you look quite nice," I was a little surprised at myself saying such a thing, but I moved closer to her, watching her, exploring this new form of my friend with my eyes.

Gwen blushed a little, and splashed water at me laughing. She seemed to be starting to relax and become comfortable with me seeing her nude form. We swam, well I should say Gwen swam as I sat in the water and watched her, and waded after her as she moved away from me.

Suddenly, without warning she came up and gave me a hug, her arms wrapping around my neck.

"Oh Anna, thank you. I have never been able to just be myself with any one before. I'm sorry I said those things earlier."

It was my turn to blush now; I felt... the same feeling I did when I felt her warm body riding on my back. Her breasts with their little points pressing close against me, and I could feel the warmth between her legs near my scales even under the water. I was speechless. Gwen blushed and giggled as well, and then she leaned up and kissed me.

"I know nothing is wrong, since you usually have a lot to say... I must have surprised you. I'm sorry. I have been feeling a little strange lately, my mother said it is something that all females go through, and that I should stay playing with you away from the boys. That's why I thought going for a swim would be nice, but ..." she giggled a little, and ran a hand down my neck making me shiver. "I still have those feelings with no males around."

"I have noticed that sometimes, especially when your riding me... you get a little flustered. I wasn't sure what to say, but since you brought it up it should be a good time to talk, right? I do have one question."

"What is it?" her hand still stroking my neck.

"Well when you are riding between my wings, sometimes it feels... well where your legs meet gets very warm, hot almost. Sometimes there's a ... scent as well. It's not bad, but I ... well I just want to make sure it's not a bad thing."

Outright laughing now, she leaned up kissing me again.

"Yes it's a good thing, your probably too young to have it have happened to you." She was silent a moment, trying to figure exactly what to say. "When a girl gets excited, the place where she mates gets very warm and wet."


"Oh my... your father has never... well I guess you are young and there are no male dragons around. When a male and a female ..." she blushed again, "this is really more of a conversation for your father to have. Since we are both girls, we don't need to get into all that. Let's just say... when a female is stimulated; when her body is excited it reacts in a way to stimulate those around her.

"Not being a dragon myself, I'm not sure where this area is on you, it's probably in the same general area. At night when my parents have put me to bed, sometimes I put my hand in that place, feeling the warmth, petting my self. It feels really good."

My curiosity was growing as I listened to her explaining things, not really understanding. Suddenly I blurted out "I wish I could try that" not really sure what I was saying, but knowing that I meant it. Gwen giggled again.

"You want to try petting me?"

"Yes, well I'd like to pet all of you. You are very pretty, and I don't really know why but... " Not knowing what else to say, I leaned down, my long tongue curling around one of her breasts, it's roughness rubbing along her nipple making it harder. She shuddered a little, letting out a soft sound.

"Oh Anna, that feels really nice. I don't know if we are supposed to do this. My parents told me never to let a boy touch me like that, they never said anything about a girl though."

"I don't know, but if we don't tell them then they won't know. It'll be our secret." I was rather surprised with myself for saying such things.

My tongue reached out again, tracing her breasts and then moved to her belly, stopping at the level of the water.

"Yes... if we keep it a secret, I can feel good without having to be alone in the night anymore. Maybe we can figure out how dragons do this as well. Let's move closer to the shore."

We moved to the edge of the pool. There wasn't really a shallow part so Gwen moved to sit on the grass at the edge of the pool. My nostrils flaired as her sent came again, her body rising above the water where it had been trapped, my tongue tracing her body to find the source of this musk. As I found it, Gwen gasped. I pulled back, fearing I had done something wrong.

"Don't stop, it feels really nice."

She lay back in the grass, her legs opening, and for the first time I saw what I had felt upon my back, and in my dreams that I could never put to words. My tongue move against her again, tracing her thighs and legs, moving back up to her hips and the crevice between them. I ran my tongue over her gently, then seeing how there was a deeper canyon, I explored it a little with my tongue.

As I moved my tongue around her neither regions, Gwen squirmed and twisted on the grass, moving her hands to pinch and harden her nipples. She moaned as I put my tongue gently into the little hole, even before I found it I seemed to know this was wear the heal and scent came from. My tongue was long and so was this tunnel. I moved in till I reached a barrier, moving it gently around. Then, snaking it out, I explored the outer lips of this region, finding a small roundish point, like the ones on her breasts, it seemed very sensitive from Gwen's increasing moans.

She moved around on the grass, moaning, and calling out my name. Her voice purring, pleading for me to put my tongue back inside of her. I wanted to explore more though; I licked across the hold and concentrated on the little point, sucking on it gently.

"Stop sucking my clit, and get back in my cunt" Gwen screamed, catching me off guard I backed away a little.

"Oh Anna, I didn't mean to scare you. It just feels so good, and your playing with my clit is driving me crazy."

"Clit?" I repeated this new word, my tongue touching the little point I was playing with before.

"Yes that's it. I just. Well my body really wants something inside it again, how your tongue was just before."

I licked her lower regions again, moving my tongue along her stomach to her breasts, then across her neck and cheek as she lay back again.

"Do you think my tail would work? It might be a wider than my tongue though, would that work?"

"I think it would work, try it slowly though just incase."

My tongue worked gently across her breasts as my tail raised, tracing the shape of her slit. I moved the tip inside gently and she gasped and wriggled. I moved it in deeper and felt that barrier I had met before. It broke against my tail, letting me slip in farther. Gwen let out a cry, almost in pain. She motioned for me not to stop, so I kept going, gently moving my tail around, pressing upward rubbing it across her clit as I started to suck on one of her nipples. I felt her body beginning to thrust along my tail, making it go in and out. I followed the rhythm; letting my tongue wrap it's self around her clit as she moaned my name, her scent covering me, and her wetness increasing. I felt a strange stirring in my self as well, but I didn't stop to explore it. I kept moving my tail, my tongue licking across her body.

"Oh my god, Anna I'm coming!" she screamed as I felt a flood pressing against my tail, and suddenly, I felt as if I was on fire.

I pulled away, my tail coming out of her. I screamed as the pain continued, my body felt strange. I was shrinking I realized... I couldn't swim and I was still in the water. I kicked my legs and my arms flung out to grab at the edge of the pool.

I gasped seeing two hands, not those belonging to a dragon but to a human.

"Gwen help me!"

She reached for me, helping to drag me onto the shore. She knelt speechless next to me.

"Anna what happened? Why do you look... like a ... a human?"

"I ... get my father... he will know..." and that is the last I remember as I passed out in her arms.

To be continued in part 4...