Krystal’s Birthday Surprise

Story by inuyashasg1 on SoFurry

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This is my half of a trade I did with Bytefaux over on FA.

This was a trade I did with bytefaux over at FA, He did the artwork that's posted with the this story, so head over t there if you want to see a larger version of it.

Krystal, the busty blue vixen walked out of the lingerie store with a small black bag carried on her arm. She looked down at the bag and giggled as a blush formed on her face. Despite the form fitting outfit she tended to wear now, she didn't usually like to wear such provocative underwear. It was true that she used to wear a pretty revealing outfit on Sauria, but that wasn't by choice. Besides, it wasn't embarrassing until she met Fox. Still, she knew how much her boyfriend enjoyed seeing her in the skimpy, lacy clothing, so the embarrassment would be worth it.

The blue fox was daydreaming about what she'd be doing later that night when she heard a commotion coming from behind her. She turned around to see what was causing it, spotting a large muscular brown bear pushing through the crowds. Then she heard a familiar woman's voice yell "stop!" A pink feline with a determined look on her face was chasing after the man, though she was having a bit harder time getting through the people. As the bear approached, Krystal noticed the laser pistol that was hidden under the male's open jacket. Krystal wasn't sure why Katt was chasing him, but she wasn't about to risk her friend being shot. Just as the man was about to push past her, Krystal ducked down and quickly kicked her right leg out, sweeping the large bear off his feet. Caught completely off guard, he never had the chance to try and avoid the attack. He tumbled head over tail, ending up flat on his back. As soon as he caught his breath his hand went for the gun, only for it to painfully be kicked out of his paw.

"Stupid bitch!" The bear said as he started to push himself back to his feet. "Do you know who I, argh!" He was cut short when Katt's knee hit him square in the nose from a full run, knocking him back to the ground. Again he tried to get up. The pink feline was ready for him though, pulling out a Taser and shoving it into his crotch. The loud snapping of electricity and the cries of pain filled the street for a brief moment, making everyone look at the three. A moment later he went silent; the bear was unconscious.

Katt was panting, a little out of breath after the long chase. She kneeled down next to the bear, rolled him over, then place a pair of handcuffs on him. "Thanks Krystal, I didn't look forward to chasing this guy down for several blocks."

"What did he do?" Krystal asked, holding out her hand to help Katt back to her feet.

"Oh, hijacked a cargo freighter I think." She said taking the hand. "So, what's in the bag? Are you and Fox planning a little something?" She asked making the blue vixen blush.

Krystal fidgeted for a second. "Well, its Fox's birthday, and the others are throwing him a surprise party right now, but I wanted to do something special. I'm surprised Falco didn't invite you to it, or is it a guy only thing?"

"I wouldn't know. Falco and I are taking a bit of a break. He can be a bit of an ass." The feline said while typing something into her phone. "Still, I'm glad you and Fox are working out. He's a real catch, but if I were you, I'd... You know what, never mind."

Krystal was curious now. "What would you do in my position?"

"Well, lingerie is nice and all, but it's not all that special really. I'm sure you look great in it... really great in it, but still. " Katt said a bit awkwardly then scooted up close to the vixen. "If I were trying to surprise him, and I mean really surprise him, I do something he'd never expect."

"Such as?" Krystal asked with a slight hint of a blush forming on her face.

The feline moved up and whispered into the blue woman's ear. "Like a threesome."

Krystal's face turned red. "Are you... are you suggesting that you'd have a threesome with me and fox?" She asked in a whisper.

Katt's tail was slowly twitching now, and a smirk had formed on her face. "Yeah. I've always wondered what you and Fox would be like in bed. I tried to get Falco to suggest it to one of you a few times, but he always refused. So what do you say Krystal. Do you want to give Fox the surprise of his life?" The blue vixen hesitated for a moment, then nodded her head profusely. Katt was about to respond but caught sight of a pair of dogs, wearing white helmets with visors and police uniforms approaching. She waved them over and quickly explained the situation, showing the bounty on the bear then signing a tablet to claim the reward. After she was done, she finally got back to the now fidgeting fox. "Alright Krystal, everything is done here. I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you for a ride. My fighter's in the shop and won't be operational till tomorrow. That won't be a problem, will it?"

Krystal shook her head. "No, that's not a problem. I'm fine with giving you a ride." As the two officers dragged off the bear, she moved up behind the slightly shorter woman and whispered to her. "I'll even provide some inflight entertainment if you'd like."

Katt moved her right hand back, placing it behind her on the slender vixen's thigh. "Oh, I very much want it."

With the bear taken care of the two quickly made their way to the space port. They stopped in the changing room, switching from their civilian clothing into their tight, form fitting flight suits. Krystal, as a member of Star Fox was granted special dispensation to land her ship in the military section of the facility, and as such was able to bypass much of the regulations that would have plagued her unexpected passenger. As it was now, all the pair had to do was ignore the gawking eyes of soldiers and the occasional whistling. Once they arrived at her Arwing, Krystal clicked a button on her wrist controller making several steps appear as the canopy lifted up. The violet clad vixen went first, giving the pink cat a nice look at her shapely ass. Katt licked her lips as she followed behind Krystal. Katt had to sit on Krystal's lap, her legs immediately wrapping around the blue fox's waist, pressing herself up against the busty fox's chest. Krystal blushed as their breasts touched, while Katt grinned.

Krystal cleared her throat, hit a button on the console, and brought up an audio link to the flight control. "This is Krystal of team Star Fox in Arwing Zero-Five requesting permission to depart."

A few seconds passed, then a crackling response came through the speakers. "Roger that Arwing Zero-Five. Permission to depart is granted." Krystal slowly hovered her fighter out of the building, then once clear smoothly pushed the throttle forward, making the ship race towards the sky. After just a couple of minutes, the two women were through the atmosphere. Krystal clicked on auto pilot, which gave an estimated 20 minutes till their arrival at the Great Fox.

Katt reached over to the vixen's outfit, finding the hidden zipper on the cloth that went around her throat. She grasped the piece of metal and slowly began to pull it down. "Twenty whole minutes. Hope you can keep me entertained for that long." Katt said as she pulled the zipper over Krystal's ample chest.

"Oh, I think I'll manage somehow." Krystal responded, then leaned in and gave the feline a quick experimental kiss. Katt giggled as the fox pulled away.

"Let me show you how it's done honey." Katt leaned in and passionately kissed Krystal. She wasted no time, slipping her rough tongue into the blue woman's mouth. Krystal's eyes went wide at how fast the feline was going, but Katt didn't slow down. She finished pulling the zipper all the way, revealing the white fur of Krystal's chest, stomach, and neathers. Then she reached under the now loose flight suit, and began to fondle one of the vixen's firm breasts. After the initial shock wore off, Krystal began to kiss the cat back.

Finally Katt pulled away with a smile and a slight blush on her face. "That's more like it, now how about you try it again. Krystal smirked, then reached over and quickly unzipped the feline's black and pink flight suit, revealing the white fur of her more sensitive areas. Krystal then pulled apart the chest section of the clothing, exposing both of Katt's breasts and making her yelp in pleasant surprise. Krystal then reached forward with both hands, firmly grasping the smaller woman's breasts.

"This is the first time I've ever felt another woman's chest before." Krystal said as she squeezed her hands, feeling the fur and fat of Katt's breasts depress slightly around her fingers. Then she leaned in and licked one of the nipples, making the feline gasp. She lifted her head back up and moved one hand behind Kat's head, slipping her fingers into her white hair. "I think I like it." She said before pulling the other woman into another heated kiss.

After a couple minutes of making out and heavy fondling of each other's breasts, the two finally pulled apart wearing smiles on their faces while they panted for air. "So uh, that's fun but I hope this flight has more to offer than just that." Katt said as she looked lower towards the vixen's damp pussy.

"I got just the thing." Krystal reached under the seat and pulled out a small black box. She opened the box and pulled out what looked like a grey set of panties, except for the small rounded section on the back part. Upon closer inspection, Katt noticed that it wasn't actually a cloth, or at least not entirely. There seemed to be an octagonal grid pattern that was a shinier material, and there were also several disk like pieces of plastic or ceramic. These disk pieces seemed to start about half way down the front of the panties, go under the crotch, and end half way up the back side. "It's a little hard for me to move, so could you put them on me?" Krystal asked with a raised eyebrow.

"What is it?" Katt asked as she lifted up the blue vixen's legs, seeing just how limber she really was. Much to her delight, the fox had no problem moving wherever the feline wanted. Katt held onto the tight material of her flight suit as Krystal pulled her legs free. Then the pink woman slipped the panties over the vixen's furry blue legs.

Krystal let out a happy growl as she felt the other woman's hands traveling up her legs. "Fox got this for me. We use it on our long flights back form patrol missions. It creates an exact holographic representation of each other's genitals and allows us to enjoy each other, even when we're apart. Well, that's how he described it at least. He's only used it a couple times. I on the other hand use it quite a bit. See, Fox either didn't know or didn't tell me that there are multiple modes. There's one that I can use for self-pleasure..." Krystal clicked a button on the fighters console and a thick, six inch long, glowing blue fox cock appeared. "And there's one that can be used to pleasure another. So tell me Katt, do you think I can provide you with enough entertainment with this?"

Katt scooted herself forward, feeling the warm hard light shaft pressing up against her fur and clitoris. Krystal pressed forward, rocking her hips back and forth, grinding the shaft against the feline, making her gasp. "Yeah, I think this will do nicely. I just hope you have more stamina than Falco."

Krystal slipped her hands down Katt's body. "Oh, don't you worry about that. Now, where would you like it?" One hand reached down and pushed a slender digit into her vagina, making her let out a little gasp. "In this tight pussy, or..." Krystal's other hand lifted up the feline's tail. "Under this naughty tail?"

Katt bit her lower lip for a second as she thought. "Damn it, I don't suppose it's possible to have both is it?" The feline asked with a red face. "I've... I've always wondered what it would feel like to have two cocks in me."

Krystal grinned, then reached up and hit another button on the console, making a second glowing blue cock appear below the first. "See why I like this so much?" The vixen said as she lifted the smaller woman up and brought her over the twin cocks. Katt let out a long moan of pleasure as she slowly lowered herself onto the glowing dicks. The feeling of both warm appendages gradually going deeper into her sensitive neathers was amazing. Krystal too was enjoying the feeling. As the cocks were penetrating Katt, two hard light constructs were also slowly entering Krystal's pussy and ass.

Once she was finally fully seated on the cocks, Katt leaned forward, pressing her breasts against Krystal's as she pressed her lips against the vixens. Krystal returned the kiss, and wrapped her hands around the feline's head, pulling her deeper. As their tongues began to battle, Krystal started to grind her hips against Katt, making the feline kiss her even harder. Then the vixen pulled back as much as she could in the confined space and started to thrust up into the pink cat. Katt pulled away from the kiss and let out a loud moan, which only drove Krystal to thrust even harder.

"Oh my god Krystal, why did I never do this before!" Katt moaned before being forced into another kiss. After a few seconds of passionate kissing, Krystal pulled away and dove down towards one of Katt's breasts. The fox took one in her mouth, sucking on the hard pink nipple that was easily poking through the soft white fur of the feline's chest. Fast, short thrusts kept Katt bouncing up and down on the vixen's lap, making the free breast jump.

Krystal let go of the breast, and brought herself up next to Katt's ear. "I know you're getting close, so why don't you purr for me my cute little kitten?"

"Krystal!" The feline half screamed as she arched her back. Her tight pussy and ass pulsated around the glowing cocks, making the two in Krystal swell slightly in tune. Krystal was nearly pushed to orgasm along with the cat, but managed to stave it off. When Katt finally stopped cumming, she was doing just as Krystal had asked, and was purring contently. Krystal smiled down at Katt, whose head was resting contently against the vixen's breasts. Then she reached forward, under the dashboard of her fighter and hit a button to lock all the controls. Afterwards she lifted the cat up. As soon as she was off the faux dicks, they immediately glowed brighter for a second as they sanitized themselves. She turned the pink furred woman around and put her so that her head was lying against the hard dashboard.

Katt felt Krystals hand grasping her tail, lifting it up. "What are you doing?" She said screaming the second word in surprise as she felt both cocks entering her again, this time going all the way in with a single ram of the vixen's blue hips.

Krystal leaned down, pressing her large breast against the feline's back. "I'm not done entertaining you. We still got at least 10 minutes before we get to the Great Fox. Besides, I didn't get to cum yet." With her body leaned over Katt's, she now had much more room to thrust and used it all. Almost immediately Katt could feel herself being pushed towards the bliss she had experienced just moments ago. The moans coming from Katt's mouth were nice, but not the main purpose of Krystal's desperate thrusts. With each drive of her hips, her own pussy and ass were being penetrated just as roughly by the hard light cocks from the device. After just a few short minutes, Katt and Krystal both came with a scream, drenching the fake cocks filling them. Krystal collapsed onto the feline's back, held in place by the knots of the hard light dicks while both women came down from their highs.

Krystal brought her fighter into the landing bay of the Great Fox, gracefully guiding it into the mechanical arm that would refuel and repair the Arwing as needed. As the fox brought the craft in, Katt was free to look around. She noticed that the other fighters appeared to be away, probably planet side for Fox's party. "Well, it looks like we won't have to worry about putting our clothes back on just to walk to Fox's room." She said to Krystal as the vixen got out carrying her flight suit and the bag with the lingerie, while Katt had actually completely stripped naked so that she too was carrying her outfit. "No point in wasting time once we get there." The feline said with a laugh.

When the pair arrived, Krystal neatly put her stuff down on the table. When she turned around, Katt was waiting for her. The feline pushed herself forward, once again pressing her breasts against Krystal's as she grabbed the blue woman's head and pulled her into a kiss. Krystal wasted no time returning it as he reached around and ran her hand down the soft pink fur of Katt's back. Their two tongues danced in each other's mouths while their hands pulled them towards one another. After a couple of minutes of making out Krystal finally pulled away. "Katt, I think we should stop. I need to put on the lingerie I got to surprise Fox."

Katt grinned evilly, then pushed the vixen backwards, making her fall onto the soft bed. Before Krystal could even respond, the feline had leapt on top of her, and was now straddling her body. "Save it for another time. We've got all that we need to surprise him right here." She leaned down and gave the Vixen a peck on the tip of her nose, then started to kiss her way down the fox's body. Katt was very thorough, pressing her pursed lips against every inch of white fur, smothering the other woman's large breasts with kisses. Then she moved down to her stomach, feeling the flat toned belly. Finally she went lower, finding the cute entrance to Krystal's love tunnel. Krystal let out a moan as the feline leaned in and pressed her lips against the sensitive clitoris. "Oh, did you like that. Would you like me to pay you for the ride you gave me earlier?"

Krystal let out a long moan as she felt Katt lean in and lick all the way up her pussy lips. "God Katt, just fuck me already!" The pink woman grinned. Slowly her long, rough tongue penetrated the vixen's depths. Krystal threw her head back and let out a squeal of pleasure as a smile spread on her face.

Katt pulled her tongue out and crawled up towards Krystal's head, then turned her whole body around so that her wet pussy was above the vixen's muzzle. "Why don't we see which one of us can last longer, hmm?" The feline moved in even closer, pressing her mouth up against the fox's pussy while moving her hands to the vixen's inner thigh so she could spread the blue furred legs apart. Her tongue moved in deep, exploring Krystal's depth, driving the less experienced woman crazy. After letting out another long moan, Krystal reached up and pulled Katt down closer to her and immediately began to lather the smaller woman's cunt with her tongue. The feline purred at the sensation, proud at how quickly she was able to bring out the lesbian tendencies of the busty blue fox. Still, Katt had much more experience than Krystal and was having a much easier time making her moan out constantly.

The door to the room opened with a hiss, letting light spill in from the corridor. "What the hell!" Fox yelled as soon as he saw the two women.

Krystal's eyes went wide and she was momentarily distracted from the pleasure. "Fox I can explain. This is just, ahh!" Krystal let out a gasp of pleasure. A huge blush formed on her face and her arms went weak. She could barely hold herself up as Kat continued to lick the vixen's spasming pussy.

Finally the feline pulled away from Krystal, licking her lips. "Mmm not bad Krystal. Just relax for moment and let me handle this." She gestured for Fox to come over with her index finger. Despite his outburst, he did as she wanted, slowly walking forward with a suspicious look on his face. "Krystal wanted to get you a present you'd never forget." Katt said as he approached, then as soon as he was within range of her arms, she grabbed him by the belt and pulled him the rest of the way. She wasted no time, immediately undoing the buckle and unzipping his pants. Then she reached into them, cupping his hardening cock and large balls with her warm, furry hands. Fox let out a gasp and his face turned red as he looked down at the feline. She gave him an evil smirk as she pulled him free of his confines, then reached down and gave his growing length a long, sensuous lick. "So do you like your present, or should Krystal return it to Corneria?"

Fox gave Katt a grin as he pulled away and went over to shut the door. "Oh, I think I'm going to like it just fine." He began to discard his clothing as he went over to the bathroom. He grabbed a bottle of pills out of the cabinet and quickly swallowed one.

"What's that for sweet-ah?" Katt was cut off by a gasp of pleasure. Krystal had recovered enough from her last orgasm and had renewed her assault on the feline's pussy.

Fox grinned as he watched his mate pulling the cat's hips down towards her greedy maw. "Krystal and I aren't ready for a kid yet, but I don't like condoms. Plus these things make it so I don't need to take breaks. Sometimes me and Krystal go for hours, non-stop." Fox said as he came out of the bathroom, now completely nude.

The cat blushed as she saw him approaching. He had a toned chest, with a defined six-pack, firm pecs, and the lighter tone of fur helped to accentuate his physique. However, what impressed her most was the now nearly erect cock that was bouncing with every step as he grew closer. He stopped mere inches from her, holding his dick level with her watering mouth. "Fox, you're huge!" She said reaching out and stroking his massive shaft. She leaned forward, taking his tapered tip into her mouth, feeling its warm flesh as she pushed it over her tongue, tasting the precum that was already escaping it. She moved down his length, feeling it stretch her lips to their limit, and hitting the back of her throat. Her eyes went wide when she realized she'd barely even taken a third of him, and she was already as far as she usually went on Falco. She pulled off of him, a string of spit trailing from her lips to his cock. Again she looked at his dick.

Fox noticed her expression and laughed. "A bit more than you're use to huh?"

"Humph, no wonder Falco hated the idea of a threesome. Was probably afraid I'd end up sleeping with you more than him." Kat said with a laugh, then leaned in and began to bathe his dick with her tongue. Krystal meanwhile had intensified her attack and was getting the feline closer and closer to an orgasm. Fox could hear and feel her purring intensify as she lathered his length. Less than a minute later, Katt came with a long moan, coating Krystal with her love juices.

Fox grabbed the feline's head and moved her to the end of his cock. She instinctively opened her mouth and allowed him to slip inside. He slowly began to move his hips forwards and back, being careful to not go too fast or too far until she recovered. Once Krystal was done licking Katt clean, she crawled out from under her and moved up next to the feline. She honestly wasn't sure how she was going to feel seeing Fox with another woman. The feeling of excitement that rushed through her as she saw Fox gently sawing his cock in and out of her mouth answered that question. Krystal raised up to her knees and kissed Fox passionately, her tongue slipping into his mouth, offering him the chance to taste Katt for the first time. After a few seconds of making out, she pulled away, then lowered herself down and began to lick Fox's lower shaft and balls as Katt sucked on the upper half.

Fox let out a groan when he felt his mate's tongue for the first time that evening. Katt noticed it too, then felt the male increase his pace significantly. He began to force himself into her throat. The cat couldn't help but gag as his pointed cock repeatedly slipped down her esophagus, but at the same time she didn't want to stop him. It was a good thing too, because Fox was starting to get really riled up. He grabbed her head and started to pull her towards him as he thrust forward. Katt's eyes went wide as she felt even more of him being forced inside her mouth. She was way past what she was experienced with now, and didn't know what she could handle. Krystal saw the look of fear on the feline's face and placed her hand on Fox's chest to stop him.

He pulled out of her, letting the cat gasp for air. Krystal gave her a smile. "You don't need to worry, you can handle it." Krystal then took fox's tool into her slender hand, opened her mouth wide, and pushed her head down on it. Katt let out a gasp of surprise as she watched inch after inch disappear inside the blue fox's mouth as well as the obvious bulge that traveled down her throat. Krystal gagged as she went, but never slowed down and was easily able to press her nose against the soft fur of Fox's belly. Then she pulled off, letting the spit soaked cock bounce freely, smacking her gently on the muzzle. Krystal gave a playful growl, then licked the tip, collecting a pearl of his precum. "So, do you think you can handle it now?"

Katt grinned, then grabbed the thick cock and placed it front of her mouth. "It's Fox's birthday, so I'd hate to disappoint him." She said, then gave him a few licks.

"Well, I'd hate to break my new toy." Fox said offering the feline a way out.

"Toys are made to be broken." She replied moving a couple of inches of his cock inside her mouth. "Do what you want with me."

Fox hesitated for a moment, but then shrugged his shoulders. "If you insist." He grabbed Katt's head and pulled her forward hard. She gagged hard as he forced her to take most of his cock in a single movement. Her eyes were straining at the sensation, then he began to buck his hips, forcing 6 inches of thick fox meat in and out of her mouth. With each move of his hips a little more was added until she was finally hitting up against his growing knot. Krystal meanwhile had resumed kissing him, while her hand went down to his crotch and was fondling his heavy balls. Between Katt's throat and Krystal's hand he couldn't last long, and just as the feline was starting to run out of air he erupted with a roar. Huge spurts of hot cum were emptied directly into the cat's stomach before he pulled out enough to deliver the rest into her hungry mouth. In mere moments he filled her maw to capacity. Still more came, forcing its way out between her lips and through her nose. Finally he pulled out, firing the last of his load up into the air, splattering all three with his seed. Katt was about to swallow the cum she had in her mouth when Fox stopped her. He gestured to Krystal, who lowered herself to the feline. Katt blushed as she realized what he wanted her to do. She leaned forward and began kissing the vixen, allowing the cum to enter his mate's mouth. Once Krystal had a good portion of his seed, she pulled away, letting a little bit of it dribble down her chin. Then both women gulped down their mouthful, and opened their maws to show him. Fox grinned and pet both of them on the heads. "Good girls."

Krystal moved off the bed, then bent over the side of it and pulled up her tail. She wiggled her butt at Fox, beckoning her mate over. "Come on Fox, take me however you want." Fox grinned and moved behind the blue fox, placed his hands on her hips and gently teased her pussy and rear with his tip.

"Oh, which hole do I want to start with? It's just so hard to choose." He went back and forth teasing her lower entrances for a few seconds before pulling back completely. With one hard thrust Fox rammed his entire shaft into Krystal's dripping pussy. She let out a scream of pleasure as she was nearly brought to another orgasm just from that one action. Fox pulled back and thrust into her again just as hard. In and out he sawed his thick cock. Each time he pressed forward her entrance was stretched to its limit as it strained to keep his fully engorged knot out. He wanted it in her too. The way her tunnel gripped at him, the soft wet feeling of her folds and the way his tip kissed her cervix, it was perfect. She was perfect. He had thought she couldn't get any better, then he saw Katt crawling up next to the vixen, and pulling her head into her crotch. He grinned as he watched his mate delve deep into his wing mate's girlfriend. He forced his cock into her again, and ground the knot against her greedy cunt, threatening to force it in, but never quite pressing hard enough to actually do it.

Krystal threw back her head and screamed her mate's name. He felt her pussy milking his cock as her warm juices lubricated his knot. After a few seconds of panting, the blue vixen managed to speak. "Stop teasing me Fox. I know it's your birthday, but do you have to draw this out?" He ground himself even harder against her making her gasp. "Do you want me to beg, is that it? I want it Fox, I want you're huge knot in me and I want it in me now!"

"Too bad, I'm not ready yet." Fox said as he continued to grind himself even harder into her stretched cunt. "Katt, get over here and lick my knot. Krystal's going to need all the lube she can get when I start to fuck her with it!" Krystal's eyes went wide when she heard what Fox said. He'd never used his knot like that before, did he really mean it? Katt wasted no time, turning around so that she could reach the fox's Knot. She opened her mouth and began to slather it with her tongue, being sure to reach every inch of the massive thing. After he was satisfied Fox pushed the feline's head away. "Just stay there and watch Katt, you're next." Fox pulled back so that only the tip remained in her. Krystal whimpered at the feeling of emptiness, then let out a scream as he rammed himself in, popping his knot into her like it was nothing. Her back arched and she was consumed by another orgasm. Fox meanwhile proceeded to pull himself free, then pressed all of himself into her again. It was a new feeling to him, and each thrust nearly pushed him over the edge as her unbelievable tightness pulled at him. He only managed a few seconds of savage humping before he too was driven to mind shattering orgasm. Cum flooded her womb, filling it almost instantly. With nowhere to go, the majority of his hot seed was forced out around his shaft and knot, dribbling down onto the bed. When he was done unloading into her, he gave a couple of short thrusts, making wet slapping noises and sending a few small squirts of cum flying. Finally he pulled himself out of her with a pop, leaving her gaping slightly and allowing even more of his seed to run free.

Fox got up without a word and moved behind Katt, grabbing her tail and lifting it up. "Now it's your turn, and I think I'll try the other hole with you. Hope you don't mind." Fox thrust himself forward, filling Katt's tail hole with half of his length.

Katt let out a long moan of pleasure. "Oh god yes! You're already deeper than Falco could ever hope to go." She said ecstatically as the vulpine male began to hump into her rear. She began to purr as he laughed at the comment and increased his speed. As he worked on her ass, she leaned down and began to lick the vixen's dribbling pussy, lapping up both Fox's and Krystal's cum, savoring the delicious taste as she went. The wonderful feeling of the feline's tongue exploring her depth, brought Krystal back to the moment. She saw Fox's thick shaft just above her, pounding into Katt's ass like a jack hammer and felt his heavy balls lightly slapping her nose. A naughty idea started to form in the blue vixen's mind, and she leaned her head back a little bit and began to lick and suck on Fox's testicles, drenching them in her saliva. Soon the feline could feel and hear the slapping of his knot nocking at her tight entrance. She let out another moan of ecstasy into the stretched pussy of the vixen before pulling her head up. "Ooh yes, please tell me you're going to put that knot inside me?"

"Of course, you didn't think I was going to go easy on you, did you?" Fox said with a smirk, then forced his knot inside her. She let out a hiss that turned into a loud purr as bliss filled her. Her whole body shook around him, and he could feel her tight anus convulsing around him. He saw her back arch slightly and grinned as he ground himself inside her before blowing his load. Thick white cum shot deep into her bowels, filling them to capacity and almost going up to her stomach. After his long orgasm petered out, he pulled himself free with a grunt, letting his cum dribble out onto Krystal below.

Fox collapsed to the floor with a grunt, panting for air. Krystal pulled herself out from under the nearly passed out pink cat and joined him on the floor. She crawled over to him, gave him a kiss, then turned around and pulled her tail up. "Now it's my turn back here, hope you're not tired already."

Fox stood up and forced the majority of his cock into her anus with a savage ram of his hips. "Don't worry, I'm not going to be done with the two of you for a long time!"

Krystal woke up late the next morning. She was still very tired. Her muscles were aching after being abused so harshly, and her throat, ass, and pussy were all soar from the rough treatment Fox had given them. Still, she didn't regret a thing, it had been the most fun she'd ever had. As she sat up, she noticed the sound of the shower turning off. She had expected to see Fox walk out, but then heard a loud "sknx!" of him snoring beside her. Instead it was Katt that came out of the shower, completely naked and looking magnificent as her short fur caught the light and shimmered in it.

"Hey there sexy." Katt said noticing Krystal. The feline leaned down and picked up her clothes from the day before and began to put them on.

"Good morning. Don't tell me you're leaving already. We haven't even had our post coitus, coitus yet." Krystal said with a grin as she got out of bed.

Katt gave a small laugh. "Sorry Krystal, but I got to go. My fighters repaired and I need to chase down a couple of leads." She leaned over to the vixen and pulled her into a passionate kiss. After a few seconds she broke it. "Don't worry though, next time I'm in the neighborhood I'll be sure to stop by. Maybe we'll be able to give my boyfriend a surprise then, if I have one... or maybe I'll steal you for myself." She gave Krystal another kiss, making the vixen blush bright red. Then she waved goodbye and was gone.