Otter's Daily Life- Be Nice To Kyle's Mother

Story by Ragemend on SoFurry

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#70 of Otter's Daily Life

Kyle makes the mistake of hanging up on his mother.

Xeila belongs to

When Kyle got a call from his mother Sunday night he was glad for the excuse to take a break from his school work. It was a routine conversation and Kyle could hear Dad watching TV in the background. When she had invited him home next weekend his heart soared a bit. It had been awhile since he had some alone time with Kris, and his boyfriend and girlfriend had been too busy to hang out all week. By the end of the conversation he had a hard on bulging in his jeans from his mind wandering. However Kyle was a busy otter, and after his mother started telling him about his uncle Jules' newest boy toy with disturbing detail he got impatient. Without really thinking he cut his mother off with a lame excuse and hung up, going back to work.

After the end of the brief conversation Kyle rubbed himself through his jeans. He thought about rubbing one out, but instead went back to work. About thirty minutes after the phone conversation there was a knock at his door. Kyle thought nothing of it and went to answer the door. As soon as he opened the door the otter was grabbed and restrained by Austin and Jean. They pulled him over to his bed and Austin held his arms while Jean undid his pants and pulled them down. Kyle's meager erection flopped out and Jean giggled. Kyle didn't know why, but the situation turned him on even more. He didn't even bother fighting when Jean grabbed his stiff cock.

"Not gonna fight us?" Asked Jean, stroking his length.

"This is the most action I've gotten all week." Blushed Kyle. "And I can feel Austin poking into my back."

"Heh, we've all been busy this week." Chuckled Austin.

Jean leaned down and took Kyle's otterhood into her muzzle, deep throating him right away. The boyott would have questioned why Austin was till holding his arms, but common sense melted away when he felt his sister's tongue sliding over his otterhood. Jean held Kyle's ball sack in her paw and squeezed gently while she bobbed on his length. She could hear Kyle's breathing pick up and heard him start to moan and knew he was close. As soon as she felt Kyle throb in her muzzle she knew he was about to cum and immediately pulled off, leaving Kyle to ejaculate all over his floor.

"Wha... don't stop now! I can't feel anything if you don't touch me while I'm cumming." Whined Kyle, watching his load pour out all over the carpet.

Austin held his boyfriend's arms tight as his ruined orgasm carried on, not feeling anything as he made a mess of his carpet. Kyle sighed as he finished cumming and his brain started working again. They sat in silence while Jean dug around in her purse and Austin didn't let go.

"Austin, honey, can you let go of my arms?" Asked Kyle.

"Sorry, ott. We're on a mission." Giggled Austin.

Jean pulled a chastity cage out of her purse and walked over to Kyle. His deflated length oozed the last of his thick load. Kyle saw what his sister had in her paw and started to struggle, but Jean was too quick for him, quickly but tenderly gripping his soft otterhood in one paw and sliding on the cage with the other, clicking on a little lock right after. Austin let go of Kyle's arms and the poor boyott was left to check if the cage really was on.

"Why did you have to put this on?" Groaned Kyle.

"Mom asked us to, bro." Laughed Kyle.

"So she has the key?" Asked Kyle.

"Yeah, and she's not gonna take it off until she wants." Grinned Austin.

"Well, you've got a mess to clean up and we've all got work to do, so we'll head out now. Later, bro." Smiled Jean.

Austin and Jean walked out of their boyfriend's room, leaving him with only the cage to cover his lowers while he wiped up his thick seed with paper towels. Kyle got dressed and prepared for what was going to be a long week at the very least. The poor otter sat down at his desk and went back to work, his mind on his ruined orgasm instead of Calculus.

By the time a week had passed Kyle was in dire need to get off. His cage clanked against his seat when he sat down on the subway and that put his dick back in his mind. He spent the rest of the ride home feeling his cock strain against his cage. By the time he walked in the front door at home he hoped that Dad wasn't home and the cage could come off.

"Mom? Dad? I'm home." Called Kyle.

"Hi, son." Called Dad from the kitchen.

Kyle got ready to walk to his dad when suddenly everything went dark. A blindfold covered his eyes. He would have yelped but he heard his mom's voice and that kept him from resisting.

"It's Mom, sweetie. We're going to take a little surprise trip." Cooed Kris.

"Where?" Asked Kyle quietly.

"You'll see." Said Mom, sweetly.

Kris grabbed Kyle's paw and lead him to the door. She called to Dad and told him they were going "out" and they promptly got in the car and drove off. Kyle couldn't see anything, if it was anyone but his mother he would feel a small sense of anxiety or trepidation, but instead he was calm. He was fighting the hardest he ever had against a chastity cage, but he was calm.

After driving for a short while Kris pulled into a drive way. She lead Kyle inside and the otter heard a door shut. Before he knew what was happening a perfume was sprayed on his nose and he was pushed to his knees. He couldn't smell anything but roses so his nose wouldn't clue him in to the next thing that happend. A canine cock pushed against his muzzle. And it was big. It pushed against his mouth and dripped against his lips. After a few pushes Kyle obeyed and opened his mouth. The invading length pushed in quickly to the back of Kyle's mouth and the otter felt its owner's fur brush his nose. He would have gagged but not having a gag reflex runs in his family.

"Enjoying your snack, sweetie?" Asked Kris.

Kyle moaned in response, his suitor wouldn't let him up for air, instead thrusting hard into his muzzle. They had both of their paws on the back of Kyle's head and pushed him down on the canine's length. Kyle felt a knot starting to form and the thrusts into his muzzle got shorter. Kyle reached up to cradle his lover's balls to help speed things up, but they grabbed his paws to keep him from touching anything.

Soon the invading cock pulled out and his suitor pulled Kyle up, leading him across a room and throwing him over the back of a couch. Kyle pushed up and braced himself, he knew what was coming next. The canine cock rubbed against his taiilhole and thrusted in. The lock on his chastity cage tinkled when his lover's knot slapped against the boyott's rump.

"Is that cage feeling tight, Kyle?" Asked Kris.

"It's kinda hurting, mom..." Blushed Kyle, suddenly aware that his mother was watching him being brutally fucked.

The invading cock smashed into him, making the otter call out lustily. His suitor grabbed both of Kyle's paws and pulled them behind his back, using them to better pull Kyle against their knot. Kyle felt a paw cup his balls, and he felt both of his lover's paws holding his wrists, so the new paw could only have been his mother's.

"M-mom!?!" Yelped Kyle.

"They feel really tight against your body... you must be feeling a little desperate to stroke yourself right now, huh?" Cooed Kris.

"I... I really am." Blurted out Kyle, the knot starting to stretch Kyle's tailhole really wide.

"Do you want mommy to take off the cage and jerk you off?" Whispered Kris into Kyle's ear.

"Yes, please!" Blushed Kyle, his mother's paw now massaging his tender sack.

"What do you want me to do?" Asked Kris, playing coy.

"T-take off the c-cage" Mumbled Kyle, feeling the knot stretching him wider as it slowly pushed in.

"What's that?" Whispered Kris into Kyle's ear, again.

"Take off the cage!" Yelped Kyle, his suitor pulling out and slapping back into him, their balls slapping against his taint and his knot sliding in further.

"And do what?" Wondered Kris.

"J-jerk me off..." Muttered Kyle.

"I can't hear you..." Grinned Kris, using her free paw to scratch under his chin, the otter's arms still being used like handles to mash him onto the invading cock.

"Jerk me off, please!" Called out Kyle, his blush burning in his face. The knot finally popped in and Kyle felt hot semen gush into his insides, he whimpered as he felt the sticky load invade his depths.

"Aww, my good boy even asked nicely. What do you think?" Smiled Kris, looking at her son's lover.

"I think he deserves a treat, but let me pull out first, I have an idea." Said a familiar voice. His suitor was Xeila.

"Mistress?!" Yelped Kyle, feeling his wrists tied tightly behind his back. His mother still hadn't let go of his balls.

"You did such a good job, Kyle. I have a proposition for you." Churred Xeila.

Xeila gently laid Kyle down against the top of the couch, shi was still knotted in him, still spurting cum into his insides. Kris rubbed her son's balls, using her other paw to pet his hair. Kyle felt something soft on his back, Xeila was leaning over and hugging him, he felt hir arms wrap around his tummy. Xeila's breasts were pressing against his back. He throbbed against the cage and some pre dripped from the cage onto the floor.

"Proposition?" Asked Kyle, very aware of the loving embrace his mistress was giving him while still knotted in his rump.

"You've been such a good young man for us we want to reward you, so we can take off the cage right now and both give you a nice paw job, or leave it on awhile longer and you can use my cunny." Explained Xeila, not letting go of Kyle.

"What else would we do?" Wondered Kyle.

"I can think of somethin- ooh!" Responding Xeila, interrupted by letting out a moan.

"Mistress?" Asked Kyle, the blindfolded otter not able to see.

"Mmf, d-don't worry about it, pet" Stuttered Xeila, clearly turned on by whatever was happening.

Sloppy sounds started coming from behind them. Kyle recognized them, someone was eating out Xeila. It was just then that he realize his mother wasn't holding his balls anymore. Kyle never realized his mom would do something like this.

"Mom?! Are you... uh... licking my mistress right now?" Asked Kyle, awkwardly, still knotted to Xeila.

"Such a generous young man, you must really eat girls out a lot if you can recognize the sounds like that." Giggled Xeila.

Kyle felt Xeila throb in his tailhole. His mother's eating hir out was really having a powerful effect. Kris was kneeling behind Xeila on her knees, her mouth firmly against the folfess' pussy, with hir juices running down her chin. Xeila gripped Kyle's rump and started humping against the otter's butt, still knotted in him. With his paws tied behind his back, the blindfold over his eyes, and everything smelling like roses, Kyle couldn't see or smell his mother licking his mistress' cunt, but the sounds of it left dirty images in his mind. He kept throbbing against the cage around his cock. and its lock kept jingling as Xeila thrusted into him.

Kyle felt a pressure against his tailhole and Xeila's knot popped out. Pearly white folf semen sloshed from the otter's stretched tailhole and splattered onto the floor. Not giving him a break, the folfess slowly ground her knot back into Kyle. Kris gripped tighter around Xeila's hip and slid her tongue into Xeila's cunny, causing hir to groan loudly. Shi slammed hir knot back into Kyle and fired another thick load of folf cum into his depths. Kyle heard Xeila gasp and a splattering on the floor, the otter folded his ears. He knew that Xeila had sprayed his mother's muzzle with girlcum. The mental image alone make Kyle whimper, his otterhood throbbing painfully against the cage.

"I bet you wish you could smell right now." Said Kris, leaning her face against her son's.

Kyle felt his mistress' wetness against his face. It took every fiber of his being not to lick it up. He blushed again and felt Xeila pull out of him, more folf cum poured on the floor from his stretched rump. Xeila picked Kyle up and sat him down on the couch. He felt his mother sit down next to him on the couch and lean on him.

"Ready for your treat?" Whispered Kris into his ear.

"Oh god, yes..." Muttered Kyle.

Kyle felt his mother's paws on his caged up cock and heard the lock click. The cage slid off him and he instantly got hard. Kris put the cage down and put her arm around her son. Kyle was about to open his mouth when he felt a wetness on his cock's head. He let out a loud groan as it engulfed more of his cock. Xeila slid the rest of Kyle's length into her cunny and rested against him. Kyle breathed in deeply and felt his mistress start bouncing on his cock. It was the tightest thing he'd ever felt himself in and gripped his cock perfectly. The otter didn't think things would get better until he felt his mother lead down and start lapping at one of his nipples.

"Oh, fuck." Cried Kyle as he bucked into Xeila.

He felt his mother's paw on his balls and knew he wouldn't last more than a minute when she started rubbing him. He wanted nothing more than to put his paws on Xeila's rump and squeeze hir, but instead settled for grabbing the couch behind him. He felt himself getting ready to cum and moaned Xeila's name. He felt himself start to cum and fired a rope of cum into Xeila's pussy. But as soon as she did Xeila lifted off of him. Kris stopped licking his nipple as both furs moved away from him. Kyle whimpered as his cock fired rope after rope of cum onto his lap without feeling any of it, struggling to free his paws so he could jerk himself off. Kris watched with anticipation while Xeila giggled as hir pet had another ruined orgasm.

"Why?" Groaned Kyle as he came all over himself.

"We're just reminding you whose in charge." Laughed Kris, waiting until Kyle's cock stopped spurting to remove his blindfold and untie his wrists.

Kyle grabbed his cock as soon as he could, but it was too late, he was done cumming. The otter felt like he could cry, but knew that complaining might lead to further punishment from his mother or mistress. He leaned back against the couch while his mother cleaned him up. Xeila ruffled his hair and smiled.

"When your mother asked for my help I couldn't resist. Sorry, pet." Smiled Xeila.

Kyle, Kris, and Xeila got dressed and said their goodbyes. Kyle said nothing, going to his room as soon as they got home. He now knew better than to hang up on his mother.