Ep 04 - Capturing Krystal (in progress)

Story by sniperfox on SoFurry

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#5 of Tales of Sniper Fox

Unfinished (hopefully i'll finish it soon now that it's a decade later!)

20 Mar 2218 - Capturing Krystal Sniper Fox and the pirates have a run in with members of Star Fox

Sniper slept a little later than usual, getting up with less than an hour before his next mission. He showered quickly, put on what passed for a uniform, then made his way to the briefing room connected to the hanger where they would be launching from.

Arriving just on time, he took one of the few remaining seats and looked around at the furs near him. Moments later, a wolf fem stood up and began preparing a presentation. As soon as she turned to face the room, Sniper immediately recognized her as the fem who had 'defeated' him in sensual wrestling the night before. She gave him the slightest of smiles before she began. As soon as she spoke, he immediately recognized her voice as the squadron commander. He blushed, wondering how many of his lancemates had seen that in person or on their video terminals.

"As most of you know, I'm Raelle and I'm the leader of this lance. We've gotten intel on an impressive cargo shipment that's somewhat poorly guarded. They're trying to sneak it through unnoticed by only putting a few small fighters in the convoy with it. It should be easy pickings!" she exclaimed as she pointed out the intercept position on the map on the display behind her.

"Get in, disable or destroy the escort ships, get out. Total time from first contact to leaving in control of the cargo vessel should be less than 10 minutes. Any questions?"

Apparently no one had any questions, and Raelle ended the briefing by turning the room lights back on and exiting to the hanger. Sniper and his 5 other lancemates followed her and made their way to their fighters.

After a short warp, the lance was in position. They waited for over a half hour, and then the convoy appeared on long range scanners, right on time.

Raelle gave instructions over the com, "OK, there they are. 2 escort ships just like the intel said. Red 2 and 3 you're on target Alpha. Red 4 and 5, you're on target Bravo. Red 6, you're with me. We're going in for the cargo ship."

Sniper, under the callsign Red 6 for this mission, didn't know whether to be pleased or disappointed that he was to go in with the lance leader on the cargo ship. He wondered if perhaps she didn't trust his skill to take out the fighters, but the thought was quickly forgotten as the convoy flew in to range and Raelle yelled "GO NOW!" over the com.

The pirates were upon the unsuspecting convoy before they had much time to react. The pirates had spent quite a bit of money on anti-scanner stealth systems for their fighters, and it seemed to pay off on just about every mission. The fox looked over as one of the enemy fighters exploded as he passed by it on his way to the cargo ship. A few shots from his ship and the lance leader's ship disabled what little defensive weaponry the cargo ship had and they were able to dock without more than a few shots hitting their shields. "Short range scanners only show 1 lifeform on the ship, it's almost like they want to give it away." Raelle said over her personal communicator.

Sniper's charge destroyed the airlock outer door and he moved in to the ship, clutching his rifle in his paws. Raelle had boarded the ship slightly before him, and he turned to head down the hallway to meet her. About to turn the corner to enter the airlock that she was sieging, he stopped as he heard voices. Quietly peering around the corner, he saw a vixen with bright blue fur with strange white symbols standing over Raelle, holding a yellow staff.

"How dare you attack a ship under the protection of Star Fox. Don't you know who we are? Didn't you see the insignias on our ships?" The vixen asked the wolf fem. The blue fox fem was pointing the staff towards Raelle, but Sniper didn't see any kind of energy beam or other visible sign of how she was able to subdue the wolfess so easily.

Sniper crept closer to the blue vixen from behind as Raelle struggled to answer. Strangely, it was almost as if something was immobilizing her entire body. "I don't care... who you are... this ship is no longer yours" she said weakly.

"You're in no position to make thre---" the blue vixen managed to say before her taunting was abruptly ended by the butt of Sniper's rifled connecting hard with the back of her neck. The moment she fell, the wolf fem immediately regained control of her body.

"Thanks Sniper. I'm not sure what this bitch is or how she did that, but we're going to hold on to her for sure! Tie her up while I secure the ship and set a course for home." she said.

The fox nodded and smiled, "Yes, m'am!" Raelle picked up the vixen's staff and exited the room, leaving Sniper alone with her.

He hadn't seen a vixen that looked anything like her before. She was absolutely beautiful, and she wore strange clothing that looked like something from ancient times. He smirked to himself as he decided to undress the unconscious female prior to tying her up. After removing her loose hanging clothing from her, the fox bound her right wrist to her right ankle and her left wrist to her left ankle. Then, he bound her ankles to each other and her wrists to each other. Feeling his arousal building, he had just began to fondle her naked breasts when Raelle returned.

She laughed and grinned widely at him as the prisoner began to stir. "Permission granted to *heh* interrogate the prisoner, Sniper."

The fox fem looked up at him, squinting as he slowly became less blurry to her. "Welcome back. My name is Sniper Fox and you're now the property of the Dark Society. What's your name?" he asked as he put his paw under her chin, holding her head up to look him in the eyes.

"My name is Krystal. I'll never been anyone's property. You'll never get awa--," she said before getting cut off by the back of Sniper's paw colliding with her muzzle.

"Look around, we've already gotten away with it. Then, look down, do you notice anything about yourself?" he grinned slyly as Krystal looked down and her eyes suddenly widen. "That's right, you're completely naked. Being that you're now our property and I've stripped you completely naked, can you guess what's going to happen next?"

"You wouldn't! I....," she said as she began to stammer. "I'm a member of Star Fox..." the vixen continued. Sniper and Raelle could see the horror in her eyes as she began to come to terms with the situation, and realized that of course he would rape her. He was a pirate, after all.

"I bet an upstanding girl such as yourself, dressed in such pretty formal clothing in the middle of a space flight, isn't even on any kind of birth control, are you?" The blue fox fem's eyes widening again was all the confirmation he needed. She watched anxiously as he wrapped up her golden loincloth and began to tie it around her head as a blindfold. She shuddered as she felt his paw on her breast, her sensation of touch elevated by being deprived of vision. He stood, and unbeknownst to the captive vixen, set his PDA down on a nearby table, pointed it at her, and set it to record. Returning to her, he whispered in her ear, "Starting to get an idea of the situation now, Krystal? Did you happen to notice what species I was prior to being blindfolded?"

Krystal replied after a gulp and some hesitation, "Yes.... You're a fox, like me..."

"It's been a long day, Krystal, and I really could use a yiff. What do you suppose would happen if a young, virile tod such as myself emptied his balls into the pussy of a sexy, fertile vixen like you?" Sniper asked her as Raelle sat down and prepared to enjoy the show. "It's been a while. I think I have at least 2 or 3 good loads in me, and I bet any one of them would be enough to get your pregnant with my kits. Is that what you want, to be a mother to a pirate's kits?", he asked as he used his paw to force her to look up at him despite being blindfolded.

"I... no.... I don't want to..." was all that the vixen could manage before starting to weep. "I've never had... or done.... I'm a virgin!" she finally managed to get out as Sniper adjusted the camera one more time before getting to work.

"Well, I am feeling rather generous, and you have had a pretty rough day so far," he said, earning him a puzzled look from his lance leader. "If you willingly give every part of the rest of your body to me, and do exactly what I want and as I say... I suppose that I could wait until we get back to our station and get some birth control administered to you before I take your pussy. Any resistance or hesitation from you and I'm going to yiff you hard and unload every drop I have deep into your cunt. Do you understand?" Kneeling down behind her, he forced her to bend over. Her arms still bound behind her, and her face on the ground, the vixen had no choice but to present herself to him. He smacked her hard on the rump and then, using his paw, rubbed his foxhood around her tailhole. "Convince me that you've given me the rest of your body. Beg for me to take your ass. Beg me to give it to you in your tight little virgin ass like the whore I know you are deep down."

"What? Please... I....," Krystal whimpered, "I guess you can have my butt, but please just don't get me pregnant!"

He struck the blue fox fem's rump again, smiling over at the wolf fem who was sliding her pants and panties off. "That was terrible. You had your chance. I'm going to enjoy this!" Sniper exclaimed as menacingly as he could. He moved his foxhood from her tailhole to her pussy, amused to find it slightly damp.

"Wait! No! I'll do better..." she said, trying to compose herself. Drawing from the smuttiest romance novels she had read on these deep space journeys, she considered every word carefully. "Please... please fuck my ass. I want your big... fox cock in my dirty whore butt!"

The male fox glanced over at Raelle, who was now completely naked from the waist down and slowly rubbing the lips of her sex. She cocked her head slightly and gave a shrug to indicate that she guessed that was good enough. Needing no further encouragement, he took the bound vixen's virginity. Forcing just the tip of his foxhood into her tight pucker, he groaned happily at the sensation. "Guess you're not a virgin any more, slut" he joked, slapping her hard on the rump again as he gave her time to adjust to having him inside of her ass. "Do you want me to take it out and put it somewhere that might be a little more accommodating?"

Krystal groaned with her eyes tightly shut, her tailhole being stretched painfully wide. She managed to stammer, "Please... Fuck my ass... I... I give it to you willingly. Fill it with your cum as many times as you want!" (to be continued!)