Jacks Tail: Chapter-5 On The Menu

Story by Slatepaws on SoFurry

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#5 of Jack's Tail

Chapter Five is here and the week marches on for Jack. She learns the full extent of her 'role' in this place would be, but on the bright side she starts to work on gaining her freedom.

All the while she proves the denial is not just a river in egypt.

Chapter 5: On the menu

Once inside the restaurant I follow Red to the dressing room where Alpha and the others are putting on their uniforms for the day. I quickly get follow suit, the bra still gives me trouble. Idly I wonder how long till I get used to putting one on. I also notice the towels we left on the floor have been removed, maybe the rat or the cat Bio-Morph took them to be washed? Shaking my head I turn my attention back to dressing myself so I won't be late.

The wrist mounted device easily slips back onto my forearm. Though, if you asked me what it feels like to have it on I would say a shackle despite it having velcro straps.

It is the last thing I needed to complete the outfit so I follow the line of Bio-Morphs to the front podium. Red somehow got dressed faster than I did and beat all of us there, which is good because the first customers are already arriving.

I get this distinct feeling someone is staring at me while I wait for Red to hand off a customer to me.

None of the few customers already in the building seem to be looking at me. My 'owners' as they sit in a booth talking to each other are not looking at me either. Red is focused on the customers, so it isn't him.

Only when I look at the group of Bio-Morphs waiting to be assigned customers do I notice who it is. One of the male Bio-Morph waiters just standing there staring at me. I am the complete focus of his attention right now, he is looking right at me with his ears erect and forward. Did I dress myself wrong?

My kimono checks out as I double check to see if I put it on right, same with the underwear. Those things aren't showing so that can't be causing it. I don't smell dirty either, I can still smell the scent of the fur cleaner Alpha dumped all over me last night.

In fact what he was looking at was my figure and how the cheap kimono shows off all my assets. Realizing this causes a shiver to run down my spine and through my tail causing it to bottle brush for a short while. I have stared at good looking women before but not like this Bio-Morph is doing to me. Not with nearly unbridled lust. My disgust turns to anger and I 'so' want to walk over there and punch his lights out for doing this. Only for that feeling to drain away while I wonder if I caused the same reaction to someone when I was a human male physically.

The second that Red directs a customer to me I nearly leap at him just to have the chance to get away from that pervert Bio-Morph. Being on the receiving end of such a look is something I do not want to experience again.

My luck would have it the nearest open table I can take the customer to is within earshot of the booth my 'owners' are sitting at. The customer is just some twenty year old or so trust fund kid from his looks and body language.

As I wait for this rich snob to order I tilt an ear in their direction to listen in. Heh, I guess they're a few upsides to this body.

"Look dad, I don't care if you feel emotionally attached to one of them. They are not pets, Bio-Morphs were designed for one purpose only, and that is to work. They are animal's with just enough intelligence to be taught a few things and to follow simple commands. Somehow you must have gotten lucky and bought A Bio-Morph able to write a few simple phrases once taught. Just because Mauri can do it, that doesn't make him as smart as a human. You just have something similar to those sign language gorillas all over the news from fifty years ago. If you would stop anthropomorphizing him and look at this logically you will see that I am right." Interesting, so it was the old man who taught Red how to read and write English. Then Red must have taught Alpha to do the same? This is simply an amazing concept to me that Bio-Morphs can do this. Considering that just a few short months ago I would've agreed with the old man's son, now I just want to punch some sense into him.

Dammit, why this guy is taking a long time to decide what he wants for breakfast? Happy thoughts, must think happy thoughts, if I get angry at a customer with the owners right over their I am dead.

"Now look here Christopher, I raised Mauri just like I raised you. So I know what he is capable of. He has been working at this position for years and is one of the best I have ever had. Yes even better than some human workers I had hired before this Bio-Morph fad hit. You are not allowed to replace him while I still own the place. Even when I retire the agreement you signed for this position forbids you from replacing him unless he is injured or he dies. That death being either natural or from an accident that was not staged. I know what you did to that other Bio-Morph we bought so I am not taking any chances on you screwing this place up."

So the younger of the two is named Christopher, he also doesn't like Red while the old man does? This is an interesting fact to know. I don't know if it is a good thing or a bad thing considering my situation. If it is good then how can I leverage this to my advantage?

If Christopher gets his way who is he going to replace Red with and how will that affect my situation? What he did to that other Bio-Morph? Which one and what did he do? Too many damn questions and no way to get answers.

Wait, that's what you want? You were about to order that, but then told me to hold on for a second you fucking trust fund low life! Mentally I sigh as I enter his order into the device as well as my picture. Now it's just a matter of waiting for the device to buzz to tell me to get his food. On the bright side having to serve this jerk is that I am not yet eligible to be 'ordered' as well. So I head back to the front of the place to seat another customer while his food is cooked. Lucky for me both father and son are talking so loud I can listen in as I wait.

"Dad you have to admit I nearly doubled the amount of customers served when I finally convinced you to ditch the hand writing note system. The latest Bio-morph food ordering system is much faster and more detailed. As it stands right now Mauri is now the bottleneck in the system, he takes far too long to assign people to workers and thus customers to tables. Replacing him with the latest system the customer would be assigned to a table as soon as they walk in the door. No one waiting around, we move them in and out as fast as possible and thus make more money." Christopher sighs while pausing for a few minutes. "How about you just take him with you when you retire? You payed off the financing on him years ago so you are his sole owner, just take him and have him help take care of mom and you at that nice log cabin in Colorado. Sixteen is now mature enough to look handsome in that uniform. Not to mention with a modern id reader installed in the doorway the building's computer will handle everything, allowing him to stand there. Nothing for him to do meaning nothing can go wrong."

That is what the discussion between the two is all about. A fight over the restaurant between the father who is about to retire, and the son who is way to eager to take over.

The same itch in the back of my mind makes me a bit scared at the prospect of Red being taken away. Other than that he does seem nice after what I learned about him this morning. If the old man takes Red, I suspect he will want to take Alpha with him or refuse to leave. Which will leave me stuck here, unable to talk to any of the other Bio-Morphs.

Another thought hits me, which one of the other males is sixteen? Before I can make a guess the ordering device vibrates so I head to the kitchen to pick up the trust fund yuppie's food. After placing it on the table for him I try to subtly take a route to the front of the restaurant so I can continue to eavesdrop in on my two owners.

"Replacing Mauri with number Sixteen would promote him to Alpha status in the eyes of the pack. By doing this you will cause chaos among the rest of the Bio-Morphs here, that will make them harder to control. Not one of them will listen to number Sixteen as they will view that he has not earned the promotion because Mauri did not name him as the new Alpha Male. I also don't get why you are so dead set on removing him now, we bought him when you were in grade school. This was so you would grow up with him and 'not' have the same attitude as everyone else about them. He was not just some animal in your eyes, but a close family pet. You two were inseparable when ever you were out of school all the way till college."

Here I thought the old man only had us because it was the only way to compete in today's world. Instead, I learn that Red was a family member to them at one time.

To me being treated like a family pet would feel just as bad as being treated like an animal. The only difference from this situation is you have a human who coddles you like they would a child. I can still take care of myself looking like this So being treated like that would be a humiliating experience.

I feel their eyes on me as I pass by their booth, I resist the urge to make eye contact with them as they look at me.

"That is because I learned more about Bio-Morphs when I went to college dad, with the wealth of information they had on them I got a better perspective." For someone who says he doesn't like Bio-Morphs he sure is staring at me a lot.

"As for who would be Alpha of the Bio-Morphs here, I don't think it would be a wise idea to give any one of them that kind of authority. So I will make myself their Alpha. That way they will follow everything I say."

The old man does something I did not expect him to do as Christopher talks. He reaches over and gently taps my arm to grab my attention as I walk by their booth.

Stopping in my tracks I look over at the old man curiously. Wondering what he wants I unconsciously tilt my head to the side as I look at them.

"Number twenty, can you answer a simple question for me please? Would you be willing to follow my son, Christopher and consider him your Alpha Male?"

The old man points to his son as he asks me this. My response to it is fast and deceive, I just lay my ears back and loudly growl at him.

From what Red and Alpha have told me, he is the one to punish us if we don't do our 'job'.

Christopher cringes and pushes himself further into his seat at my response, It makes me feel rather proud at how intimidating I can make myself now. Go fangs and meat eating teeth! On the other side of the coin, it frightens me at how I did that without even thinking about it. I never growled as a human when I was angry, so why do I do it now?

"Well, there is your answer son. No way in hell you're going to keep this place running so well if you try that. Other than this silly idea of yours, I do think you are doing an excellent job. The day to day tasks are well taken care of and you don't let them pile up. Keep this up and I might be able to retire soon." He glances back at me. "That will be all number twenty."

Dismissing me with a simple hand gesture I take the opportunity to get away from the two and do something else. Even if that means doing my 'job' as a slave waitress.

Other than the interesting conversation with my owners, the rest of the day blends into a homogeneous mass of faceless customers.

I wasn't expected to do anything else than just simply serving food. Yet, I could not shake the bad feeling they would make me do the other stuff sooner than expected. We all go through the same routine in the shower room compared to yesterday, I even mindlessly walk into the men's room again making Alpha pull me back to the woman's section like last night. At least the sensation of water hitting my 'new' parts isn't much of a surprise anymore.

I still refused to look down and acknowledge those damn breasts of mine, the same ones that also get in the way every time I move my arms. Especially if it is something in front of me.

By the time I am finally able to get back to my residential container I was sore again. The only scene around me is the view from my cot as I scarf down the lousy wet kibble and bottle of water. Having better food would improve my mood considerably.

I see the appeal of this kind of work for people back before bio-morphs were made to do it. You get to meet new people every day while seeing them smile and have fun with their meals. That kind of mood can be infectious.

Being forced to do it simply because of 'what' I am now makes it humiliating. It is like looking into a posh house that you used to own, from a cold dark night outside.

The fact that it shows you what you had, while reminding you that you can never have it again. Is like pouring salt into the wound.

This thought makes me furious causing my hackles to raise while I growl. Throwing the cartons against the wall I slam my fist into the wall in a cathartic release of anger.

God dammit I'm a person! Not some eye candy vixen with human curves to match, and I will do what ever it takes to regain a portion of my person hood.

First I need to get out of this place, which is easier said than done. Escaping will require three things, tools that I don't have. Some way to smuggle them in here, can't do that in bare fur. As well as knowing exactly where I am in the country. I am still in the United States, that is for sure.

The only way I can even remotely be considered a person is to somehow head north to Canada. They gave person-hood to Bio-morphs not to long after they started to be sold here, which at the time I thought it was silly to do such a thing. Right now, that doesn't look as silly as it used to be.

If I end up being only a state or two away from the northern boarder, then it is just a simple matter of getting out of the city and staying well away from populated areas until I cross it.

If I am closer to the Mexican boarder than the Canadian one, then I am pretty much shit out of luck as to regaining my freedom.

Dammit, I am getting ahead of myself here. I can worry about where I am 'after' I have the means to get out of this prison of a restaurant.

Which means smuggling some knives out of the place so I can make the flaws I noticed into proper hiding places. They will also be needed to open the back door of the fridge.

I know for a fact the container door on the other side has to be easy to unlock and open from the inside. After all, they don't want a maintenance worker to get locked inside a residential container in bum-fuck nowhere do they?

The bracelet shifts position on my wrist reminding me of its presence as it pulls on my fur. Oh yes, that thing. I also have to figure out how to remove it safely. If forced off it will blow a dye pack marking me in both visible and UV spectrum making it easy to spot I am a runaway from a distance.

Otherwise, no matter where I run too they will quickly find me. I wonder how detailed the gps tracking in it is though? Consumer grade tracking systems have error ranges in the tens if not hundreds of feet depending on the weather.

That margin of error could get me some leeway to explore the nearby buildings for stuff I can use. Maybe I can find something to open the case on the computer console here? It is has to be connected to the monitoring equipment that I know is back there. Getting access to it may allow me to contact someone for some outside help.

Sighing I shut off the lights before feeling my way back to the cot. No use getting so mentally worked up this late in the evening knowing I have another early morning. Red and Alpha are going to visit me again in the morning so they can continue to teach and help me adjust. They seem sincere in their actions. Everything else depends on factors out of my control right now so its no use getting stressed out about them.

Sleep doesn't come any easier than last night but I do eventually drift off into a blank dreamland. Only to be woken up in the morning again by someone opening the door to my residential container letting sunlight flood in.

Opening one of my eyes I see the culprit is Alpha who is here with that same pad of paper and a pencil as yesterday. Red is not with her this time, I stretch and yawn while wondering why.

Upon closing the door my lessons for Wednesday morning began over a breakfast of that crappy wet food. I wish we had something else to eat other than this crap. I would even take the leathery bacon that was once served back home over this.

Time passes by quicker than I would like before Red opens the door to inform us its time to get moving so we won't be late. Something I do not want find out the consequence for.

Still, this morning was my first few steps in learning how to speak what they call 'the tongue', thus increasing my vocabulary past my own name. Learning the word for help and one for greeting another person I think will give me a good starting point. Even with this limited vocabulary I can pick up bits of their language that to me sounded like noise before.

Other than the morning language lesson the day proceeds similar to previous two. I help the customers to their tables, take their orders, and serve their food when it's ready.

By the time the end of the day rolls past I find that I feel less tired than I did the first day here. My hunger though is still pretty savage by this time as well. It doesn't help that all I have to eat is that wet kibble crap while I serve appetizing food all day. This has to be some kind of cruel torture in of its self.

For the first time since coming here I remember that I should use the 'female' side of the shower room. Something that Alpha is glad about too. Same goes for managing to clean myself without her help and without looking at myself too much either. With one little oddity though, the sight of the other female Bio-Morphs in the room are no longer elicit the same reaction as I had the first time I had to do this. I hope it is due to just being used to their looks rather than the hormones in this nightmare body finally starting to mess with my mind. I may look female on the outside, but I will fight tooth and nail to keep it from changing my mind to match. No way in hell am I going to start to find men attractive or start doing 'feminine' things.

Despite the annoyance of yet another thing I have to fight or ignore about this body I am rather happy. Why? I overheard the local weather report while serving them their food and it may be something I can take advantage of.

An aggressive fall cold front is forecast to hit tomorrow with the distinct possibility of snow with it. That means I might be able to keep the uniform on after our 'shift' to keep us warm until we get into our residential containers. We are based off of red foxes, not arctic foxes, our almost fully in winter coats will help us keep warm. By themselves they don't provide enough warmth for how cold it is forecast to get.

How bad I will shed when spring comes around? I know some breeds of dog shed a massive amount of fur and I now have more fur than that! I Guess the only way I will find out is when that time of year comes around. I am not looking forward to it though.

Dinner is again that bland carton based wet food. Come to think of it the stuff bares a remarkable resemblance to the cheap canned food you could feed a dog or cat. I swear that if I ever own a normal pet I will 'never' feed them something like this as long as I live!

At least its filling, so I force myself to eat it to sate my hinger while staring blankly at the wall. How did people live without TV or radio?! It's too boring just sitting here and staring at the wall while hearing the noises of the other Bio-Morphs in their containers. Sighing I just toss the empty container to the floor.

Great, only three days in and I am already bored while whining in my head about lacking the ability to watch TV or listen to the radio!

I'm a fucking slave for a restaurant that puts us up on the menu for fingering next to the food! I should have better things to do than lament the lack of mindless entertainment. Like figuring out how to escape! Either my mind is as messed up as they made my body, or the past three days was enough to drive me crazy. Either way I don't have time to ponder this as I need what little time I have right now to sleep.

I have such a good night's sleep that I barely even remember falling asleep, I just closed my eyes and the next thing I knew Red and Alpha wake me up for Thursday's lessons. Something is different from the way they woke me up yesterday.

They have a more reserved look on their faces and their movements betray their nervousness, mainly their ears and tails.

In the tongue I say hello mainly to practice the single word they taught me for greeting people. They greet me in turn with the same word before Alpha hands me what looks like a new pad of paper and sharpened pencil. I take my time to stretch my limbs before taking the two items.

Written upon the pad are words that make my blood freeze. 'Our owners, and especially Christopher expects you to start handling the mild requests allowed on the first floor today. Tomorrow and Saturday I will be teaching you how to handle the private room sessions on the second and third floors.' I am out of time on my reprieve from being merchandise it seems.

As that simple fact sets in Alpha sits down next to me on the cot, while Red takes a place on the floor covering his lap with his tail again.

We start my lessons for today once they are seated comfortably, Alpha and Red take turns writing a word on the pad and pointing at it as they sound it out. Today's lesson? Proper pronouns, or their version of it at least.

Their language has more than just He or She, there are also versions in which you have to use when talking about someone of an Alpha rank or you insult them. I guess it's useful to know so I can greet them with proper respect. Learning only a few words a day means it will take me a 'long' time before I can have a meaningful conversation with them without the pad of paper.

Alpha takes the pad of paper on her next turn with it. She takes her time writing on it telling me that the language lessons have ended for the day. She then holds it out for me to read. 'Can you go sit on Mauri's lap Jack? I want to see your reaction to sitting on a male's lap and your reaction to a typical male's reaction to it. Keep in mind that he is not going to touch you or do anything that a customer will, otherwise he won't be getting any for a 'week'.' That word is underlined several times. 'I hope you can handle this because I can't always be there to help you out.' Okay, at least I know Red will behave because I wouldn't want to be put in the dog house like that either if I was in his position.

Alpha places the pad and pencil between us and with a loving touch of a mother, she runs a hand-paw through my head fur and onto my back. Gently she coaxes me to stand and walk on over to where Red is sitting.

Numbly I take the few steps over to him due to having lost all feeling in my legs from sheer fear of what will happen. I'm a guy dammit, I shouldn't have to do shit like this.

Red has a look of and compassion on his face, I am sure mine has the look of fear on it as well as how my tail and ears are moving. I don't even spend the effort to try to make them stop moving. If it was not for Alpha gently guiding me onto Red's lap I would've collapsed onto him as my legs give out from the stress. This is wrong, the feeling is all wrong.

I can't help having every possibility of his reaction to me sitting on his lap flash through my mind. From him just sitting there and doing nothing to Red grabbing me and showing me how female I am.

To Red's credit he doesn't even move a finger to touch me. The only thing that does happen is what would've happened to me when I was human male if a woman with my current voluptuous figure sat on my lap buck naked.

Except in this situation I am the full figured woman in the hypothetical encounter. Feeling the completely natural male reaction to this body fills me with terror as I have a strange feeling between my legs. I last all of a few seconds before I bolt in sheer fright back to the cot and curl up onto it.

What I don't see is Alpha glaring at Red for simply having that natural reaction. He looks embarrassed at the whole situation as he covers his erection. My world has shrunk to just my mind and body shutting out everything else as I think about how the latter reacted to this without the formers' permission.

This is the weirdest feeling I have had in this body since that nightmare in the kennel. I was sitting on another man's lap, it shouldn't have felt so good to do so! Even though this body is no longer male, the large mounds on my chest proudly display that, I am STILL a man in my mind. Letting this body win will mean they have won in taking 'everything' from me. I won't let that happen, I refuse to let that happen!

A gentle touch on my back from Alpha while stroking my fur reminds me of the existence of the rest of the room. I also realize that I have been panting the whole time while curled up. God, I am panting like some animal.

Next thing I know Alpha gently draws me into a motherly hug, it reminds me of my own mother hugging me. With her holding me like this I start to calm down and regain control of my emotions. They have been hard to control since I woke up like this so I don't know if it's due to being in a female body or a Bio-Morph one. Possibly it's both? When Alpha senses I am calm enough she lets go of me and picks up the pad, she then writes down that I should try to sit on Red's lap again. That I have to learn to do so calmly and to bolt like that in front of a customer would 'end badly' for me. I want to say no to her, I want to flat out refuse to do this!

There is no way for me to get across to them how much I do NOT want to do this. Not that they can do anything about it either, if I don't do this then they fail in a task given to them by our owners and we all get into trouble. Damned if you do, damned if you don't I guess.

Without Alpha's help I stand up to go to sit on Red's lap again. Like the normal male he is, he has the same reaction as before. Only this time with a small whine in protest.

Poor Red, I must be giving him one hell of a case of blue balls right now. I can sympathize since I have had that feeling a few times before all of this.

My body has the same 'weird' reaction to sitting on his lap after a short while, a warmth and tingling between my legs and in the lower part of my belly right above there.

I manage to control myself better this time round by pushing down the urge to panic at this feeling with the hate I have for this body. The longer I manage to keep my panic at bay the easier it gets to do so surprisingly. Those weird physical feelings subside as well, but they take longer than the feeling of panic did.

I think the damage has already been done. That sensation I had as my body reacted to feeling Red's erection is now stuck in my mind, it makes me wonder about a few things.

Am I attracted to men now because of this body? I can still remember being male, and how it felt to be one. How I used to look is still strongly imprinted in my mind as well. Simply thinking on how I used to look causes those weird feelings return with a vengeance, and the sheer panic of my fear of loosing myself along with it. I bolt to the cot as fast as I can move without harming Red or Alpha before curling up into a tight ball.

All I do is whine and whimper even as Alpha manages to pull me into a hug to try to calm me down.

First thing I notice when I calm down enough to look is that Red is standing patiently by the door along with Alpha still sitting next to me smiling. She places the pad in front of me to read once she notices me calming down. 'You did about as well as I hoped you would by your second attempt Jack. Continue to do what you did to stay calm on Marui's lap before your second freak out and you should make it through the day today. I would also like to talk to you about what caused them when our shift ends. Knowing the cause could help me deal with others who arrive in the state in the future.'

When I am done reading Alpha helps me stand up and walks me out of my container and to the restaurant proper. I am still in a state of mental shock by the time we enter the building. Did I just turn myself on by thinking about how I used to look before this?

No, I'm not going to think about this, I am not going to admit this happened. I CANNOT be attracted to men, I am STILL a guy in mind and I will be DAMNED if I will let this new body of mine control me that way.

While dressing myself and ignoring the looks from that one weird male Bio-morph, I make a deal with myself on the matter.

All I have to do is make it through the day today with little to no physical reaction to what customers are allowed to do to me. Then I can safely say that this body has not touched my mind and is not making me think like a big breasted vixen. All sex crazed and crap.

After getting dressed I head for the podium to stand behind and to the side of Red along with the rest of the vixen wait staff. All of us waiting for the first few customers of the day to arrive. We can't appear to be slacking or lazy for fear of being sent somewhere else.

Compared to the previous days the amount of morning customers so far is an occasional person wandering in. The weather is already turning for the worse outside as it becomes overcast and colder, I can tell from the breezes that make their way in when the door is opened.

Maybe I can luck out and end up only serving a few people before the brunt of the weather hits preventing any more customers from arriving.

Upon thinking this a familiar face walks through the door, the man who was my first customer on Monday. Anyone but him, I don't want to be groped by him like Alpha was.

Please let my luck smile on me ONCE and have Red give him to someone else, anyone else. I even look at Red with a slight pleading look as if it would sway his choice to someone other than the first available Bio-Morph.

No such luck for me today, he points him to me then points to the floor plan on his podium indicating an empty table to take him to. Glancing over to Alpha for help just shows that she has her attention elsewhere right now. Great I am on my own with someone I know will want more than just food.

From the fear of the alternative I manage to walk and lead him to said empty table.

This slightly past middle aged businessman, who I now realize is a regular customer rather than a one off. Orders the same breakfast he did on Monday. By now this part of the job has become routine enough I enter in the food part of his order without giving it a second thought.

What he wants to order next causes my panic to build to a near crescendo, he points to the 'mild contact' service of the wait staff in his menu forcing me to enter it in. I fight down the feeling of panic but can't help feeling terror at the concept of him groping me while I sit on his lap.

Frowning he motions for me to sit on his lap and I realize my feelings have caused me to freeze up leaving the customer waiting, which is bad.

The fear of what will happen to me if I get a customer angry forces me to move.

As I sit in his lap I seriously consider just up and running away. I could just run right out the front door and into the street before anyone would be able to stop me right? Glancing over to the front door shows I won't make it past Red or the others as they stand in the way of the exit by design of the building. With no choice but to comply I force myself to complete the action of sitting in his lap before he complains any further.

I just try to think of something else to ignore his normal male bodily reaction to have a female with my proportions sitting on his lap.

Only to find that he is already fully erect inside his pants the moment my ass touches his lap. This guy has to be a complete and utter pervert, he was getting himself off even before I touched him. Because of this I can feel myself start to panic as images of him violently groping me and then doing worse fill my mind.

No, I can do this! I Just have to think about something else, anything else but the feeling of his erection on my ass. I think about being back home and the times I actually had fun doing things there. Learning to fix computers and playing with them.

Only for that train of thought to be shattered as I go completely still when I feel him petting me on the back of my head gently like some animal. The view of my memories is also replaced with the sight of him closing the menu with his free hand. Try as I might I can't seem to go back to that place as he does this.

The only saving grace for me is the buzzing and vibration from the wrist mounted computer indicating that his food is ready. Any longer and I would have had a panic attack, thank god.

With rubbery feeling legs I extract myself from his perverse grasp and walk with as much haste as I can muster to the kitchen to retrieve his food. The booth dividers and empty chairs along the way serve as supports until my legs decide to work right again and the feeling from the spot between them dies down.

Another saving grace is the kimono looking robe, without it my tail would be between my legs broadcasting my mood again. Not to mention it feels like moving twin boulders as I try to keep my ears from showing that as well.

Fuck, why am I thinking of those things as 'mine'? I have to stop slipping like that, I can't think of this body that was forced upon me as mine. This, this isn't me. If I start to think of them as a part of me I will have a hard time returning to normal once I am out of here.

Upon entering the kitchen for his food I instantly notice that none of the other wait staff are present. On top of that the human cooks are busy and are not even looking in this direction. I couldn't ask for a better situation! This almost makes enduring the pervert worth it to some degree.

So before picking up his food I take the only knife on his plate, a not so sharp but still semi serrated butter knife. Just sharp enough to cut soft bread. Quickly I stick it inside my uniform in a place I hope no other customer touches me or that it would poke noticeably against the fabric. It's simple presence bolsters my mood considerably.

Then I make an annoyed yip at the cooks to get their attention before pointing to the missing utensil. By chance the one who notices is the cook who yelled my 'name' at me on my first day here. I bark at him and point at the plate again, he just humphs and puts a new butter knife on the plate. With the same hand he shoos me away before turning to the other cooks before berating them about 'forgetting the proper utensils'. I pick up the plate and head out of the kitchen mentally smiling. It takes everything else in me to not wag my tail like dog.

As I carry the meal over to him I entertain myself by imagining that I could get away with spitting in it, or just throwing it in his face. The perverted lust on his face that I can't help noticing when I bend down to place the food on the table tempts me to do just that. The only thing stopping me is the whole unknown about what my 'owners' will do to me. The more I think about being owned like property, the less I like it.

After the breakfast rush business dies down considerably, and by the time lunch time rolls around its dead quiet. For good reason too, the cold front brought a blizzard with it. We can barely see the road out the front windows and door let alone the building across the street.

Anyone stupid enough to be out in this weather have other things on their minds than going to a restaurant like this to stuff their faces.

This leaves all the wait staff with nothing to do. Even the Siamese cat Bio-morph has already cleaned the place twice and is at a loss for something to keep busy. The cooks won't let us into the kitchen to do anything in there either. So that just leaves sitting in the booths or standing around and waiting while time slowly marches on.

I sit myself in one of the private booths near the front of the restaurant, sitting at the table with me is Alpha. Red has to stay by his station just in case someone with more hunger than sense decides to show up. Some other wait staff also wait by him rather than sitting down when they have the chance.

I half expect her to ask me about my 'reaction' this morning when I had to sit on Red's lap. Alpha doesn't even mention it in passing while we converse with her pad of paper and pen. We instead use the time to do some more language lessons, and due to the length of the storm I end up learning a couple more words to the point I don't need to practice them anymore. Of everything that has happened to me this week short of being groped by a pervert, the slow progress of relearning how to speak irritates me the most. Being robbed of my ability to speak has been the worst part of everything that they have done to me. It barely tops the fact they made me into some big breasted vixen and wet dream for an old internet culture.

The hours pass by slowly even with something time consuming to do like being taught how to speak like a child. Alpha and I are soon surprised as we hear the door open signaling that someone actually braved, or foolishly ignored the snowstorm to buy a meal here.

Neither of us make any move to get up, even if we did Red has already assigned him to someone else. The gray fox Bio-Morph vixen is the one he hands the customer off to. Idly I try to make a note that I may need to learn everyone's names here.

With that taken care of we watch Red and the other males directed by one of the cooks to go out and clear the front sidewalk of the four inches of snow that has accumulated so far. I am so glad I don't have to go out there to do it, they look so cold in just their uniforms.

Less than a fifth of the normal volume of people show up for the dinner rush. Yet there is enough people that Alpha and I have to get back to work.

During the rush two more people order lap service from me while they wait for their food to be cooked. One of them had me do it in full view of his wife or girlfriend, I couldn't tell whom she was. Whoever she was she did not even bat an eye at him or me in disgust of what was going on. Am I not considered human enough to play with my body isn't considered cheating?

That order just adds a whole new layer of self esteem crushing reality to how I am forced to live. Changing this situation is something I intend to work on soon. All I need is for them to not force us to head back to our residential containers without our uniforms tonight. Otherwise, they will find the utensil I procured earlier. Considering how cold the males looked shoveling snow I would think they would let us keep them on, but I can't be one hundred percent sure on that. We are after all slaves and comfort is not something we are owed.

Dinner rush ends before the snow stops falling, all the while we have to take care of the few stragglers who arrive for warm food and drink. It is also harder to resist the temptation of grabbing bits of the customer's food to snack on. All because I did not have time this morning to eat in between language lessons and being told to sit on Red's lap.

Our only approved meal times are in the morning after we wake up and in the evenings after we drag ourselves back to our containers. Rather than let us eat even the left over scraps they throw them out along with totally unused food at the end of the day. The whole process is maddening to watch! Similar to pouring out a container full of water onto the ground just out of reach from a person dying of thirst. A basic part of my being urges me to dive in after the food as I see the cooks do this as part of their closing routine. I hold myself back by the fact that this means it's quitting time and I have almost gotten away with smuggling the butter knife. Hiding the knife in the folds of the kimono like robe was easier than I thought while I strip for the evening shower. I could barely contain my excitement as I learn that we will be able to wear them outside to our containers to the point I almost drop the knife onto the floor as I dress myself. My ears and tail were also a pain to keep still enough to not raise suspicion.

Even though I am almost used to the daily physical exertion of this job, I am nearly dead on my sore feet as I make my way to the back door after redressing myself. Right as I grab the door to exit the restaurant I hear Red bark out 'Stop' in their language. I didn't expect it and being caught like this when I was so close to getting away with it causes me to both jump in surprise and make my fur stand on end. It is not a feeling I am familiar with and the closest thing I can compare it to is feeling goosebumps all over my body. I also notice it makes my tail seem several times larger, comically large to be honest.

Does he know? He has to know because I know for a fact we get to keep the clothes on. That means I am done for, he will have to tell our owners what I did and that will be it for me, shit. Calmer than I thought I would at accepting this I try to make my fur go back down as he closes the few feet between us. To my complete surprise Red gently grabs my left arm and slips off the touch screen ordering device. Seeing that this is the reason he stopped me sends a wave of relief through me and almost causes me to collapse from fatigue right then and there. I must've accidentally slipped it back on my arm without thinking while I was getting dressed after the shower. Red points to the device and then outside before shaking his head, he then slots it into it's charging dock before leading me outside. The second that we exit the restaurant I learn why Red and the others looked so cold earlier. Our fur despite it's thickness does jack shit against this kind of biting cold. On top of that the low quality of the kimono robes provides little in the way of wind resistance. It's better than my bare fur considering how much colder my exposed bits feel in comparison. I just follow Red's lead in making a run for our containers and the warmth they promise to provide.

Once inside mine the interior lighting actually dims from the load of everyone, including me, turning up the heater to max. From there it is just a matter of shivering under the vent until both I and the container warms up. Idly I think about how I could get it to keep the place warm during the day so I don't have to do this. Only to realize that the owner of the place can probably override any of my controls by design. I might be able to change that once I get access to the other side of that wall, until then I will just have to suffer.

What seems like an hour passes before it is warm enough to take off my clothes and work on a hiding spot for the knife. Only to have the sound of the door handle being grabbed and turned reverberate through the container. No don't open the damn door! This place 'just' got warm enough for me to disrobe! A rush of cold air causes the temperature to plummet once the door opens causing me to growl in frustration. The growl dies in my throat when I see it is Alpha who did it. She slams the door shut and dashes over next to me under the heating vent. Comically she beats the reaction time of the heater turning on to warm the place back up.

Later, when she has warmed up, and the container is again warm enough to disrobe both of us head to the more comfortable cot. As I make myself comfortable Alpha hands me the same pad of paper and pen we have been using to communicate for the past few days. I notice that she has already written something on it. She must have done so before making the mad dash in the cold to my container.

'Jack, would you like to talk to me about what happened this morning? I will understand if you do not, its just that I want a better understanding on what you felt and why you acted the way you did'

For a second I seriously think about telling her to go back to Red and leave me alone. Part of me wants to do exactly that and yet, Alpha has been kind to me and understanding of me. I don't have the heart to be so rude to her so I don't tell her to leave just yet.

Instead, I simply write down that I mentally am not attracted to men but physically my body seems to be. Even thinking about how I used to look before this evokes a reaction down there now, unlike before when it did nothing. I also tell her that it makes me fear I am loosing myself to what ever I am now. That I won't be 'me' anymore.

She reacts the way I expected her to, her ears lower and she gives me a sympathetic look. What she does next catches me off guard, she puts her arm around my shoulders and draws me into a hug.

Alpha holds onto me for a few seconds then turns her attention to the pad to write a reply down. Only for her to take her time compared to how she was writing on it every time I have seen her use it. Writing a few words down and then pausing to look at me, or idly tap the pencil to the paper as she seems to think on what to write.

All the while I have a nervous itch on my hip near where I have the knife hidden on me. I want scratch the itch, but doing so will make it obvious it's there. Come on Alpha, finish writing down what you want to say so we can get this conversation over with and I can work on putting it in a hiding spot in here!

Ten or so minutes later Alpha hands me the pad so I can read it. 'That must be distressing for you to experience arousal and desire sexually for the gender you were born as. It is understandable considering you were straight before they converted you to be a straight female. Pleasant or not to have these feelings, I don't have the power even as the Alpha female of this pack to keep you safe from any situations that evoke those feelings. Even Mauri doesn't have the luxury of being able to do that. I know what you are about to read will seem harsh and rather impolite of me. It is only because you are the first conversion we have had with a flipped gender and we have no way to help you in the matter. My best advice is to come to terms with your new orientation as soon as possible. If you do not do this I think what you will be required to do by Saturday will be more traumatic than it has to be for you.'

I flip the page to continue reading what she wrote, most of it being tips on self pleasure from a female perspective. To be honest I am rather appalled at her suggestion even if I know she is technically right.

I almost give the pad back to Alpha until I notice the last bit that she wrote on the page. 'I can even send Mauri in here after I leave to help in doing so if you want? That is if you prefer him over yourself. Otherwise, I suggest you use tonight and tomorrow morning to familiarize yourself with your body. Better for your first experience to be a pleasureful one by your own hands or the hands of a trusted friend. Once you start serving the private rooms upstairs you will be groped and your breasts will be played with and sucked on. They will be allowed to play with your genitalia and as long as they don't have sex with you. Everything short of harming you physically will be fair game. You will be part of their entertainment and their dedicated servant for the entire time they have rented out the room for their event.'

I'm visibly shaking by the time I reach the end of that page out of all of what Alpha has written. The only things separating this place from a brothel is the food and the no intercourse rule! What is worse is that I am on the menu for the customer's enjoyment! I've had enough so I move to hand the pad back to Alpha, she though mimes turning a page and seems to want me to read on.

'Also, I do not know why you stole that knife from our owners. I also do not want to know just in case you are caught, I rather not get into trouble myself. If it is for hurting yourself or others though, then it becomes 'my' business and I will have to stop you.'

As I put down the pad I feel Alpha reach into my kimono and grab the smuggled knife. Only for her to tilt her head in confusion and look at the butter knife.

She must have expected it to be a sharp steak knife or similar kind of sharp utensil. I snatch it out of her hands followed by picking up the pencil and pad of paper.

If it wasn't for holding the knife as I wrote my writing on it would be less sloppy. All I write down is that the knife is not for causing harm to myself or others, but I refuse to tell her what I am going to use it for. I end the conversation by telling her via the pad that I would like to be alone for the rest of the evening.

With that I lay the pad and the pencil onto her lap before solidly holding onto the butter knife in my hands. Mainly to prevent Alpha from trying to take it away from me if she doesn't believe what I wrote. In a way I feel like I am holding onto my only lifeline out of this place, my first step in my plan for escaping.

Alpha gives me a look of disappointment upon reading the pad only to give a small nod in understanding. She places both the pad and pencil inside her the kimono like robe she is wearing and stands. With another glance to me she leaves my residential container, again being quick in opening and shutting the door but not quick enough to prevent it from getting cold in here again.

Only when the temperature again becomes warm enough in here to disrobe do I toss the cheap kimono onto one of the shelves. Not even caring to fold it up so it won't look creased in the morning. I have better uses of what little time I have left tonight.

Immediately I get to work using the semi serrated knife to pry and scrape the glue off of where it is thinnest between the padding and the metal base of the cot. Maybe I should have grabbed a sharper knife, the glue is harder than I expected. Yet I persist in scraping the glue because this knife won't be able to cut into the particle board that the shelving unit is made from.

The process takes a lot longer than I wanted but I make an opening about as large as both my hands laid flat next to each other. Big enough to allow me to access the unglued center area of the cot's padding. Finally, someone's idea of cost cutting works out in a person's favor!

Deciding to call it a night, this is where I leave the knife for now. Only after checking to make sure it doesn't cause the padding to bulge suspiciously. As useful as this will be for me, I will be limited to only flat objects and not to many of them at one time. Now I just need to dispose of the evidence of my modifications.

I gather up all the glue shavings and the bits of padding that came off with them in my hands making sure I don't leave a single one. Carefully I make my way over to the toilet in here. Dropping any of this might result in me loosing track of it and then being found out if someone comes in here.

Cautiously I feed only a couple pieces at a time into the toilet, clogging it would only draw unwanted attention. A half a dozen flushes later and all the incriminating evidence of my deeds is disposed of, leaving me free to do other stuff till I fall asleep. I just lack choices on what to actually do.

Like hell I am going to 'play' with myself like Alpha suggested. This isn't me, and this isn't my body! When my plan for escaping works and I regain my freedom I am sure they can reverse what ever they did to me. Especially after seeing I was kidnapped by that bastard! A growl from my stomach reminds me that I have not eaten yet, yay more bland food. Grabbing a carton of that wet crap from the fridge and the needed bottle of water to stomach it I eat my dinner. Haphazardly tossing the empty carton and bottle to the floor when I am finished eating I lay down on the cot to wait for sleep to take me. Next thing I know I find out how much of a different opinion my subconscious mind has on the matter of Alpha's suggestion.

My dreams are filled with Red showing me how much of a female I actually am, using both normal and oral intercourse on my body. Needless to say what sleep I do get is not restful.