J'Ra's Crazy Night (Commission for J'Ram-Mere Casareth)

Story by Ralleign on SoFurry

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#1 of Commissions for Others

Commission for a personal friend, J'Ram-Mere Casareth, of his dragoness character, J'Ra-Nha Casareth and her wild night with a wolf named Matthew Roland.

The sky was clear and dark. Night had fallen over the city, but the lights of late-night shops and street lamps drowned out the lights of the stars. The scene was set for predators of various types: thieves, muggers, murderers... However, there was another, slightly less harmful type of predator about at night.

There was a whole building full of them. A club known as The Night's Moon, with its neon lights casting a bright red glow onto the street below. Caught within the glow was a long line of furs itching to get in and get their paws on some of the fine women within.

Just across the street stood the very slightly curled-up figure of a female dragon. Her white scales stained pink from the glow of the neon, a color to match the heart-shaped mask of pink scales lining her eyes and reaching down her snout to cover her nostrils. More pink shown on her in the form of dorsal spines that ran from the top of her head, between a set of two black horns, then ran down underneath her gray tee, to make their return tapering off down her tail. Amidst the pressing out of fabric caused by the spines were two holes opened to allow her wings to push through, then fold up to press to her back, the white outer half of the membrane showing out, hiding the pink inner membrane.

She steeled herself before gently stepping across the street, approaching the Doberman bouncer at the front of the line. The day previous, she'd received an invitation to the club from one who offered plenty to meet up with her here. However, she wasn't in it for the money, not by much anyway. Shyly, she stepped up to the bouncer, the light pouring down on her, making her look all pink except for the horns and slightly causing a dull ache in her eyes.

The bouncer eyed her up and down, looking rather incredulous and barely even lifting his clipboard. Though she may be a dragon, this girl certainly did not look in the slightest to be the right material for this club. He cautiously parted his lips and spoke softly with his deep voice, "Ma'am, are you on the list?"

The dragoness had been looking up at him, and as her eyes adjusted to the light, she allowed them to widen from their squint, her pupils shrinking to reveal more of the pink iris surrounding them. She spoke up, but her voice gave an awkward crack before she cleared her throat and started again. "Yes. J'Ra-Nha Casareth. I'm here with uh, Matthew Rolland."

The Doberman's face scrunched ever so slightly in disgust. Matthew Rolland. It was a name he knew all too well. He didn't even have to look at the list to know he was there, but in the interest of stalling, he pulled it up anyway, his eyes scanning the page until they found their target. With heavily rehearsed movements, he reached over and unhooked the latch, pulling the rope boundary away for her to walk through. In the back of his mind, he sincerely hoped she knew what she was getting into.

The dragoness, J'Ra, knew very well what she was getting into, as she gave a quick curtsy and slowly glided past the bouncer, who replaced the latch on the boundary and returned to standing guard. As she stepped across the threshold into the building, she began to hear the music playing within, some sort of experimental-sounding trance music. She could swear she'd heard this piece before, but she couldn't quite recall the name.

It was a short walk through a rather fowl smelling hallway before she came to an open doorway, through which the music and some fog poured out of a massive room. Immediately to the left of J'Ra was a small bar, with a single Vixen waitress mixing and serving drinks. There weren't many customers, but they came at a steady pace. Spread out in front of her were various tables and walkways between them, all gathered around a stage where performers of various species and even genders were performing.

Her eyes quickly scanned the room, searching the various tables before locking on the one she was looking for. At one table, sitting relaxed with a dry martini in front of him, sat a brilliantly white-furred timber wolf, dressed in loose-fitting cargo pants and a grey hoodie. His smoky grey-tipped tail swayed behind him as he stared at the performers. However, it didn't take much for his attention to be drawn to the newcomer as she took a seat at the same table, ever so slightly to his left.

Hastily, but also nonchalantly the wolf pushed a paw forward to pick up his martini glass and drain his drink, wincing slightly at the taste before setting it down and setting a piercing green eye onto the dragoness, looking her up and down for a bit before inquiring, "Miss Casareth?"

"J'Ra is fine," she returned, her own pink gaze forced directly towards his eye after a brief trip lower. "And, you must be Mister Rolland?"

The wolf gave a brief chuckle and readjusted himself, giving J'Ra a view at his right eye--an equally piercing blue--and another, more flattering view of a tent forming in his cargo pants. "Matt is fine," he echoed. He gave a brief consideration before adding, "I thought you'd be taller." After licking his lips, giving J'Ra a chance to giggle at his joke, he further added, "I am pleasantly surprised."

Her white cheeks became stained a soft red, her eyes also casting a faint glow as she decided to half-joke, "And, you're bigger than I expected."

The wolf motioned for her to come closer, which she did, lifting the chair and sidling around the table to sit within arm's reach, her wings sticking up a bit as she moved. The wolf draped an arm around her shoulder, feeling her wing membrane. "All the more to stick in you." He was very to the point, but for the better. Both were rather annoyed with those that danced around so serious an issue.

Her blush grew brighter, as did her eyes. The wolf noticed, and recalled how they'd met, "So, you were being truthful about your eyes." All she needed was to nod. Excusing the music, they sat in silence for a second before he clapped his other paw on the shoulder closer to him, leaning right next to her ear as he invited, "Let's find a private room."

There were no further words needed. With the vigor of the promise of the wildest sex they'd ever have, they both stood, letting their chairs clatter backwards as they fled for the back rooms, quickly finding the one Matt had specifically picked out and stepping in.

Except for one wall, the room was set like many others, a King-sized bed in front of them, set lavishly with the mattress finely cut to the standard heart shape, with a mirror above. The bed was heavily scented of musk and jasmine. To one side of the bed stood a nightstand set with a gift basket filled with various chocolates, clams, and figs. To the other side, in a spot usually reserved for fine wines instead sat a whole fifth of whiskey. The only other non-standard of the room was a wall to the entrants' right, like one of those walls of guns from the spy movies, but this one filled with various vibrators, ropes, chains, shackles, straps, whips, irons, dildos, and many other hard to identify objects of sex.

The room was the perfect match for the both of them, made ever more apparent with its rose-tinted glow accentuated by the pink sent by J'Ra's eyes, glowing like Christmas lights with the bulbs broken. She was nearly unable to contain her excitement, nuzzling up to Matt and practically exclaiming, "My god, it's perfect!"

Matt gave a chuckle, and with just as much enthusiasm, and only slightly less energy he pointed her towards the whiskey. "I believe you mentioned 'enough to get me horny as fuck, but still feel everything'." He laughed at his recollection of their planning, J'Ra finding it hilarious as well.

Their laughter quickly came to a rolling stop as J'Ra slid to the bottle of whiskey, noticing shot glasses beside it, but thinking better of it and drinking straight from the bottle. While she did this, Matt prepared himself, grabbing some wing clamps, ropes, and a ball gag from the wall, setting them out on the bed. J'Ra had finished the bottle as he had everything set up, smiling at her and admiring her constant rosy blush, brought on from a combination of the alcohol and her arousal. She stumbled towards him, gracefully at first but more clumsily as the alcohol took its effect, eventually tripping into his arms, kicking her shoes off now that she was off her feet and kissing him on the chin.

He laid her down on the bed, sliding off her shirt to reveal what lay under. His eyes started low, gliding over a ridged, black stomach, up towards a pair of two round, sumptuous breasts, their nipples hidden behind pink lingerie. Lingerie he made the quick move to remove, gazing at her hardened tits as they flopped to her sides. Her blush only intensified from that point, casting a hot glow over the both of them. The wolf wrapped his lips around her teet and gave a good suckling, nibbling softly as well, sending her into moaning as he reached down to unbutton and slide off her jeans. Now, only one barrier kept him from full access to her body: a small, tight, pink thong hugging her form. He didn't even waste time sliding it down her legs, simply extending a claw to snap it right off.

Now completely naked, very intoxicated, her body was his to control. But, both knew she had too much freedom to move around. Matt was quick to fix that, grabbing some of the rope and first pushing her legs together and tightly tying the rope around them, almost completely wrapping them from ankle to knee, careful not to touch her sensitive feet. Next, he had her fold her wings down against her back, clipping the thin, but nerveless membrane to keep them from moving. Finally, he grabbed her arms and pushed them behind her back, cuffing them using a sturdy metal pair of handcuffs. Now, almost completely restrained, the dragoness wiggled around before being dragged further up the bed by her wolf companion.

He kneeled over her now, a grin spread across his muzzle. He gave her a good show, bathed in the warm glow of her blush. He started by grabbing the corners of his shirt, lifting up to reveal his well-toned abs, then his shapely pecs. After tossing the shirt aside, he reached his paws slowly down, pulling open the button and zipper of his pants, showing her he wasn't wearing any underwear. With a sharp tug, his pants fell to his knees, his pink length flopping out right in front of her face, semi-erect already. He merely had to lift his knees to pull his pants off the rest of the way, tossing them into the ever-growing pile of clothes.

J'Ra eyed him hungrily past her drunken, aroused haze. She quickly leaned up and gave his cock a slow, sensual lick from base to tip, causing him to let out a low, throaty moan, his length pushing further out of its sheathe. He quickly pushed her back down on the bed, grabbing the ball gag and holding it just above her mouth. He flashed her a wide, tooth-filled smile and asked, "Do you remember the safe word?"

With a soft, drunken giggle, the dragoness replied, "What safe word?" And, with a nod and pat on the head, the wolf quickly slipped the gag in her mouth, locking it behind her head. He wasted no further time, now that she was fully bound up. Quickly, he grabbed a nearby dildo, a large, latex, horse-sized dick, one that made J'Ra's eyes shine with lust. He teased at her pussy with the tip of the cock, causing a soft, muffled moan. He made sure to cut off the moan as he suddenly forced the cock into her folds, pushing in even if it didn't fit. Her eyes burst open to full ovals, sucking in a deep gasp through her nostrils as the cock started to tear at her vag a bit, a small trickle of blood dripping out of it.

But, Matt didn't just stop there. He pushed even more, forcing the cock in deep. Deeper than it should go. Deeper than it COULD go. He pushed down to the knot, and even deeper, causing the small tear to grow, the tiny trickle to become quite a bit of coagulation. Finally, with no more cock to push into her, he flicked a switch on the dildo, causing it to vibrate heavily inside her. The dragoness panted very heavily, moaning on every exhale. Her cheeks were so red, it would be easy to forget her natural color was white. Her eyes glowed with enough intensity to hurt Matt's eyes as he stared into them. And, still he was nowhere near done with her.

The wolf pushed and turned her over so the dragoness was laying on her stomach, at least as much as she could. Her midsection looked slightly bloated from the length inside it, and her tits flopped slightly to her sides, still showing her nips to the wolf. He licked his lips, reaching up and giving one of those tits a savage pinch, forcing another moan to escape J'Ra's nostrils. With another wild grin the wolf seemed to be famous for, for how often he did it, he gripped tight to her hips and forced his own thick cock straight into her ass. When he gave his initial showing, it certainly looked big, but that could be nothing of an indication for how it felt inside her. His length was almost as long as the dildo, and somehow slightly thicker. It forced a pained, muffled shout into the gag from the dragoness.

But, he hadn't even fit half into her yet. Reeling back slightly to allow a running start, he thrust again, even harder, putting another large portion of his length into her, causing her to bloat a bit more. She could feel his knot pressed lightly against her hole. She wanted it so bad. And, he wanted to give it to her so bad. She gave soft, pained moans and whines, her blush never any redder, looking up at him with pleading eyes to go deeper. The wolf, however, hatched a quick idea in his lustful mind to help intensify this so much more.

Still thrusting into her, but only so much as to push his knot against her hole, he reached to the wall and pulled off a whip. With a fast motion, he threaded it under her neck and held onto both the bit and tip of the whip, speaking in a very authoritative voice, "No whining. For that, I'll make sure you've no air to whine with, you little slut!" Taking only a moment's pause, he wrapped both ends together, forming a simple noose and bit down onto the whip, pulling tight.

The dragoness gave a choked yelp, the whip tightening hard on her neck, causing intense pain and keeping her from breathing in or out. If it weren't for the gag, she'd grin just as wildly as he often does. Her arousal only grew more, her juices leaking with her blood onto the bed, past the dildo. She began to bleed a little from her neck around the whip with how tightly he pulled as well.

The wolf held the whip tightly with his teeth, using one paw to hold onto her hip while the other gripped and squeezed her breast, making sure it hurt, making her feel it all over. Now that he had the setup fully complete, there was no more reason to hold back fucking her silly. His thrusting grew harder and harder, forcing her asshole to expand to try to fit his knot. Eventually, he hit a bit of a wall, as her ass wouldn't expand further. She'd moan in combined pain and pleasure if she could even breathe. Her limit had been reached, but for Matthew Rolland, limits never existed. He kept pushing, and even tore into her ass, causing even that to bleed a bit as he'd finally fit his knot into her, letting out loud moans past his gritted teeth, both their eyes shutting tight in the pleasure.

J'Ra's body tensed with so much in her. She heated up very much from all the pleasure, even though she wasn't even moving. She was also quickly burning through her oxygen, her chest convulsing a bit as she tried to instinctively draw in a breath through her constricted neck. Her eyes shot open wide again from it. She hurt all over, yet felt so damn pleasured all over as well. The fact she was quickly growing oxygen-deprived had vastly intensified all the feeling within her body. She was rapidly approaching her climax.

The wolf too was getting to his peak, leaking lots of pre-cum into her, still thrusting his hips like mad, forcing his knot into and out of her. Her body remained tense, giving silent moans as her chest convulsed very rapidly now, her red blush growing darker, her eyes glowing brighter and brighter, bright enough to light up the room solely with their glow.

Even the wolf was panting hard, amidst all the fucking. His grunting slowly turned into shouting, louder and louder, until he'd finally hit his crescendo, pulling back his jaws, tightening up the whip enough to make it feel as though J'Ra's head were gonna pop off. With one final pounding into her, his cock unleashed all his cum deep into her, filling her ass almost immediately and now spilling out all over her thighs and on the bed. At that same moment, she'd reached her own climax, letting her juices wash over and coat the horse-sized dildo, flowing out onto the bed as well. They held still in their climaxes, bodies wracked so hard that moving was impossible for them. Semen and fem-cum flowed freely, drenching the bed in their pungent wetness. Matt panted heavily, nonstop, still holding the whip and her breast tightly.

J'Ra went completely limp, still trying to suck in air, her red cheeks growing a faint blue hue. Matt took notice and finally released the whip, allowing her to gasp deeply into her nostrils, coughing and panting into the gag. The two eventually collapsed, like marionettes whose strings had just been cut. They laid there in the cum- and blood-soaked bed, panting heavily, eyes growing heavy with exhaustion. Slowly, the consciousness of the two drifted away, and an exhausted, pained sleep overtook them, a sleep they'd remain in for a few hours.