The Prowl - High Rollers

Story by ElonTrove on SoFurry

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#1 of The Prowl

A small story series in collaboration with SgtKlark using one of his characters for a bit of fun.

You could call it a hobby I suppose. We did it when we could both find time to take off work and head out without anyone suspecting what was up. We were just two good friends who liked to travel and enjoy the sites of a new city. Then again most didn't know that said hobby included seducing random girls and guys into having anonymous casual sex.

There were a few rules to follow

  1. Don't get caught.

Self explanatory really. Foxy and I were somewhat well known in our home town due to our high positions in the medical field.

Foxy was head nurse at the local hospital. Excellent at what she did and we'll respected by her coworkers. No matter what was wrong with you, you always felt a little better when she walked into your room knowing she was looking out for you.

I of course had my own psychology office that focused on wide variety of different areas from drug abuse, at risk teens, couples, and even sexual counseling.

We had met due to a professional relationship when I was contracted by an insurance company to work with the local police department when they needed someone to clear an officer for duty or to just be available if they needed someone to talk to. I was usually up at the hospital somewhat regularly checking up on patients anyway but with the new contract my visits became more frequent thus making my visits with Foxy much more frequent.

Anyway back to our rules of engagement.

  1. If it's not safe, don't do it.

We weren't out to do anything crazy. Our goal was simple. To create a little persona to playfully trick a target into thinking we were someone else just to have casual no strings attached sex with. We didn't want to end up dead for obvious reasons.

  1. No one may ever know who you really are. or where you are from.

Going with what I said previously. We were to remain anonymous. It honestly might be the best part about all this. To be able to create a new you every time you went out and make someone believe your story was kind of thrilling. I mean we both enjoyed the sex but something about the deception just made things pop more, both literally and figuratively.

  1. Never make your mark pay for anything.

Might not seem important to most that this was a rule but it was something that we both agreed on. We were not prostitutes looking for a free night. We were both well of enough to be able to pay for everything without making too much of a dent in our bank accounts. Foxy and I both agreed that if we could even make our mark richer, we should. We aren't saying leaving a stack of cash on the dresser for them but maybe buying him breakfast, finishing off their tab or something of the sort.

  1. If they are married, their spouse will never find out from you.

This may be the most controversial rule on the list to most. We could be called home wreckers for it but let's be honest, you can't fault us when the guy or girl agrees. You don't fault the worm if the fish gets caught. They make their own choices.

  1. Never prowl in heat.

A bit of good advice as one is not in their right mind when in heat. We have only a few things on our mind during that time and we could make very bad decisions which could get us into trouble.

  1. Do not get pregnant.

This goes along with the whole not getting caught. Luckily for me this was easy to me being physically unable to have children. Foxy on the other had to be careful. Explaining how she got pregnant with no regular boyfriend or husband would be damn hard to explain. So condoms were sometimes needed for those who were extra drunk. You can never trust those whose mind wasn't firing on all cylinders to pull out in time.

It was a bit of a disappointment though since I do enjoy a little creampie snack now and again. If we sprung for a morning after pill I might be able to indulge in such a treat.

  1. Make sure you get yours~

Last but not least, making sure you get off too was important. We were out for fun and making sure we reached the top of the mountain was a must. We both loved sex, obviously, and both had needs that needed satisfied. To travel across the country sometimes and to not get off would be the just awful.

If the sex was bad Foxy and I had each other of course but the thrill would be gone. Foxy and I could do all the dirty things we wanted to each other anytime we want. From strap-ons to scissoring each other into the sheets.

We had arrived into a city in Michigan to attend a blackjack tournament. It was a simple event full of plenty of girls and guys looking to try their skills at a relatively luck based game.

Foxy and I were both attending as players but we had no intention of competing into the tournament. Our prize was to bag us a stranger for a fun night.

We didn't have anyone in mind this time. Sometimes we would have someone specific in mind but thus time we kept our sights wide open for anyone and everyone.

Our plan was simple. Seduce them, take them back to our room in the hotel to play a rigged game of strip blackjack. Rigged as in Foxy learned how to count cards. Only well enough for one deck though. We didn't need to knock over a casino Oceans 11 style, just one mild professional in a hotel room.

Foxy was better at math then I was due to her profession. I could of tried my hand at learning the slightly complex ways of counting to cards easily, especially on our flight over but there was no reason we both needed to know when she could just give me signals.

Casinos were the best places for our little adventures. They were all inclusive with our needs making it mostly unneeded for us to really go anywhere else. We had food, a bar, plenty of people to pick from and of course plenty of cameras for our safety.

We started our hunt on the casino floor. We were both dressed to impress. We found two beautiful cocktail dresses with deep v-cuts for maximum cleavage exposure. I chose a black dress with gold trim and a decorative belt to accent my dark purple fur. It was always kind of hard to find things that went well with my fur color as it wasn't one of the natural colors.

Foxy on the other hand was somewhat lucky. She has a soft brown fur with black accents around her fluffy ears. It was her best feature and I was kind of jealous to say she had better ears than me, since being a rabbit you would think I had that in the bag. Oh well atleast I had the cup size on her, but not by much.

Foxy again had a perfect color that would go with just about anything. Brown fur literally went with anything and she was good looking enough to pull of just anything. She went with a white dress with a matching white decorative belt. A nice contrast between her own fur and dress as well as contrasting me with my own attire.

The blackjack tables were all bustling with hopefuls who were trying to hone their skills before the big tournament. It was hard to find even one chair that was open let alone two so we could both sit down and work a target.

After a good walk through we decided the only place we were going to find any open spots were at the high Roller lounge. A bit of a step up from the 5 dollar limits at some of the other tables but it might be worth it.

Once we reached the lounge it was considerably quieter. The bustling and constant ringing of the slots died down and we could hear the soft sounds of a top 40 station playing overhead. The tables were somewhat populated.

We found a table with only two players, both male. One rather plain brown wolf in nice business like attire and another orange fox in the same.

Foxy and I both sat down at the table. The fox was in the first seat, the wolf in the third and Foxy and I took seats four and five.

"Good evening ladies. If you would like to play buy in is 100 per hand max is 500." The dashing black wolf dealer began

I nodded as both of us fished out a few bills from our clutches and bought 500 in chips each.

Robert, we soon learned was our dealers name, started to give us 5 of those fancy black 100 dollar black chips as I caught the fox smiling as he looked down at his chips, playing with his relatively large stack.

"Telling yourself a joke over there?" I started in a rather stern almost posh tone.

"No ma'am." He said with another smile before looking up at us.

"Just never seen too many girls back here who weren't arm candy to some old millionaire."

I gave him a slight scowl as Foxy turned to add her two cents.

"So what are you trying to say?" Foxy asked in a less abrasive tone than my own.

Before he could answer the dealer butted in and started the hand. Asking for bets as we all tossed in our black chips and waited for our cards.

Things weren't looking good for our first hand. Terrible starting cards, low numbers with the dealer showing 18. The table went around and played their hands as best as the could. Most busted trying to get close to the dealer's cards except for Foxy. Lucky girl was able to snag a few good hits and matched the dealers 18 with a few low cards.

Her luck ran out though as the dealer revealed an ace, a solid 19. It was rough to see that come up but it wasn't the end of the world.

Although the first hand went south the cards began to be nice to us, enough to keep us playing a little while and gave us plenty of time to talk.

The fox kept to himself but the wolf however seemed more interested than we both first thought. He introduced himself as Alex, a local to the city.

Alex was quite helpful, offering tips where he could and we really got talking a little more personal. The fox, we never learned his name as his luck was running thin as well as his chips. He was stroking his stack at the beginning of the night and after a good 45 mins of back and forth he was throwing in his last chip and hoping for his luck to change. It didn't, leaving us with Alex alone.

"Glad he's gone." Alex said plainly as he peaked at his next two cards the dealer dealt him.

"Guy was kind of a dick when we first started playing."

He looked over at us. I could feel his gaze dropping down my low cut dress and then back up quickly as to not get caught but he wasn't as sly as he thought he was.

"I don't think I caught your names yet though."

I was too busy calculating why the world was being terrible to me, keeping me in this rut of winning one hand but dooming me with the next.

"The name is April." Foxy lied of course hiding her real identity.

"And this is Natalya, I like to call her Nat. She's my cute little who can be rather annoying at times."

The wolf chuckled a bit.

"Very interesting names and I guess interesting nickname."

The wolf looked down for a moment as I was still contemplating my hand.

"So what brings you too in, the tournament I assume?"

I nodded as I motioned for the dealer to give me another card.

"Yes actually. We are out of state and decided to head up here for a little getaway and try our luck."

The dealer turned over a jack which instantly busted me and my heart sank. I folded my arms and planted my head into them and sighed.

"Seems like she's having a rough night." Alex said, trying to make a joke I'm sure but I wasn't in the mood. It wasn't about losing the money, I would have the same reaction if I lost a quarter in one of claw machines. It was just frustrating losing in general.

"She can get stressed rather easily sometimes. It's fine though, I know plenty of ways to help her relax."

Foxy said, giving Alex a playful wink. His ears perked up at the wink as the dealer called for the next round of bets, around I abstained from for now.

"I uh.." He stammered a bit before continuing. "Does that mean you two are a couple of some sorts?"

"Nope. Just really good friends." I said adding air quotes around the really part.

"Huh." He said with a smirk as called for another card.

"I wouldn't mind seeing these relaxation techniques sometime."

I smiled, poking Foxy under the table. She turned and nodded to me as I took a playing card from a deck we had been using to practice on from my clutch and wrote down our room number.

"If you are on our floor then maybe we could show you a few things."

After I handed him the card we both cashed out, each of us a couple hundred up. It sounds like a lot but it was only a few hands worth at that table.

Foxy and I made it back to our room and slipped off our heels and flopped down on the queen sized bed in our room.

"So Natalya.." Foxy began sarcastically. "Do you think he will show?"

I shrugged as I laid on the bed, my legs hanging off the sides lazily.

"I would hope so. The possibility of a threesome with two bisexual friends sounds like a good reason to come visit."

"But you have to think like he would. Two random girls in kind of slutty clothes go to a high Roller lounge with only a few hands worth of bills trying to hit on some guy with clearly a ton of money. He might think we are gold diggers."

"I think we are a little too old to be gold diggers, Foxy."

We both laughed as I turned to lay on my side and look over her curvy, well toned body. Sadly she was laying on her back which was covering her best part. A butt that was formed and shaped by those long hospital halls. It was quite the sight for sure.

We talked for a little while longer before we heard a knock at our door.

"And there he is." Foxy started as she got up and headed toward the door and peered through the peephole. She opened the door and invited him in.

"Huh, one bed even. You two weren't kidding about the good friends thing."

I sat up, closing and crossing my legs as I didn't realize how comfortable I had made myself when I was lying down.

Foxy walking back to the bed, this time strutting a bit and showing off her assets as she took a seat next to me on the bed.

"We were just talking about you before you showed up." Foxy said as her paws began to touch and explore my shoulders and neck, giving me a rather awkward frontal massage. But after a long flight and a slightly roller coaster ride of a night it still felt good.

"We didn't think you would show up." Foxy added.

I quickly put my paw on her chin, turning her towards me as I pressed my lips to hers and kissed her tenderly to give Alex a show as well as for my own greedy needs.

"Oh.." He said with a low growl. I could tell he was enjoying it, even without seeing him.

Foxy motioned him over without breaking the kiss and began to expert work the belt buckle and snap free with one paw. The wolf just let his pants fall to the ground as Foxy then took her hand began to feel up the obvious bulge in the wolf's briefs.

I however was having my own fun, having both of my paws on Foxy's cheeks now, feeling my own tongue working in her mouth as I kissed her. I could of stayed like this all night but she soon let me know it was time to move on with a playfully bite on my tongue.

Foxy was the first to slip off the bed and onto her knees, I followed taking a spot next to her and doing the honors and pulling the wolf's briefs down and letting his thick pink shaft spring free.

Foxy took a firm grasp of his base and held it forward, facing us.

"My my.." She said looking up at him, licking her soft lips tenderly.

"Is all that for us?"

All he did was nod and I can't lie I was a little disappointed. I enjoyed a little dirty talk but he just seemed like he was trying to make sure this was actually happening.

Foxy only turned back to me once she felt my lips against her paw. I wasn't wasting anytime now after getting worked up by kissing Foxy and now having quite rigid cock dangling in front of me.

"You greedy bitch!" Foxy said in a sarcastic tone as she watched me take him back and forth into my throat. I gagged but only for appearances of it. I didn't want people to know how easy this was for me now. I just looked over at her and winked.

"Fine if you want it that bad.." Placing a paw on the back of my head and began to force me down hard, even pushing and holding my head down, my nose buried in his pubic area. All I could do was press my paws against his hips, hoping to brace myself and open my throat to let it slide in and out as smoothly as it could.

It got sloppy quick as I was barred from taking my little spit breaks to clean myself up and swallow. Now my chin was covered in a mixture of mostly my saliva and his precum. Foxy finally let go and I pulled back and gasped. I was only a little out of breath but I played it up a bit more as if I was actually really choking.

"What did we learn?" Foxy asked in a playful tone. I only smiled as Alex seemed to have a need to come to my defense.

"I uh.. She did a good job in my opinion." Alex sounding rather sheepish or a little flustered for obvious reasons.

"No, she knows she is supposed to wait for the coin flip." Foxy said.

"A coin flip I always seem to lose. I wanted first dibs."

Foxy stuck out her tongue at my like a spoiled brat would before giving more tongue service to the wolf as I stood up and began to undress. I took off everything except for my black heels with the straps and laid on the bed, my legs spread, giving the wolf a little show as Foxy slobbered over his shaft.

"Don't finish him off too early now. He still has a lot to do before he cums."

Foxy kept working, flipping me off which just made me giggle as I watched her head bounce back and forth in his lap.

It was only a few more moments before hearing a very audible pop come from her direction as she pulled his cock from her lips. Foxy then stood up and undressed as I did, taking everything off unlike me and climbed on top of me, spreading her legs over mine.

I took my paws and started to explore her fuzzy brown body, starting with her soft furry ears and combing my fingers down through her fur. Taking a long break at her well toned rear, giving it a hard squeeze and pulled her down against me. I could feel her clit against mine as I rolled my hips under her, flicking our buttons together making us both moan softly.

"Nggh, I don't think I want to let her go." I said with a soft pant.

"I guess you get to pick who gets it first. Just don't take too long." I added, pressing my lips back against hers and kissed her deeply again.

A few moments passed and we soon had his answer as Foxy gasped then moaned into the kiss.

"I see how it is." I said feigning offense that I wasn't chosen.

"Well uh.. You did start without doing the coin thing." Alex said as I could both feel and hear him getting into his rhythm. Foxy's rocking back and forth rubbed our clots together more as I kept rolling my hips under her as began to moan.

The wolf's pace was decent but his power was impressive. I could feel the tremors he was sending through Foxy's body with each thrust. It even jolted her vocal chords, cutting off the sound of her moans as if it were a skipping record.

The room was being filled with the wet sounds of the wolf pounding into the fox's sex and her wild moans until she screamed out.

"I think I'm gonna cum!"

Alex was on it and as soon as he heard that she was close his pace quickened. Foxy lowered herself into me, almost laying limp as she clutched my shoulders, clenching her teeth before releasing.

She tossed her head back, and with a wide smile and her tongue hanging from her lips like a dog she gasped as the orgasm ran through her body.

Alex slowed down as if to walk her back from the edge. The wolf then pulled out and I could feel her juices dripping onto my own sex and then onto the bed.

Foxy rolled to my left as Alex flopped over to my right.

"What do you think you're doing?" I asked sitting up between the two beat love birds.

Alex waved to me off lazily.

"Give me a minute. I need a little break." Alex said.

"Oh no no. You made me wait and I'm horny now."

I slipped up over top of him, facing away as I got into my favorite reverse cowgirl position. I slipped his well lubed cock inside me and began to ride him.

"Shit!" He grunted out as he kept his hips mostly still and just kept his paws on my hips, helping guide me down onto his throbbing meat.

"Oh Natalya!" He moaned as I used my well seasoned legs to ride him.

It took me a moment before remembering that was supposed to be my name.

"Yes yes!" I began to moan over and over.

"Give it to me Alex. Shove that hot canine cock up my pussy!"

He still seemed tired but he caught on to my pace and was able to meet me in the middle as I came down he pushed up, pounding himself in as deeper as he could and sending quite the shock wave up my body.

Foxy finally got up and moved herself around and placed her head between my legs and just stuck out her tongue, letting it graze against my clit as I bounced. There was no use trying to lick anything at this point.

"Natalya, I'm getting close." The wolf said sounding a little disappointed.

"Where do you want it baby?"

"I want you to cum inside me. Dump all of your hot milky seed inside of me!"

"Are you sure? Won't you.."

"Shut up and fill me up. I want to feel it inside me?"

He was obviously nervous for all the right reasons of course but he must of enjoyed the idea as I could feel a flood erupting from his tip and coating my inner walls. His hips stopped thrusting as I sat into his lap letting him empty his balls inside me as I pulled Foxy's head in close and made her lick my clit.

Foxy's quick tongue mixed with the sensation of Alex's hot cream inside me was enough to push me over the edge. My orgasm was a little more reserved than Foxy's as I was a lot less vocal as my voice trembled and I closed my eyes as a wash of pleasure came over me.

I then rolled over to my right as Foxy climbed back up and laid on Alex's left. Foxy and I both draped an arm over his chest as we cuddled.

We left early that morning while Alex was still asleep. We didn't have much to pack so we were able to stay quiet and slip out without disturbing him. I stopped at the front desk to work out some details as Foxy went to go get us a ride to the airport.

I paid our dues and paid for Alex's room as well. It seemed only fair since he didn't get to enjoy it all since he spent the night in ours.

I went outside to see Foxy had made good progress on our ride and was waiting in the car. I stepped in and we headed off to the airport.