A Tight Fit (1/5)

Story by HelzimGiger on SoFurry

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#1 of A Tight Fit

I love the way the art came out, and I hope, if you're into this sort of thing, you do too!

Art by FA: kriwu

Carl, Waylon, Gerdur, and the Dog Pile © FA: Thecosmicwolf33

Miyuki © HelzimGiger

It had been a slow night at the Dog Pile, mostly just regulars that showed up every night, but one of the few newcomers definitely stood out. With how boisterous she was, the place may as well have been packed. Laughter came easily to her, and her charm and light spirit were infectious, making those listening in laugh as readily as her. She was well traveled, courtesy of her life as an army baby and serving a couple tours herself, and had dozens of stories to share.

The red panda's tail flicked idly back and forth, much like a child swinging their legs from a high chair, as she sat on the bar stool. Her thick frame was accented by the jeans she had fit herself into, slightly frayed at the cuffs and scraped at the knees, the legs covering the tops of the black leather boots she was wearing. The matching jacket she came in with was hanging from the wall, a helmet over the hook on which it hung. Her mossy green tank top read "I am why we can't have nice things." She scratched the back of her neck briefly as the bartender poured out a drink of whiskey for her, her long brown ponytail swishing from the movement. She thanked the mountain dog, who nodded her head in return, and set into it with relish.

A gray rat slid onto the seat next to her, making no effort to hide from his boss the fact he had been eyeing the panda's rear. She shook her head and smiled as she bent down to replace the bottle. He had been in and out for the past couple hours, doing odd jobs around the tavern and bussing tables as the need arose, but given the pace of the evening he spent most of his time at the bar, chatting up the new girl.

"You really should come when it's busier," Waylon said, "You like it here now, but when there's a crowd this place is great!"

Miyuki glanced at him over the rim of her glass. She finished the long sip and put it down, answering, "I might just have to. I'd heard a few of my coworkers talk about it, and I admit I was expecting it to be a little busier, but they were right about the company."

"It is Tuesday night, dearie," Gerdur commented, standing up and leaning against the bar, "But I do appreciate you sayin' so."

Miyuki's jade eyes flashed as she smiled, "Well...yes, I know, but I'm off tonight, it was convenient! Speaking of," she turned to Waylon, "When are_you_ off? I need to have you over sometime."

"Oh, you do?" The rat got very excited. He ran a hand through his tousled hair as if to slick it back, "I knew you couldn't resist me!"

Miyuki elbowed him, laughing, perhaps a little harder than she meant to as he almost fell from his stool. "C'mon, you know not like that! You've been really fun, thought I could have you over for games and some drinks sometime."

Waylon grinned as he rubbed his ribs, catching his breath. "Sounds like a good time. What do you play?"

Miyuki huffed. "Oh, what don't I play? I've got a huge collection and books for a dozen or so pen and paper games."

"I think that'd be great. Oh! But you know who'd really like to join in? Carl!" He turned to Gerdur. "Don't you think?"

She nodded with agreement, "I'd certainly think so; you should ask him. He should be up soon."

"Up?" Miyuki asked.

"Yeah, we've got some rooms downstairs," Waylon commented, "Betting Carl's getting all washed up after his rounds in the ring."

"Oh, he's a boxer?" Miyuki asked with interest.

"Yep! He's a beast, you should see him go at it." He thumped the back of his hand on her shoulder. "See, another reason you should get here when it's really busy, our fight nights go on much longer."

"You have a ring here? Why didn't you say so?"

"Pretty sure I did...didn't I?" He looked back at Gerdur who shrugged her answer.

The barkeep looked up over the bear's shoulder as the door swung open, a slim white rat entering. His fur was still a little damp, and he wore a simple blue t-shirt, turning a little darker in spots from the moisture, and khaki shorts. He stopped when he spotted Miyuki, his eyes following the rope of chocolaty hair down to her hips that spilled off the sides of the stool. The pandaren turned to look behind her when she noticed Gerdur doing the same. His red eyes snapped up and he blushed, his cheeks managing to turn pink under the thin white fur that covered them.

"Carl, get your ass over here and say hello!" Waylon shouted, apparently forgetting what an inside voice was.

Carl winced at the noise and silently approached. He slowly sat on Miyuki's other side. He didn't seem to know where to look, eyes shifting from the bar to the panda to his hands.

Miyuki eyed the strange little thing. He was much slimmer and smaller than she imagined. This was the "beast" Waylon mentioned? Still, she knew better than to underestimate how someone fought just by how they looked. Her eyes narrowed. He seemed a little twitchy, though she hoped that wasn't a rat-thing. "Waylon's told me you're a great boxer," she opened. "Had a good day in the ring?"

He smiled nervously and nodded.

Miyuki rested her head on the back of her hand, watching him closely. "When do you fight next? I'll come cheer you on!"

The rat blushed again and turned to Gerdur, though his eyes were slow to leave Miyuki's face, and tapped twice on the counter.

"Oh, sorry, Carl!" she bent forward under the counter and produced a dry erase board and marker. He took up the pen and began writing on it.

"Whats your name?" It said.

"I'm Miyuki. It's a pleasure to meet you, Carl. I'm sorry, I didn't know you were deaf."

He grinned and shook his head, erasing and writing again. The pandaren took another sip as she eyed the board. "very good ears just mute"

Miyuki swallowed hard on her drink, trying to answer and apparently forgetting she still had a mouth full of liquid. She coughed once and replied hoarsely, "Oh, made an assumption, that was dumb."

"You seem to be full of dumb ideas!" Waylon added encouragingly.

"Well, the night's not over yet, I might just show you a thing or two about dumb ideas."

"Speaking of..." Waylon leaned back to see passed the coughing Miyuki, "Carl, Miyuki wants us over for some games at her place, probably some RPGs, you up for it?"

Carl lit up and gasped softly. He quickly scribbled "BRB" on to the board and ran off.

Miyuki smiled after him and turned back, asking, "Is he always that shy?"

"Only around pretty girls," Gerdur answered without hesitation.

"Oh, stop it!"

"Nope," Waylon laughed, "It's true! And I'd say he made a good choice."

"Flattery will get you everywhere."

"Clearly. It's already getting me to your place!"

"Hush, you!"

It wasn't long before Carl returned, a rough backpack clutched in his hands. He placed it on the bar, opened it, and began pulling out blank character sheets, a bag of dice, a case full of miniatures, and other sundry gaming supplies. They talked for a while, discussing what style of game they preferred, preferred drinks, how they'd get to Miyuki's apartment, and so on. As the hour passed, Miyuki couldn't help but notice how Carl seemed to fidget a little whenever she looked to him. He certainly was friendly, even if bashful, and whenever she drew his attention back to the subject at hand he always was ready to contribute. He had a good head on his shoulders, even if a gentle toss of her hair could make that head stop working. It came time to compare schedules, figure out when they'd all be able to get together. Here, at last, they found difficulty, mostly with Miyuki's availability. They pondered how best to sort it out when Gerdur cleared her throat.

"Look, you all seem to be hitting it off quite nicely, and it's dead here tonight. Why don't I give you boys the rest of the night off?"

Carl perked up immediately, incredibly excited.

"You sure?" Waylon asked, "Still got a few people in here."

"It's nothing I can't handle. You take off, alright? Go have fun." She beamed at them.

Carl instantly bolted off again.

Waylon glanced over at Miyuki, "Hey...umm, mind if I use your shower when we get there? Was going to clean up before going to bed tonight, but if we're going to be chilling I'd like it if I didn't smell so slimy."

Miyuki laughed. "Sure, no problem!"

"Awesome, thanks!" He sprinted off after Carl.

The pandaren walked over to her jacket and helmet and retrieved the leather hair glove from its pocket, carefully lacing it around her long locks to hold them tight and protect them from the wind. She slipped her jacket on and walked back to the bar, helmet under her arm, to settle her bill with Gerdur. The door banged open and Waylon reentered, closely followed by Carl. They both found light jackets for the spring night, and pants in Carl's case.

"All ready to go?" she asked.

Waylon held up a small keyring, only two keys present on it. "Absolutely!"

Carl nodded, ready to carpool with his friend.

"Alright, just try to keep up!"

"Oh, you are on!" Waylon shouted back.

Carl quickly shot Miyuki a pleading look over Waylon's shoulder as she fit her motorcycle helmet over her head.

They departed with a fond goodbye for Gerdur and rounded to the lot. Miyuki quickly jumped onto her bike, a sleek red machine decorated with an Eastern dragon on it. It roared to life as she turned the engine over. She turned to watch the rats, and Waylon struggle to get his clunker started. After a couple attempts, it wheezed on. She could see him cheer and Carl rest his forehead in his palm, shaking his head in disapproval. The pandaren laughed as she kicked her bike into gear and rode onto the street.

The trip to Miyuki's apartment didn't take long, and to her credit in those fifteen minutes she only tried to lose Waylon twice. He pulled his beater into an open spot on the street while Miyuki wheeled around back to park. She returned, taking her helmet off again and holding it under her arm as they proceeded up into the building. They reached the third floor and turned to her suite. She unlocked the door and flipped on the lights as they entered.

It was a very welcoming little place, simple, tidy, and homey. She sat down to unlace her boots, Carl doing the same from the welcome mat, and Waylon simply kicked off his sneakers and put them onto the nearby rack.

Waylon looked around and shuffled a little. "So, uh...your shower?"

"Oh, yes, this way!" She walked off with Waylon, leaving Carl alone. He heard a door opening and closing, then another. She returned, leaning her head in and saying, "Hey, Carl, I'm going to get changed. Make yourself at home, okay?" He nodded his understanding and flopped onto the couch as she left.

The rat closed his eyes as he heard the water start running. He hoped Miyuki didn't pay her own gas bill, Waylon would likely use all the hot water in the building if given the chance. He took a deep breath as the minutes dragged on, the scents of the unlit candles nearby, citrus cleaners, and...smelled like incense, filling his nose. But there was something under that. He sat up and sniffed again. Fresh baked goods, good cooking, and spices. His stomach growled and he remembered how long it had been since he had eaten. Carl got up and walked to her kitchen. The modest space was cramped, only just having enough space for all the necessary appliances and with very little counter space left over. He could smell all sorts of heavenly things hidden in the cupboards, but he didn't feel comfortable rummaging through them to get something to eat. She invited him to make himself at home, but that still felt odd. There was a fruit basket hanging from the ceiling in the corner, but that isn't really what he was after. He wanted to know what she had made that was so wonderful.

Carl made up his mind to go ask her. He went out to the hallway and paused, uncertain which door was her bedroom. He knocked at the first one he came to, but heard no response. He very slowly pulled it open and found her linen closet. He shut it, feeling embarrassed that he got himself worked up about walking in on towels and sheets. He proceeded to the next door and tried again. Still no answer, and once more he cracked the door open. It was completely dark inside except for the idle blinking lights of a modem and router on the far wall, the glow of a surge strip highlight the inner compartment of a computer desk. His eyes adjusted a little and saw the room was lined with bookshelves, a larger table around the corner of the entrance. He shook his head and closed it. He skipped passed what was clearly the bathroom, from the steam and the sound of running water and Waylon's terrible singing, and approached Miyuki's bedroom. He went to knock but stopped as his stomach growled again, louder. Another wave of hunger washed through him and as he reached out again he felt his stomach plummet as he realized, in his haste, he didn't knock.

The rat looked up, dread creeping up his spine as he waited to see what awaited him from his impulsive act. He froze. Miyuki sat on the edge of her bed, completely naked with her clothes folded next to her. She was stretching, and he had caught her mid-yawn. His red eyes quickly traced down the curve of her breast, over her softly padded abdomen, and came to rest between her legs. She opened her eyes and stared for a moment, noticing how oblivious he was that he'd been caught.

"Dude, I'm changing!"

Carl slammed the door shut, face feeling hot. The uncomfortable churning of fear worsened when he heard her cross to the door in the space of a second and pulled it back open. She reached out and put a paw on his shoulder.

"I didn't say 'get out,'" she laughed. Carl's fear began to dissipate, but now he didn't know what to think. "Get in here, you." She gave him a nudge and once his feet remembered how to work she closed the door behind him.

Her room smelled even more strongly of the incense he noted before, mixed with a variety of oils, the flowers growing in the corner under the window, and her own personal scent. It was lightly colored, full of natural tones, and while a bit messier than the rest of her apartment still rather orderly. She returned to sit on her bed, pulling him to the edge of the mattress as she did so, and leaned back against the mountain of pillows heaped onto it. Carl's gaze crept once more to the soft, pink lips between her legs, the white fur around it that looked soft as silk, and the wavy mat of brown fur above it, contrasting against the cream and red around it.

"You see something you like?" she asked.

He blushed and looked away.

Miyuki reached out and took his hand. "Hey, Carl, you don't need to be so nervous."

He turned back to her, looking a little hopeful.

"I think you're cute, and you seem to be crushing a little on me, too." She smiled. "Why don't you come closer?"

He went to get onto the bed but she held up a hand to stop him.

"No clothes allowed in my bed." Her look turned mischievous and she grinned.

In a heartbeat Carl had stripped down. She looked impressed. "That was fast." She examined him head to toe. Now that he was naked, she could see the wiry muscles that flexed under his skin at the slightest move. Carl joined her, and she wrapped her arms around the small of his back, pulling him into an embrace on top of her and kissed him.

"See, isn't this much more comfortable?"

Carl's breathing quickened, but he nodded sheepishly.

Miyuki ran a hand over his head and played with his ears a moment. He let her do as she wished with him. It was so lovely feeling her so close, curled up into her thick fur and soft body. Her hands grasped one of his and placed it on her belly. His fingers flexed and wove into her fur. It was a silky as he imagined. She gave his hand a small nudge to venture lower, and as he did so the fine fur simply became smoother, warmer. His fingers slipped through her bush and their tips tentatively traced her lips.

The pandaren took a deep breath as he carefully massaged her. She felt the tingling spread through her, rising from her nethers. As she grew wet, he began pushing a finger into her warm folds. Then another joined it, then another. It was tight, the walls squeezing his digits lightly in response to his caresses. She lay back fully, resting her arms atop the pillows, and spread her legs. Her head fell back as he repositioned himself to better get access, and continued to rub her clit as his fingers slid into her. Her breathing got deeper, more rhythmic, but she kept her focus. Carl smiled, so pleased that she was enjoying this.

"Do you want to go deeper?" she asked him.

He stopped and looked quizzically up at her.

"You can get more in me if you'd like."

He looked down, his first three fingers already slipped into her. He gestured with a fist using his other hand.

Miyuki nodded. "You can start with that and work your way up."

The rat pushed and with a little effort was able to slide the rest of his hand into her vagina. He made a fist, and she gasped as she felt herself stretch around it. She relaxed as she got accustomed to it and nodded again, eyes closed, to encourage him to keep going. He did as she asked, and pushed his fist into her deeper. As he felt his hand reach her cervix, he went to pull out, but Miyuki reached forward and grabbed his arm.

"No, Carl." She took a deep breath to focus and looked him in the eye. "You seem really sweet, and if you'd like, you can keep going."

He seemed disbelieving.

She placed a hand on his cheek. Her jade eyes looked away for a moment, seeming a bit shy, but she looked back, a fire of determination lit in them. "I'd like you inside me, dear. I want to hold you tight and keep you warm and safe." She placed her other hand on her belly to emphasize her point. "In here."

He looked down at his arm and back up to her, still confused.

"You'll fit, trust me. If you don't want to, I understand, it's...a lot to ask, for you to trust me that much, but it'd mean the world to me if you'd give me the pleasure for a while, to bring you that close to me."

He blushed heavily, cheeks burning red. Carl nodded slowly.

Miyuki leaned back again and took control of her breathing, trying to relax her muscles to help him out. He pushed his hand into her opening and to his surprise it allowed his hand in. He was slow and careful, knowing full well how delicate and sensitive she must be. Miyuki bit her lip, felt her flesh tug as it loosened up, getting ready to accommodate her guest. She felt his bicep bump into her pelvis and she looked down at him again.

The rat's mouth hung up in surprise. He opened and closed his fist a few times, watching her belly shift as he did so. She laughed softly. They always reacted the same way their first time, stunned that such a thing could be possible. She placed a hand on his head and smiled encouragingly. He swallowed hard, straightened his arm, and brought his other hand up to her labia.