
Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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Meditation seeks to achieve focus. Clarity. Calm. Bramblepelt seeks these things, but might have a little more work ahead of hir to achieve them.

This story was written for Phenoixx! It contains solo masturbatory antics involving a herm. The character belongs to Phenoixx. Chakats as a species are created by Bernard Doove. :3


Bramblepelt knew that the world was imperfect. That life was not some straight line that could be cruised along in a haze of pleasantries and kindness alone. Shi knew that sometimes no matter how much positive energy you put out into the world, you couldn't always expect the same amount of positivity to come to you in return. But the chakat also knew that it was still important to try. Indeed, it was the very fact that the universe wasn't fair that made it so vital for hir and every other being in existence to try and find their own peace. Their own centre, from which they could strive to be the best version of themselves possible.

For Bramble, that centre was a kind of placid and weary calm. A state of mind which inspired old grudges to be forgiven, and encouraged problems to drift into the subconscious where they could be worked on without plaguing each and every waking thought. A physically relaxed embodiment of satisfaction. Barely a day went by without Bramblepelt seeking to centre hirself, sometimes twice or more if shi was feeling particularly imbalanced. Or, of course, if shi was simply horny. After all, there was only one way to achieve the state of mind that Bramble found most conducive to hir own mental and philosophical wellbeing.

Shi had to make hirself cum.

Standing in hir apartment's sizeable walk-in shower, Bramblepelt fought to keep hir breathing under control as shi glanced back over hir lower torso, slowly reversing into position. It wasn't easy, keeping hir heart from racing and hir chest from heaving with excitement as shi looked down at the sizeable object secured to the shower's tile floor by a hefty suction cup. An erect, black rubber member of canid form, pointed at the tip and swollen into a large knot more than a foot below at its base. It was a truly hulking piece of intimate paraphernalia, larger than hir own erect shaft by several inches and thicker by about the same proportion. And yet, its purpose wasn't solely to devastate with pleasure. It wasn't present here today to drive the chakat to wild, savage screams of lust. Not this time. Here and now, the toy was to be used as a tool of meditation and contemplation.

With the shower not active at the current time, Bramble's rusty brown and white fur fluffed up slightly as a tremor of anticipation ran down hir spine. Shi tried not to let it get to hir, tried to focus on remaining calm and collected as hir body fell still, now ready and simply waiting for hir own permission to commence. It was impossible however to entirely deny that shi was looking forward to this session as nothing more than just an exercise in spiritual relaxation. Thus Bramblepelt did allow hirself the chance to moan under hir breath as shi began to lower hir hindquarters towards the shower's floor, and the firm toy rising up imposingly from it.


The chakat half whispered, half whimpered to hirself as shi felt the tip of the toy rubbing up against hir nether regions. Shi hadn't lubricated it in the slightest, but only because shi didn't need to. Hir body knew what was coming, and had already taken care of that factor to what was probably already slight excess.

"You're calm. You're at rest. Your body is a-aah..."

Hir eyes widened slightly as hir hind legs trembled and the first inch or so of toy slipped through hir swollen, puffy outer lips and into the warm wetness beyond. Against hir belly, the taur felt hir cock strain for a few seconds before relaxing slightly, leaving a glistening strand of pre-cum running from its tip to the fluffy fur of hir underbelly as it did so. Shi fought to reign in hir rapidly quickening breathing, taking deep and filling lungfuls of air and holding them for a few seconds before releasing again. It was hard to remain in any semblance of control though, particularly when hir racing heart somewhat forced hir breathing to quicken in order to keep up. Worse still, shi was still only standing with a few inches of hir toy now buried between hir hindquarters; more than ten inches of rubber erection still to go.

Little by little, the chakat worked hir trembling body and sensitive inner workings down around that massive meditation tool. The closer shi came to being seated rather than standing upon all fours, the harder it was for hir to maintain what objectivity and calm still remained. It just felt so damn good. Shi could feel hir cock slapping against hir stomach as it twitched and strained in excitement, and with each ridge and bulge and realistic vein of that rubber canine cock the already intense stimulation of hir soaking wet inner workings grew. It became harder and harder to resist simply beginning to ride the rubber hard-on, exchanging the gentle release of tension and the slow rise to a physical and mental state of elation for coaxing every last drop of pleasure from hirself as fast and as hard as possible.

By the time Bramblepelt arrived at the knotted base of hir chosen toy, shi was glad of the opportunity it afforded hir to cry out without guilt. The chakat's head fell back upon hir shoulders as shi ceased simply letting hir body's rear end succumb to gravity's influence, and now began to actively push down against the girthy bulge at the base of the rubber erection. Shi growled. Shi whimpered. Hir hands rose trembling from hir sides to grasp at hir breasts, squeezing the firm mounds tenderly and rolling hir thumbs over their stiffened nipples. It took only seconds before with a rather loud, lewd slurping the knot popped into Bramble's stretched but eagerly accommodating passage, but in that time it felt as though practically all of Bramblepelt's hard work at keeping hirself calm and composed was undone.

Shivering, gasping and moaning between ragged breaths, Bramble looked down between hir hind legs. Shi whimpered in bashful excitement at the rather obvious lack of toy visible, only its suction cupped base left out in the open now, and at the substantial puddle resting around the toy's base despite the fact that the shower in which shi was standing hadn't been turned on for even a single moment thus far. A little higher up hir lower torso, the chakat's cock was still standing proudly at attention. Its pink tip was glistening with arousal of its very own, and with each urgent thundering beat of hir heart, Bramblepelt swore shi could feel the blood rushing through hir sensitive male organ as it longed for contact.

Of course, while Bramblepelt had been a little more active than shi would have liked in hir meditation thus far, it was only now that true focus was an absolute must. Until this point, shi had tried to remain in control in order to contain and limit the scope of hir pleasure, so that shi didn't find hirself simply engaging in full blown masturbation. Now though the focus which the chakat required wasn't in order to restrain what shi felt, but rather to enhance it.

Closing hir eyes one more time, Bramblepelt took stock of hir physical situation. The rate at which hir heart was beating. The shallow rush of hir breathing causing hir breasts to rise and fall upon hir chest. Every little twitch of hir tail, curling of hir toes and throb of hir erection. Shi took all that knowledge, all that awareness, and instead of resisting or seeking to ignore it, shi focused it on one goal. One single point in the taur's strong figure.

Consciously, willfully, Bramblepelt squeezed hir vaginal muscles tight around the toy splitting hir wide open. Shi shivered as a wave of pleasure rushed over hir, causing hir concentration to lapse and hir muscles to loosen their grip. A moment later though shi fought to regain that focus, and squeezed again. Keeping all other bodily movement to a minimum, not allowing hir thoughts to stray even remotely away from the thick, black rubber totem channelling hir sexual energies, shi clenched around the toy again, and again. Each time shi fought to hold the tight grip around the toy for as long as possible, keeping hirself in constant contact with as much of the dildo as could possibly be achieved. The natural shuddering of hir body was more than enough to stimulate hir inner workings even when hir muscles were relaxed, but when shi made a conscious effort to milk the rubber cock, that feeling intensified many times over.

With hir eyes still tightly shut, Bramblepelt's muzzle fell open as shi expanded hir mind beyond the reaches of purely sexual thought and fantasy. Shi began to pant as shi let hir mind drift more freely over topics about which shi felt passionately. Arguments shi had experienced or taken part in over the last few days. Injustices shi had witnessed or heard about. Any and every little thing that had caused a knot of tension to form in hir shoulders, or about which shi had wanted to speak, but had held back on simply to avoid causing drama. The chakat channelled it all into hir loins. Into the clenching of hir muscles around the thick, knotted dildo.

For close to fifteen minutes, Bramblepelt sat there in hir shower as shi gave hir mind free reign to think whatever it wanted. To open up and issue forth the darkest of the dark, the strangest of the strange, the most unrequited and unthinkable of feelings shi had within hir, all channelled through the clutching and convulsing of hir pussy's inner muscles around hir toy. In that time tears rolled down hir cheeks, frantic cries of pleasure tore from hir panting maw, and the claws of hir lower limbs scrabbled helplessly at the tile floor of the shower in fury. Shi laughed aloud at some of the thoughts that ran through hir mind. Shi shuddered with anger, wanting to scream at others. But shi only indulged them, only let those thoughts take their place in hir consciousness, if they paid their toll. If alongside the thought, shi granted hirself another focused clenching of hir pussy.

By that point of course, the chakat was also standing in a small puddle of hir own arousal. Shi might not have been mewling and roaring non-stop as may have been the case if shi'd pleasured hirself in a more conventional manner, but if anything what shi was feeling now was far more intense than any amount of giddy screaming could portray. Shi was so close to... to finding hir centre. So close to peace. Intense, overwhelming, euphoric... peace. All shi needed was one final push, an anchor to lock hir focus and maintain it there until shi had centred to satisfaction.

The chakat fought through a mire of mindless little problems and stupid anxieties. Shi cast aside fantasy after fantasy, dream after dream, in search of that keystone. That final piece of the puzzle that would make everything make sense and settle the feverishly whirling vortex around hir focused core into a calm, flat ocean across which shi could see to eternity. Desperately, Bramblepelt asked hirself what it was that shi needed. What it was in that very moment that would not just make hir happy, but make hir complete.

A soft gasp escaped the chakat's lips, and shi whimpered as hir eyes sprang open.

A thought had just crossed hir mind. Out of nowhere, like a bolt from the blue.

What shi needed, was to stop taking hir own bullshit so seriously. After all, hadn't shi initially chosen this method of meditation because... well, because it gave hir an excuse to masturbate more regularly. Because it gave hir a reason to buy a hulking and expensive toy like the one shi was now using. Because the idea of devoting time and effort to making hirself feel good, did truly make hir feel good.

Bramble whimpered, and before shi could stop hirself one of hir forelegs was reaching down to rub at hir untouched, throbbing cock and hefty, swollen balls. Shi felt hir hind legs beginning to rock back and forward, not seeking to dislodge hir from the knotted cock to which hir body was currently tied, but to stimulate hir uncontrollably convulsing inner walls against the thick length of black rubber.

"O-ohh... gods..."

The chakat couldn't believe after all that work, all that effort trying to focus hirself, this was what was going to send hir over the edge. A momentary lapse of willpower, telling hir that pleasure for pleasure's sake was more important to hir satisfaction and wellbeing than tricking hirself into a lengthy period of introspection. Essentially that if shi wanted to meditate, shi should meditate. And if shi wanted to just spend hir free time getting off, then shi should just swallow hir pride and admit it to hirself.

It seemed so crude. So shallow. So... raw.

Bramblepelt groaned in lustful dismay as shi felt hirself losing control. And yet, though hir focus was gone, hir clarity remained. No, what shi was feeling now wasn't what shi had expected. Certainly not. But... it was without a doubt the most genuine feeling that Bramblepelt had ever experienced during one of these masturbatory meditations. It was hir, it was truth, it was reality in a way that shi had yet to experience. Until now, the chakat had only assumed that what shi had been feeling at the height of hir meditation was the calm, placid centre shi was looking for.

In that moment though. In that instant, shi didn't think it. Shi didn't hope it.

Shi knew.

Bramble wailed happily as a flood of orgasmic juices sprayed out from the tight seal formed by hir clutching pussy and the swollen rubber knot of the toy. The hand upon hir member squeezed and rubbed at the underside of the thick shaft as it too began to erupt, launching hot streaks and ribbons of thick, white cum across the length of the shower cubicle and a short way up its far wall. The chakat roared and whimpered as shi wiggled and bounced as best shi could upon the thick toy, and with each orgasmic wave of pure ecstasy to crash over hir Bramblepelt felt an unfamiliar yet wonderful sort of white haze encompassing hir mind. It was as though parts of hirself were being washed away by the surges of pure pleasure, leaving only shining, blissful and utterly unspoiled emptiness in its wake.

Rather than hir cries getting softer as the chakat's orgasm ran its course, they grew louder. More violent, more desperately joyous. Strangled shrieks escaped Bramblepelt as shi fought to keep the feeling going, to wipe hir mind of all that was clouding it and keeping it from experiencing what really mattered. This moment. This second of hir life, as precious and unique as any other, and worth treasuring to the ends of time for that reason alone.

One last, frantic cry escaped Bramblepelt as shi wrenched hir lower body upward, pulling hirself up and off the knotted toy with such speed that practically its entire length was dragged across hir already overstimulated inner walls before they could stop quivering and clutching at it. Shi rose up on all fours, let loose that last desperate shriek as one last squirt of fluids burst from hir pussy and cock at practically the same instant, and...

Everything went dark.

Bramblepelt could feel hir body rocking back and forth, hir legs so unsteady it was like shi was drunk. Shi could feel that hir eyelids were closed, but didn't seem able to open them. Indeed, fewer and fewer of hir body parts seemed capable or willing to respond as that shimmering haze of whiteness swallowed up what little remained of hir conscious mind.

The chakat heard hirself whimper as shi toppled forward, hir front legs giving out a faction of a second before the rear pair, but neither pair causing hir any injury as shi collapsed onto the shower floor, head falling to rest gently upon hir extended, slightly folded arms. Shi felt the cool, soothing tile of the shower beneath the left side of hir face. Beneath hir legs and the left side of hir torso on which shi seemed to have come to rest.

Shi felt the tip of hir erection, spent and already starting to retract, brush against the tile on a spot... a rather large spot, that wasn't so much cold as it was warm and slippery. Shi felt hir cheeks reddening as shi realised what that wetness probably was, and heard a soft, silly little giggle escape hir own lips.

As the last of the chakat's conscious thoughts slipped away however, Bramblepelt did recall one final thing. An innate knowledge so certain, it was almost as though the veil of the worlds had parted before hir, and granted hir a glimpse into the future.

Shi was about to fall asleep. To fall asleep on the cold tile floor of hir own shower, the hind quarter of hir body resting in a puddle of hir ejaculatory juices and prior arousal. And no matter how foolish or embarrassing that sounded... Bramblepelt knew that while short, it was going to be one of the best slumbers of hir entire adult life. So fulfilling. So peaceful. So satisfying.

Almost like it had been spent resting not just somewhere pleasant in hir subconscious, but at the very centre of hir being.

By Jeeves

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