PSU - Chapter 1

Story by CoheirTrips on SoFurry

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Once upon a time in college.

"This is gonna be great, just wait and see!"

The skunkette could barely contain herself as she pushed onward, shoving her friend ahead of her until the much smaller and more plump of the two touched her nose against the moldering door. It bore no markings or sign; just a plain, dusty door barely lit by the light streaming in though the slotted windows above. The knob, however, shined.

"Aren't you excited?" Her question came out more squeak than words.

"Uh, yeah."

It was an odd pair that founds themselves in the abandoned basement of Aganom Hall, moments away from knocking on an old hunk of wood tucked away amongst the forgotten equipment and tools. Arm raised and nose against the chipped paint stood a short, chubby red panda. She wore a simple black tank top with spaghetti straps that strained at the chest to contain the girth hidden underneath, stretching and distorting the three letters covering its front. The cloth bellowed out in front of her slightly, draped over a round belly, and hung above simple jeans that dug in to her hips. What couldn't be contained spilled over the waistband, giving her two little black-furred handles on either side. Behind her stood a taller and more animated skunkette. This was a body that showed much less neglect. Beautiful dark fur stretched over toned, lean muscle. A gentle hill spread the length of her stomach, split down the middle, with creamy white fur poured over. Not a well defined six-pack yet, but she was working on it every day. Underneath the red halter stood perky, rounded mounds, and lower still, clinging to every curve of her peach-like rump, were simple jean shorts. No reason not to show off the goods, she thought. It could only help now.

Ashley stared at the back of her companion's head, smile turning flat across her muzzle as the seconds ticked on. "Am I gonna to have to do this for you?"

"No," the red panda answered quickly, and her fist rung against the door.

No going back now. Soon it was going to be open season on her tail, an all-you-can-eat buffet of panda. They would both have to be on guard every minute of the day, looking over their shoulders, observing their classmates with caution, trying to discern every movement for nefarious intent or purpose. Nowhere would be completely safe. Eyes would be everywhere, watching, waiting for just the right moment. A slip up, a lack of attention; a moment to strike. Butterflies danced somewhere deep inside the red panda's gut. For the first time since arriving at Pangea State University, she felt alive.

Sarah had come to PSU to follow her dreams. From age 11, she loved the saxophone, leaping at the chance to begin playing when it was offered to her in school and never looking back. When she had made first chair in her middle-school band, she was so happy she couldn't sleep that night. Now, thirteen years later, the passion had not faded. It was her second year studying for her Bachelor of Music degree, nearly halfway there, and the chunky little red panda had devoted herself entirely. So entirely that it left little time for friends or socializing. When she was not attending classes, Sarah could be found sitting in her Brishmuth Hall apartment in front of a music stand practicing her modes and arpeggios. Hours spent tweaking her embouchure just right, experimenting with a lip curled this way or that, teeth resting on the reed or cushioned, just to see what new flavor it would bring from her tenor. This was the main reason she fought so hard for an apartment instead of a dorm. With only one other roommate instead of three, the chances of someone becoming sick of the noise, snapping, and throwing her beloved out a window in a fit of annoyance were much lower. Ashley had been perfectly supportive. The lean skunkette had intimidated Sarah when they first met. Ashley was a track fanatic, always active, fairly popular on campus and very pretty. All things Sarah was not. Well, she liked to entertain the idea that she was cute, maybe, in a girl-next-door sort of way; but she had nothing that could compare to her roommate's gorgeous body. Not that she spent time looking at it; very much.

For the past year and change, every day was the same. Wake up, go to class, try to catch lunch with Ashley, more classes, and finish off those few hours before bed with practice. The skunkette was the only one of her peers Sarah talked to with any regularity, though she did not entirely wish that to be the case. It just made her a little nervous, approaching someone and starting a conversation. She never knew exactly what to say or how to say it. Whatever ice-breaker she came up with in her head was discarded as dull and dumb the moment the little red panda would take a step towards anyone, so she would just keep walking instead; maybe a smile and a wave as she passed, then a low sigh some steps later. The first few months living together, Sarah barely spoke to the skunkette, but Ashley never gave up. Every day she would say her good morning and good night, invite Sarah to sit with her at the kitchen counter for breakfast or beside her in the cafeteria for lunch, and always assured her it was fine if she didn't have anything to say.

"I can talk enough for both of us," she would say with a giggle.

Eventually her patience paid off and Sarah began to open up, little by little. Maybe being around the lively skunkette so much made her less self-conscious, as she would always be positive and receptive towards the red panda; the genuine interest the skunkette displayed made Sarah feel a little better about speaking out. Ashley would, of course, try to help her find that same confidence with her fellow students. A few introductions here, an attempt to set her up on a blind date there. Sarah would quickly run out of things to say and excuse herself. She turned down every offer Ashley would bring to her.

"N-no. That's ok. Really. I have to practice that night."

"Sarah, you practice every night."

"Uh huh. And how is my playing?"

"Fantastic..." Would come the skunkette's response, enveloped by a sigh.

On and on. Besides, sometimes Sarah thought looking was more fun anyway. A few of the boys had caught her attention as she would walk the halls or sit for lunch, spacing out of her conversation with Ashley for a few moments. The football players especially. All muscle and tight clothes. Like most men their age, they had their priorities, and they articulated them with an accentuated bulge; from their honed biceps, chiseled features and other assets. Not that Sarah only appreciated raw power and machismo. Often she would take the time to observe the studious, dedicated -- handsome, to her -- students who sat alone with their textbooks in their lap and the wind playing through their fur. She would feel a pull there, too. What would it be like to kiss him, she would think; or, what is he really in to? Of course she would never approach, never ask. She had given up on all that by now. She did, however, have a favorite. The moment she had laid eyes on him in the quad one sunny afternoon, the little red panda was hopelessly smitten. Brahim was his name, and he was perfect. A body like fine art, she would remark to herself, sculpted by a master and imbued with a fire that burned her up every time she dared to even glance. A mind as vast and unknowable as the universe, she would sigh, full of life and wonder. Maybe she was a little stalkerish, she would admit -- though only to herself -- but every time she saw the muscled, chestnut stallion, she would melt on the inside.

Brahim, she had deduced from following him around, majored in chemistry. Like his body, his grades were impeccable. Like her, he used his free time to dedicate himself to a passion. Unlike her, it involved the gym. There was no way, not in a million years, not if they were the only two beings left on the planet, could she ever hope to approach him. Not in reality, anyway. At night, her mind would play a different scenario. Those moments before sleep, alone in her room, her paw down the front of her panties, she would find the will to do more than just talk to him. It wasn't always Brahim she imagined sharing her bed with. Sometimes it was the quiet lizard who played baritone in the college band, or maybe the laid-back fox who always dressed so stylish; he sat beside her in history and culture. Dripping on the sheets, she would spread her lips wide and imagine how big his knot must be, and how it would feel splitting her open as it slid inside, locking them together as he held her tight against his russet fur and their shared release washed over their bodies. Sometimes it wasn't a male in the bed with her.

"I'm sorry, ok? It'll only be for a little while, I promise."

The skunkette had her paws clasped together in front of her as she leaned out the apartment door.

"You know this is the first time I've ever asked, yeah? I never get the chance for stuff like this!"

Sarah stood outside the door to her apartment, music and voices blaring past Ashley as she blocked the way inside.

"Please...?" The question was long, drawn out and punctuated by wide, shining eyes from the skunkette.

"Fine..." came the response.

Ashley squatted in the door frame. When she raised back up, Sarah had her saxophone case thrust in to her arms.

"Thank you so much! I know this isn't... your scene. But there are plenty of empty study rooms, right? I swear I won't let everyone stay for too long. Just give me... two hours. Max. I swear! And if you need anything, just come on in. I shouldn't be hard to find. Mwuah!"

Ashley's lips pressed against Sarah's cheek. One instant later, the red panda was staring at a closed door, the muffled sounds of her roommate's party emanating from inside. Turning with a sigh, she made her way to the elevator and down to the ground floor. The nearest study hall was only a few buildings away, on the second floor of Pallazo Library.

Her claws clicked along the hardwood floor as she made the turn at the intersection of the hallway, which brought her down another. To her left, over the wooden railing and between the curved stone arches, Sarah could see down in to the library. Long, polished tables sat in the middle, surrounded by shelves upon shelves of books. Even now, late in the afternoon, there were still students sat in cushioned chairs. The only sounds were of flicked pages, which echoed through the library. On the right, lining the wall, were a number of doors which lead to the small study rooms. Sarah picked one at random. After closing the door behind her, she swung her sax case on to the table and had a look around. The lighting was fluorescent, three fixtures spaced evenly across the length of the room. The only table was round, and had enough space to comfortably accommodate five or so students, as evidenced by the number of chairs. Hung on the plain, white walls was a whiteboard of moderate size. Facing her as she came in was a large window that spanned from floor to ceiling with vertical blinds closed. A rather plain room, and very quiet. She surmised the other rooms must look similar. Sarah had heard all the study rooms on the second floor were soundproof, so she had no need to worry about her practice disturbing any of her fellow students. She pulled up a chair, flicked the clasps on her black case, and removed her instrument along with a few sheets of material. No music stand, but she could manage just fine with the table. Arranging the pages in front of her, Sarah inserted her reed and began to play.

As she played, her mind began to wander away from the melody. It was not the notes she saw, but the living room of her apartment. Sarah tried to imagine what the scene inside would be like. Bottles of alcohol stood on the bar that divided the kitchen from the rest of the space, no doubt. Ashley probably drug her stereo out of her room and plugged it in underneath the window which looked out on the Back Circle. Their couch only sat four, so there was probably a standing-room crowd. Maybe a few sat on the floor with someone in their lap, the perfect position to sneak in a few testing gropes or a nuzzle. Ashley was probably in heaven. Sarah could guess why the skunkette had not tried to have a party before. It was her. She shied away from crowds, hated small talk, and would have been miserable making an attempt at introduction after introduction only to be tongue tied as soon as she began. Ashley meant well, and she was totally right, it really wasn't her scene. Maybe the skunkette couldn't take it anymore, the pressure built up so much that she just had to have a party. She was such a good friend, the least Sarah could do was make herself scarce every once-in-a-while to help out; she would only be in the way, otherwise.

The reed had come out of her mouth by now. Her tenor rested in her lap as the little red panda thought. Why couldn't she just be more social? Where was the problem? The more she tried to feel things out, to pin down exactly what came over her, the less clear it became. Something, some sort of wall, stood in her way. Sarah was unsure; about a lot of things. What to say, what to do, who to be with, if she even could be with anyone. The right words never came when she needed them. Words were fickle, they deserted her as soon as she tried to muster them. When the moment had long past she would think, what if I had said this; maybe I should have done that differently. She had tried when she first arrived on campus, really, she had tried. The pattern quickly became obvious to her, as she would find herself standing in front of someone, just staring, an awkward silence gaining momentum every second until she couldn't take its weight any longer. As it kept happening, Sarah stopped trying.

A blink brought her back to the here-and-now, where she found herself in a lonely little study room, staring down at black staff lines, notes and rests. The reed lifted back to her lips and Sarah sighed before taking hold, and she played just what she felt.

It wasn't quite two hours when Sarah finished packing her instrument and sheet music away. The atmosphere had finally gotten to her, all she wanted now was a little fresh air. Maybe she would take a walk through a few of the circles, take the long way back to Brishmuth. She snapped her case shut and made her exit. Now out in the hallway, she turned and came to a stop, paw still resting on the door's handle. A green, scaly boulder was there, walking towards the door of the next room, which was already open. He slowed to a stop as she came in to view and regarded her with a stony expression that made her a little nervous. Sarah knew this one. Not by name, but her eyes had wandered over that strong body before. He was on the football team, she knew that much.

The crocodile's eyes shown like marble, its little black slits bearing down on the chubby red panda, inspecting her from feetpaws to the tips of her ears, which slowly sunk behind her head as the silence dragged on. Sarah was at a loss. The croc was communicating something, but she could not understand what; the message seemed more for himself than her. There was a weight between them, one just as heavy as the male's muscled frame, and the red panda was caught underneath it. Then, without a word or gesture, the croc took the remaining steps toward the door, quietly shutting it behind himself. A few moments later, the light in its single window went out, leaving nothing but blackness on the other side.

Very strange, was the only internal commentary Sarah could muster. She slowly walked past the door, head turned to try and peer through the darkness as she made her way but it was useless. Further down the balcony, her steps quickened and her head turned the other direction. It was dark out now, she could see through the glass front of the library. No more students sat at the long tables, now the only sound that echoed were her claws against the floor; and one other set. It came from the end of the hallway, around the corner. As she turned down it, Sarah saw the owner. A sleek, female black cat was walking towards her, in camisole and low-ride jeans that allowed her red panties to peek out from over the waistband. The feline gave a little smile as they passed each other, Sarah returning one of her own as she continued toward the stairs. After the cat was out of sight, Sarah's pace slowed and came to a stop. She stood there in the hallway, staring down at the floor. Something strange was happening.

Her head turned to look over her shoulder. She could still hear the rhythmic clicking of the cat's claws down the study room balcony. The rest of her body followed as she crept to the corner, walking on the back pad of her paws to lessen the sound. There she saw the cat, slowly making her way past the doors with a sway in her hips, seemingly on her way to the very end. As she approached the room where Sarah had seen the croc enter, she suddenly stopped and her head whipped to the side. The fact that all rooms were lit had apparently not escaped the cat; all except for one; though she had noticed perhaps a little too late. The door flung open with a crash as it hit the wall, and out of the shadows lunged the crocodile, shirtless, scales shiny in the light. Before the feline could leap away, his large, bulging arms wrapped around her in a tight hug. Her paws grabbed at his shoulders as she tried to push free, but there was little chance of that. Turning his upper body, the croc hurled her in to the room and quickly slammed the door shut behind him as he entered. A moment later, light shined through the door's little window again. Sarah's mouth hung open.

Kneeling beneath the window, Sarah was almost panting, her racing thoughts made her heart and breath speed up to match. Just what in the hell was going on? Was she witnessing a rape? She should find someone, anyone, fast! Maybe yell for help! With shaky legs, Sarah slowly raised herself up, ears folded back, to peer inside the little window. What she saw made her whole body lock up, mouth agape, frozen solid. There on the room's small, round table lay the crocodile, on his back. Over the top of him, with her thighs locked around his neck, was the black cat. Her legs were extended out behind his head as she sat on his chest and squeezed, calves crossed in a scissor hold.

The crocodile didn't seem too concerned about his predicament, clawed hands slowly roaming over the cat's ass and hips, fingers tightening to squeeze her rump through her jeans. He spoke to her, and she replied, but Sarah could not make out the words through the soundproofing. There was someone else in the room, she noticed. A ram stood in the back corner, phone raised. Sarah recognized him too, another member of the football team. He circled around the table, always keeping his phone trained on the two, until he leaned in to move it closer to the crocodile's neck. Video, Sarah instantly thought. The crocodile's hands wandered higher until he cupped the feline's chest. She responded by tightening up, teeth grit as her legs shook. If it was effecting the crocodile, he showed no sign. After a few more words, he grabbed the front of her camisole and pulled his arms apart, ripping it right down the middle and exposing the cat's red bra; the same fabric and color Sarah noticed peeking out from behind her jeans. The cat grabbed for his wrists, but the difference in their strength was obvious. It took little time for the croc's hands to go behind her back and unhook the catch there, and the cat's bra fell away to lay draped over the croc's snout, exposing pert breasts and two small nubs of flesh that poke out from dark fur. A shake of his head and it flew on to the table.

With a quick scramble, the feline leaned back and twisted her legs free from around the croc's neck, catching herself from hitting the floor with an outstretched paw. As the croc sat up, she went to work on the buckle of his jeans, loosening the belt and pulling the front open to expose a parted slit between his legs. The ram circled again for a better view. The cat grinned up at the croc as she kneeled between his legs and spoke. Before the croc could fully reply, her head was in his crotch. His thighs were so wide the cat's head had practically disappeared except for the tips of her ears, but Sarah was not at all mistaken about what she must be doing. The croc's clawed hand came to rest between the feline's ears as she wriggled between his legs, and he stared down at her work with a blank expression. Less than a minute later and Sarah could see the tip of his member as it peeked over the top of his scaled thigh, giving more for the cat to lick and kiss as she stroked her pads along his length.

Sarah was more than confused. It definitely wasn't a rape; or maybe it was. She could not tell. The spectacle defied all description she could think to give it. All she could do was stare wide-eyed as the muscular crocodile finally pulled the cat's head from between his legs, grabbing her by the throat as he forced her to stand, back against the study room's wall. His jeans fell to his ankles as he stood from the table, stepping out of the pile one clawed foot at at time. She pulled at his wrists as she kicked and squirmed, but the larger male had her. Claws worked at the front of her jeans, and the cat put up a feeble resistance to stop them from being tugged away, leaving her in only silky, red panties. The croc's jaws opened as he leaned in and out came a broad, slimy tongue that flicked across one of the feline's nipples. He took his time torturing it, batting it around until it stood hard and shiny with his saliva. The cat had not given up just yet, she slapped at his head with her paws. No claw marks, Sarah noticed, she must have retracted them. The force of her taps barely made his wide head move, and when he finally clamped his jaws down upon her vulnerable nub, they stopped completely. Back arched, the cat writhed in his grip for a few moments before coming to rest against the wall and catch her breath.

There was little struggle from the cat as the croc finished the job, tugging her panties down her black velvet thighs one inch at a time. With a yank and a push from the croc, the cat stumbled towards the table, hands out to catch herself on the edge. He was behind her as her head turned to look back at him, claws digging in to her hips. Sarah could make out the bright pink flesh of his cock as it poked out between the dark fur of her thighs. Leaned over her back, the croc began to slide himself along her pussy. Claws wandered over her trim stomach until they clutched at her perky tits. His head rested over her shoulder, jaw moving as he spoke. No reply came from the feline, her eyes had closed and her mouth had fell open when those claws began playfully twisting at her flesh. The cameraram was quick to move around and bring his phone as close to the action as he could.

Sarah was starting to feel a little flushed. Her head snapped back to the corner of the hallway. Lowering herself down off the tips of her toes, she looked across the way to the adjacent balcony, and then over the edge of the railing. At a table she spied a lone opossum invested in the book opened in front of him. He sat quietly, slowly turning the pages as his eyes wandered from left to right. If he had noticed her, he didn't seem to care. She turned back just in time to see the croc positioning himself with a hand around the base of his dick. Slowly he eased forward as he sunk himself inside the cat, and Sarah saw her mouth slowly open wider as he entered her. Sarah's paw slipped down the front of her sweatpants to run a finger across her own lips as she watched the croc begin to roll his hips against the cat's slender rump. His nostrils flared but his face still wore that same stoic expression that had nearly paralyzed her earlier. Bent over the table in front of him, the cat was much more expressive. Her cries were dulled and distant, like they were miles away. Sarah had to strain her ears to even vaguely register them.

She bit her bottom lip as he crocodile picked up the pace, slamming against the cat's ass with powerful strokes that made his muscles tense and the cat's body shudder. Gripping her hips to pull them back in to his thrusts, the cat was barely supporting herself on shaking legs. Her eyes were clenched shut now, face twisted in to something that looked like a silent scream. Sarah noticed a damp spot on the carpet underneath them and looked down. Another, smaller one had already started to form in the crotch of her sweatpants. She yanked her hand free in surprise. The last thing she wanted was to risk strange looks when she eventually headed home. Inside the room, the cat spasmed under the crocodile's assault and fell limp across the table. His mouth opened slightly in an unnerving grin as he pulled his thick cock free of her, still rock hard and dripping with her nectar.

The crocodile gestured to the ram as he circled around to the other side and grabbed the cat's dark headfur. With his other hand, he began to stroke himself, tip pressed against her nose. The kitty watched through half-lidded eyes and open, panting mouth as the phone was brought to her face, ready to catch the moneyshot of this strange encounter. It didn't take long for the croc to finish himself, tip angled right in front of the cat's tongue, and fill her mouth with ropes of his hot cum. She closed her eyes and swallowed, throat rippling as it all went down. When the croc finally released her headfur, she fell against the table and lay still, back rising with deep, steady breaths. The ram took a few steps backward towards the door and pointed his phone up to the crocodile's face. From there, Sarah could see the caprine was sporting a tent in his shorts as the crocodile said a few words for the camera. For just a moment, Sarah thought she saw those marbled eyes turn slightly to her as she stared in through the little window, which was all it took to make her panic completely. She ran faster than she ever had before, right down the hallway, almost tripping down the stairs. Her fingers barely maintained their grip on the handle of her sax case as she bolted for home.

Sarah pressed her back against the door of her apartment, slowly sinking down to rest her plump rump on the mat beneath as she tried to catch her breath and still her heart. Everyone had gone. Ashley looked up as the door slammed, paused in the middle of bending over to grab a red plastic cup from the floor.

"Sarah? Um, are you all right, hon?"

There was no response from the red panda.


"Yeah." She took a deep gulp. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just, uh..."

"Just, uh, what?"


Ashley let go of the large black trash bag and walked to her friend, hands resting on her hips. "Sarah, please."

"No, really. I, uh..."

The skunkette stared down at her intensely.

"Uh, I was just practicing, that's all."

"Uh huh."

"Yeah, I'm thinking about trying out for track. What do you think my chances are?" The red panda gave her friend a wide grin.

Ashley choked back a giggle and shook her head. "I think you're a better sax player than a runner, hon."

Sarah chuckled. Rising to her feet, she took a deep breath and turned for her room. "I'm pretty tired, so I'm going to hit the sack now, all right? Oh, uh, how was the party?"

"Good. I was happy to play host for once. Everybody had a pretty good time. Um, you know I don't mind if you..."

Sarah quickly interrupted. "No, no. I didn't mind going out. I... understand. I want you to know it's perfectly fine."

"You sure?"

"Yeah. Good night, Ashley. See you tomorrow."

"Night, Sarah."

Sarah fell on to her bed, bouncing on the mattress. She stared intently at the ceiling, trying to make sense of what she just saw. It replayed over and over in her mind. The croc biting at the cat's stiff nipple, the cat with her legs around the croc's neck. That night, she imagined a different scenario. As her fingers rubbed against her little button and spread her lips apart, she pictured herself there on the table of the study room. On her back with legs wrapped around that muscled, scaly body, she took all the buff croc had to give. Her juices flowed when she yearned to have that thick length fill her up and feel those powerful arms hooked around her back, tugging her in to smooth, steady thrusts. She released when his cock throbbed inside her, painting her insides with warm seed, and completely soaked her panties, leaving a damp spot in her bed sheets underneath. Slowly her eyes opened, back in reality, and Sarah cleaned herself off.

"You know I'm your best friend, right?"

An opener like that usually meant trouble. It had been a week since Sarah had accidentally witnessed the strange encounter in the study room, and every day since it had been all she could think about. Every night she would fantasize about being in that room instead of outside looking in. Sometimes the croc's ram friend would help him take her. A few times she imagined holding the black cat down with a deep kiss while the crocodile took his time with each of them.

"And you know you can tell me anything, right?" The skunkette shoveled a spoonful of milk and cereal in to her mouth and crunched away as she stared back at the red panda.

"You've been pretty spacey recently, y'know? I heard you didn't show for creative writing yesterday."

Sarah looked up from her own bowl. "How did you know that?"

"Friend told me. She asked if you were okay."

"Mm." There was the dull clink of spoon against ceramic.

"Sarah, you know I give you your space, but I'm worried. Please, tell me what's going on."


The skunkette rested her spoon on the edge of her bowl and leaned in towards the red panda, elbows resting on the marble counter top of their kitchen.

"I saw something. That night. The night you had the party."

"Saw what?"

Sarah started from the beginning. The walk from Bishmuth to Pallazo, the strange glare the croc had given her outside the door, passing the black cat in the hallway. Some parts were harder to get out than others, they made the little red panda trail off and try to fill the gap with a knowing glace or vague gestures from her hands instead.

"Oooh..." Ashley would respond.

She talked about how at first she thought it was assault until the cat seemed to really be in to it. That's why she was so shaken up and out of breath when she had come home, she explained. Of course she left out the part concerning her own arousal, how she had become so excited as she watched the scene.

"So, you finally saw one."

Sarah cocked her head. "Huh?"

"A match."

"A match?"

Ashley took a deep breath. "Um, well, if you had talked about all this earlier, I could totally have explained. It's a club."

"A club?!"

"Yeah. I mean, I'm not surprised you never heard about it. You don't really get out much, and it's kinda supposed to be a secret."

Sarah grimaced. "What the hell kind of club is that?"

"A sexfight club."

" What?"

The skunkette paused to swallow another spoonful of cereal down. "I've heard people talk about it. Basically, two people meet up and try to fuck each others' brains out, and whoever gets fucked silly first, loses. One of the guys at the party that night? Rumor is he's a member. No one knows for sure, though. You kinda have to be in it to know, y'know?"

"And the staff are okay with this?"

Ashley shrugs. "I don't know if they even know."


"So. What do you think about it?"


When Sarah looked over, the skunkette was idly stirring her cereal, eyes down. "I mean, now that you know what it was, what do you think about it?"

"Well..." The thoughts were back, even stronger. Sarah's mind filled with broad, scaly chest and black-as-midnight fur.

"I, uh, think it's kinda hot."

It was a shock, hearing her roommate just come out with it like that.

"You do...?"

"Yeah! I mean, it's not nonconsensual or anything. You have to agree to be a part of it first, right? There's a few guys I wouldn't mind having a tussle with." A sheepish grin spread across Ashley's face. "What about you?"


Their sex life was not a subject that had ever come up before. But there they were, right in the middle of it. Sarah shifted on the bar stool, suddenly a little warm.

"Oh, I know you look, don't pretend. The lunchroom?"

"All right, yes, I look."

"And you like what you see. Don't think I haven't noticed all the extra laundry you've been doing," the skunkette said with a wink that made Sarah's skin burn beneath her fur. "Um, so, do you think you'd ever want to join something like that?"

"No." The response was immediate.

"Yeah, didn't think so. But, y'know -- and I'm just talking, here -- what if it could be... fun? It would definitely be a way for you to meet lots of guys! And you wouldn't be doing much talking..." Ashley's spoon was captured by a wide, toothy grin.

"I'm not a fighter, Ashley. Look at me. I get winded walking from class to class. That croc jock would tear me to..."

"But it's not all about physical strength. I mean it would definitely help, but there's also stamina and mental control. Sex is in the mind. You've got lots of things you could use against a guy, believe me, hon. I've... been curious about it, but I don't know if I want to go in alone. Hey, what if I come with you? We could do this together, really--"

"I just can't, okay? Can we stop talking about it?"

That evening, Sarah decided to do something she never would have considered, and left the apartment after she heard the door to Ashley's bedroom close. The road was well lit. Lampposts spaced along either side illuminated the walkway, all the way down to the main campus. Every circle had a few scattered here and there as well, bathing the benches beneath in a soft glow. It was a sight Sarah wasn't really used to taking in; this was her bedtime. She began walking, directionless, not really sure what she was looking for out in the crisp night air. What would be unlocked at this time of night, she thought to herself. Not the library, she knew. Maybe the engineering building? Perhaps some of the classrooms. It wasn't something she was ever curious about, and she couldn't ask Ashley now, not after their conversation that morning. The skunkette would just know, and she'd never live down the embarrassment. The little red panda stood a while in thought.

"The computer lab."

It was a start. Sarah cut across the grass and made a beeline for the building off in the distance. Some minutes later, while crossing Hampton Park, a rustling and breathy moan made Sarah stop dead in her tracks. When it was followed by a sharp gasp, Sarah's heart quickened. It looked like she wouldn't have to make the walk after all. Gently, she padded to the shrubs just on the edge of the lamppost's light and tried to peer through the leaves. She saw a fox on his back in the grass, a look of strained rapture across his face as his tongue lulled out from his muzzle. Straddling his waist and bouncing on his dick was a very shapely ewe, her creamy wool trimmed short across her body except for one errant, soggy patch between her legs. Her hoofed index and thumb wrapped around the top of the fox's knot to form a little ring as she rode his length, knees planted on either side for leverage. Clothes were strewn all around them.

"Ha. I knew you wouldn't last." The ewe pulled his cock from her, moaning softly as it finally popped free. Freshly milked foxspunk oozed from her cunny as she swung a leg over his prone, gasping body, and the ewe set about gathering up her clothes. "Good thing you didn't rip them, I would've been pissed. Better luck next time, yeah, Tre--"

Her body froze as soon as she noticed Sarah peeping in through the bushes. Sarah opened her mouth to speak, but the words just wouldn't come. The ewe rushed to collect her things, quickly pulling her panties up her lovely black legs to catch the brunt of her opponent's seed as it spilled from her. She didn't even bother putting on her bra, instead quickly slinging her jacket over her shoulders and pulling the front tight as she rushed through the bushes and broke in to a sprint across the grass.

"W-wait!" Sarah called out, but the ewe did not stop to look back.

She turned her attention to the fox, who was in much less of a rush after his defeat. He sat up and reached for his boxers, sliding them up his legs until he stood to finish pulling them up over his softening member. The juices that still clung to it pressed a damp silhouette in to the white cloth.


The fox shot her a nasty look before bending over to grab his jeans.With a little hop, he tugged them up to his waist and zipped the fly. Sarah watched in silence. Slinging his shirt over his shoulder, the fox turned and made his way out of the bushes. Sarah fiddled with her hands as she watched him go.

"I want to join."

That was enough to make the fox stop, slowly turning to look Sarah up and down with eyes that made her gulp softly. He regarded her for some time before finally speaking.

"Agenom Hall. Basement. Knock three times on the door, slowly." The fox turned and began to slowly walk across the grass toward the pathway that lead him back home. He did not look back. "Tell him Trent said you're cool."

Sarah could see the door was ajar as she crept up to it in the pitch-black basement of Aganom Hall. The only light came from her phone, which she quickly shut off once she noticed a dull glow outlining the crack in the door. Faintly, she could make out voices. No words, just grunts and moans. Kneeling beside the door, the little red panda began to inch the door open. Achingly slow, it felt like it took forever until it was even open enough for her to peer inside, but she didn't want to risk a creak or a groan from the old wood and give herself away. A soft light outlined a desk that sat against the wall perpendicular to the entrance of the room. A television, Sarah quickly deduced. After an eternity of slow, calculated movements, her heart beating inside her throat, and sudden freezing terror when the hinges would softly squeak, the door was finally open enough for the chubby panda to slip through.

Squatting behind the cover of the desk, Sarah surveyed the tiny room. There wasn't much to it. Other than the desk, the only other piece of furniture seemed to be a card table with a few chairs around it. On the wall hung a long whiteboard with writing that covered the surface. Perfect, she thought, just what she was hoping to find. Only it hung opposite of the wall the TV must be against and further down, in front of the little table, well past the protection of her hiding spot. Down on all fours, Sarah slowly made her way to the corner of the desk, pausing a moment to ready herself for a quick peek-a-boo at what lay on the other side. She could tell there were sounds other than the ones coming from the TV, though they seemed just as lewd. The occasional slurp that reached her ears definitely wasn't coming from the grainy low-fi speakers of the television. It was now or never. A quick look and then back behind the desk.

Her paw shot to cover her muzzle as she ducked back. It had not been a television at all, rather a laptop that sat on a small shelf that spanned the length of the desk, bolted in to the wall. Sat in front of the screen in a swivel chair was a husky, unmistakable curled-tail lazily swinging back and forth as its owner gazed at the video in front of him. Sarah was sure it was a 'he', the smell had been overwhelming as soon as her nose got inside the room, and she could also smell he was not alone. On his knees in front of the chair was another male with another tell-tale feature. His floppy ears bounced gently against his shoulders as his muzzle slid up and down the knotted length of the husky's cock. Sarah could tell from her quick glance that the bunny was fairly excited as well, a slender pink shaft rose from his sheath as he nursed at the canine. This time she risked a longer glance, testing the waters before making her move. The video was definitely from a phone and showed two female students Sarah didn't recognize in the middle of what could only be a match. A spry opossum bit through the bra strap of a slinky ferret, who capitalized immediately by grabbing for her exposed tits for a rough squeeze. She was rewarded by a loud moan as the ferret arched her back and her paws tried to dislodge the opossum's hold on her tender chest. The bunny's eyes remained closed the whole time as he worked his tongue along the husky's beet-red meat, and the husky never turned away from the screen.

The pair seemed very preoccupied. Sarah recognized this was her chance, and steeled herself. She crawled along the floor as slowly as she could, eyes locked on the rabbit's face. If he were to open his eyes, it would all be over. She would have to be quick, something she never had much luck at being before, if she wanted to take a look at what she hoped was the club's roster. With half her body now exposed, she slowly turned her head to try and look up at the whiteboard hanging on the wall above her. There were three groupings of names, around thirty or so in total she guessed. The top name on the bottom two groups were marked with a star, while the top three names on the top group were outlined in red. There was some sort of symbol beside those particular names, but Sarah couldn't quite make out what it was supposed to represent. A few of the names on the list caught her attention. Tomas Anderton, Sally Homi. Tomas was a badger who was in her creative writing class, and Sally was third chair trumpet in the band. Sarah had thought she was a cute bunny, petite and solid white. As her eyes scanned up the list, one in particular made her breath catch in her throat. There in the second grouping she saw him. Brahim Naser. The red panda quickly withdrew behind the desk, terrified that she was heard, overwhelmed with excitement that her fantasy had become a reality.

"What was that?"

"I don't know, don't worry about it."

"Hey, is the door open?"

Immediately Sarah began to back out, with as much caution as she could manage, until she scrambled to hide behind a dusty filing cabinet there in the darkness of Aganom's basement.

"No one here. You probably just forgot to close it."

"No way. There is no possible way I would forget to--"

From her spot behind the cabinets, Sarah could see the glow emanating from the opened door darken, but heard no movement cross beyond the frame.

"Aww, sit back down. I'm not finished with you yet..."

A few moments later the door closed, and Sarah heard the lock click in to place. That was all the red panda needed to get her moving. Whipping out her phone to light the way, she ran for the stairs that led back to the first floor of Aganom Hall.

After she had closed the door to her bedroom and plopped down on her bed, Sarah heaved a sigh. It was so perfect; now she had a way to hold him, to approach the unapproachable. A few moments later, she was thrown from her fantasies of tight embraces against a rock-hard chestnut body, of strong hands gripping at her ass to pull her in to a deep kiss and the feeling of a thick, meaty horse dick that slid between her thighs and threatened to split her in two with absolute ecstasy. The bedroom door swung open.

"I thought I heard a clickity-clack on the floor earlier! Sarah, where have you been?"

Propping herself up with her elbows, the chubby little red panda had only one thing to say in response.

"I'm in."