The Stables & The Stallion

Story by Scyphozoa on SoFurry

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The story of a youth who's broken down car leads him to a strange Motel where an old tale may make you think twice about locking your door at night...

The Stables and the Stallion

DISCLAIMER: This story contains strong scenes of M/M sex and animal transformation, if this does not interest you or you feel offended by this content, please close the file and look around for something you enjoy. If this is your sort of story, please sit back and enjoy the story.

"Damn it" Jason cursed, "How the hell did I end up here"

Today had not been his day.

He had spent the morning driving to a prestigious job interview and had somehow managed to misread his directions and was now driving along a vast country road, lush fields spanning either side of the deserted stretch.

Glancing quickly at his wristwatch, he angrily slamming his fist on the steering wheel

"FUCK" he yelled, his anger escalating as he realised that he had missed his interview.

With a rumble, he pulled the car onto the side of the road and began frantically dialling a number on his phone however he was faced with the message that he was out of signal range.

With a yell of rage he threw his phone onto the dashboard where it shattered before resting his head on the steering wheel, gentle tears running down his face.

"Why..." he sobbed, "Why me..."

After several moments of quiet sobbing, he sits back and wipes his brow.

"Well" he muttered, "Better get home"

He turned the key in the ignition and the car gave a strained chug and stopped.

A feeling of dread suddenly filled him as he desperately turned they key again

"C'mon...C'mon" he grumbled.

The car gave a few more spluttered chugs before with a loud clunk, died.

That was the last straw, with a suppressed scream; he wrenched the door open walked around to the front of the car and gave the bumper angered kick.

"FUCK!!!" he yelled suddenly hopping around in pain, massaging his throbbing foot.

Slumping to the floor, he buried his head in his hands and cried, this was fast becoming the worst day of his life, missed his interview, destroyed his phone and now his car was busted.

"What else can go wrong" he thought to himself.

His moment of despair slowly drifting away, he took a moment to look at his surroundings, he was in the middle of the countryside, and he felt a moments peace before his predicament settled back in.

"Now what the fuck am I gonna do" he grumbled,

He glanced up and down the down the road, all he could see was farmland and he hadn't passed anything along his way here, with a sigh he grabbed his bag from the trunk, locked the busted car and set off in the direction he was driving.

The sun beat down on him as he walked, as it approached midday.

He tugged at the thin silk shirt that now had large dark patches as he sweat from the heat,

"Damn, had to be on the hottest day of the year" he panted.

Slowly he peeled off his sweat drenched shirt and with a slight sigh of relief, tied it around his waist.

His bare chest gleamed in the sunlight, he was fairly well built, and he worked out occasionally and was slightly toned however he had great potential to bulk up.

He ran his hand through his dark, wet hair and sighed.

"I hope I find someone soon"

As the day passed into mid afternoon, Jason was beginning to give up hope; he had passed nothing but open farmland and vast pastures, filled with cows, sheep and the occasional horse.

He panted and gasped, the heat was overbearing, sweat poured down over his bare skin which was now beginning to redden with sunburn.

He was beginning to give up hope as he turned a bend in the road but let out a sigh of relief as he saw a large sign staked into the ground.


"Oh Thank God!!" he gasped, ploughing onwards with renewed vigour.

Ten minutes later he had reached the entrance to a dirt road, a staked sign denoting the motel stood slightly askew next to the road entrance.

Looking down the road, he saw a large barn and farmhouse surrounded by several fields which seemed to be teaming with horses of every size and colour.

Smiling with relief, he quickly began to make his way down the path, as he approached, he realised the barn and house were a lot bigger than he thought, the barn itself seemed the size of a small stadium.

As he got closer he passed some of the paddocks, as he did, several horses galloped up to the fence, nickering and flaring their wide nostrils at him as he passed, he stopped and stroked the neck of a large Clydesdale stallion and was surprised to be rewarded by a large lick across his Pecs.

"Hey!" he gasped, slightly bemused, "wow you're a playful one aren't you"

The stallion nickered after him as he continued down the path.

After a few minutes he entered what he assumed to be a large car park in front of the large farmhouse.

The house looked fairly modern and kept in good condition, a large polished sign hung above the door reading "THE STABLES MOTEL"

Smiling with a sense of relief, he opened the door and felt a wave of cool are brush across his bare chest as he stepped into the air conditioned lobby.

He blinked as his eyes adjusted from the bright sunlight, the lobby was cool and welcoming, several large portraits hung around the room depicting horses and next to them hung various bridles yokes, adding to the farmyard theme.

In the corner of the room was a large polished desk, behind which stood a young man, looking fairly bewildered at the sweaty, half naked man who had just entered the room.

Jason blushed slightly with embarrassment as he realised how he must look.

"Err...Hi" he stammered, shuffling his feet as he walked across to the desk.

The young man seemed to recover his composure, his cheeks slightly red as his eyes wondered up and down Jason's body.

He cleared he throat and smiled,

"Hi, welcome to the Stables Motel, what can I do you for?"

Jason wiped the sweat from his brow, "A you have one?"

The man reached below the counter and placed a large telephone on the desk in front of Jason,

"The five sticks so don't press too hard" he smiled before moving into an office at the end of the desk.

"Thanks mate" Jason smiled before picking up the receiver and quickly dialling.

Several minutes later, the young man reappeared behind the desk as Jason slammed the receiver onto the phone in frustration, his face flushed red in anger.

"Hey now" said the young man, sternly, "Don't take it out on the phone"

Jason grunted an unconvincing apology, gripping the desk and trying to calm himself down.

He'd rung several of his friends and none of them were able to come and collect him from the motel.

Cursing his bad luck he sat down on a large sofa next to the desk, cradling his head in his hands.

He was snapped out of his depressing reflections buy a sudden sharp coldness on his cheek and looked up to see the young receptionist holding out a large bottle of water.

"Here" he smiled, "looks like you need it"

With a grateful smile, Jason took the bottle and almost emptied half of it in a single swig.

"Thanks man" he gasped, "I did"

The young receptionist smiled and settled himself on the sofa next to Jason.

"So what's the deal...err" he stuttered,

"Jason" he murmured,

"I'm Rory, so what's wrong"

Jason looked at the youth, he seemed a year or two younger than himself, had a slim but toned build and was wearing casual clothes however now he had sat down, Jason saw he was barefoot.

"Just been a long day" he grumbled, quickly summing up his missed interview, broken car and phone.

Rory gave him a sympathetic smile as he finished his story,

"Wow you have had a rough one...and now nowhere to go?"

Jason shook his head sadly,

"Yeah...I don't have much cash on me so I doubt I could even stay here"

He looked up at Rory and was surprised to see the young man was chuckling and giving him a very cheeky grin.

"You don't know this place then" the young receptionist grinned, jumping to his feet and walking to a door next to the counter.

"Lemme show you"

He beckoned to Jason eagerly before opening and stepping out the bright sunlight that poured into the room from the open door.

Jason stared after him quizzically before rising and making his way to the door, squinting as he stepped out into the bright, warm, afternoon light.

As his vision returned, he found he had stepped out into a large coral, several large stallions trotted around freely, nickering merrily in the afternoon sun.

Rory was standing at the far end of the coral, brushing the mane of a large Clydesdale that stood almost a head and a half taller than him, the horse had his head bowed and eyes closed in gentle bliss.

A slight grin played across Jason's face as made his way across the coral.

"Looks like he's enjoying that"

Rory smiled as he continued his task,

"I have a gift with horses; they tend to be relaxed around me"

Jason raised a hand and stroked the stallion's thick neck.

"Hey hey" smiled Rory as the stallion nickered and turned its neck to nuzzle Jason affectionately, "He likes you"

Jason chuckled as the stallion licked his bare chest before he gently pushing the stallion away.

" does this help me?"

Rory grinned and offered him the brush,

"Honest work for honest pay, you help around the place and you get a room and food"

Jason eyed the brush for a moment, feeling the hot sun prickle his glistening skin.

What other option was there....

Slowly he reached out and took the brush before gingerly attempting to mimic Rory's task of brushing the large stallion's mane.

The horse nickered and lowered his head so Jason could reach better.

"You're a natural" noted Rory watching carefully with a satisfied smile.

He gestured to the remaining stallions in the coral.

"Brush these guys down and then come into the barn OK"

Jason nodded and continued his brushing of the stallions.

He moved from horse to horse, brushing down their long silky manes, tails and across their coats.

As he did each one, they seemed approach him with ease and let him perform his task without any sense of fear or trepidation, something he found slightly strange.

The afternoon had drifted on as he finished tending to the last stallion; wiping his sweaty brow he dropped the brush into an open tool satchel.

He flexed his back, feeling a slight stiffness from the work, he looked around at the paddocks around the coral, most of the horses were still stood around grazing, while others trotted around in pairs nuzzling each other playfully.

His eyes then fell upon a lone black stallion grazing below a large tree near the far end of the paddock; he noticed that all of the other horses tended to give him a wide berth, not going any closer than several feet.

As he pondered this, the sun suddenly shone brightly into his eyes.

He squinted and turned away towards the large barn, he stepped into the shade, a strong farmyard smell filled his nostrils as his eyes widened at the sight of the building.

The large barn was laid out with ten rows of large stalls that stretched back to the rear wall, many of the stalls were filled with a variety of horses many of which were nickering loudly or munching away at stacks of hay.

A large balcony had been constructed above the stalls around the walls, from where he stood, Jason could see it was stacked high with bales of hay, crates and sacks.

Jason began to make his along the rows until he eventually spotted Rory near the end of one of them, placing a large bale of hay into an empty stall.

"Hey man" he smiled, wiping his brow as Jason approached "Ya done?"

"Yeah, all done"

Jason eyed the stalls along the row.

"What's next...WHOA!!"

Jason let out a sharp gasp as a large bale of hay was launched into his arms.

"Hehe Sorry man" laughed Rory,

"WHATS THE BIG IDEA" retorted Jason, regaining his breath and readjusting his stance to support the bale.

"Didn't see you'd turned" the farmhand replied, "I need you to help me stock this row of stalls with fresh bales, then we can call it a day"

"Sure" grumbled Jason as he stumbled towards the nearest stall.

The sun had just slipped below the horizon as Rory tossed the last bale into a stall.

"Well, there we go" he panted, peeling off his shirt and using it to wipe his sweaty brow.

Jason was resting against one of the stalls, his bare chest gleaming and slightly red from the day's work.

He eyed up Rory as the farmhand wiped his face, the man was slim but his muscles were well toned presumably from all the farm work, he couldn't help but feel slightly jealous.

"C'mon" beckoned Rory, heading back towards the doors while tossing his damp shirt onto a nearby saddle, "Let's get some food"

Jason followed eagerly, he hadn't realised the hungry had gotten and was glad when he got into the lit dining room and Rory placed a large steak dinner in front of him.

The two tucked into their meals eagerly though Jason felt slightly unnerved that Rory only seemed to be eating vegetables while he tucked into his steak.

When the two had cleaned their plates, Rory quickly cleared the table before returning with two large glasses of bourbon which they quickly drank merrily.

"Hey" grinned Jason, "What's with that black stallion out in the paddock, the other horses don't seem to like him."

Rory chuckled, "Oh you saw him, he's the one this ranch started with" he leaned forwards in his seat and smiled, "he was never given a name so we just call him 'The Stallion', he's a loner, doesn't tend to go near the other horses unless he's particularly frisky"

Jason grinned, gulping down the last of his drink.

"Hey!" added Rory, setting down his empty glass and getting to his feet, "I haven't shown you you're room yet"

Jason set down his own glass and followed Rory into the reception where the farmhand grabbed a key before heading up a set of stairs and along a rustic corridor with several doors dotted along its length.

He stopped and unlocked the nearest door and lead the way into the room.

Jason looked around, the room had the same rustic appearance as the reception, several portraits of horses garnered the walls next to a large polished yoke which gleamed in the lamp light.

"It's nothing glamorous but we like it here" Rory smiled, "You have a bathroom through that door in the corner and I'm the last door down the corridor if you need me"

"Thanks mate" Jason smiled back, kicking off his shoes and sitting on the bed.

Rory turned to leave but quickly wheeled back around,

"Oh!...One more thing, make sure to lock your door before you nod off"

Jason looked up at him confused,

"Why who could come in? You?" Rory laughed,

"Nah not me, I'm not one for getting off with our customers, but as I say if the Stallion is feelin' a bit frisky...."

Jason barked a laugh,

"The Stallion really, I think I'd see a dirty great horse coming into the room."

Rory merely chuckled and turned back to the door,

"Suit yourself my friend, I'm just warning you, anyways g'night"

He hung the key on a hook next to the door before closing it behind him, Jason heard the padding of his bare footsteps heading away down the hall.

Jason laid back, the bed was surprisingly comfortable, it was then that the smell of the day's work hit him, hopping off the bed he peeled off his jeans and boxers before heading into the bathroom and standing under the steamy stream of water, mulling over the day as he rubbed water over his tired and sweaty body, his muscles slowly relaxing in the heat.

After a thorough wash, he turned off the shower and towelled himself down before strolling back into his room, his eyes drooped sleepily and he was just about to jump into bed when he spotted the key hanging by the door.

He grinned to himself, thinking of Rory's warning.

"May as well humour him" he thought.

With a yawn he walked across the room and locked the door with a click before finally getting into bed and after a few yawns and eye drooping, he drifted off to sleep.

Jason was awoken abruptly by a loud pounding and shouting.


Jason rolled and gave a slight yelp as he fell off the bed onto the hard wooden floor.

Cursing wildly under his breath he strode over to the door, rapidly turned the key and wrenched the door open to see Rory standing there, a childish sneer on his face.

"There you are, was wondering if the Stallion had got ya" he chuckled,

Jason just gave him a cold look, the light from the window showed it was not too long past sunrise.

"Why'd you wake me up so early" he grumbled, stifling a large yawn.

"Sorry bud" shrugged Rory, "Life of a farmhand gets you up early, horses to tend and work to do"

His eyes suddenly trailed down and Jason was sure he saw a blush creeping into his cheeks.

"Anyway..err..breakfasts on the table" he stuttered, his voice stuttering strangely before he added "....and you may wanna make yourself decent before you come down"

Jason suddenly looked down and felt his face go red as he realised that he was standing stark naked in the doorway, his morning wood bobbing freely in the morning light.

"Err..Yeah" he replied before hastily slamming the door shut, embarrassment filling him.

He stayed there for a moment, hearing Rory chuckling as he walked away down the corridor.

Cursing his own stupidity, he walked over to his clothes and realised they were all still filthy from the day before.

Cursing again, he pulled on his old boxers before gathering up his clothes and heading downstairs.

Rory was sat at the table and almost choked into his cereal as Jason entered wearing only a pair of boxers.

"When I.....*cough cough* said decent" he grinned through bewildered coughing, "I thought you'd *cough* come up with *cough cough* more than *cough* that."

He ducked into a coughing fit for a few moments before re-emerging, a disbelieving grin playing on his face.

Jason felt himself go red again.

"I..err...didn't have anything.." he stammered, "anything to...err....change into"

Rory let out a sharp laugh before quickly darting around his near naked friend and opening a dresser in the hall, procuring a vest, jeans and underwear.

"Sorry man, I forgot you didn't have much when you got here" he grinned, offering the clothes to Jason who took them gratefully and quickly dressed on the spot.

"Give me those" he added, taking Jason's older clothes, "I'll have 'em washed later, get yourself some breakfast and then see if you can get one of your friends on the phone."

Jason smiled in thanks before setting himself at the table and pouring himself some cereal.

He munched away happily as Rory returned a few minutes later and continued his own meal.

After finishing he made his way back into the reception followed shortly by Rory who went behind the desk and began sorting through papers.

Jason picked up the phone and began quickly dialling anyone he could think off and let out a giant sigh when the voice of his friend Dean echoed from the receiver.

"Hey Jase where ya been, did the interview go well?" came the cheery voice.

Jason was silent for a moment as the memories of the previous day flooded back,

"Nah mate, I didn't, but listen Dean can you do me a favour?"

"Sure what do ya need?"

"My car broke down in the middle of nowhere and I'm stuck at this place called the Stables Motel, can you come get me?"

The phone was silent for a moment.

"Ahh" crackled the response "I can't today mate...sorry"

Jason felt his heart sink at the words.

"My own car's in the shop and I won't get it back till tomorrow and lookin' where you are...its gonna be a couple of days till I get there"

The earlier sigh was now replaced by one of exasperation,

"sorry man" came the reply again.

"It's alright mate, two days..."

Rory looked up from his work as Jason placed the receiver down and placed his head into his hands.

"Everything alright?" he asked,

Jason sighed, "Yeah..listen, is it alright if I help out for a couple more days"

Rory face split into a wide smile,

"Sure man, long as you need" he grinned joyfully, "If anything it'll be great to have some human company"

"Thanks Rory"

"Right, let's get you started"

Rory led Jason out the back into the bright early morning sun, again he was met with the sight of the coral, empty for the moment as the pair walked across the uneven ground to the open doors to the enormous barn.

The two made their way down one of the long barn rows, several horses stuck their heads out and let out snorts as they passed.

"Easy boys" said Rory, stopping to stroke the nearest horse, "we'll have you out in just a moment"

He turned eagerly to Jason.

"We'll be taking the ones in this row out to the coral today for some grooming"

Jason watched as he unlatched the stall door before leading a large bay stallion into the walkway and offering the reigns.

Jason looked at the leather straps, almost fearfully.

Rory smiled, "It's alright, he's quite gentle."

Tentatively, Jason reached out and took the reins and with a gentle tug, began to lead the horse towards the bright exit.

The stallion obediently trotted behind him as he lead it out into the sunlight, he circled the paddock and waited as Rory followed him out, leading a painted stallion.

He called Jason over and helped him tie the horses to the fence before handing him the brush.

"Just do what you did yesterday, I'll bring them out while you groom them"

He then gestured to a gate in the coral leading to the fields.

"When you've finished one, untie it and let it into the field OK"

Jason nodded and watched Rory head back into the barn before beginning his task.

As the morning went on, Jason yawned as he went about the task of grooming the stallions, all of which nickered merrily as he worked, none seemed to give him any kind of trouble.

"Maybe I do have a knack for this" he thought to himself.

As he worked, Rory would occasionally join him to see his progress and to bring out the next horse, he seemed pleased with the job he was doing and happily remarked how the horses were so relaxed around him.

"Hah you're a natural farm boy y'know" he chuckled as he lead another stallion over to Jason, who grinned sheepishly as he lead the stallion he had just finished through the gate to the fields.

As he walked back, a loud bell suddenly rang from inside the house.

Rory handed the reigns over to Jason, promising to be right back, before rushing through the door into the farmhouse

Jason stood perplexed for a moment before a nudge from the horse he was holding snapped him back to his senses and he continued his task.

He quickly finished working on the last horse and was closing the gate to the field when Rory re-emerged from the farmhouse, followed by a young man who was eagerly looking around at the many horses.

"Hey Jason" called Rory as the two approached, "We have ourselves a new guest, this is.."

The newcomer darted forwards before Rory could finish and seized Jason's partially raised hand.

"Hi mate" he grinned, vigorously shaking Jason's arm, "I'm Nate"

Jason was astonished at the young man's enthusiasm and with a rather bemused smile, returned the introduction.

"Man this is some ranch" Nate grinned, "My car kinda ran out of gas a short way away and I found this place"

"And like you my friend" smiled Rory, "Needed a bed."

"Right then" Nate yelled enthusiastically, "What am I doing to earn my keep?"

Rory smiled at his enthusiasm and guided him towards the barn.

Jason wasn't sure but as the two men walked away, he was sure that Nate kept glancing at him over his shoulder.

The afternoon slowly dragged, Rory had given Nate the task of leading the new stallions out for Jason to groom. With each horse he brought out, the youth took the opportunity to compliment Jason's appearance, causing him to blush madly as Nate returned to the barn.

"Y'know its gettin' really hot" Nate groaned as he arrived with his latest charge, "Mind if I get comfortable?"

Jason couldn't help but stare as Nate turned and began to pull off his sweaty t-shirt, showing off his tanned, toned body.

Nate smiled as he saw Jason's face redden slightly as he averted his gaze, trying to focus on the horse he was grooming.

"C'mon Jase" he grinned, crossing his arms and leaning against the stallions flank, "I'm only teasing"

Jason was trying to keep his eyes on the stallions chestnut pelt while pretending his face wasn't as hot as the sun beating down on them.

He knew he wasn't gay, but even so he still felt rather unsettled having this attractive guy hitting on him.

Nate patted him on the back, chucking.

"Y'know your kinda cute"

Jason felt his blush deepen as Nate turned and walked back towards the barn and he couldn't help sneaking a glance at the youth's lightly tanned, muscled back.

Despite his best efforts, Jason couldn't help casually taking more glances at Nate, something he was quick to pick up on, occasionally doing minor flexes and brushing against Jason as he passed.

By the time the sun had begun to set, he had to admit he was beginning to get a slight crush on the youth.

As Jason lead the last stallion into the main field, Rory called both men back to the farmhouse and they move gratefully into the shade.

"Why don't you boys wash up while I get dinner on the table" Rory smiled, handing them towels before heading into the kitchen.

"Sure" muttered Jason, taking his towel and turning towards the stairs.

Nate took his towel and swung it over his bare, tanned shoulders and followed.

They ascended the stairs in silence, Jason felt Nate's eyes on him with every step.

They reached Jason's room first and as he placed the key into the lock, Nate finally spoke.

"Y'know" he whispered, "working all day under the sun can make a guy pretty tense"

Jason felt his face go red as he felt Nate place a hand on his shoulder and began gently massaging it.

"I can help you unwind if you want" Nate whispered, his lips inches from Jason's ear.

At this point Jason has reached his limit.

With a quick action, he brushed Nate's hand from his shoulder and turned to face him.

"Look Nate" he said sternly, "I'm not gay, I'm flattered your hitting on me but can you just....NOT!"

He said the last word rather harshly.

Nate looked rather taken aback by the outburst, but a moment later his face split into an innocent smile and he raised his hands in mock surrender.

"Whoa mate" he said gently "didn't mean to unnerve you...sorry"

Jason felt a slight pang of shame at his outburst but before he could say anything further, Nate had clapped him on the shoulder.

"Forget about it alright" he smiled, "see you a dinner."

Jason was left rather speechless as he watched the half naked youth swagger away down the hall.

Slowly he came back to his senses and entered his room, his face red again.

After a quick shower and changing into his own clothes, which had be laundered by Rory and left for him, Jason headed down the stairs where he found Rory and Nate setting a roast joint of beef onto the table with an array of vegetables.

The three of them sat down and enjoyed the meal, again Jason found it strange how he and Nate tucked into the meat while Rory was satisfied merely with the vegetables.

"Are you a vegetarian or something Rory" he asked uncertainly,

Rory merely chuckled and waved his hand,

"Nah, I'm just not feelin' meat at the moment"

Jason thought the response was rather half witted but he didn't pursue it.

The three of them finished their meal and helped Rory clean up.

"Thanks for the help guys" Rory smiled, placing some papers behind the reception desk.

"Early start tomorrow so hit the hay and don't forget to lock your doors"

He gave the two men a wink before heading into the office.

Nate looked at Jason in confusion before they turned and headed back up the stairs.

"What did he mean by that?" Nate asked,

"He..err" Jason replied, struggling to word it in a way that didn't sound odd, "He thinks the Stallion may drop in on us."

He realised as he said it that it was still crazy.

Nate burst into a fit of giggles, clutching the banister for support.

"He..hahaha...he thinks that one of his horses is gonna trot along up here and come into our rooms"

he doubled over again, unable to stem the flow of giggles.

Jason chucked,

"The idea really was silly" he thought to himself.

They continued chuckling till they reached Jason's room.

As he unlocked the door, he felt Nate place his hands on his shoulders and he suddenly froze, a nervous chill ran through his body.

"Y'know, ya never know if you like guys till you've had a go y'know" Nate muttered gently, again slowly massaging his shoulders.

"I...I..err" Jason stuttered, taken off guard by Nate's sudden forwardness.

He felt Nate draw closer and again felt his breath near his ear as he whispered,

"I'll leave my door open....come along and I'll show you just how good it is"

Before Jason could react, Nate removed his hands and hurried off down to hall and entering his own room without another word.

Jason stood frozen on the spot for a moment before the impact of what had happened hit him.

His face red, he quickly entered the room, closed the door and locked it before falling back on his bed, breathing deeply.

"Did that just happen" he thought to himself, placing his head in his hands.

He sat there for a minute, confused by his feelings, thinking the situation over and over in his head.

To make matters more awkward, he realised that he had been fully hard since entering the room.

Slowly, he unbuttoned his jeans and pulled his boxers down, releasing his hard, throbbing dick.

He sat there looking at it for a moment before stripping off the rest of his clothes and laying back on the bed, closing his eyes and reaching down to pleasure himself.

As he jerked himself off he began to drift into his regular fantasies of girls, kissing him, sucking him off, letting him fuck them hard.

He beat faster, the fantasies growing more intense, panting and moaning as he got closer.

Something began to change, the images in his mind began to change the girls faded and were Nate.

He stopped jerking but didn't open his eyes, the half naked image of Nate floating in his mind, he felt a himself blush slightly.

Slowly he continued jerking, Nate's image becoming clearer, stripping off his jeans to reveal a pair of tenting boxers.

He began to pant again, his dick throbbing as he jerked faster to Nate's tanned, muscular body.

As the mental image began to remove his boxers, Jason bucked his hips and moaned loudly as he shot several long, thick jets of cum over his bare chest.

He lay there, panting in the afterglow of his orgasm, feeling the rush of heat slowly drain from his body.

"Did..Did that just happen" he thought to himself.

He stared at the ceiling, a worried feeling rising within him.

He wasn't gay...but he had just jacked off to a guy, a guy who was attracted to him.

He turned his head to his door, he felt a strange urge to leave and see Nate, then he shook his head, trying to clear the thought.

"I'm not gay" he muttered before getting up and heading into the bathroom to wash his cum covered chest before jumping into bed slowly falling into an uneasy sleep.

He tossed and turned throughout the night, his dreams echoing the earlier fantasy of Nate.

He woke with a start, breathing hard and scowling angrily, he got up and got a glass of water from the bathroom.

As he was walking back to the bed, he heard something strange.

From outside in the hall, he heard a gentle jingling, dull thumping and odd scraping noise.

Moving to the door, he pressed his ear against the cold wood.

The noise was slowly fading, as though it was moving away.

He unlocked the door and opened it.

Sticking his head out into the dark hallway, he looked around.

There was no-one there.

He strained his ears, attempting to hear the sound again, but was met with silence other than the occasional whinny coming from the stables.

After a moment, he closed the door and locked it again before heading back to bed, drifting quickly back off to sleep.

A loud rapping noise woke him a few hours later.

"Morning Sunshine!!!" came Rory's voice from behind the door "Breakfasts on the table, new clothes outside the door"

Yawning, Jason slowly rolled out of bed and unlocked the door.

Again it was shortly after sunrise, the pink sky shining through the window.

He picked up the new clothes and dressed quickly before heading down the stairs.

He was feeling slightly apprehensive about how Nate would be with him since he refused his invitation, however when he entered the dining room, only Rory was sat there, his bare feet crossed on the table as he read a magazine while sipping a mug of coffee.

"Mornin'" he repeated raising the mug.

Jason looked awkwardly around as he sat down and helped himself to some of the toast and scrambled eggs provided.

"Where's Nate, is he still asleep?" he asked tentatively.

Rory looked up from his magazine,

"He left earlier" he replied, setting his mug down, "a friend he called was passing by and he left first thing"

Jason felt a wave of relief pass over him and at the same time, a wave of regret.

Something of this must have shown on his face as Rory looked at him rather concernedly.

"You alright?" he asked,

"Yeah, fine" Jason responded, shovelling eggs into his mouth as a distraction.

"Well...Ok" said Rory, still with an odd look on his face, "Well today's your last day here and it so happens, we have a new arrival"

His face split into its usual smile and he got up from the table.

"When you're done, come out to the stable and you can meet him"

Jason finished his meal in silence and set his plate in the kitchen before heading out the back door into the gentle morning light.

He blinked the morning sun out of his eyes and looked around.

Rory was stood at the other edge of the coral, brushing a stallion with painted white and chestnut fur.

"Hey" smiled Rory as he approached, "say hello to our new friend"

As Jason approached the new stallion, it gave a loud nicker and began to nuzzle his neck.

"Wow" smiled Rory, watching as the horse nuzzled and licked Jason's face, "look at that he really likes you."

Jason stroked the stallions face in an attempt to calm him down, after a moment the horse took a couple of steps back, allowing Jason to stroke its long neck, occasionally nickering with joy.

Jason smiled, feeling an odd connection with the horse as he stroked its silky mane.

He heard Rory chuckling and looked over to where he was leaning against a stack of hay bales.

"He's quite eager" he smiled, rubbing the stallion's nose.

Rory nodded before striding over and rubbing the stallion's side.

"Sure is" he smiled, "well then your task for the day is to care for our new friend here, get him adjusted to the farm"

The horse nipped affectionately at Jason's hair as he listened and he returned to stroking the stallion's muzzle.

Rory laughed again, "I'll leave you too it."

Jason spent the morning grooming the stallion; a task which he found was difficult as the horse refused to stand still for very long.

He kept trotting around Jason, nuzzling him and at one point, chomping Jason's shirt between his large flat teeth and tearing it off him.

Jason was rather exasperated by the stallion's feistiness but felt his own affection for the horse and after batting the horse on the nose, managed to finish his task.

Rory came out at around midday with some snacks and the two sat on the coral fence, watching the many horses trot around, the new one sticking close by nibbling at the grass near the fence.

"You seem to be doing great" smiled Rory, patting Jason's bare shoulders, "it's a shame you have to go"

"Yeah I know" Jason muttered, his eyes distantly gazing around the field, "you don't happen to have a job free here do you?"

Rory chuckled,

"Wish I did honestly" he smiled, "but sadly I can't offer you one, only the boss can do that"

Jason bowed his head slightly with disappointment.

"Hey, don't get down" smiled Rory, nudging his shoulder, "we have the rest of the day and your new friend is happy to have you here"

Jason looked back at the new stallion, which was now slowly trotting towards them.

"Wait here a sec" said Rory, suddenly jumping off the fence and jogging towards the farmhouse.

He returned a few minutes later, holding a set of leather reigns, the metal fastenings jingling as he walked.

"Why not take our new friend out for a ride?" he smiled, holding out the reigns to Jason.

Jason looked apprehensively at the reigns.

"I err" he muttered, "I don't really know how to ride?"

Rory merely chuckled and began to fit the reigns to the horse.

"It's real easy" he said, patting the horses back, "besides I think this fella' will go easy with you"

Jason continued to look slightly mistrustful but as he approached, the horse nuzzled him and he felt a strange sense of well being.

Rory gave him a boost and helped him settle onto the stallions back before handing him the reigns.

"Off you go" he smiled, slapping the stallion on the flank.

Jason gave a slight yelp and pressed his knees tight to the horse's sides as the beast let out a loud whinny and trotted off across the field, weaving between the other horses.

Jason initially felt unnerved as his charge picked up speed, but slowly began to work with the stallions movements and felt a rush of excitement as the horse sped to a gallop across the field, his mount echoing his excitement by letting out a loud whinny.

From the coral, Rory merely smiled before returning to his work.

As the day went on Jason continued to smile as the horse galloped endlessly thought the field with great enthusiasm, he laughed when the horse whinnied happily allowing it to run freely, he was merely revelling in the horses enjoyment.

As they circled back towards the Motel, the horse came to a sudden halt and Jason looked up.

Grazing a few feet away was a large black stallion, The Stallion.

Jason looked him up and down, the horse was a prime specimen, his coat gleamed brightly in the afternoon sun and his mane flicked gently in the breeze.

Gently the horse raised its head and looked round, his large eyes suddenly fixed on Jason and his mount.

Jason felt something as he and the Stallion continued to stare at each other, a strange ferocity seemed to be coming from the beast and he suddenly appreciated how this was the top stallion in the place.

His very presence was domineering.

After a moment the Stallion went back to his grazing, flicking his tail in a way that somehow gave Jason the impression that he was being dismissed.

His mount seemed to agree as it quickly turned and continued its way back towards the motel.

Jason rode the stallion for a while longer before returning to the coral as the sun was beginning to dip below the horizon.

"Well, have fun?" asked Rory, helping Jason dismount.

"Yeah" smiled Jason, taking it, "didn't realise I was good at riding."

"You're a natural" Rory smiled, the compliment making Jason grin.

The two looked over at the horse, who was now taking great gulps from a water trough by the fence.

"Shame you'll be heading off tomorrow" he added, "But at least you've had a good few days here"

"Yeah, it has..."

Jason's voice drifted off as the horse let out a loud whinny and trotted off away amongst its fellow stallions.

"Well it's getting late" yawned Rory, stretching an arm around Jason's shoulders, "lets head in, dinner should be ready now"

"Yeah..." muttered Jason absently, allowing himself to be steered back inside the house.

The two of them sat eating large bowls of vegetable soup in silence, the mood rather sullen by the approaching departure.

When the two bowls were empty, Rory leant back from the table and stretched.

"Well thinks it's time to hit the hay" he yawned, striding over and clapping a hand on Jason's shoulder, "If you want your clothes washed before you go leave 'em here and I'll sort them before I turn in"

Jason yawned and stood up, the day's events had left him feeling really drained.

"Yeah, thanks Rory" he smiled sleepily and not caring that Rory was looking, stripped down to his boxers and left the clothes folded on the table.

Rory looked slightly abashed, his face had blushed brightly for a moment.

"Erm...well" he stammered with a slight chuckle, "sleep tight mate, see you in the morning"

Jason smiled and waved as he began to slowly ascend the stairs to his room.

The heat of the evening was making his lethargy all the worse, a trickle of sweat ran off his brow onto his bare chest as he opened the door.

Moving slowly to the bathroom, he gulped down some water and looked at his reflection in the mirror.

The few days he had been at the stables had left him with a slight tan and a slight stubble was forming across his face.

He wiped his brow and headed back into the bedroom, pausing for a moment to look out of the window.

The sun had set but the light hadn't faded entirely, Jason watched as many of the horses in the field appeared to gather together and settle down for the night.

He felt a pang of sadness at the prospect of leaving as he opened the window, the breeze soothing his thoughts.

As he crossed to the bed, he paused for a moment then opened his door slightly, allowing another breeze into the room.

"There's only me and Rory" he though idly, turning and heading back to the bed.

He peeled off his boxers and flung himself bare onto the bed, the cool breeze soothing his naked body as he felt sleep quickly envelop him.

He dreamt of riding, the painted white and chestnut horse taking him across and endless grassy plane, the wind whipping through his hair and across his nude body as he moved with the stallion, almost as if they were one being.

The horse let out a loud whinny and reared and Jason woke, panting.

He stared at the ceiling, his breath slowly returning to normal.

Glancing at the window he saw the dark, star strewn sky beyond, he yawned and closed his eye to drift back off to sleep, when he heard it.

A soft creek.

His eyes snapped open and he looked down to the end of his bed.

What he saw made his heart suddenly pound heavily again as he jumped back in shock.

Standing at the end of his bed, was what he could only describe as the most attractive man he had ever seen.

He was tall, his long dark hair flowing elegantly around his chiselled, handsome face and over his broad muscular shoulders.

Each of his large muscles were tanned, toned and gleamed magnificently in the moonlight pouring in from the window.

He stood there silently, his dark, fierce eyes staring directly at Jason who was still panting on the bed.

Jason didn't know what to do, he hadn't even yelled out for Rory that that this man has entered his room.

He continued to look over the man, his mere presence kept him frozen in place.

His eyes wondered further down, he let out a slight gasp as he realised that the man was naked.

Jason gulped, the man was very well hung, his eyes remained fix on the cock that stood semi erect, the moonlight seemed to make it all the more tantalizing.

Gently, the man slowly stepped forwards, his bare feet thudding quietly on the wooden floor until he stood over the naked youth cowering on the bed.

Jason didn't know what to think, he should be yelling, screaming for help.

And yet he couldn't.

The man's presence, looking down on him was domineering and yet, he felt a gentleness coming from the fierce eyes.

Slowly the man bent forwards, his face moving close to Jason who pressed himself back into the beds head board.

The man paused, his face inches from Jason's, their eyes locked.

Then slowly, the man moved closer, placing his lips upon Jason's and his hand gently on his shoulder, pulling him into a slow, passionate kiss.

Jason's head was swimming as the man's tongue pressed its way into his mouth.

Thoughts swam through his mind

"I'm not Gay"

"What's Happening???"

"Who is this guy??"

"Why is he kissing me....and why do I like it?"

Then another thought passed though his mind, from the night before.

"...Y'know, ya never know if you like guys till you've had a go y'know.."

Nate's words ran through his mind...did he want his?

He could run, run far and fast...but should he?

Making his choice, he raised a hand and placed it affectionately on the man's cheek.

He felt the long silky hair brush his skin as he tentatively began to return the kiss.

And in that moment, he felt his fear vanish.

Slowly he raised his other hand and began to massage the man's chest, each firm muscle sending a wave of pleasurable anticipation through his body.

The man appeared pleased at the youths willing submission and moved to kneel on the bed, gently pulling Jason up to that they knelt before each other, the youth continuing to fondle his chest.

After a moment the man broke the kiss and watched as Jason panted, his eyes wandering down, examining his thin, athletic frame and hard cock.

He then locked eyes with Jason again, moving his hands gently from the boy's shoulders down to mimic his movements across his check, slowly teasing his nipples with his large hands.

Jason quivered intensely with the pleasure as the man massaged his chest, his own hands moving up and down the man's muscular arms, feeling them flex as they worked.

His mind was glazed as gazed into the man's eyes, letting the man's massaging hands drift lower and lower till they rested on his hips.

He mimicked the man, placing his own hands on the muscled hips, waiting for the man to guide him.

With a quick movement, he was pulled into another passionate kiss as he felt one hand close gently around his hard cock.

He whimpered in pleasure as the man's tongue once again probed his mouth while the hand began to jerk him off, his knees shaking and he fell forwards, breaking the kiss as his head came to rest on the man's powerful chest.

With his free hand, the man embraced Jason, pulling him close in a warm embrace whilst he continued to jerk the quivering youths throbbing dick.

Jason let out slow, soft moans, leaning into the man's strong chest and taking in the deep farmyard musk which seemed to fog his mind while the man continued to expertly massage his dick.

Absently he moved his hands down over the man's rolling abs until he felt the large throbbing shaft of his partner and began to slowly stroke it.

He heard the man take a deep intake of breath as he continued his eager stroking of his dick.

Jason looked up, gazing back into the dark eyes which gazed affectionately back into his.

The man moved his free hand back to Jason's face and again raised him up for another passionate kiss which Jason eagerly returned, allowing his tongue to play eagerly with his lovers.

When the two pair broke apart, the man moved and gestured that Jason should lay back.

He obeyed, laying spread eagle on the bed, his rock hard cock stood at attention.

The man remained kneeling, his hands moving slowly and sensually over the youth's body, caressing his chest and thighs before moving back and continuing to jerk his cock, effecting several more whimpering moans as he quivered under his touch.

The man paused in his sensual act to look deeply into Jason's eyes before leaning down and taking the youth's whole hard cock into his mouth.

Jason let out a loud cry of pleasure, the feeling was immense, the man's lips rhythmically sliding up and down his shaft was pure ecstasy and when he began to use his tongue, it almost made him melt.

Holding the boys pulsing tip tightly between his lips, eyes raised to watch his charge twitching and gasping with suppressed pleasure, the man knew he had the boy subdued.

He let the youth's shaft slip from his mouth before moving up the bed, gazing deeply into the glazed eyes of his charge until he knelt over him, stroking his own shaft that was now dripping musky pre onto the tanned chest.

Jason lay there gazing up at the godly man before him.

He could not believe that being with a man would have ever felt this good, his body gave a slight twitch as another drop of pre splashed onto his chest.

A deep musk suddenly filled his nostrils as the man edged closer, he felt it fog his pleasured mind as he gazed fixedly upon the man's huge leaking dick that was slowly growing closer and closer.

The man halted, his cock now inches from Jason's face.

Jason paused for a moment, the defiant voice in the back of his min making one last plea to pull him back, before he leant forwards and gently taking the tip of the throbbing cock into his mouth, moaning as he tasted the man's salty pre.

Jason gagged slightly, the new sensation overwhelming him as the long shaft slipped between his lips.

He felt a gentle hand on his head and heard the sound of deep pleasurable moans as the man began to buck his hips gently.

Quickly overcoming the gag, Jason closed his eyes as the musk overpowered him, the scents driving his lust as he reached out and cupped the man's firm, muscular ass, his own cock waving eagerly below him as the two men moaned in blissful unity.

The man began to buck faster, his cock sliding deeper into Jason's eager mouth, spurred on by the gentle massage the youth was giving his toned ass.

He was getting close.

He continued to moan as he gently gripped Jason's hair, his bucks getting more forceful.

Jason gagged again, the increased pace overwhelming him slightly.

He was completely lost in the moment, one hand now jacking his own dick while the other continued to grope the man's gorgeous ass.

The man suddenly gave a shuddering moan and Jason felt the man press his dick deep into his mouth before he felt waves of the man's hot, salty cum fill his mouth.

He swallowed the lot, eagerly savouring the taste as the man slowly pulled out of his mouth.

As the man slowly moved away, Jason continued to jerk, the lingering musk from the man's orgasm driving him closer to his own.

With a loud moan, he arched his back as he shot his own load over his chest, some splashing across his chin and the pillows around him.

Jason lay panting in the glorious afterglow of his orgasm.

He had never felt such pleasure with anyone he had been with in the past, let alone with the first guy he had ever been with.

Slowly he raised his head from the cum splattered pillows.

The man was now standing with his back to the bed as he reached up to remove something from the wall.

A moment later he has turned and Jason saw he had taken the large Yoke from and was hoisting it over his shoulder.

He locked eyes with Jason, his deep, dark eyes boring into his own and in that moment Jason felt a calm wash over him as though the very presence of this man was contentment.

The man held his gaze whilst raising his free hand, beckoning the youth to him.

Jason barely felt his body move.

He got to his feet and walked almost trance like to stand before the man, their eyes still locked.

The man stared at him for a moment before turning and walking from the room, the yoke bouncing on his shoulder.

Jason followed, not caring that he was naked and still dripping with his earlier pleasure, he just knew he had to follow this man.

Together the two naked men made their way down the dark stairs into the deserted reception, their feet barely making a sound as they crossed to the back door which swung open quietly.

Jason felt the cool night air tickle his bare body but it didn't deter him as he followed the man out into the small paddock and across the wide open doors of the stables.

As they entered the dimly lit building, several horses stuck their heads out of their stalls, neighing and nickering as the nude men passed them by.

After a few moment the man paused and opened the door of an empty stall, he then gestured to Jason to enter.

He obeyed, his bare feet crunching the dry hay over the floor, he stopped and turned, seeing the man enter behind him and closing the door.

The man then faced him, removing the yoke from his shoulder as he did so and holding it at his side as he stepped closer so that their faces were inches apart.

Slowly with his spare hand he embraced Jason and once again pulled him into a passionate kiss, Jason eagerly responded, embracing the man's muscular frame, feeling his cock growing hard again.

The man broke the kiss and stroked Jason's hair, gazing fondly at the youth before stepping back slightly and hoisting the yoke up in both hands and gently placing it over Jason's head so it rested on his shoulders.

Jason had expected to feel the dead weight of the yoke as the man released it.

But he didn't.

It was light as a feather, as though he had put on a necklace.

His moment of amazement was interrupted as the man once again began to kiss him, this time more forcefully, his tongue pressing deep into the youth's mouth.

Jason began to feel his body grow warmer, his cock standing hard from the rush of arousal as he kissed the man back, matching his ferocity.

As they embraced, Jason began to feel a gentle prickle coming from the yoke, he reached up and began to scratch, feeling short hairs sprouting from where the wood touched his skin.

This fact was driven from Jason's mind as the man pulled him closer as he continued to kiss him.

The short hairs began to slowly creep down from the yoke, forming a pelt of black fur.

The man suddenly broke the kiss and gazed at the youth, the sight of his charge's torso covered in thick black fur seemed to excite him.

He brushed his large hand through the youth's hair, which was now turning white and lengthening down his back.

As he brushed, he felt the tips of the boys ears which had now grown more pointed and were slowly migrating to the top of his head.

Jason began to breathe heavily, the fur was beginning to itch, as it began to creep down his arms.

The man lead him over to the stall door, bending him slightly so he gripped the top of the door with both hands before moving around and gently caressing his tanned ass.

Jason moaned as the man began to move his hand across his skin, slowly teasing his hole with a gentle finger.

He tightened his grip on the door as the itching grew more intense, his whole torso was now covered in a pelt of black fur and his arms were almost completely covered however as the fur reached his wrists, long white hairs began to sprout, covering his hands on long white fetlocks.

The voice of reason appeared to make one last attempt to break though the pleasurable trance that had such a hold over Jason, trying to tell him to get away from what the man was doing to his body.

Jason suddenly let out pleasurable gasp as the man buried his tongue into his tight hole, wiping the voice away as quickly as it had come, his legs quivering as the warm tongue probed his hole, occasionally penetrating him.

His breaths became deeper and longer with each moan, his frame was now beginning to swell, his arms and legs swelled with muscle as the fur began to spread more rapidly, coating his swelling ass and legs.

Jason repositioned his stance, causing the man to stop his lustful rimming of his hole.

Looking down, the man licked his lips and smiled as he watched Jason's feet begin to lengthen and his legs began to deform to more equine proportions, his toes merging together into a solid mass that began to turn black, a moment later there was a slight clop as he stomped one of his new hooves on the floor before it was concealed by the growth of white fetlocks.

Jason began to pant heavily now, his chest beginning to barrel out as his body began to adjust to the mass of muscle that continued to strip away his humanity.

But he didn't care.

He let out a snort of irritation at the man's ceasing of pleasuring his asshole, prompting the man to plunge a finger into the now equine pucker initiating a long, loud moan from the changing human.

His free hand lowered to fondle the man's swelling balls which were now the size of large oranges, the sack holding them was darkening as it was pulled up close to the coated pucker.

Bending lower the man watched as huge sack formed a thick sheath that slowly merged itself with his stomach, the hard human cock was slowly pulled within the swelling mass and after a slow gentle fondle from the man's eager hands, the cock re-emerged swelling longer and longer, the skin turning black with a few matted pink patches appearing along its length and finally the tip flattening out and beginning to dribble pre onto the stall floor.

The man grinned broadly now, he heard a scrabbling noise and looking over Jason's flank, he saw that the youth's hands were beginning to lengthen while slight cracks told him that he was almost finished.

Removing his tantalizing finger, he jacked his own leaking dick and began to rub it over the quivering pucker, coating it with his own pre.

Jason grunted, his efforts in trying to maintain his grip on the door were begging to fail as his fingers began to fuse, but something within him was begging him to hold on.

He felt a dull ache in his neck and let out a slight groan as his neck extended, filling with muscle and making it so his voice was now filled with a dull, deep grunt.

He couldn't speak anymore.

There was only his arms and face that still remained slightly human and he continued to try and hold on.

Then he felt it.

The man's thick, hard cock slowly pressing its way deeper and deeper into his ass.

With a scraping and a loud clopping, Jason's hands released the door and hit the floor as fully formed hooves.

With a slight cracking, Jason's spine suddenly realigned, locking him down on all fours, his arms began to reform themselves into full equine stature.

Again he paid no mind.

His mind focused solely on the man thick warm cock that now filled his ass.

And as the man began to pump his dick with deep, hard thrusts, Jason began to let out loud snorts that barely suppressed his first whinny.

Jason barely realised that the man fucking him was also now beginning to change.

His muscles bulged as he grew, his frame easily able to keep up with the changing boy.

Jet Black fur began to coat his body in a thick pelt, his long hair lengthening further into a mane.

His feet lengthened and he repositioned himself allowing his massive hooves to support his new frame as he continued to rut Jason, his dick lengthening, filling Jason more.

His hands didn't change however, the man maintained some of his human featured as the changes continued, the fur reaching his face which pressed out into a slight muzzle.

The two changing men grunted and moaned together as their changes approached completion.

A small lump appeared above Jason's large equine rum and within moments a cascade of long white hairs formed his new tail which was buffeted by the thrusts of his lover.

Both the man and Jason felt the building climax as the final changes began.

Jason grunted as his nose and jaw began to press forwards, his vision shifting as his eyes moved apart, his teeth becoming large and block-like as his lips slackened.

With one last crack, his changes were complete and Jason let out a loud whinny as he felt the man's huge equine cock flare within and fill him with waves of his hot, equine seed.

Letting out another loud whinny, he threw back his long white mane as his own horse cock flared and he sprayed the stall floor which his own thick, musky cum.

The two remained locked for a moment, Jason's cock spurting the last few waves of seed as the two basked in the afterglow.

Jason then let out a snort as he felt the man pull his cock from his hole, followed by the feeling of the thick seed dribbling over his equine balls.

Waves of exhaustion were now filling him and he began to sway and stagger, his hooves clattering around as he attempted to steady himself on his new legs.

There was gentle clopping noise and Jason stretched his long neck around and let out a loud, panicked whinny as his eyes fell on the enormous horseman that stood beside him, his horse cock still dribbling seed as it was slowly pulled back into its sheath.

The horse man reached out and stroked Jason's long neck, sending those same calm waves through his body allowing him to steady himself.

The horseman leant down and kissed Jason's long muzzle, stroking his mane and neck.

Jason began to feel the exhaustion taking over him again.

He swayed, the horse man moved forwards and slowly guided his new herd member down to the ground, where he lay panting from the night events.

The horse man placed another kiss on Jason's cheek before turning and walking to the door.

Jason's vision began to blur as he watched the horseman leave the stall, bolting the door behind him....

A loud rapping noise suddenly roused him.

"Morning Sunshine!!!" came Rory's loud, cheery voice.

Jason snorted but didn't open his eyes.

"That was the weirdest dream ever" he though tiredly

He made to rub his eyes, but felt something hard smack his face.

His eyes snapped open.

He was lying on the floor of his stall, the sun was blaring in and standing at the door, a cheeky smile on his face, was Rory.

Jason eyes widened with horror and with a loud and frantic scrabbling he got to his hooves, turning and whinnying in fright and panic, taking in what really had happened to him.

Other horses in the stables seemed to snort and nicker in alarm at Jason's reaction as Rory yelled at the top of his voice.

"WHOA!!! EASY BOY!!!!"

Jason continued to panic, bucking his huge powerful legs in fear.

"HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE" he thought wildly, "HOW, HOW, HOW!!!!"

Continuing to whinny in fear, he didn't hear the stall door open or Rory enter and he almost kicked out when he felt a gentle hand on his neck.

"Easy now, Easy"

Rory was stood beside him, topless and barefoot, stroking his thick muscular neck and smiling up into Jason's face.

Jason began to whinny again, tears flowing from his large eyes.

"Easy now mate" Rory smiled, continuing to stroke his neck, "I know it's a lot to take in at first"

"A lot to take in....I'M A BLOODY HORSE" he thought wildly.

A look of pity appeared on Rory's face for a moment.

"Calm down ok and I'll explain"

Rory walked over to the wall and leaned against it as Jason turned with difficulty to face him.

"You were visited by the stallion last night weren't you?" he asked with a smile

Jason gave a low nod

"Well I did warn you about the lock" Rory smiled with a quick smirk but stopped quickly as Jason snorted angrily.

"Ok, Ok Sorry" he added sheepishly, "But those who believe the story tend to lock the door whereas others.."

He trailed off gesturing around at the other pens.

"The stallion is always looking for new members to his herd...even me"

He shuffled his feet on the mucky floor.

"He needed someone to keep an eye on the motel" he shrugged, wiggling his toes "but one you've had hooves you don't tend to go back to shoes"

Jason snorted again.

What was he going to do now, his family, his friends....what about his life?

"I know how your feeling" said Rory stepping forwards and gently stroking his muzzle, "But think about you're free, no work, no worried and....well"

His cheeks reddened.

"As much sex as you could want"

Jason snorted again and turned away.

Despite his anger, he couldn't help but hear truth in Rory's words...he was free here like this.

He felt a hand on his side.

"Come on, let's get that thing off you"

Jason was puzzled for a moment but then he realised that he was still wearing the yoke, the thing that had brought this all about.

He bowed his head and allowed the farmhand to remove the collar, he felt a huge weight lifted as it was taken and he shook his head, his long mane flowing freely.

"Well I have to admit" Rory smiled, placing the yoke in a corner of the stall, "You make one handsome Clydesdale"

Jason snorted again, he didn't enjoy the fact he made an attractive stallion.

"Come on now, let's get you out so you can trot about"

He opened the stall door and gestured to Jason to follow him.

Jason paused for a moment, unsure as to step out as he was.

"Come on" Rory grinned, "there's actually someone waiting for you"

Jason's ears perked up in surprise.

"Who could possibly..."

Slowly and gingerly, Jason began to trot out of the stall and followed Rory down the long aisle to the large open doors to the stables.

Jason squinted in the bright morning light as he was lead into the paddock.

He stopped and pawed the ground absentmindedly with his hoof as Rory walked up to him.

"Look over there" he smiled point to one edge of the paddock, Jason looked round and let out as slight whinny as he saw the white and chestnut painted horse he had cared for the day before, trotting eagerly towards them.

"He was hoping you'd get changed too" Rory smiled as the horse reached them and began to affectionately nuzzle Jason's neck

"Get changed too?" though Jason "but what do you mean...."

Then it dawned on him


Jason gave a whinny of surprise and Rory laughed at the comprehension dawning on the stallions face.

"Come on you two" he smiled, opening the gate into the fields, "Go enjoy your new lives"

Jason looked over at Nate who whinnied happily and headed to the gate.

He hesitated.

"Go on mate" smiled Rory, "You won't regret it."

Nate whinnied loudly, almost beckoning him over.

Jason thought for a moment and then tossed his mane.

With a snort he trotted through the open gate before breaking into a thundering gallop with Nate at his side.

The wind felt amazing, whipping his mane about his face as he wove between the other stallions grazing around him.

The very feeling of running through this field suddenly solidified Jason's resolve.

He was free.

He slowed to a trot and turned as Nate slowed with him.

The two stallions looked at each other before they began nuzzle each other affectingly, taking in each other's scents, the rush of arousal showing as their cocks slid from their sheaths.

Instinctively Jason knew what to do.

Trotting behind Nate, he nuzzled at his rump, taking in Nate's scene before rearing up and mounting himself over Nate's back, his cock probing the stallion's rear until he felt his tip graze Nate's puckered hole.

With a gentle thrust, the Clydesdale pushed his cock deep into the painted chestnut's ass and began to thrust heavily, both stallions whinnying in ecstasy.

Jason's heavy balls slapped against Nate's rump with each powerful thrust until with an almighty whinny he felt his tip flare and he unloaded waves of his new horse cum into Nate, marking him as his mate.

Nate let out another loud whinny as he too shot his massive load onto the grass below them.

The two stood panting for a long time, savouring the moment before Jason slid out of Nate and the two trotted away together across the field, watched by Rory from the paddock and a large black stallion, standing in his usual shaded spot.

Later that evening, Rory was working in the reception when he heard a car pull up.

Moments later the door opened and in walked a lanky youth with short brown hair and tattoos running down his bare arms.

"Hey mate" he smiled holding out a hand for Rory to shake, "This is the Stables Motel right?"

Rory took the had bewildered,

"Yes this is, can I help you?"

The youth smiled,

"I'm Dean, is Jason here?" he looked around for a sign of his friend, "He called for a pickup"

Rory gave Dean a sad look.

"Sorry mate, you missed him, he left earlier when someone offered him a ride back to town"

Dean looked suddenly alarming, his face turned brick red and he banged his hands on the desk.

"HE DID WHAT!!!" he roared furiously,


Dean began storming around the room, cursing and flailing his arms about.

Rory stood there, trying his best not to laugh.

After a few minutes he seemed to calm down slightly and Rory felt he could get a word in.

"Look mate I'm really sorry" he said calmly as Dean flung himself onto a nearby sofa.

"But y'know Jason did a lot of work for me over the last couple of days"

He grinned rather sheepishly,

"So if you want, you can spend the night here on the house, it is rather late"

"You serious?" said Dean looking up.

"Sure, take the room upstairs at the end of the hall" Rory smiled, gesturing at the staircase.

Dean got to his feet and shook Rory's hand.

"Thanks a lot mate, is there a key?"

"Oh sorry mate" smiled Rory, "the lock on that rooms broken, but as its just you and me for the night, is it a problem?"

Dean shrugged dismissively.

"Doesn't bother me" he said cheerily, turning to the stairs.

"I'll turn in now so I can get off early, Thanks again mate"

"No worries" smiled Rory as he watched dean ascend the stairs.

"See you in the morning..." he added quietly with a slight sneer.

The End.