The Hungry Equations

Story by Zarpaulus on SoFurry

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A story I wrote for SwallowtailProduction's e-zine Consumer's Digest Vol. 2. You can still read it and other stories and comics in the "bonus bundle".

The Hungry Equations

By Zarpaulus

The Preserver LX-4000 Life Pod is the most cost-effective escape capsule available. For just 10,000 Federation Credits you can have a pod capable of sustaining a standard-sized humanoid for months attached to your stateroom. These pods come pre-stocked with our patented Breathe-Easy Eternal Oxygen filters and weeks worth of compressed nutrient packs...

-General Starships sales pitch.

Warning, do not attempt to accommodate more than one standard-sized humanoid in the Preserver LX-4000.

-General Starships Preserver LX-4000 Life Pod technical manual.

"There's not enough oxygen. We're going to die." Charlie said with a hint of sorrow as he turned from the readout to his fellow passenger. He was a feline morph, orange tabby with brown stripes, and wearing tan shorts and a plain green t-shirt. The only other occupant of the small life pod they'd managed to snag before the ship had broken apart was a female lupine morph half again his height, an orange jumpsuit fitted snugly over her grey fur.

"What do you mean?" She asked. "I thought these life pods had CO2 scrubbers that could recycle the air indefinitely."

"They can." He replied. "But there's only so much carbon dioxide they can convert to oxygen in a given time. Two people breathe too much for them to handle." That the pod was only meant for one person seemed painfully obvious to the two of them. There was only one seat in the whole compartment, and barely enough room to maneuver, the two of them were pushed against one another, it took all Charlie had to keep his face from colliding with the wolf's bosom in the zero gravity.

"So, what, unless one of us jumps out the airlock..."

"Not an option, I won't consider it."

The wolfess let out a sigh of resignation, then began to unzip her suit, revealing a loose white bra over fair-sized breasts.

"What are you doing?!" Charlie asked, feeling flustered.

The wolf continued zipping down, showing a taught set of abdominal muscles. "If we're going to die we might as well make use of what time we have left."

The cat could feel his dick trying to push its way out of his shorts now. "But... but..." he stammered, "I don't even know your name."

The wolf snorted as she got down to her crotch, displaying an unprotected pink vulva. "I don't see how it will matter, but you can call me Jessie."

At this point Charlie's cock was making his shorts painful to continue wearing, he dropped them and his boxers as fast as he could, accidentally kneeing Jessie in the stomach due to the cramped confines of the pod. She let out a gasp of air, then looked back up and ripped his shirt off with her claws.

The cat felt a nick as her claws went along his arm, and saw a couple ruby spheres of blood float away in the null g. "Rather eager, aren't we?" Charlie said in a bit of shock.

"We don't have much time." Jessie reminded him. "Now help me out of this." She fingered the straps of her bra to show him.

Figuring he might as well take advantage of what could be his last chance to mate Charlie wrapped his arms around her torso, burying his face in her cleavage, and struggled to unclasp her bra. So intent was he upon his task that he didn't notice Jessie sweeping his floating blood onto her tongue.

Finally he managed to work out the clasping mechanism that kept her breasts confined. His task completed he swept the white lace away and grasped one boob in his right hand, staring at the perked nipple. While his left hand guided his cock into her slit as her legs spread as far as possible in the confined space. But just as the head of his penis penetrated her vagina, he felt something sliding over his other head.

In shock he saw Jessie's lower jaw slide across his face, the teeth ripping small tears in his cheeks. "What?!" he gasped in disbelief, she couldn't be eating him, civilized morphs did not treat each other as food. But as his head slipped in further, feeling the tight muscles of her esophagus, he had to realize that he was to be her dinner.

She pulled his crotch away from hers, out of reflex he released the load he'd been building up and strings of sticky cum connected them for a few brief seconds before being torn and splattering all over the small cabin. She got to his shoulders, and turned him 90 degrees so that her unhinged jaw could accommodate him. It didn't really matter to Charlie, one side of Jessie's throat felt like any other. As she was forcing him down she was forced to straighten up, which caused their feet to hit the ends of the capsule, she had to bend her legs to fit, and grabbed his legs to fold them as well. At about this time Charlie felt his head emerge through her sphincter into a slightly more open space that stank of rotten meat. Her stomach, he thought, now I truly am food. His head hit the lower floor of her gut, it gave way, stretching to accommodate him, meanwhile she was trying to shove his folded legs down with the feet right against his buttocks. His knees were in pain from being stretched so far, but he held in the cries, knowing that every last breath was now precious. Eventually his knees disappeared into Jessie's throat, leaving only his tail, which she began to slurp like spaghetti.

Inside her expanding gut Charlie was starting to feel cramped, struggling, he managed to pull his knees against his chest, that gave him a little more room but the stomach walls began to squeeze in. "Why?" He let himself squeak out.

"Like you said." Came Jessie's voice vibrating throughout her body. "There's only enough oxygen for one person, and anyways emergency rations always taste like shit. You inner worlders may be too civilized to think about spacing someone else to save your own skin, but I come from a more pragmatic culture."

Charlie was about to say that his unwillingness to airlock either of them had nothing to do with "civility", but he remembered hearing about one particular lost colony. "Pylora?" He said.

"Yes," came Jessie's voice again. "Stuck on a planet where all the native life has the wrong amino acids, and then we lose both the technology to maintain the faux-flesh vats and the fertilizer to prevent periodic famines. We had no choice but to eat the weak. That way of life was our only choice for centuries, it became sacred tradition. But when the Federation finally came to rescue us they saw a bunch of savage barbarians and made our priests into fertilizer for the herbivores. They didn't even allow us our funeral barbecues, all they gave my family of my father was a jar of ashes."

Listening to her attempts to justify cannibalism Charlie struggled against his bounds. He attempted to pop his claws and scratch his way out of her stomach but the powerful muscles contracted, preventing him from moving even his wrists. The stomach walls forced his knees into his chest, and the last breaths of air in his lungs were pushed out with a gasp.

Jessie loudly belched the air he'd just exhaled. "Well," she said, "you're still going to asphyxiate, but now it'll be much faster than just waiting for the scrubbers to fail. Aren't I merciful?"

Charlie would have replied if he could gather any air, and if his brain functions weren't already failing from lack of oxygen...


Eight hours after ingesting that cat boy, Jessica "the cannibal" Jones felt it was time to let him out. Her system had melted the flesh from his bones and spread the goop throughout her intestines, but now he seemed to be making another attempt to escape judging from the pushing against her rectal sphincter. She had noticed hours ago that the life pod had no toilet, or other waste disposal mechanisms of any sort, so she'd been holding it as long as possible, but she was about to reach her limit.

She spotted the hatch, and decided that since he didn't have the guts to push her out the airlock, it was only fitting that he left her guts through the airlock. All she had to do was open the inner hatch, squat down in it and let loose, then close the inner hatch before anything got back in and open up the outer hatch.

Jessica keyed the unlocking sequence for the hatch, only to be halted by a warning pop-up: WARNING, NO PRESSURE DETECTED OUTSIDE THE VEHICLE. ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO CONTINUE? Y/N

She pressed "Y", after all she wasn't going to be going outside or anything, and the locks around the rim of the hatch released. She grabbed onto the handle, braced her feet against the side of the cabin, and pulled with all her might.

Air rushed out into the inky blackness. She tried to hold on to the hatch but surprised, she couldn't maintain her grasp on dear life. As she was thrown out into space the pressure difference caused her to void her full bowels, and she flew away in a cloud of fecal matter, half-digested bones, and assorted bodily fluids.